Page 7 of 9 Results 121 - 140 of 178
79 1041 Militaria  Der Deutsch französische Krieg 1870 71 79 1041 Militaria Der Deutsch französische Krieg 1870 71
79/1041 [Militaria]. Der Deutsch-französische Krieg 1870-71. Berlin, E.S. Mittler und Sohn, 1874-1881, 5 text vols., 3 vols. w. 82 (of 89?) loose fold. (col.) lithogr. maps, orig. unif. (gilt) blindst. cl.

- Lacks perhaps 7 maps. One map torn in half; text vols. w. a few scattered owner's stamps. All vols. library tickets on frontcover; spines sunned; 2 text vols. backstrip loose/ dam.; map vols. joints split(ting).

€ (100-150)
79 1042 Militaria  Gassendi J J B de 79 1042 Militaria Gassendi J J B de
79/1042 [Militaria]. (Gassendi, J.J.B. de). Aide-Mémoire à l'usage des officiers d'artillerie de France, attachés au service de terre. Paris, Magimel, Anselin et Pochard, 1819, 5th ed., 2 vols., CLIV,540; (4),541-1288p., 2 fold. engr. plates, later unif. gilt hcalf.

- Trifle yellowed/ foxed. Otherwise fine. = Pohler III, p.670.

€ (80-100)
79 1043 Militaria  Kuppelmayr R 79 1043 Militaria Kuppelmayr R
79/1043 [Militaria]. Kuppelmayr, R. Waffen-Sammlung Kuppelmayr. Munich, n.publ., 1895, (4),46,(1)p., frontisp. portrait, 29 (of 30) plates, without binding, folio.

- Lacks plate 30. = Lipperheide Ra77.

€ (80-100)
79 1044 Militaria  Lallemand A 79 1044 Militaria Lallemand A
79 1044 Militaria  Lallemand A 79 1044 Militaria Lallemand A
79/1044 [Militaria]. Lallemand, A. Atlas Topographique du Traité Théorique et Pratique des Opérations secondaires de la Guerre. Paris, Librairie Militaire J. Dumaine, 1846, 2nd(?) ed., lithogr. title w. battle-scene, 44 maps/ plans (1x double-p.) w. handcol. indication of troops (1x almost entirely handcol.), contemp. hcl., folio.

- The atlas only, without the text; title trifle foxed and w. owner's entry.

€ (150-250)
79 1045 Militaria  Leitner Q von 79 1045 Militaria Leitner Q von
79 1045 Militaria  Leitner Q von 79 1045 Militaria Leitner Q von
79 1045 Militaria  Leitner Q von 79 1045 Militaria Leitner Q von
79 1045 Militaria  Leitner Q von 79 1045 Militaria Leitner Q von
79 1045 Militaria  Leitner Q von 79 1045 Militaria Leitner Q von
79 1045 Militaria  Leitner Q von 79 1045 Militaria Leitner Q von
79 1045 Militaria  Leitner Q von 79 1045 Militaria Leitner Q von
79/1045 [Militaria]. Leitner, Q. von. Freydal. Des Kaisers Maximilian I. Turniere und Mummereien. Vienna, n.publ., 1880-1882, 2 vols., text vol.: (2),CIVp., woodcut ills., contemp. boards, folio; facs. vol.: (26)p. w. facs. of signatures and 255 facs. plates, orig. leatherbacked wooden covers, folio.

- Both vols. w. bookplate and clipping on upper pastedown/ verso frontcover; first lvs. facs. vol. sl. browned/ dampstained. Binding text vol. sl. worn; backstrip dam.

= Lipperheide Tb 4. Emperor Maximilian's allegorical account of the tournaments in which he participated. Freydal refers to Maximilian himself. "Wie Theuerdank und Weisskunig gehört auch Freydal zu den zur Verherrlichung des Lebens und der Taten Kaiser Maximilians geschaffenen Werken und stellt seine ritterliche Minnefahrt um Maria von Burgund dar" (Lipperheide). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXXV.

€ (300-500)
79 1046 Militaria  Leitner Q von 79 1046 Militaria Leitner Q von
79 1046 Militaria  Leitner Q von 79 1046 Militaria Leitner Q von
79 1046 Militaria  Leitner Q von 79 1046 Militaria Leitner Q von
79 1046 Militaria  Leitner Q von 79 1046 Militaria Leitner Q von
79/1046 [Militaria]. Leitner, Q. von. Die Waffensammlung des österreichischen Kaiserhauses K.K. Artillerie-Arsenal-Museum in Wien. Vienna, H. Martin, n.d. (1866-1870), 34 [of 40]p., tinted lithogr. title, 56 (of 68) tinted/ col. lithogr. plates, modern giltlettered rexine, orig. frontwr. pres., large folio.

- Lacks plates LVII-LXVIII and final 3 text lvs.; sl. foxed; title and first 5 plates sl. mouldy.


€ (250-350)
79 1047 Militaria  Mowbray A E 79 1047 Militaria Mowbray A E
79/1047 [Militaria]. Mowbray, A.E. Arms and Armour from the Atelier of Ernst Schmidt, Munich. Providence, Mowbray Company, 1967, 168p., num. ills., orig. gilt cl. Sensfelder, J. Crossbows in the Royal Netherlands Army Museum. Delft, Eburon, 2007, 384p., (col.) ills., English, German and Dutch text, orig. silverstamped cl. w. dustwr., 4to. - AND 1 other: C. BECHER a.o., Das Stuttgarter Harnisch-Musterbuch 1548-1563 (Vienna, 1980, ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to).
€ (50-70) 70
79 1048 Militaria  Schmidt R 79 1048 Militaria Schmidt R
79 1048 Militaria  Schmidt R 79 1048 Militaria Schmidt R
79 1048 Militaria  Schmidt R 79 1048 Militaria Schmidt R
79/1048 [Militaria]. Schmidt, R. Allgemeine Waffenkunde für Infanterie. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der neuesten Kriegs-Handfeuerwaffen der modernen Staaten. Bern, Schmidt, Francke & Co., 1888, XI,(1),168,VIIp., 23 col. lithogr. plates, later hcl. w. orig. col. lithogr. frontwr. laid down, 4to.

- Plates reattached and sl. yellowed; final plate corners chipped.

€ (100-150) 120
79 1049 Militaria  Schumann  M  79 1049 Militaria Schumann M
79/1049 [Militaria]. Schumann, (M.). Die Bedeutung drehbarer Geschützpanzer "Panzerlaffeten" für eine durchgreifende Reform der permanenten Befestigung. Atlas. Potsdam, Militaria, 1885, title and index leaf, 23 double-p. col. lithogr. (and gommé) plates, orig. gilt hmor., large folio.

- The atlas only, without the text vol.; a few plates w. some offsetting or sm. superficial dam. spots due to sticking together; sm. stamp on title-p. Binding trifle scratched and w. a few paper tickets.

= From the library of Henk Visser, with his bookplate on upper pastedown. Rare work on the movable and rotating Fahrpanzer developed by Maximilian Schumann and Hermann Gruson. It was exported mainly to Romania in the late 19th century. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXXVI.

€ (100-150) 110
79 1050 Militaria  Trawnik R and Cowan T 79 1050 Militaria Trawnik R and Cowan T
79/1050 [Militaria]. Trawnik, R. and Cowan, T. Spiked Helmets of Imperial Germany. Atglen, Schiffer, 2005, 2 vols., 256; 250,(6)p., num. (col.) ills., orig. unif. boards w. dustwr.

= 1. Infantry Regiments. Pioneer Battalions. General Officers; 2. Cavalry. Artillery. Train.

€ (40-60)
79 1051 Militaria  Wille R 79 1051 Militaria Wille R
79/1051 [Militaria]. Wille, R. Waffenlehre. Berlin, R. Eisenschmidt, 1905, 3rd ed., 3 vols., XI,(1),340; XI,(1),432; VIII,372p., fold. plates and tables, contemp./ sl. later unif. giltlettered cl., orig. wr. pres.

- A few scattered library stamps. Bindings sl. soiled.

AND 3 others, i.a. A. KORZEN and R. KÜHN, Waffenlehre (Vienna, 1905, fold. plates, orig. limp cl.).

€ (100-150)
79 1052 Militaria Guns  Baker E 79 1052 Militaria Guns Baker E
79 1052 Militaria Guns  Baker E 79 1052 Militaria Guns Baker E
79/1052 [Militaria. Guns]. Baker, E. Remarks on Rifle Guns; being the result of upwards of fifty years' practice and observation: with specific remarks on Fowling Pieces, the Percussion Lock, and Fire Arms in general. To which are subjoined descriptions of a new Bullet Mould and Clipper (...). London, J. Mallett, 1829, 10th ed., (8),251p., handcol. engr. frontisp. and 11 (handcol.) plates/ tables, later giltlettered calf.

- The plates occas. sl. foxed/ yellowed; some offsetting from frontisp. on title-p.

= Gerrare 401; cf. Schwerdt I, p.51. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXXVI.

€ (150-250) 150
79/1053 Militaria Guns  Geschichte der Mauser Werke 79/1053 Militaria Guns Geschichte der Mauser Werke
79/1053 [Militaria. Guns]. Geschichte der Mauser-Werke. Berlin, VDI-Verlag, 1938, XIV,(2),227,(2)p., 2 col. plates, (full-p.) ills., orig. cl., 4to.

= Published on occasion of the 125-year jubilee of the famous gun manufacturer.

€ (50-70) 60
79 1054 Militaria Guns  Greener W 79 1054 Militaria Guns Greener W
79/1054 [Militaria. Guns]. Greener, W. The Gun and its Development. London etc., Cassell & Co., 1896, 6th rev. ed., XVI,768,(14 advert.)p., woodengr. frontisp., num. ills., orig. gilt cl. Idem. The Breech-Loader and how to use it. New York, Forest and Stream, 1893, 2nd ed., VIII,276,VII,(21 advert.)p., woodengr. ills., orig. boards.

- Joints, spine-ends and corners worn. Internally fine.

€ (50-70) 70
79 1055 Militaria Guns  Greener W 79 1055 Militaria Guns Greener W
79 1055 Militaria Guns  Greener W 79 1055 Militaria Guns Greener W
79/1055 [Militaria. Guns]. Greener, W. The Science of Gunnery, as applied to the Military and Sporting Arms of England, France, Belgium, Austria, Prussia, Russia, and America. London, E. Churton, 1846, new enl. ed., VIII,(2),478,(4)p., steelengr. title, frontisp. and 7 plates, woodengr. ills., contemp. polished calf, richly gilt spine w. green mor. letterpiece, marbled edges.

- Bookplate on upper pastedown; trifle foxed.

= Gerrare 462: "A vigorously written and interesting book, and having as frontispiece an excellent engraving by Nicholson, representing the author shooting the white wild cattle of Britain in Chillingham Park". Rare.

€ (100-150)
79 1056 Militaria Guns  Kaisertreu = K Krnka 79 1056 Militaria Guns Kaisertreu = K Krnka
79/1056 [Militaria. Guns]. Kaisertreu (= K. Krnka). Die principiellen Eigenschaften der automatischen Feuerwaffen. Eine Studie über die neuesten Errungenschaften der Waffentechnik für Officiere aller Waffen. Vienna, W. Braumüller & Sohn, 1902, XI,(1),140,(2)p., 16 fold. plates, ills., orig. clothbacked boards, 4to.

- Owner's stamp on title-p. and on verso plates. Binding chafed and sl. worn; backcover stained; upper joint splitting.

= Karel Krnka was a Czech gunsmith and designer of the Krnka model pistol.

€ (150-250)
79 1057 Militaria Guns  Korn R H 79 1057 Militaria Guns Korn R H
79/1057 [Militaria. Guns]. Korn, R.H. Mauser-Gewehre und Mauser-Patente als Beitrag zur Entwicklung der Handfeuerwaffen in den letzten vierzig Jahren. Berlin, Ecksteins biographischer Verlag, 1908, 440,(2)p., frontisp. portrait, fold. plates, ills., orig. cl., 4to.

- Spine-ends and corners sl. worn. Otherwise fine. = Rare.

€ (100-150)
79/1058 Militaria Guns  Die Repetir Gewehre Ihre Geschichte Entwickelung Einrichtung und Leistungsfähigkeit 79/1058 Militaria Guns Die Repetir Gewehre Ihre Geschichte Entwickelung Einrichtung und Leistungsfähigkeit
79/1058 [Militaria. Guns]. Die Repetir-Gewehre. Ihre Geschichte, Entwickelung, Einrichtung und Leistungsfähigkeit. Darmstadt/ Leipsic, E. Zernin, 1882-1886, 2 parts in 1 vol., XII,256; VI,308p., num. woodengr. ills., contemp. gilt hmor.

- Lacks title-p. to the 2nd part. Ticket and traces of sellotape on spine; corners bumped. = Gerrare 1612.

AND 2 others, i.a. HAUPTMANN BRAUN, Das Maxim-Maschinengewehr und seine Verwendung (Berlin, 1905, fold. plates, ills., modern cl. w. orig. frontwr. laid down. Lacks title-p.).

€ (100-150)
79 1059 Militaria Guns  Schmidt R 79 1059 Militaria Guns Schmidt R
79/1059 [Militaria. Guns]. Schmidt, R. Die Entwicklung der Feuerwaffen und anderer Kriegswerkzeuge seit Erfindung des Schießpulvers bis zur Neuzeit. Schaffhausen, Commissionsverlag der Brodtmann'schen Buchhandlung, 1868, 355p., tinted lithogr. title, 107 (tinted) lithogr. plates (counted as 106), orig. blindst. cl.

- First few plates sl. foxed. Binding sl. stained; spine-ends worn.

= Not in Gerrare. From the library of Henk Visser, with his bookplate on upper pastedown.

€ (70-90)
79 1060 Militaria Guns  Schmidt R 79 1060 Militaria Guns Schmidt R
79/1060 [Militaria. Guns]. Schmidt, R. Die Handfeuerwaffen, ihre Entstehung und technisch-historische Entwicklung bis zur Gegenwart. Basel, B. Schwabe, 1875-1878, 2 vols., text vol.: 2 parts in 1 vol., (4),157; (4),68,(1)p.; plate vol.: 76 col. lithogr. plates, contemp. unif. giltlettered hmor., 4to.

- Plates 1-56 cut out, laid down and sl. foxed/ yellowed; a few scattered library stamps. Bindings sl. worn; spines sunned.

= Gerrare 1603. Incl. the supplemental "Erste Folge", containing plates 57-76. From the library of Henk Visser, both vols. with his bookplate on upper pastedown.

€ (150-250) 150