Page 6 of 12 Results 101 - 120 of 233
79/5190 Germany  Ducatus Bremae et Ferdae cum Maxima parte finitimi  79/5190 Germany Ducatus Bremae et Ferdae cum Maxima parte finitimi
79/5190 Germany  Ducatus Bremae et Ferdae cum Maxima parte finitimi  79/5190 Germany Ducatus Bremae et Ferdae cum Maxima parte finitimi
79/5190 [Germany]. "Ducatus Bremae et Ferdae cum Maxima parte finitimi (...)". Partly contemp. handcol. engr. map, 2 large dec. (uncol.) cartouches w. i.a. 2 coats of arms, 49,5x57,5 cm., Augsburg, T.C. Lotter, ±1760 (some tiny (burn) holes in margins). - AND a contemp. handcol. map by the Homann heirs: "Bohemiae regnum in XII circulos divisum".
€ (120-150)
79/5191 Germany  Fossa Eugeniana quae a Rheno ad Mosam duci coepta est 79/5191 Germany Fossa Eugeniana quae a Rheno ad Mosam duci coepta est
79/5191 [Germany]. "Fossa Eugeniana, quae a Rheno ad Mosam duci coepta est." Engr. map, 3 cartouches, 37x49 cm., Amst., H. Hondius, ±1640.

- Fine copy; ample margins.

= Shows (part of) the canal (nowadays Nordrhein Westphalen) planned by the Spanish regent in Brussels, Isabella Clara Eugenia (hence its name) to deviate to Antwerp - in Spanish territory - trade destined for Rotterdam or Amsterdam and thereby economically block the Dutch Republic. It was intended to run from the Rhine via the Maas to the Schelde but never even reached the Maas. Van der Krogt/ Koeman I, 3790:1.1.

€ (60-80)
79/5192 Germany  Gelre 79/5192 Germany Gelre
79/5192 Germany  Gelre 79/5192 Germany Gelre
79/5192 Germany  Gelre 79/5192 Germany Gelre
79/5192 Germany  Gelre 79/5192 Germany Gelre
79/5192 [Germany]. "Gelre". Engr. bird's eye plan, dec. cartouche w. legend, 2 coats of arms, 41x51,4 cm., from BLAEU, Townbooks, ±1650.

- Closed tear in left blank margin. = Van der Krogt/ Koeman IV-2/1, 1462, 2nd state (of 3).

AND 3 others, i.a. "Empire d'Allemagne" (engr. map w. handcol. borders, Paris, R. de Vaugondy, ±1800).

€ (80-100)
79/5193 Germany  Iuliacensis et Montensis Ducatus De hertoghdomen Gulick en Berghe 79/5193 Germany Iuliacensis et Montensis Ducatus De hertoghdomen Gulick en Berghe
79/5193 Germany  Iuliacensis et Montensis Ducatus De hertoghdomen Gulick en Berghe 79/5193 Germany Iuliacensis et Montensis Ducatus De hertoghdomen Gulick en Berghe
79/5193 [Germany]. "Iuliacensis et Montensis Ducatus. De hertoghdomen Gulick en Berghe." Handcol. engr. map, 3 dec. cartouches i.a. w. 2 coats of arms, 38x50 cm., Amst., Blaeu, ±1635. "Clivia Ducatus et Ravestein Dominium." Handcol. engr. map, 2 dec. cartouches and a coat of arms, 38,2x50,8 cm., Amst., W. and J. Blaeu, ±1635.

- Both fine. = Van der Krogt/ Koeman II, 2381:2B and 2370:2.

€ (120-150) 130
79/5194 Germany  Neue geographische Special Karte von dem Fürstenthum Ostfries und dem Harrlingerlande ingleichen den Herrschaften Jever und Knipphausen als dem ietzigem XIten Departement des Koni79/5194 Germany Neue geographische Special Karte von dem Fürstenthum Ostfries und dem Harrlingerlande ingleichen den Herrschaften Jever und Knipphausen als dem ietzigem XIten Departement des Koni
79/5194 [Germany]. "Neue geographische Special Karte von dem Fürstenthum Ostfries- und dem Harrlingerlande ingleichen den Herrschaften Jever und Knipphausen als dem ietzigem XIten Departement, des Konigreichs Holland." Engr. map on 2 loose sheets by W. CAMP, H. BUNNIK and W. VAN DER LINDEN, engr. by C. JÄTTNIG, 1 x/ w. contemp. handcol. borders, w. 2 cartouches, together 76x92,5 cm., Ostfriesland/ Amst., W. Camp/ Mortier, Covens en Zoon, 1804.

- One part w. red collector's mark in the image; both trifle frayed/ w/ some vague foxing.

= Koeman, Geschiedenis p.185: "Tot die genieofficieren die trouw aan de Oranjes gebleven waren behoorden o.a. W. Kamp, H. Bunnik en W. van der Linden. Zij namen in 1795 de wijk naar Pruissen, waar zij een opdracht tot de kartering van Oostfriesland ontvingen. Het resultaat was een manuscript op een schaal van ca. 1:60 000. Hieruit werd in Berlijn een kaart ca. 1:120 000 gegraveerd. (...) In het westen reikt deze kaart tot de stad Groningen, waardoor ze ook betekenis heeft voor de historische kartografie van Nederland, met name door een gedetailleerde topografie van de nederzettingen."

€ (150-250) 150
79/5195 Germany  Nova Illustrissimi Ducatus Pomeraniae Tabula 79/5195 Germany Nova Illustrissimi Ducatus Pomeraniae Tabula
79/5195 [Germany]. "Nova Illustrissimi Ducatus Pomeraniae Tabula." Handcol. engr. map by F. PALBITZKE after E. LUBINO, w. 4 cartouches, 38x49,3 cm., Amst., J. Janssonius, 1634.

- Browned. = Decorative map. Van der Krogt/ Koeman I, 2190:1.1.

"Meklenburg Ducatus." Handcol. engr. map by J. LAURENBERG, w. 3 cartouches, compass rose and coat of arms, 36x47 cm., Amst., J. Janssonius, 1634.

- Tiny hole in image at lower end of fold. = Van der Krogt/ Koeman I, 2210:1.1.

€ (100-150) 200
79/5196 Germany  Palatinatus Bavariae 79/5196 Germany Palatinatus Bavariae
79/5196 [Germany]. "Palatinatus Bavariae." Contemp. handcol. engr. map, dec. cartouche, 37x50 cm., Amst., G. Mercator, 1619.

- Doubled; trifle browned. = Van der Krogt/ Koeman I, 2670:1.1.

€ (50-70)
79/5197 Germany  Plan tres exact de la ville & citadelle de Strasbourg 79/5197 Germany Plan tres exact de la ville & citadelle de Strasbourg
79/5197 Germany  Plan tres exact de la ville & citadelle de Strasbourg 79/5197 Germany Plan tres exact de la ville & citadelle de Strasbourg
79/5197 [Germany]. "Plan tres exact de la ville & citadelle de Strasbourg". Engr. plan, legend and caption in French below, 24,5x33,3 cm., n.pl., P.M. Enginier, ±1750. - WITH moutned on verso: "Plan of Dresden. Capitol of Saxony" (engr. plan, ±1760).
€ (100-150)
79/5198 [Germany]. "Rhenus Fluviorum Europae celeberrimus, cum Mosa, Mosella (...) fluminibus." Contemp. handcol. engr. map on two attached sheets, 41,5x96,7 cm., large title-cartouche with nice Bacchus scene, w. dedication cartouche to A. Bicker and a large cartouche w. 10 coats of arms of count(r)ies of the Rhine basin, Amst., Blaeu, ±1635, framed.

- Copy w. several manuscript restorations and closed tears/ creases. In nice frame. = Krogt/ Koeman 1120:1B.

"Carte de l'Empire d'Allemagne où sont marquées exactement les routes des Postes." Partially contemp. handcol. engr. map by R. DE VAUGONDY, 55x48 cm., decorative cartouche, n.pl., n.publ., ±1775, framed.

- Sl. foxed.

ADDED: 1 other.

€ (70-90) 70
79/5199 Germany and Austria  Hessen Thüringen and surroundings 79/5199 Germany and Austria Hessen Thüringen and surroundings
79/5199 Germany and Austria  Hessen Thüringen and surroundings 79/5199 Germany and Austria Hessen Thüringen and surroundings
79/5199 Germany and Austria  Hessen Thüringen and surroundings 79/5199 Germany and Austria Hessen Thüringen and surroundings
79/5199 [Germany and Austria]. (Hessen, Thüringen and surroundings). Handcol. engr. map w. dec. borders, 40x54,5 cm., n.pl., n.publ., ±1750 (ample margins). "Belägerung wie die Hauptstad Wien in Österreich vom Turcken ist belegert gewest". Engr. bird's eye battle-view w. a panorama of Vienna, legend, 15,6x26,5 cm., Nürnberg, H. Ortelius, early 17th cent. - AND 15 others, all (steel)engr. maps/ views of Germany and Austria, i.a. "Mare Germanicum" (engr. map, on a textpage from M. SMALLEGANGE, Cronyk van Zeeland, 1696).
€ (70-90)
79/5200 Great Britain  Carte Réduite de la Rade des Dunes avec une Partie des entrées de la Tamise 79/5200 Great Britain Carte Réduite de la Rade des Dunes avec une Partie des entrées de la Tamise
79/5200 [Great Britain]. "Carte Réduite de la Rade des Dunes avec une Partie des entrées de la Tamise". Engr. chart, large dec. title-cartouche, 58,5x42 cm., Paris, J.N. Bellin, 1757.

= Chart showing the entrance to the Thames, covering the area from Dover to Margate and west to Reculver, with extensive sailing details, shoals and soundings.

€ (100-150)
79/5201 Great Britain  De Custen van Engelandt tusschen de twee pointen van Poortlandt en Lezard 79/5201 Great Britain De Custen van Engelandt tusschen de twee pointen van Poortlandt en Lezard
79/5201 [Great Britain]. "De Custen van Engelandt tusschen de twee pointen van Poortlandt en Lezard." Engr. chart, 2 dec. cartouches, 2 compass roses and a ship, 43x53,5 cm., Amst., C. Lootsman, ±1676.

- Right/ left margin cut on/ just outside the border line; trifle browned. = Koeman IV, p.241: w13.

€ (100-150) 100
79/5202 Great Britain  Edinburgo 79/5202 Great Britain Edinburgo
79/5202 Great Britain  Edinburgo 79/5202 Great Britain Edinburgo
79/5202 Great Britain  Edinburgo 79/5202 Great Britain Edinburgo
79/5202 Great Britain  Edinburgo 79/5202 Great Britain Edinburgo
79/5202 Great Britain  Edinburgo 79/5202 Great Britain Edinburgo
79/5202 [Great Britain]. "Edinburgo". Woodcut view, 18,5x10 cm., on a textleaf from an Italian edition of S. MÜNSTER, Cosmographia, 2nd half 16th cent. (sl. browned). - AND 27 (col.) steelengr. views of England and 1 tinted lithogr. view by C.C.A. LAST: "De Ludgate Hill-Spoorwegbrug te Londen".
€ (50-70) 80
79/5203 Great Britain  Nieuwe Kaart van de Eilanden van Groot Brittannien behelzende de Koningryken Engeland Schotland en Ierland Nieuwe kaart van 't zuider gedeelte van Groot Brittanie behelzende79/5203 Great Britain Nieuwe Kaart van de Eilanden van Groot Brittannien behelzende de Koningryken Engeland Schotland en Ierland Nieuwe kaart van 't zuider gedeelte van Groot Brittanie behelzende
79/5203 Great Britain  Nieuwe Kaart van de Eilanden van Groot Brittannien behelzende de Koningryken Engeland Schotland en Ierland Nieuwe kaart van 't zuider gedeelte van Groot Brittanie behelzende79/5203 Great Britain Nieuwe Kaart van de Eilanden van Groot Brittannien behelzende de Koningryken Engeland Schotland en Ierland Nieuwe kaart van 't zuider gedeelte van Groot Brittanie behelzende
79/5203 Great Britain  Nieuwe Kaart van de Eilanden van Groot Brittannien behelzende de Koningryken Engeland Schotland en Ierland Nieuwe kaart van 't zuider gedeelte van Groot Brittanie behelzende79/5203 Great Britain Nieuwe Kaart van de Eilanden van Groot Brittannien behelzende de Koningryken Engeland Schotland en Ierland Nieuwe kaart van 't zuider gedeelte van Groot Brittanie behelzende
79/5203 Great Britain  Nieuwe Kaart van de Eilanden van Groot Brittannien behelzende de Koningryken Engeland Schotland en Ierland Nieuwe kaart van 't zuider gedeelte van Groot Brittanie behelzende79/5203 Great Britain Nieuwe Kaart van de Eilanden van Groot Brittannien behelzende de Koningryken Engeland Schotland en Ierland Nieuwe kaart van 't zuider gedeelte van Groot Brittanie behelzende
79/5203 Great Britain  Nieuwe Kaart van de Eilanden van Groot Brittannien behelzende de Koningryken Engeland Schotland en Ierland Nieuwe kaart van 't zuider gedeelte van Groot Brittanie behelzende79/5203 Great Britain Nieuwe Kaart van de Eilanden van Groot Brittannien behelzende de Koningryken Engeland Schotland en Ierland Nieuwe kaart van 't zuider gedeelte van Groot Brittanie behelzende
79/5203 [Great Britain]. "Nieuwe Kaart van de Eilanden van Groot Brittannien behelzende de Koningryken Engeland, Schotland en Ierland". "Nieuwe kaart van 't zuider gedeelte van Groot Brittanie behelzende het Koningryk Engeland". Two contemp. handcol. engr. maps, 1x by C. SEPP and w. inset map of the Orkney and Shetland Islands, each ±32x37 cm., Amst., I. Tirion, 1743.

- Closed tear in lower blank margin.

AND 3 others, i.a. an incomplete "Six sheet map of England and Wales with a part of Scotland" (4 of 6 parts, joined sheets, London, J. Cary, 1836. Lacks lowest 2 parts).

€ (80-100) 100
79/5204 Great Britain  The road form London to Montgomery North Wales The continuation of the Road from London to Holy Head 79/5204 Great Britain The road form London to Montgomery North Wales The continuation of the Road from London to Holy Head
79/5204 Great Britain  The road form London to Montgomery North Wales The continuation of the Road from London to Holy Head 79/5204 Great Britain The road form London to Montgomery North Wales The continuation of the Road from London to Holy Head
79/5204 Great Britain  The road form London to Montgomery North Wales The continuation of the Road from London to Holy Head 79/5204 Great Britain The road form London to Montgomery North Wales The continuation of the Road from London to Holy Head
79/5204 Great Britain  The road form London to Montgomery North Wales The continuation of the Road from London to Holy Head 79/5204 Great Britain The road form London to Montgomery North Wales The continuation of the Road from London to Holy Head
79/5204 [Great Britain]. "The road form London to Montgomery North Wales". "The continuation of the Road from London to Holy Head". Two handcol. engr. road maps, dec. title-cartouche, each ±31x43,3 cm., from J. OGILBY, Brittania, ±1675. - AND 2 similar from the same work: "The continuation of the Road from York to Westchester" and "The continuation of the extended Road from Oakeham in Rutland to Richmond".
€ (300-500)
79/5205 Great Britain  The road from Exeter to Truroe 79/5205 Great Britain The road from Exeter to Truroe
79/5205 Great Britain  The road from Exeter to Truroe 79/5205 Great Britain The road from Exeter to Truroe
79/5205 [Great Britain]. "The road from Exeter to Truroe". Handcol. engr. road map, dec. title-cartouche, 34x46 cm., from J. OGILBY, Brittania, ±1675.

- Slightly yellowed; tiny hole in lower blank margin.

AND a handcol. engr. leaf from the same work.

€ (80-100)
79/5206 Great Britain  The smaller Islands in the British Ocean 79/5206 Great Britain The smaller Islands in the British Ocean
79/5206 [Great Britain]. "The smaller Islands in the British Ocean". Eight handcol. engr. maps, printed on 1 sheet by R. MORDEN, dec. cartouche in centre, 36x42,5 cm., London, A. S. Awnsham and J. Churchill, 1753.

- Slighty browned in lower corners; 2 creases in upper part (strengthened on verso).

€ (40-60) 40
79/5207 Greece  Graecia Sophiani 79/5207 Greece Graecia Sophiani
79/5207 [Greece]. "Graecia Sophiani." Attractively handcol. engr. map, 2 dec. cartouches, w. a nicely handcol. initial on verso, 34,5x50 cm., from A. ORTELIUS, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1595.

- Restored tear in outer lower blank margin; otherwise fine.

= Van den Broecke 215; Van der Krogt/ Koeman IIIB, 7800H:31.

€ (300-500) 350
79/5208 Greece  La Grece 79/5208 Greece La Grece
79/5208 [Greece]. "La Grece". Woodcut map, 12,4x13,4 cm., from S. MÜNSTER, Cosmographia, French edition, ±1580 (with a small woodcut vignette on verso).
€ (30-50) 50
79/5209 Guiana  Camp of the Indians in Guyana and their eating habits / Gold purifying and founding in Guyana / Funeral customs of Indian lords / Giant water serpent in Guyana 79/5209 Guiana Camp of the Indians in Guyana and their eating habits / Gold purifying and founding in Guyana / Funeral customs of Indian lords / Giant water serpent in Guyana
79/5209 [Guiana]. Camp of the Indians in Guyana and their eating habits./ Gold purifying and founding in Guyana./ Funeral customs of Indian lords./ Giant water serpent in Guyana. Four engr. views printed on 1 sheet, within dec. border, 33,8x41,5 cm. (total size), each w. one-line caption in French below, from VAN DER AA, La galerie agréable, 1728.

- Fine. = Van der Krogt/ Koeman IV-A.2, 64:25.

€ (60-80) 80