- Poor copy, lacks 3 plates, view of Buitenzorg bound at the end of volume 2; partly browned/ foxed. Second and 3rd volume bindings with wormholes, extending to lvs. Sold w.a.f.
= Tiele 283; Cat. NHSM p.243; Bastin/ Brommer n.124. Scarce.
- Binding sl. foxed/ stained/ discoloured. = Nicely illustrated history of the Indonesian capital.
Wachlin, S. Woodbury & Page. Photographers Java. Leyden, KITLV Press, 1994, 219p., num. photogr. ills., orig. boards w. dustwr., obl. 4to. Dulm, J. van a.o. Geïllustreerde atlas van de Japanse Kampen in Nederlands-Indië. 1942-1945. Purmerend, Asia Maior, 2002, 2 vols., 224; 192p., richly illustrated, orig. unif. boards, folio. - AND 3 others.
- Fine set, with the often lacking supplements. = Rouffaer/ Muller Suppl. III, p.3.
- Spine-ends sl. worn.
Molenaar, J. a.o. De Indische reis van H.P. Berlage. Rott., Nederlands Architectuurinstituut, n.d., text booklet (14p., ills., orig. wr.), 3 (double-p.) index/ key lvs. and 46 col. plates, together loose in orig. board box, sq. 4to size. - AND 5 others, i.a. H.P. BERLAGE, Mijn Indische reis (Rott., 1931, ills., orig. hcl.); R. NIEUWENHUYS and F. JAQUET, Java's onuitputtelijke natuur. Reisverhalen, tekeningen en fotografieën van Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn (Alphen a.d. Rijn, 1980, (col.) ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., folio) and J. POORTENAAR and G. POORTENAAR-VAN VLADERACKEN, Een kunstreis in de tropen (Zutphen, n.d., plates, orig. dec. cl.).
- Owner's stamp on title-p.; flaps of the plate-pocket loose(ning). Covers sl. waterstained (also sl. affecting first free endpaper and title-p.).
= Rouffaer/ Muller p.15.
Snouck Hurgronje, C. De Atjèhers. Batavia/ Leyden, Landsdrukkerij/ E.J. Brill, 1893-1895, 2 text vols., XX,512; XV,(1),438p., 2 fold. col. lithogr. maps, 2 fold. plates, modern unif. rexine, 4to.
- Without the atlas vol.; both vols. owner's entry on title-p.; occas. sl. foxed; sm. hole in final index leaf.
= Rouffaer/ Muller, p.25.
Idem. Het Gajoland en zijne bewoners. Batavia, Landsdrukkerij, 1903, XX,452p., photogr. plates, orig. clothbacked printed boards, 4to.
- As often without the separately issued map; bookblock loose. Binding soiled and worn.
= Rouffaer/ Muller p.707.
AND 1 other: E.F.T. ARNOLD BIK, Gids voor het bevaren der vaarwaters van Atjeh (Batavia, 1894, orig. hcl. Owner's and cancel stamps on title-p.; sm. ticket on frontcover).
= Accompanying text part to the plate volume containing the photographs by CEPHAS. Rare. Rouffaer/ Muller p.14. G. Knaap, Cephas, Yogyakarta. Photography in the service of the Sultan, p.15 and 26.
- Top edge of back cover of vol.1 dam.; frontcover of 2nd text vol. sl. foxed
Vuuren, L. van. Het Gouvernement Celebes. Proeve eener monographie. Deel 1 (all published). N.pl. (Weltevreden), Encyclopaedisch Bureau, 1920, 2 vols., text vol.: XXIV,(2),534,(2)p., tinted lithogr. title-p. and textvignettes by P. DUCRO, 4 fold. (col.) lithogr. maps/ plans, 51 plates, 99 ills.; atlas vol.: 25 fold. (col.) lithogr. maps on 28 leaves, loose as issued, in orig. unif. giltlettered hcalf/ hcalf portfolio, designed in batik style by P. DUCRO, 4to.
- Lacks the index vol. to the plates (but w. mounted index leaf on verso frontcover); plate vol. worn at corners; first two leaves of text vol. reattached.
= Rouffaer/ Muller suppl. II, p.21.
- Upper hinge vol. 1 (nearly) broken. Bindings trifle soiled/ stained; corners bumped.
= Rouffaer/ Muller Suppl. I, p.24; Ockeloen p.246; Nieuwenhuys, Mirror of the Indies p.6-7.
- Without the rare 3rd volume, as usual; contents for a large part browned/ foxed and a few soiled. Spines heavily worn/ dam.; board-edges rubbed.
= Rouffaer/ Muller, Suppl.I, p.107; Bastin/ Brommer N404.
Idem. Uit Indische leven. Ibid., Wed. J.C. van Kesteren & zoon, 1865, 2nd ed., (8),215p., col. lithogr. plate, orig. gilt. ad blindstamped cl.
- Cl. fingersoiled. = Rouffaer/ Muller I, p. 257; Bastin-Brommer N404; Tiele 490 (note).
AND 1 other: M.C. KOOY-VAN ZEGGELEN, Jong Java's lief en leed (Rott., n.d., photogr. plates, orig. cl.).
- Plates trifle foxed mainly in margins; both title-p. sl. foxed. Lower hinge strengthened; joints split.
= Dutch adapt. of J. Beete Juke, Narrative of the surveyeing voyage of HMS Fly (...) in Torres Strait, New Guinea, and other islands of the Eastern Archipelago, during the years 1842-1846: together with an excursion into the interior of the eastern part of Java (London, 1847). Cf. Tiele 490; Rouffaer/ Muller, Suppl. 5, p.39. Rare. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXIV.
- Lacks 2 plates. = B. Carpenton, Wm. Hofker, p.40 and p.55.
ADDED: an anonymous drawing of an Indonesian(?) street scene (black ink and white chalk).
- Partly speckled/ foxed. = All published. Rouffaer/ Muller suppl.III, p.9. Not in Ockeloen.
Faber, G.H. von. Oud Soerabaia. De geschiedenis van Indië's eerste koopstad van de oudste tijden tot de instelling van den gemeenteraad (1906). Soerabaia, Gemeente Soerabaia, 1931, VIII,424p., Dutch and English text, 3 fold. col. lithogr. plans loose in rear pocket, num. ills., orig. clothbacked dec. boards, folio.
- Upper hinge weak; one quire loose(ning). Binding rubbed at lower edge.
AND 2 others, i.a. L.F. VAN GENT a.o. (ed.), Gedenkboek voor Nederlandsch-Indië ter gelegenheid van het regeeringsjubileum van H.M. de Koningin 1898-1923 (Batavia etc., 1923, (col.) plates, orig. calfbacked gilt boards, folio. Upper hinge weak; binding rubbed).
= Vol. 4-13 subtitled "De opkomst van het Nederlandsch gezag over Java". Incl.: J.W.G. VAN HAARST, Alphabetisch register (ibid., 1888), P.A. TIELE and J.E. HEERES, Bouwstoffen voor de geschiedenis der Nederlanders in den Maleischen Archipel. Eerste/ Tweede/ Derde deel (ibid., 1886/ 1895, 3 parts in 1 vol.) and incl. L.W.G. DE ROO, Documenten omtrent Herman Willem Daendels, Gouverneur van Ned. Oost-Indië (ibid., 1909, 2 parts in 1 vol.).
- Lacks as usual the atlas vol. and "Widai figuur 1"; contents (sl.) browned/ foxed; a few lvs. w. small waterstains (mostly in margins) and occas. frayed. Board edges rubbed/ worn; spine-ends dam./ frayed; frontcover and backstrip of vol.3 loose.
= Bastin/ Brommer p.28-29 and note 465; Rouffaer/ Muller p.11; cf. Landwehr, Col. plates 325 (listing 51 uncol. plates/ maps).
- Lacks as usual the atlas vol. and as often "Widai figuur 1" and "Diëng figuur 3"; some plates w. the usual (sm.) (partly closed) tears on folds or inner margin; (sl.) yellowed set; occas. foxed; vol.1 a few quires w. receding browned spot in blank outer margin; textp. occas. w. closed tears.
= Bastin/ Brommer p.28-29 and note 465; Rouffaer/ Muller p.11; cf. Landwehr, Col. plates 325 (listing 51 uncol. plates/ maps).
- The atlas only. Frontcover stained in upper margin. = Atlas of the rare first edition.
Berkum, N. van. De Hollandsche Tafel in Indië. Gorinchem, J. Noorduyn & Zoon, 1913, 3rd enl. ed., (4),283,(1)p., plates, orig. cl.
- Binding foxed. = Bibl. Gastronomica 381; Landwehr 160,3.
AND 1 other: J.M.J. CATENIUS-VAN DER MEIJDEN, Nieuw volledig Oost-Indisch kookboek (Semarang etc., (1915), 2nd enl. ed., later plain green cl. Title-p. stained, otherwise fine).
- Bindings rubbed/ sl. worn along extremities; vol. 3 top of spine worn/ sl. dam.; covers partly foxed.
= Rouffaer/ Muller p.8 and p.704.
AND 16 others in 18 vols., i.a. DE REIS VAN HARM KAMERLINGH ONNES. Brieven uit de Oost 1922-1923. Ed. D.A. Buiskool (Hilv., 1999, ills., orig. wr.); J. BREMAN, Koelies, planters en koloniale politiek (...) (Leyden, 1992, 2nd ed., ills., orig. wr.); G.F. PIJPER, Studiën over de Islam in Indonesia 1900-1950 (Leyden, 1977, plates, orig. wr.) and P.H. VAN DER KEMP, De teruggave der Oost-Indische koloniën 1814-1816 (The Hague, 1910, contemp. gitlettered hcl. Sl. foxed).