78 1540 Hof van Jan Lot of 15 publications
78 1540 Hof van Jan  Lot of 15 publications
78 1540 Hof van Jan  Lot of 15 publications
78/1540 [Hof van Jan]. Lot of 15 publications, all by the Hof van Jan, Haarlem, 2012-2015, various sizes.

= This collective consists of the Brederodepers, Illusions Perdues, the Korenmaat and the Lojen Deur Pers. I.a. N. MAAS, Eenvoudige vormen (2012, ills. by M. Visser); L.H. WIENER, De zoete inval (2013, SIGNED by the author); NESCIO, In Haarlem hevige regen, daarna in Amsterdam weer zon (2014, ills. by N. de Cock); B. BÜCH and E. VAN MUISWINKEL, In Haarlem laten ze alles staan (2014, orig. boards w. dustwr.); F. VOGELS, Formigine (2014, ills. by N. de Cock); N. MAAS, Varkens (2014, ills. by M. Visser); A. VAN DIS, Jammer (2014, SIGNED by the author); J. PIGNON, De wereld (2015, ills. by S. Kaart, SIGNED by the author and the artist); L.H. WIENER, Jonge kauw te Katwoude (2015, ills. by N. de Cock, SIGNED by the author); W.J. OTTEN, Verslag van een expeditie (2015, ills. by T. Schuringa, SIGNED by the author and the artist).

€ (80-100) 90