79/1375 [Cuckoo Hill Press]. Kalashnikov, A. Anglo-Russian Relations. Pinner, The Cuckoo Hill Press, 1983, (12)p., 10 woodengr. plates by A. KALASHNIKOV, printed in 150 numb. copies, orig. giltlettered hmor. Montalk, Count Potocki of. Meillerie. Ibid., idem, 1972, (14)p., woodengr. plate by M.F. SEVERIN, printed in 170 numb. copies (25), orig. giltlettered cl.

= With an extra loosely inserted copy of the same plate SIGNED by the artist.

AND 19 small publications by the same press, i.a. New Year's wishes and invitations.

€ (60-80) 60