79/1393 Drukwerk in de Marge All that Jazz & other stuff Vriendendoos voor Dick Het Gonst Wessels
79/1393 [Drukwerk in de Marge]. All that Jazz & other stuff. Vriendendoos voor Dick - Het Gonst - Wessels. N.pl., Stichting Drukwerk in de Marge, 2011, comprising 31 (incl. introd.) contributions by various Dutch private presses, printed in a lim. numb. of copies, various bindings, kept in a record case w. handle, square 4to.

- Label loose (attached to handle). Otherwise fine.

= Published on occasion of the 65th anniversary of Dick Wessels (Het Gonst). Contains contributions by i.a. Mercator Pers, Pastei Pers, The Rather Obscure Press, Statenhofpers, De Vier Seizoenen and Zwarte Hen Pers.

€ (100-150) 100