79/1405 Duchamp M Transition A Quarterly Review No 26 Ed E Jolas
79/1405 [Duchamp, M.]. Transition. A Quarterly Review. No. 26. Ed. E. Jolas. New York, Transition, 1937, 208,(12 advert.)p., ills., orig. frontwr. by M. DUCHAMP.

- Wrappers w. some minimal wear at edges. A fine copy.

= Renowned issue of the international periodical, especially because of the frontwrapper by MARCEL DUCHAMP ("3 ou 4 gouttes de hauteur n'ont rien à faire la sauvagerie"). Contains texts by James Agee, Hans Arp, James Joyce ("Work in Progress", later to be Finnegan's Wake) and Franz Kafka ("Metamorphosis"), photography by Man Ray and ills. of works by V. Kandinsky, F. Leger, J. Miró and L. Moholy-Nagy. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLIV.

€ (150-250) 150