79 2548 Asia Schouten W
79 2548 Asia  Schouten W
79 2548 Asia  Schouten W
79/2548 [Asia]. Schouten, W. Reys-Togten naar en door Oost-Indien; in welke de voornaamste Landen, Koningryken, Steden, Eylanden, Bergen, en Rivieren, met haare Eigenschappen, beneffens de Wetten, Godsdienst, Zeden en Dragten der Inwoonders, en wat verder zoo van Dieren, Vrugten, en Planten aanmerkelyks in die Gewesten is; naauwkeurig word beschreven. Doorgaans gemengt met veel vreemde Voorvallen, ongemeene Geschiedenissen, Bloedige Zee- en Veldslagen, zoo met de Portugyzen en Makassaren, als andere. Amst., G. Tielenburg/ J. 't Lam, 1740, 3rd ed., 2 parts in 1 vol., (6),328; 253,(22 index)p., engr. title-p., 1 fold. map, 43 (fold.) plates/ views, partly by C. DECKER and J. KIP, 4 ills., contemp. vellum, 4to.

- Owner's entry on letterpress title-p. cut out (?) and pasted over w. engr. heraldic plate; small restoration of dam. upper outer corner of engr. title (w. use of sm. bookplate of "Tjarda van Starkenborch"). Very good/ fine copy.

= Tiele 990 (note); cf. Rouffaer/ Muller I, p.55 (ed. 1775); Mendelssohn II, p.279; Landwehr VOC, 284 (note). Modernised edition (first published 1676) of Wouter Schouten's popular voyage to the Dutch East Indies, containing the same plates as the first edition, but some re-engraved. The map present in our copy: "Nieuwe en Nette Zee-Kaart van de Geheele Waereldt, Toonende de Afwykingen van het Kompas (...) Gemaakt onder 't opzigt van Kapt. Edm. Halley" not called for by Tiele or Landwehr (it was added to the 1775 and 1780 editions of Schouten's travels, but with "O. Lindeman in Almelo fecit 1775"). Howgego S66: "Schouten was an observant traveller who explored inland into the environs of nearly every port-of-call, sometimes by himself or with a small group of comrades. His narrative, full of anecdotes as well as information gleaned about countries he had not visited, became particularly popular with readers in the eighteenth century, when it was republished in no fewer than seven editions." SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCV.

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