79/4878 Haarlem and surroundings 1596 Vicit Vim Virtus Haerlem
79/4878 Haarlem and surroundings  1596 Vicit Vim Virtus Haerlem
79/4878 Haarlem and surroundings  1596 Vicit Vim Virtus Haerlem
79/4878 [Haarlem and surroundings]. "1596. Vicit Vim Virtus Haerlem." Engraving by P. TANJÉ after W. TIBAUT and J.C. BOËTIUS, 64,5x29 cm. - WITH a large corresponding textleaf providing an explanation of the image (letterpress, in 2 columns: Dutch and French).

= Wurzbach 99; F.M. 153. Print after one of the famous stained glass windows in the Sint-Janskerk in Gouda, presented in 1596 by the city of Haarlem. Divided in two sections, the upper part showing two men, one holding the old coat of arms of Haarlem (a barren palm tree), the other the new coat of arms of the city (a sword with 5 stars), the lower section showing the capture of Damiate (1219). The second print in a series (of 8?), published in 1746. Rare. Provenance: the collection A.M. van den Broek.

€ (200-300) 200