79 4936 Haarlem and surroundings Overbeek L 1752 1815
79 4936 Haarlem and surroundings  Overbeek L  1752 1815
79 4936 Haarlem and surroundings  Overbeek L  1752 1815
79 4936 Haarlem and surroundings  Overbeek L  1752 1815
79/4936 [Haarlem and surroundings]. Overbeek, L. (1752-1815). "Gezicht op de blinkert, by de herberg genaamd Kraantje-Lek."/ "De brouwers-kolk in het duin by Overveen."/ "Gezicht by de zogenaamde wonder-boom, op de hofsteede Elswoud". Three etched views, 1791-1793, ±25x31 cm., 2x numb. ("1" and "3"), engr. captions below.

- Occasionally trifle foxed.

= From the series of 6 landscapes in the neighbourhood of Haarlem. Cat. Harlemia Illustrata 684-686: "Waarschijnlijk behoren de volgende etsen tot deze serie". Provenance: the collection A.M. van den Broek.

€ (80-100) 200