1924 - 2080     WINE and BACCHUS (including PRINTS and DRAWINGS, GASTRONOMY)

Page 4 of 8 Results 61 - 80 of 157
75/1984 Pamphlets ordinances etc  Conditien op de welcke men van weghen de Heeren Gheestelicke ende Vier Leden 's Lands van Vlaendren verpachten sal het Slach ghelt den stuyver op elcken stoop Wyn75/1984 Pamphlets ordinances etc Conditien op de welcke men van weghen de Heeren Gheestelicke ende Vier Leden 's Lands van Vlaendren verpachten sal het Slach ghelt den stuyver op elcken stoop Wyn
75/1984 [Pamphlets, ordinances etc.]. Conditien op de welcke men van weghen de Heeren Gheestelicke ende Vier-Leden 's Lands van Vlaendren verpachten sal het Slach-ghelt den stuyver op elcken stoop Wyn ten laste van den Tapper en vyf stuvers op elcken stoop ghebranden Wyn tot laste vande stokers. Ghent, Anna vanden Steene Fa. Ians, 1632, (12)p., 4 heraldic woodcuts on title-p., later plain wr.

- Contemp. annot in margin on p.(10); final page sl. duststained. = Bibl. Gantoise VI, p.79, 12411.

€ (50-70) 60
75/1985 Pamphlets ordinances etc  Kenschetsende lof zang voor de onverbeterlyke voorstanders der Engelschen de begunstigers der overweldiging en de gezwooren vyanden der rechten en vryheeden va75/1985 Pamphlets ordinances etc Kenschetsende lof zang voor de onverbeterlyke voorstanders der Engelschen de begunstigers der overweldiging en de gezwooren vyanden der rechten en vryheeden va
75/1985 [Pamphlets, ordinances etc.]. Kenschetsende lof-zang, voor de onverbeterlyke voorstanders der Engelschen, de begunstigers der overweldiging en de gezwooren vyanden; der rechten en vryheeden van ons vaderland. Zaltbommel, n.pr. "Met privilegie, des Burg-g.s Lynden van Hemmen", 2782 (=1782), 2nd enl. ed., (6),15,(3)p., engr. satirical plate by W. PRINS after L. HARTOG, contemp. wr.

- Sl. foxed; final leaf browned spot in outer blank margin.

= Knuttel 20291 and (on the engraving) 20185: "Spotprent Op Willem V, den Prins als Bacchus voorstellende, naakt op een vat Bourgogne gezeten. (...) Hierbij een berymde Verklaaring der beruchten Tytelprent. De prent heeft gediend als titelprent voor de Kenschetsende Lof-Zang (...) maar schijnt ook afzonderlijk uitgegeven, blijkens de noot bij de Verklaaring: "Geplaast voor de Berugte Kenschetsende Lof-Zang voor de Engelsch gezinden; enz.". On the separately published print see F.M.H. 4499. The lot includes a loosely inserted extra copy of the "Verklaaring der Beruchten Tytel-prent." Rare. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXIII.

€ (70-90) 80
75/1986 Pamphlets ordinances etc  Ordonnantie Op 't Wijn Koop luyder Gilde binnen de Stad Utrecht Gearresteert by de Vroedschap der selver Stad op den XXIIIen Julij 1644 75/1986 Pamphlets ordinances etc Ordonnantie Op 't Wijn Koop luyder Gilde binnen de Stad Utrecht Gearresteert by de Vroedschap der selver Stad op den XXIIIen Julij 1644
75/1986 [Pamphlets, ordinances etc.]. Ordonnantie Op 't Wijn-Koop-luyder-Gilde binnen de Stad Utrecht, Gearresteert by de Vroedschap der selver Stad op den XXIIIen Julij 1644. Utr., J. van Paddenburg, 1703, (16)p., later wr.

- Sl. browned and dogeared.

Naerder Ordre, Beraemt jegens het frauderen vande Impositien op de Wijnen ende Bieren en andere Chijsbare Waren. Ende specialijck jegens de Wijncopers, ende het setten van Gelagen, ende uytslijten van Wijnen en Gebrande-wijnen met de kleyne maet. Utr., A. van Paddenburgh, 1666, (4)p., woodcut coat of arms of Utrecht on title-p. - AND 2 others similar: HISTORISCH VERHAAL RAAKENDE DE BEROERINGE OVER DEN WYNKOOPERS EED, BINNEN DE STEEDEN AMSTELDAM EN ROTTERDAM VOORGEVALLEN (Middelburg etc., (1751)) and EXTRACT MISSIVE VAN EEN AMSTERDAMMER AEN ZYN MIDDELBURGER VRIENDT, OVER DEN EED DER WYNHANDELAERS (Amst., 1751, later wr. Title-p. repaired; Knuttel 18302).

€ (80-100) 90
75 1987 Parsons B 75 1987 Parsons B
75/1987 Parsons, B. Anti-Bacchus: an Essay on the Crimes, Diseases, and Other Evils, Connected with the Use of Intoxicating Drinks. In this work the character of the wines of scripture is settled in accordance with the inductions of science and the facts of history. London, John Snow, n.d. (1838), 6th thous., VIII,136p., contemp. giltlettered hcalf.

- Owner's entry on title-p. Both covers loose; spine-ends chipped; corners worn.

= Rare, early edition.

€ (50-70)
75 1988 Pers D P 75 1988 Pers D P
75 1988 Pers D P 75 1988 Pers D P
75 1988 Pers D P 75 1988 Pers D P
75 1988 Pers D P 75 1988 Pers D P
75/1988 Pers, D.P. Bacchus Wonder-wercken: Waer in Het Recht Gebruyck en Misbruyck des Wijns, door verscheyden vermaeckelijcke eerlijcke en leerlijcke historien wort afgebeeld, ende lasteringe der Dronckenschap met levende verwen afgemaelt. Hier is by-gevoeght De Suyp-stad, of Dronckerts Leven: waer in alle hare gebouwen, manieren, aert, wetten &c. en alles wat by den Dronckaerts gebeurt, boertlijcker wyse word af-geschildert. Alles tot uyt-wiedinge vande quade in-gewortelde on-aerdigheden en zeden der Dronckerts, en aen-radinge totte deughd en soberheyd, in Dicht gestelt, en met konst-beelden geçiert. Amst., D. Pietersz. [colophon: P.A. van Ravesteyn], 1628, 2 parts in 1 vol. w. continuous pagination, (8),140 p., engr. title-vignette and 4 ills. by G. VAN SCHEYNDEL, prob. 18th cent. blindst. calf, 4to.

- A few leaves at the beginning trifle waterstained in upper inner corner.

= One of the few Dutch books on wine - and a beautiful edition to that with the remarkable anonymous engravings in the style of Adriaen van de Venne, illustrating the use and abuse of wine. Oberlé, Fastes 1033; Bibl. Gastronomica 4939; Scheepers I, 144; Scheurleer p.153; Hollstein 140. D.P. Pers is the pseudonym of the publisher D. Pietersz. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXIII.

BOUND WITH: Idem. Lucretia, ofte Het Beeld der Eerbaerheydt (...). Ibid., idem, 1624, (12),81,(3)p., engr. title-vignette (ident. to the preceding), 3 large engr. text ills. - AND WITH: Idem. Ionas De Straf-Prediker (...). Ibid., idem, 1623, (8),88,(4)p., 4 engr. circular emblems by H. COLLAERT after H. BOL, 1 full-p. portr. of Christ by J. DE GHEYN II. - AND WITH: Idem. Tranen Iesu Christi, Gestort over den Ondergang Hierusalems (...). Ibid., idem [colophon: P.A. van Ravesteyn], 1625, (12),88p., engr. title-vignette, 4 large engr. text ills. by C. VAN DE PASSE after M. VAN VALCKENBURG.

= A fine copy of a rare collection of works. Scheepers I, 144 (the same collection of these four works).

€ (800-1.000) 800
75 1989 Popular literature  Brune J de 75 1989 Popular literature Brune J de
75/1989 [Popular literature]. Brune, J. de. Nieuwe wyn in oude le'er-zacken. Bewijzende in Spreeck-woorden, 't vernuft der menschen, ende 't gheluck van onze Nederlandsche Taele. Middelburg, Z. Roman, 1636, (24),496,(8)p., engr. frontisp., 19th cent. gilt hcalf w. red mor. letterpiece, 12mo.

- Numerous small contemp. marks in pen and ink in text and in blank margin; a few sm. inkstains; leaf M12 lacks small upper corner w. loss of some words.

= Verkruijsse, Descr. auteursbibl. 1023; Meertens, Letk. leven p.310; Scheepers II, 85. The very rare first edition. With the bookplate of V. de la Montagne.

€ (300-500) 325
75/1990 Price lists  Lot of 10 Pryscouranten 75/1990 Price lists Lot of 10 Pryscouranten
75/1990 [Price lists]. Lot of 10 "Pryscouranten", mostly letterpress w. manuscript prices added (2x entirely in manuscript), dated between 1710-1722.

= Rare "snapshot" of the French-Dutch wine trade. Listing prices of wines shipped from the harbour of Bordeaux, from Nantes (occas. w. comments on availability or quality) for i.a. Loupiacq, Pujeaux, Witte Graves, Hoogl. Witte, Root Hoogelants, Haantjes Witte, Root Graeves, Conjacke Boddery Wyn, Anjou Wijnen, Serese Secke, Sauterne, Picardanze ("sijn niet Euvel"), Stomme in stad fust ("naer de deugt"), Nantoise wijnen, Auvergnacque, St. Arblon, Anjou, Vouvraij, Witte Madon wijn, Entredeuxmerse, Fronignan het Oxhooft and "Roode Cahorse wijn die Puijk is".

ADDED 6 others similar: 4 letterpress/ manuscript price lists for other commodities, a Swedish receipt of the "Ost-Indiske Compagniets" (w. the remains of 3 wax stamps, dated 1745) and a Dutch receipt (1820).

€ (70-90) 1200
75/1991 Printed ephemera  Lot of ±35 printed ephemera relating to wine and other beverages 75/1991 Printed ephemera Lot of ±35 printed ephemera relating to wine and other beverages
75/1991 Printed ephemera  Lot of ±35 printed ephemera relating to wine and other beverages 75/1991 Printed ephemera Lot of ±35 printed ephemera relating to wine and other beverages
75/1991 [Printed ephemera]. Lot of ±35 printed ephemera relating to wine and other beverages, mainly French, ±1880-1920, various sizes, incl. wine-labels, menu-cards, price lists, sheetmusic, i.a. C. VOSS, Écume de perles. Grande Étude de Concert pour Piano (The Hague, ±1860, lithogr. score, orig. lithogr wr. showing a Champagne glass amidst vine leaves) and PETIT, (Still life with grapes, a wine glass and fruit) (lithograph, 41x24 cm., from Manuel de Peinture, Paris, A. Morel & Cie., ±1860. Small chip in left blank margin),
€ (70-90) 70
75/1992 Printed ephemera  Lot of ±50 ephemera mainly concerning wine 75/1992 Printed ephemera Lot of ±50 ephemera mainly concerning wine
75/1992 Printed ephemera  Lot of ±50 ephemera mainly concerning wine 75/1992 Printed ephemera Lot of ±50 ephemera mainly concerning wine
75/1992 Printed ephemera  Lot of ±50 ephemera mainly concerning wine 75/1992 Printed ephemera Lot of ±50 ephemera mainly concerning wine
75/1992 [Printed ephemera]. Lot of ±50 ephemera mainly concerning wine, mainly ±1900-1940, i.a. "Oorsponkelijke, origineele, unieke Feest-Potpourri" (Amst., ±1900, letterpress songs for a celebration party, 11 woodcut ills. in margins, printed on yellow paper. A few sm. (1x repaired) tears in margin); "Altdeutsche Weinkneipe Bad Zandvoort von Ernst Thomas-Weinhandlung" (fold. price-list w. prices for purchase in the "Kneipe" itself and for shipping to Zandvoort or Amsterdam, Cologne, ±1910, col. lithogr. frontwr.); "À votre bonne santé. Wijncatalogus voor het jaar 1954" (Haarlem, "Wed. G. Oud Pzn & Co. wijnkopers sinds 1877", 1954, col. offset plates and orig. wr. by J. VAN KEULEN); NATIONAAL STEUNFONDS, NSF Spijskaart. Maaltijd, aangeboden aan oud-illegale werkers(sters), Amsterdam en Randgemeenten van het Nationaal Steunfonds. 26 Januari 1946. Krasnapolski, Amsterdam (Amst., 1946, col. plates and orig. wr. by J. ROT); VEREENIGING VAN NEDERLANDSCHE WIJNHANDELAARS, (Calendar for 1938) (n.pl., 1938, 6 col. leaves w. illustrations by E. DOEVE. Lacks binding cord); COMPAGNIE PALESTINE, Vraagt de Palestina Wijnen der Compagnie Palestine Rotterdam (fold. price-list, Rott., ±1925, col. lithogr. frontwr.) and "Exposition collective des vins des propriétaires du Bourgeais et du Blayais" (woodcut window poster for the exhibition organized by the "Société Fermière de la Gironde" at Antwerp, 1894).
€ (80-100) 150
75/1993 Printed ephemera  Lot of ±55 printed ephemera 75/1993 Printed ephemera Lot of ±55 printed ephemera
75/1993 [Printed ephemera]. Lot of ±55 printed ephemera, in a modern ringbinder, relating to various kinds of beverages (incl. wine), food, medicinal essences and luxury goods, ±1810-1920, mainly French, i.a. three sm. handcol. engr. labels for "Extrait de Jasmin", "Extrait de Fleur d'Orange" and "Extrait de Rose"; 2 col. advert. cards for "Farine lactée Nestlé", a fold. advert. booklet for the same firm w. col. lithogr. ills. and wrappers titled "Comment faut-il nourrir Bébé?" (Lausanne, ±1890, textp. recto, verso w. chromolithogr. ills.); a series of 9 col. picture postcards titled "Les aphorismes de Brillat-Savarin" by JEAN PARIS (±1930); an anonymous circular pencil drawing of a beehive (Ø 11,5 cm.); a nice embossed coloured label for "Eau de Fleur d'Orange' (9,8x10,3 cm., Cannes, Renaud, ±1880); "Onguent pour la gale et crain-gras des Chevaux" (letterpress advertisement leaflet by Sébastien Vial "Marchand Droguitse à Châtillon-sur -Seine en Bourgogne", ±1800); "Essence Vestimentale" (a letterpress advertisement leaflet by "Dupleix, chymiste" for the cleansing of all sorts of stains on one's clothes, n.pl., ±1810); an anonymous tiny 19th cent. drawing in pen and ink of a man holding a huge spraying apparatus (or a syringe?) and an albumen print titled "Laitère Flamand (Contravention)" showing a milkmaid beside her dogcart talking with a soldier (12x18,5 cm., verso with letterpress address of "Aymond Aîné (...) Bruxelles").
€ (70-90) 90
75 1994 Prints and drawings  Allard A  ±1676 1725 75 1994 Prints and drawings Allard A ±1676 1725
75 1994 Prints and drawings  Allard A  ±1676 1725 75 1994 Prints and drawings Allard A ±1676 1725
75/1994 [Prints and drawings]. Allard, A. (±1676-1725). (Habillemens des païsans et païsannes de Hollande, de Frise, de Brabant et autres provinces. Dragten der boeren en boerinnen, in Holland, Vriesland, Braband en elders). Lot of 25 (of 30) etchings on 13 (of 16) lvs., all ±15,8x18,6 cm., numb. "2"-"9" and "2b"-"6b", all w. engr. captions in French and Dutch, all w. the address of A. Allard, Amst., publ. in Leyden, P. vander Aa, 1713.

- All prints w. vague vertical fold; occas. (sl.) dam. in blank margins; a few (restored) tears affecting image; some sl. foxing/ dustsoiling (mainly in blank margins).

= Atlas van Stolk 3029 (listing the series as titled "Paisans d'Hollande &c"); Colas 79. I.a. depicting "Oost-Indise Bootsgezel", "Ys tijd", "Wyn tijd" (SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXIII) and "De vreed zaame kopster". Rare series, showing the local dresses for men and women (and children) in the various provinces of the Netherlands, the captions extolling their livelihood, partly with puns on their trade. The "Visser van 't Eiland Marken" for instance has as caption: "Kost ons de vis geen geld Het onweer dikwils kneld", to which his wife reponds: "Die in mijn meertje vist Nog onweer treft nog mist". Two of the prints illustrate the seasons, i.a. the "Bloey tijd" and the "Wijn tijd".

€ (300-500) 800
75 1995 Prints and drawings  Anonymous late 16th cent  75 1995 Prints and drawings Anonymous late 16th cent
75 1995 Prints and drawings  Anonymous late 16th cent  75 1995 Prints and drawings Anonymous late 16th cent
75/1995 [Prints and drawings]. Anonymous (late 16th cent.). "Wer Baccho stets obliegen wil, Der taug nicht in fraw Venus spiel". Engraving, 9,7x12,9 cm., w. engr. 2-line Latin and 2-line German text and numb. "48" below image.

- Trifle foxed. = From an unidentified work.

Anonymous (1st half 18th cent.). ""Bacchus sur Cupidon eu toujours l'avantage/ Son regne est de toiut Aage/ Jeune et vieux a l'amour Souvent tourne le dos/ Pour chercher dans le vin la source du repos." Handcol. engraving, 17,4x10,9 cm., 4-line text and address "Paris, ruë St. Jaques au Coq" engr. below image.

€ (60-80) 60
75 1996 Prints and drawings  Anonymous 16th/ 17th cent  75 1996 Prints and drawings Anonymous 16th/ 17th cent
75/1996 [Prints and drawings]. Anonymous (16th/ 17th cent.). (Landscape with people harvesting grapes and bringing them to a grape treader). Gouache on vellum, 17x23 cm.

- With creases (incl. a vertical central fold) and rubbed spots; somewhat soiled.

€ (100-150) 110
75 1997 Prints and drawings  Anonymous 18th cent  75 1997 Prints and drawings Anonymous 18th cent
75/1997 [Prints and drawings]. Anonymous (18th cent.). (Bacchus seated on a cask with a glass in one hand and a flask in his other hand). Circular etching and aquatint printed in bistre, Ø 12,4 cm., w. engr. title in the plate below image.

= Attractive print.

€ (70-90) 90
75 1998 Prints and drawings  Anonymous 18th cent  75 1998 Prints and drawings Anonymous 18th cent
75/1998 [Prints and drawings]. Anonymous (18th cent.). (River scene showing the unloading of wine casks from a boat). Etching, 37,5x49 cm., framed.

- Yellowed. = Attractive, prob. French view. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXIV.

€ (100-150)
75 1999 Prints and drawings  Anonymous 18th cent  75 1999 Prints and drawings Anonymous 18th cent
75/1999 [Prints and drawings]. Anonymous (18th cent.). Spotprent op den (...) Doelist D. Raap, wegens zijn raad om de belasting op den wijn niet meer te verpachten, maar door de wijnkopers te laten betalen, onder eede dat er niets gesmokkeld was. Engraving (15,8x26 cm.) and 2 accomp. letterpress leaves (both15,7x9,3 cm.), tipped together onto 1 mount, from DICHTKUNDIG PRAALTOONEEL VAN NEERLANDS WONDEREN, Embden, 1753.

= F.M. 4045. Interesting print showing Bachus, seated on a wine barrel, observing justice being served to Daniel Raap and 3 other corrupt tax collectors.

€ (50-70)
75 2000 Prints and drawings  Anonymous 1st half 19th cent  75 2000 Prints and drawings Anonymous 1st half 19th cent
75/2000 [Prints and drawings]. Anonymous (1st half 19th cent.). (The drunken Bacchus escorted by two satyrs). Drawing, design for a grisaille, black crayon touched w. some orange crayon, ±50x38 cm., under passepartout.
€ (150-250) 150
75 2001 Prints and drawings  Anonymous 1st half 19th cent  75 2001 Prints and drawings Anonymous 1st half 19th cent
75 2001 Prints and drawings  Anonymous 1st half 19th cent  75 2001 Prints and drawings Anonymous 1st half 19th cent
75/2001 [Prints and drawings]. Anonymous (1st half 19th cent.). (The Soup Kitchen) and (The Restaurant). Two lithographs printed on one (folded) leaf, each ±16x23,3 cm., publ. Düsseldorf, Arnz & Co., numb. "No.233" in lower left corner.

= Contrasting affluence and poverty.

(Laan, A. van der (1684- after 1755)). "Het Haringh Banket. The Herring Banket or Feast". Engraving, 16,1x19,1 cm., w. engr. caption and numb. "13" below image. - AND 8 others, i.a. an anonymous etching of "Septembre" (7,8x11,2 cm., titled in upper margin, broad margins); DE VILLAIN, "Le Petit Gourmand" (lithogr. by WEBER after DAULOU, 17,9x13,2 cm., titled below the lithogr., on chine appliqué) and a mediocre copy of G.B. PROBST, "le Goût" (handcol. engr. optical view, Augsb., ±1770. Browned, frayed and several closed tears).,

€ (70-90) 160
75 2002 Prints and drawings  Anonymous 19th cent  75 2002 Prints and drawings Anonymous 19th cent
75/2002 [Prints and drawings]. Anonymous (19th cent.). (Wine harvest). Drawing, gouache ON VELLUM, 8,9x12,6 cm., under passepartout.

- Mounted on thick paper (numbered "13" on verso); sm. waterstain in centre of image.


€ (300-500)
75 2003 Prints and drawings  Baillie W  1723 1810 75 2003 Prints and drawings Baillie W 1723 1810
75/2003 [Prints and drawings]. Baillie, W. (1723-1810). "Quo me, Bacche, rapis tui Plenum?" (Where are you taking me, Bacchus, now Im full of you?). Etching after A. MILANI, 16,x19,4 cm., w. engr. caption below image, printed on thick paper.

= The caption is a verse from Horace, Odes III, 25.

€ (50-70)