Page 18 of 34 Results 341 - 360 of 661
76 451 Lissitzky El and Arp H 76 451 Lissitzky El and Arp H
76 451 Lissitzky El and Arp H 76 451 Lissitzky El and Arp H
76/ 451 Lissitzky, El and Arp, H. Die Kunstismen. Erlenbach-Zürich etc., Eugen Rentsch, 1925, XI,(1)p. and 48p. w. ills., typography and printed paper over boards by EL LISSITZKY, orig. boards, 4to.

- Endpapers sl. foxed/ browned. Frontcover yellowed; backcover sl. rubbed; board edges and backstrip some sl. worn spots. Still a fine copy.

= Lissitzky-Küppers p.382; Motherwell, Arp on Arp 167; Bolliger I,16; Andel p.165. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXV.

€ (800-1.000) 1300
76/452 Lissitzky El  Vesch Objet Gegenstand Revue internationale de l'art moderne Year 1 no 1/2 Ed El Lissitzky and E Ehrenburg 76/452 Lissitzky El Vesch Objet Gegenstand Revue internationale de l'art moderne Year 1 no 1/2 Ed El Lissitzky and E Ehrenburg
76/ 452 [Lissitzky, El]. Vesch. Objet. Gegenstand. Revue internationale de l'art moderne. Year 1, no. 1/2. Ed. El Lissitzky and E. Ehrenburg. Berlin, Scythen, 1922, 32p., ills., orig. wr. by EL LISSITZKY, 4to.

- Bookblock loose; final leaf w. sl. pink offsetting from backwr.; upper corner first leaf and frontwr. sl. chipped. Wr. trifle stained.

= Rowell/ Wye 410 and p.196; Compton, Russian Avant-Garde Books 1917-34, p52 and passim; Lissitzky-Küppers p.24: "At the beginning of 1922, Lissitzky collaborated with Ehrenburg in producing the first pro-Soviet periodical, Veshch ('Objet'), published by the Skythen-Verlag. Here Lissitzky could make his new typographical ideas become concrete facts - thanks to highly-developed printing techniques. (...) The pages of the journal were architectonically arranged, and all the resources of the type-case were employed to catch the reader's eye and to give emphasis to the contents. The striking effect made by the typographic composition of the cover (a floating Proun in red) is created by the colossal tension in which the letters are held counterpoised on the coloured background. Few cover designs produced since then bear comparison with these first fruits of Lissitzky's typographical genius." Bolliger III, 242: "Zeitschrift der russischen und europäischen avantgarde, die sich zur Aufgabe setzte: "Die in Russland Schaffenden mit der neuesten westeuropäischen Kunst bekanntzumachen und 2. Westeuropa über die russische Kunst und Literatur zu informieren"." Only 2 issues were published (no.1/2 and 3), although a fourth and a fifth were announced.

€ (3.500-4.500) 3500
76/453 Lissitzky El  Wendingen Year 4 no 11 H P Berlage on Frank Lloyd Wright 76/453 Lissitzky El Wendingen Year 4 no 11 H P Berlage on Frank Lloyd Wright
76/ 453 [Lissitzky, El]. Wendingen. Year 4, no.11 (H.P. Berlage on Frank Lloyd Wright). Amst., De Hooge Brug, (1922), 38p., ills., orig. lithogr. wrappers by EL LISSITZKY, bound as a blockbook, large 4to.

- Mediocre copy: yellowed; vertical middle fold thoughout. Lacks binding cord; wrappers soiled and worn; frontwr. sm. tear and backwr. sl. dam. on middle fold at top; backstrip dam./ broken. Sold w.a.f.

= Le Coultre 4 - 11d; Lissitzky-Küppers 70; Purvis 3-6.

€ (400-600) 400
76 454 Long R  Fulton H 76 454 Long R Fulton H
76/ 454 [Long, R.]. Fulton, H. Richard Long. Walking in Circles. London, Thames and Hudson, 1991, 263,(1)p., ills., orig. stiff wr., obl. 4to. Spens, M. Modern Landscape. London/ New York, 2003, 239,(1)p., richly illustrated, orig. boards w. dustwr., 4to. - AND 7 others on landscape architecture/ photography and art, i.a. A. GOLDSWORTHY, Andy Goldsworthy (Warnsveld, 1997, richly illustrated, orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to) F. BUSONERO, The Land that Remains (Ostfildern, 2016, richly illustrated, orig. boards w. dustwr., 4to) and S. DIETZ a.o., Between home and heaven (Washington, 1992, richly illustrated, orig. cl. w. dustwr., obl. 4to).
€ (100-150)
76/455 Lot of 30 program booklets for opera theatre etc 76/455 Lot of 30 program booklets for opera theatre etc
76/ 455 Lot of 30 program booklets for opera, theatre etc. 1954-1969, mainly concerning the Holland Festival and Rotterdams Toneel, all orig. wr., 8vo/ 4to.

- Occas. sl. dustsoiled, but generally fine.

= With typical sixties wrapper designs and plates/ ills. by i.a. Dick Elffers, Willem Sandberg and Nicolaas Wijnberg.

€ (50-70) 70
76 456 Lucebert 76 456 Lucebert
76/ 456 Lucebert. Geh durch den Spiegel. Pref. L. Kunz. Cologne, Galerie Der Spiegel, 1960, (36)p., 12 (6x tipped-in) plates and orig. boards by LUCEBERT, printed in 250 copies, folio (fine). Idem. Tekeningen en gouaches. Amst., Stedelijk Museum cat. 207, 1959, (20)p., 3 lithographs (1 double-p.) and ills. by LUCEBERT, printed in 1828 copies (1800), loose as issued in orig. wr., 4to.

= Slagter 64.

€ (100-150) 130
76 457 Lucebert 76 457 Lucebert
76/ 457 Lucebert. Geh durch den Spiegel. Pref. L. Kunz. Cologne, Galerie Der Spiegel, 1960, (36)p., 13 (6x tipped-in) plates and orig. boards by LUCEBERT, printed in 250 copies, folio.

- Backcover and backstrip faded. = Geh durch den Spiegel. Folge 21, 1960.

€ (60-80) 60
76 458 Lucebert  Lucebert 76 458 Lucebert Lucebert
76 458 Lucebert  Lucebert 76 458 Lucebert Lucebert
76/ 458 [Lucebert]. Lucebert. Tekeningen en gouaches. Amst., Stedelijk Museum cat. 207, 1959, (20)p., 3 lithographs (1 double-p.) and ills. by LUCEBERT, printed in 1828 copies (1800), loose as issued in orig. wr., 4to (sl. yellowed; Slagter 64). Jensen, J.C. Der junge Lucebert. Gemälde, Gouachen, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen, Radierungen 1947 bis 1965. Kiel, Kunsthalle zu Kiel, 1989, 134p., (col.) ills., orig. boards, 4to. Petersen, A. (ed.). Lucebert in het Stedelijk. Catalogus van alle schilderijen, tekeningen, gouaches, aquarellen en prenten in de verzameling. Amst., Sted. Mus., 1987, 157,(2)p., num. (col.) ills., orig. wr., 4to. Lucebert. Voor vrienden dieren en gedichten. (Amst.), F. van Lanschot, 1979, 98,(1)p., ills. by LUCEBERT, printed in 1150 numb. copies (800), orig. wr., 4to.

= "In deze uitgave zijn alle gedichten verzameld die Lucebert schreef voor en over andere kunstenaars gerangschikt op datum van uitgave. Daarbij is een serie tekeningen uitgezocht, eveneens op datum gerangschikt, op het thema dieren" (colophon).

AND 12 others by/ on the same, mainly smaller publications.

€ (100-150) 140
76 459 Lüpertz M  Gohr S 76 459 Lüpertz M Gohr S
76/ 459 [Lüpertz, M.]. Gohr, S. Markus Lüpertz. Zeichnungen aus den Jahren 1964-1982. Bern/ Berlin, Gachnang & Springer, 1986, XXIII,(6)p., 103 (col.) plates, orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to. Lüpertz, M. Narziss und Echo. Texte Reden Gedichte 1961-2004. Münster, Kleinheinrich, 2007, 632,(1)p., orig. cl.

- With the owner's entry of R. Fuchs on first free endpaper. = SIGNED on first page.

AND 3 others by/ on the same, i.a. MARKUS LÜPERTZ. IN 'T GOD'LIJK LICHT (The Hague, 2011, ills., orig. boards, 4to).

€ (70-90) 90
76 460 MA Aktivista Müvészeti És Társadalmi Folyóirat Year 4 no 8 Ed L Kassák and B Uitz 76 460 MA Aktivista Müvészeti És Társadalmi Folyóirat Year 4 no 8 Ed L Kassák and B Uitz
76/ 460 MA. Aktivista Müvészeti És Társadalmi Folyóirat. Year 4, no. 8. Ed. L. Kassák and B. Uitz. Budapest, MA, 1919, p.(181)-216 (incl. wr.), linocut ill. by JANOS MATTIS TEUTSCH, 2 plates showing works by P. PICASSO and A. DERAIN, sm. folio.

- Yelllowed/ sl. soiled and creased; upper corner frontwr. repaired w. tape.

= Schwarz 82; cf. Bolliger III, 181 ("Die bedeutendste ungarische avantgardistische Zeitschrift. Organ des Konstruktivismus mit starken literarischen und künstlerischen Beziehungen zu den Dadaisten"). Wechsel Wirkungen, Ungarische Avantgarde in der Weimarer Republik p.68ff: "A Tett" ["Die Tat", first published in 1915, editor Lajos Kassák] wurde im Jahre 1916 wegens kriegsfeindlicher Haltung verboten, und Kassák gründete daraufhin zusammen mit Ivan Hevesy, János Mácza und Béla Uitz die Zeitschrift "MA" (Heute). (...). Nach dem Sturz der Räterepublik emigrierten viele Künstler ins Ausland, nach Wien, Berlin und ans Bauhaus (...)".

€ (100-150) 1100
76/461 MA Aktivista Folyóirat Year 8 no 2 Ed L Kassák 76/461 MA Aktivista Folyóirat Year 8 no 2 Ed L Kassák
76/461 MA Aktivista Folyóirat Year 8 no 2 Ed L Kassák 76/461 MA Aktivista Folyóirat Year 8 no 2 Ed L Kassák
76/ 461 MA. Aktivista Folyóirat. Year 8, no.2. Ed. L. Kassák. Vienna, MA, 1922, p.(17)-32 (incl. wr.), 3 ills. (showing works by Picasso, Léger and Gleizes), orig. wr. printed in black and red by LAJOS KASSÁK, sm. folio.

- Sl. yellowed, mainly along margins; some sm. marginal tears. Split split (partly repaired).

= Schwarz 82; cf. Bolliger III, 181 ("Die bedeutendste ungarische avantgardistische Zeitschrift. Organ des Konstruktivismus mit starken literarischen und künstlerischen Beziehungen zu den Dadaisten"). Wechsel Wirkungen. Ungarische Avantgarde in der Weimarer Republik p.68ff: "A Tett" ["Die Tat", first published in 1915, editor Lajos Kassák] wurde im Jahre 1916 wegens kriegsfeindlicher Haltung verboten, und Kassák gründete daraufhin zusammen mit Ivan Hevesy, János Mácza und Béla Uitz die Zeitschrift "MA" (Heute). (...). Nach dem Sturz der Räterepublik emigrierten viele Künstler ins Ausland, nach Wien, Berlin und ans Bauhaus. Kassák trifft 1920 in Wien ein. Es kommt zur Wiederbegründung der Zeitschrift "MA" mit Ernö Kallai und László Moholy-Nagy, der von Berlin aus Redakteur der Zeitschrift wird. (...). Der nun sehr internationale Charakter der Zeitschrift rückt die Rolle der Bildenden Kunst mehr in den Vordergrund, während in Ungarn vorher die Literatur den ersten Platz eingenommen hatte. Thema der Kunst in der Emigration ist der Konstruktivismus. Zahlreiche Übersetzungen von Texten, die für den Konstruktivismus wesentlich waren, Veröffentlichungen umfangreichen Bildmaterials und das Vorstellen der eigenen Arbeiten und Aktivitäten prägen jetzt das Bild der "MA". Doch sollte es gerade die Diskussion über Rolle und Selbstverständnis des Konstruktivismus sein, die die ungarischen Künstler in Fraktionen dividierte. Waren es in Ungarn vor allem Fragen der Form oder der Mittel in der Kunst, vor dem Hintergrund einer vermeintlich gemeinsamen Zielrichtung, so wird nun behauptet, der jetzt gefundene gemeinsame Stil kaschiere eine Falsche Ideologie. (...)." This issued titled "Karácsony" (Christmas). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXV.

€ (400-500) 15000
76 462 Malone L and Adams D 76 462 Malone L and Adams D
76/ 462 Malone, L. and Adams, D. JFK. N.pl. (Marseille), LMX, 2002, 486 col. photogr. plates (incl. pastedowns), limp foam covers, in orig. board slipcase, large 8vo.

= "On August 5, 1997, Laurent Malone and Dennis Adams walked non-stop from downtown Manhattan, across the Williamsbridge to JFK Airport. They followed the staightest path possible toward their destination, crossing neighbourhoods, expressways and cemeteries. The walk took 11 1/2 hours. Adams and Malone shot photographs along their destination according to an agreement to produce an undetermined number of paired images: one 35 mm camera was shared with the understanding that either personcould take a photo of their own choice at any time during the walk. Who shot the photograph handed the camera to the other person, who then shot a second photo in exactly the opposite direction, with no attention to subject selection, framing, or adjustments in aperture and focus (...)" [descriptive text on backstrip, followed by the same text in French].

€ (80-100) 80
76 463 Manet E 76 463 Manet E
76/ 463 Manet, E. Letters with Aquarelles. New York, Pantheon Books, 1944, (4) textp., with 21 pochoir col. facsimiles (20,4x12,8 cm.) by Raymond and Raymond and tipped onto grey sheets, printed in 345 numb. copies, loose as issued in orig. (faded) blue portfolio, 8vo.
€ (100-150) 100
76 464 Manet E  Duret T 76 464 Manet E Duret T
76 464 Manet E  Duret T 76 464 Manet E Duret T
76 464 Manet E  Duret T 76 464 Manet E Duret T
76 464 Manet E  Duret T 76 464 Manet E Duret T
76/ 464 [Manet, E.]. Duret, T. Manet and the French Impressionists Pissarro, Claude Monet, Sisley, Renoir, Berthe Morisot, Cézanne, Guillaumin. London/ Philadelphia, Grant Richards/ J.B. Lippincott, 1912, 2nd ed., 256p., 4 orig. etchings by E. MANET, B. MORISOT and P.-A. RENOIR (2x), 4 woodengr. after E. MANET (2x), E. DEGAS and C. PISSARRO, num. plates, orig. giltlettered cl., t.e.g.

- Contents partly foxed (not affecting the plates); one plate loose. Frontcover vaguely stained.

= Contains the following etchings: E. MANET, Portrait of Berthe Morisot; B. MORISOT, Jeune Fille Etendue, and two etchings by P.-A. RENOIR, Baigneuse and Jeunes Filles (Delteil 6 and 23). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXV.

€ (600-800) 600
76 465 Mankes J  Plasschaert A and Havelaar J 76 465 Mankes J Plasschaert A and Havelaar J
76/ 465 [Mankes, J.]. Plasschaert, A. and Havelaar, J. Jan Mankes. Introd. A. Mankes-Zernike. Wassenaar, J.A.A.M. van Es, 1927, (4),60 textp., frontisp., 1 original woodcut on chine-collé and 30 tipped-in plates by J. MANKES, orig. cl. w. mounted ill. on frontcover, 4to.

- Endpapers foxed. Cloth partly sl. soiled.

= For the woodcut, Vrouw zittend naar rechts, een koe melkend: De Groot P19. With loosely inserted the original prospectus by the publisher: "Bij het verschijnen in 1923 van het eerste boek over Jan Mankes, bleek al spoedig dat het aantal vrienden van Mankes' kunst grooter was dan ik oorspronkelijk had durven denken (...)".

€ (150-250) 150
76 466 Manzoni P  Agnetti V 76 466 Manzoni P Agnetti V
76/ 466 [Manzoni, P.]. Agnetti, V. Piero Manzoni. Milan, Azimut, 1959, (8)p. (incl. orig. pict. wr.), Italian/ French/ English text by VICENZO AGNETTI.

- Page 2 w. stamp of the Nederlandse Informele Groep. Sl. surface dam. to lower edge of frontwr.

= Rare early catalogue of the artist's first exhibition of multiples at his own Azimut gallery.

€ (600-800) 600
76 467 Maries P 76 467 Maries P
76/ 467 Maries, P. Fornasetti: Designer of Dreams. With an essay by E. Sottsass. London, Thames and Hudson, 1991, 285,(3)p., num. (col.) ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., folio (fine). Becker, W. (ed.). Neue Galerie der Stadt Aachen. Der Bestand '72. Kunst um 1970 - Art around 1970. Aachen, Neue Galerie, 1972, 1st ed., no pagination, num. (full-p.) col. ills., orig. boards, backcover w. mounted col. plate and frontcover with riveted plastic 3D-collage after Duane Hanson w. metal knobs in corners, sm. 4to.

- Joints some sm. dam. (upper joint split at foot).

= Interesting work, illustrating the development in pop art 1970-1972 by listing 107 artists in alphabetical order.

AND 3 others, i.a. monographs on E. GRASSET and C.A. LION CACHET.

€ (60-80) 60
76 468 Marshall D 76 468 Marshall D
76/ 468 Marshall, D. Milk and Honey. Heerlen, the artist/ J.M.H. Deumens, n.d., title- and colophon leaf, 12 col. photogr. plates, printed in 150 numb. and signed copies, orig. wooden covers/ stand, large 4to.

= With printed instruction leaf for construction of the stand.

Ybañez, M. Interiores de interiores. N.pl., Sobre Papel, 2002, (70) lvs. (incl. free endpapers), photogr./ col. lithogr. ills., printed in 1000 copies, orig. col. dec. boards w. lithogr. dustwr. w. tie, narrow obl. folio. Idem. Los orígenes - Libro IV. N.pl., idem, 2002, 159,(1)p., (incl. free endpapers), col. lithogr. ills., printed in 1000 copies, orig. cl. w. dustwr., folio. - AND 11 other (small) artist's books etc., i.a. by Claudie de Cleen, Karin van Dam, Klaus Groh, Petra Herzog, Sue Min, Désirée Palmen, Ulay and Martina Wember.

€ (70-90)
76 469 Matisse H 76 469 Matisse H
76 469 Matisse H 76 469 Matisse H
76/ 469 Matisse, H. Cinquante dessins. (Paris), "Album édité par les Soins de l'artiste", 1920, 7,(1)p., 1 orig. etching SIGNED in full in pen and ink, 50 plates by H. MATISSE, printed in 1000 numb. copies, modern giltlettered artif. leatherbacked cl. w. orig. wr. pres., folio.

- Blank margins of orig. etching trifle yellowed; first blank, htitle and colophon sl. foxed. Orig. wr. sl. darkened in outer margins.


€ (1.500-2.000) 2100
76 470 Matisse H  Monod Fontaine I and Baldassari A 76 470 Matisse H Monod Fontaine I and Baldassari A
76/ 470 [Matisse, H.]. Monod-Fontaine, I. and Baldassari, A. Matisse. Oeuvres de Henri Matisse. Paris, Centre Pompidou, 1989, 421,(1)p., richly illustrated, orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to. Spurling, H. The unknown Matisse. A Life of Henri Matisse, 1869-1908. London, H. Hamilton, 1998, XXV,480p., orig. boards w. dustwr. - AND 3 others on Matisse, i.a. P. DEPARPE, Matisse. La couleur découpée (Paris, 2013, num. ills., orig. limp boards, 4to).
€ (50-70) 50