- Verso frontcover owner's entry in ballpoint and w. sm. ticket. Closed tear in frontcover; spine-ends closed w. tape.
= Sinica Leidensia, Institutum Sinologicum Lugduno-Batavum Vol. X. Originally composed in 1211 by the lawyer Kuei Wan-Joeng. Kuei lists 144 different cases of which a great deal inspired Van Gulik while searching plots and side-plots in his Judge Dee crime novels. "Toen ik naar 'plots' zocht voor mijn eerste drie Rechter Tie-romans, had ik oude Chinese misdaadliteratuur geconsulteerd. Daardoor had ik een 13de eeuws handboek van jurisprudentie en misdaaddetectie gevonden, de T'ang-yin-pi-shih [Vergelijkbare Gevallen onder de Pereboom]. Aangezien mijn bibliotheek was opgeslagen, kon ik mij niet aan ingewikkeld sinologisch onderzoek wijden; en omdat dit handboek kon worden behandeld zonder andere bronnen te raadplegen, koos ik het als onderwerp van studie." (Barkman/ De Vries-van der Hoeven p.215). Very rare, especially in the hardbound edition.
- Sl. foxed and vague offsetting from preceding plate, otherwise a fine copy.
= Western Travellers in China 110. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLI.
- One plate loose. Wr. sl. frayed, sl. fingersoiled and w. some annots./ tickets/ stamps.
ADDED: Japonskaya armia na bol'shikh manevrakh v 1907-1910 gg. (The Japanese Army in great manoeuvers in 1907-1910). Ed. Nikolaev. St. Petersburg, Voennaya Tipografia, 1911, 81p., ills., orig. hcl.
- First free endpaper loose. Ticket on frontcover.
- Without the 5 text vols. Sm. scratch on frontcover. = Cf. Cox I, p.345 (French ed. 1798). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLII.
- Occas. sl. yellowed/ foxed; text lvs. in 3rd part (sl.) browned; backstrips rubbed and worn (vol. 2 chipped).
= Lust 363; Cordier I, p.80-81. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLII.
- The map sl. foxed; all vols. w. bookplate (of the Bishop of Sydney) on upper pastedown. Bindings sl. rubbed.
Arnold, T. History of Rome./ History of the later Roman Commonwealth, from the end of the Second Punic War to the Death of Julius Caesar (...). London, B. Fellowes etc., 1831-1845, 5 vols., contemp. unif. gilt hmor.
- All vols. w. library/ cancellation stamps on title-p.; occas. trifle foxed. Bindings sl. worn along extremities.
- Vol.2 spine and corners sl. rubbed, otherwise fine.
- Lacks 3 plates; occas. w. sm. tear in blank border (1x touching image). Plates otherwise fine. The contents of the porfolio foxed/ yellowed. and loose.
= Abbey, Travel 237. Impressive series of prints of the Crimean war by one of the earliest embedded war artists William Simpson (1823-1899). A second series of 40 plates was published a year later. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE.
- A few quires w. waterstain in inner lower corner, not affecting text; bookplate ("F.H. Wouwerling") on upper pastedown. Spine-ends and outer corners binding worn.
= On the binding: Spoelder 6.
= Early edition, without Réponse aux objets des remontrances du Parlement de Bordeaux at the end, which was included from the second issue onwards. Barbier I, 214a. This edition in Kress Supplement S.2249 (but w. sl. different pagination); cf. Goldsmiths 9873-9874; cf. Einaudi 1431 and Higgs 3017-3018). Very rare. "(...) né pauvre, avait d'abord rempli des fonctions subalternes dans les gabelles; mais, n'ayant point obtenu l'avancement que méritaient ses services et ses talents, il quitta son emploi, et se fit recevoir, en 1761, avocat au parlement de Paris. Mettant à profit les connaissances qu'il avait de la maltôte, il défendit devant la cour des aides, et souvent avec succès, les malheureux fraudeurs poursuivis à la requête des fermiers généraux; mais il ne s'en tint pas là. Darigrand signale tous les abus résultant du système des fermes dans un petit écrit intitulé: l'Antifinancier (...); cette brochure (...) fit beaucoup de bruit à sa publication, et l'auteur fut mis à la Bastille. Il en sortit plus animé contre ses irréconciliables ennemis, et ne cessa de les poursuivre jusqu'a sa mort, arrivée au mois d'octobre 1771" (Biogr. Univ. VI, 43).
- Sl. rubbed.
Idem. A revision of the treaty. Being a sequel to The economic consequences of the peace. Ibid., idem, 1922, 1st ed., VII,223,(1),6 (publisher's adv.)p., bound unif. w. the preceding.
- Bookplate and library stamp on upper pastedown.
- Occas. trifle foxed. Bookplate on upper pastedown. Good/ fine copy.
- Bookplate of P.P.C. Lammens on upper pastedown; waterstained in upper pastedown.
= Goldsmiths 4402.
- First free endpaper cut out. Covers sl. duststained.
- Untrimmed copy. Htitle and title reattached; new endpapers. Binding worn.
= Interesting dialogues on politics in Europe and recommendations for financial reforms in France, with references to the colonial history of the West-Indies, Canada, the Hudson Bay etc. Kress 7241. Very rare.
- Two stamps on title; occas. sl. foxed. Sl. rubbed/ worn
= "Say's best-known work, his Traité d'économique politique (...) was intended as a shorter and more systematic presentation of economics than Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations. The success of this book made Say the best-known expositor of Smith in Europe and America, and he became in 1815 France's first professor of political economy. (...) The Traité d'économie politique also went beyond Smith in developing what Say called 'one of the most important truths of political economy' - that supply creates its own demand, the doctrine ultimately named Say's Law (...)". (Palgrave IV, p.249).
Keynes, J.M. The economic consequences of the peace. New York, Harcourt, Brace and Howe, 1920, 1st American ed., 8,298p., orig. giltlettered cl.
- First free endpaper browned. Lacks dustwrapper. = PMM 423.
- Partly water-/ dampstained; first 2 quires rebound too tightly. Backstrip dam. and strengthened w. leather strip.
= De Vattel was strongly influenced by Hugo Grotius and his ideas were important for i.a. Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and Benjamin Franklin in the early years of the newly established United States of America.
- Stamp on htitle and p.1; maps torn on folds (repaired w. sellotape on verso, shining through); sl. foxed; wrs. sl. soiled.
= PMM 339; Norman, 1336. "In 1832, while quarantined on his voyage to Alexandria to take up the post of vice-consul, de Lesseps passed the time by reading a copy of Lepère's report to Napoleon on the practicability of a canal connecting the Mediterranean with the Red Sea. Having befriended Mohammed Said, the viceroy's son and later himself viceroy, during his time in Egypt, on his resignation from the consular service in 1854 de Lesseps obtained the concession for the construction of a canal across the Isthmus of Suez. Undeterred by the practical and political objections he set about seeking capital to finance the project; "In this treatise of nearly three hundred pages, with maps... he set out the whole case for the canal and his proposed method of building it. He secured the support of Napoleon III and raised a capital of two hundred million francs. Construction was begun in 1859 and completed ten years later" (PMM).
- Mint. = Facs. reprint of the ed. publ. between 1846 and 1849.
- Some foxing as usual; numb. in pen and ink on title.