1099 - 1188 WORLD WAR II (including PHOTOGRAPHS, POSTERS etc.)
= I.a. concerning the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (partly w. printed letterhead), incl. an order form for the "Kalender der Deutschen Arbeit" w. photomontage design and several issues of "Beschouwingen over vraagstukken van den dag" (Uitgave van de N.V. Nederlandsche Correspondentie Dienst).
- Owner's entry on title-p. = Hinrichsen D255b.
Idem. Das Generalgouvernement. Ibid., idem, 1943, 1st ed., LXIV,264p., 3 (fold.) col. woodengr. maps, 6 (fold.) (col.) plans, orig. gilt. cl., sm. 8vo.
- Sm. tear in general map; sl. yellowed. Binding w. some sm. worn/ dam. spots.
= First edition with the general map dated "IV.43". Hinrichsen D258a.
AND the 2nd ed. of Baedekers Autoführer. Deutsches Reich (Großdeutschland) (1939).
- Two filing holes; creased and sl. foxed; one leaf w. pieces of sellotape.
= First hand account of the German breakthrough operation during the siege of Velikiye Luki, sometimes referred to as "Little Stalingrad of the North". See at large R. FORCZYK, Velikiye Luki 1942-43. The Doomed Fortress (Oxf., 2020. Behneman's escape on p.85).
AND ±20 other (small) (typescript) documents, i.a. from the German Red Cross.
- Fine. = Rare Dutch recruitment brochure for the Waffen SS. Very nice design.
Wat is en wil de Nederlandsche Arbeidsdienst. N.pl., n.publ., 1943, 16p., ills., orig. wr.
- Wr. loose(ning); tear in frontwr.
AND 3 other recruitment brochures: UW PLAATS IS IN DEN NEDERLANDSCHEN ARBEIDSDIENST (2 diff. brochures) and FLINKE KERELS VOOR...!
- Dustwr. dam. at lower corner frontcover. Otherwise fine.
- Folded; sl. creased. = Rare electoral pamphlet for the 10 April 1932 elections.
= I.a. small leaflets protesting against prosecution of Jews, small documents concerning the firm Lippmann, Rosenthal & Co. (also known as the "nazibank", used to confiscate Jewish property), anti-semite booklets and periodicals (i.a. De Doodsklok. Volksblad bij de opruiming van het jodendom), 3 issues of Der nationaldeutsche Jude (1929-1933) and 2 yellow Stars of David.
= I.a. 2 proclamations (addressed to the German people and to the Wehrmacht) by commander Dönitz announcing the death of the Führer and leaflets spread by the Red Army announcing the full encirclement of Berlin, calling on civilians to cease resistance.
= Interesting collection containing many rare items, i.a. several Russian-language leaflets spread by the Germans among Soviet troops, inciting to desert and surrender (and a similar American leaflet aimed at Vlasov's pro-German army), leaflets from the Soviet "Informburo" (i.a. announcing the liberation of Pskov), German-Russian military dictionaries etc.
= Issued by i.a. the NSDAP, SPD, KPD, Deutsche Volkspartei and Deutsche Staatspartei. Incl. some rare items.
WITH: a small electoral poster "Stemt Baars lijst 18. Voor: Godsdients, Gezin, Gezag. Tegen: Communisme" (1933). - AND a fold. brochure "Der neue Reichstag. Wie wird gewählt?" containing diagrams of Reichstag elections from 1919-1930.
- Partly sl. frayed; 1 leaflet restored w. sellotape.
= Anti-nazi organizations formed by German officers in Soviet captivity. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLIII.
- Various defects; several British and American leaflets which were spread by use of bombs rather crumpled.
= The larger part spread by the allied forces, aimed at Germans (soldiers as well as civilians) in order to convince them that the war is lost and persuade them to surrender. Interesting collection containing many extremely rare items. I.a. "Front Nachrichten" (Russian), "Luftpost" (British), "Illustrierte Blatt" (Russian) and "Feldpost" (American). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLV.
- Lower joint splitting (strengthened w. tape at top of spine); frontcover sl. spotted; corners showing.
= With AUTOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION "Herrn Walter Jahn[?] frdl. zugeeignet Dr. Goebbels" on first free endpaper. Rare early national socialist publication, containing vicious anti-semite caricatures. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLVI.
- Stamp on title-p. Spine splitting.
= Kampfschrift. Broschurenreihe der Reichspropaganda-Leitung der NSDAP. Heft 8.
Ein Kampf um Deutschland. Berlin, Gesammtverband deutscher antikommunistischer Vereinigungen, 1933, 31,(1)p., ills., orig. col. photomontage wr.
- Spine splitting.
AND 12 others, i.a. KAMPF UM BERLIN (Berlin, 1938, ills., orig. wr.); NÜRNBERG 1933 (ibid., (1933), ills. (incl. 1 double-p. photomontage), orig. wr., sm. 4to); W. SEIPEL, Landvolkpartei oder Hitler-Bewegung? (Munich, 1932, orig. wr. Kampfschrift Heft 3); GROßE ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE AUSSTELLUNG 1937 (Berlin, 1937, ills., orig. wr.) and O. DIETRICH, Weltpresse ohne Maske (Dortmund, 1937, plates, orig. wr.).
= "Zwart-rood, waai uit nu!"/ "Margariet" (Uitgevoerd door het W.A. koor Amsterdam met orkest. Leiding: Piet Heins).
AND 5 others, i.a. FASCISME EN BEZETTING. Authentieke opnamen uit de jaren 1935/1945 (3 LP boxed set, illustrated booklet, 1978); JOSEPH GOEBBELS. Das dritte Reich und seine Propaganda (1964) and ADOLF HITLER. Eine Selbstdarstellung der Jahre 1933-1945 aus dem Munde Adolf Hitlers (2 LP set, 1974).
- A few bindings sl. spotted/ stained. = The most exhaustive documentation of the subject.
- Upper hinge sl. weak. Spine sunned.
= "Hoewel voor de opvattingen van Keuchenius voldoende belangstelling bestond om de eerste druk van 3.000 exemplaren te verkopen, bleef hij binnen NSB-kringen omstreden (...). Keuchenius was voor de meesten te antisemitisch en te pro-Duits (...). Toch verkocht De Keurkamer ook een tweede druk van 7.000 exemplaren en rolde in 1944 nog een derde druk van de persen." (G. Groeneveld, Zwaard van de geest. Het bruine boek in Nederland 1921-1945, p.165-166).
Killinger, M. von. Ernstes und Heiteres aus dem Putschleben. Munich, Zentralverlag der NSDAP, 1934, 127p., ills. by A.P. WEBER, orig. cl. w. (worn/ sl. dam.) dustwr. Braunbuch über Reichstagsbrand und Hitler-Terror. Basel, Universum-Bucherei, 1933, 3rd ed., 382,(2)p., orig. cl.
= German translation of one the earliest anti-nazi publications, published in the same year that Hitler came to power.
AND 15 miscell. others, incl. small publications, i.a. H.R. KNICKERBOCKER, Deutschland so oder so? (Berlin, 1932, 1st German ed., orig. limp boards w. dustwr. Waterstained) and G. GROENEVELD, Zwaard van de geest. Het bruine boek in Nederland 1921-1945 (Nijm., 2009, 2nd ed., (col.) ills., orig. wr.).