1099 - 1188 WORLD WAR II (including PHOTOGRAPHS, POSTERS etc.)
- Year 2, no.3 frontwr. sl. dam./ stained and w. stamp.
= The official monthly magazine for the Nationale Jeugdstorm, the Dutch equivalent of the Hitlerjugend. Rare.
- All folded; occas. sl. brittle.
= Weekly periodical of which a total of 51 issues were published (incl. 2 "Propagandanummers"). De Nederlandsche Unie was founded as a 'light' fascist party by Louis Einthoven, Jan de Quay (who later became prime minister of the Netherlands) and Johannes Linthorst Homan. It was banned by the Germans in 1941.
- Partly sl. defective.
AND 1 other: INDIË-HOU ZEE. Nationaal-Socialistisch weekblad voor Nederlandsch-Indië. Year 4, no.19 (1938).
- All folded; partly w. various defects (dam., brittle etc.). Sold w.a.f.
= Year 1926 seemingly complete. The official newspaper of the NSDAP. Incl. a special broadside issue dated 13 August 1930, concerning a temporary ban of the newspaper.
= Rare early national socialist newspaper. Its editor-in-chief was Wilhelm Weiß, one of the first nazi party members.
- Sl. worn; no.16 dam.
= No. 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 15 and 16. Most probably published in the U.K. and "Verspreid door de R.A.F." (frontwr.).
AND 8 other sm. publications, i.a. GEK EN WIJS TIJDENS SEYSS (The Hague, (1945), col. ills, orig. wr., 12mo); HOERA! HET "TWEEDE FRONT" HOERA! (n.pl., n.d. (±1944), col. ills., orig. wr., obl. 12mo) and 3 duplicate issues of DE WERVELWIND.
- All folded; partly loose(ning) and w. minor defects.
= Year 1, no.25 and 40; year 2, no.9 and 15; year 4, no.7, 37 and 52; year 6, no.1-8, 11, 13, 14, 16-21, 24, 26, 28, 38, 40, 41, 43 and 45-50.
= Contains issues of i.a. Vrij Nederland, De Koerier, Je Maintiendrai, De Waarheid, Oranje Bode, Het Parool and De Nieuwe Amsterdammer.
- All but a few folded; partly w. usual defects.
= All fascist/ national socialist publications, i.a. issues of De Misthoorn; Hier Dinaso!; De Stormvlag; De Zwarte Soldaat; Front en Heem; Volksche Wacht; De Stormklok and De Wolfsangel.
- Partly worn/ dam.; paper occas. brittle.
= I.a. issues of "Britanskij Soyuznik" (British Ally); "Krakivski Visti. Krakauer Nachrichten" (in Ukrainian); "Maa Sōna" (Estonian); "Nowoje Slowo - Neues Wort" (Russian newspaper publ. in Berlin); "Zarya" (idem); "Leslauer Bote" (Polish); "Trinitas" (Lithuanian); "Pravda" and "Leningrad" (illustrated periodical published in Leningrad during the bloccade).
- Several vols. in (sl.) mediocre condition (wr. loose/ dam. etc.).
= I.a. issues of Signaal (Dutch edition), Der Schulungsbrief, Der Adler, Volk und Rasse, Berliner illustrierte Zeitung, Die Wehrmacht, Wiener Illustrierte and Die Kunst im deutschen Reich.
- Various (usual) defects.
= Contains issues of i.a. Berliner Börsen-Zeitung (large run), Donau-Bodensee-Zeitung, Westfälische Landeszeitung, Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, Hamburger Fremdenblatt, Der Mittag, Leipziger neueste Nachrichten, Schlesischer Zeitung, Hamburger Tageblatt, Wacht im Osten, Wacht im Norden, Adler im Süden, Luxemburger Wort, Kölnischer Kurier, Narwa Front and Deutsche Ukraine-Zeitung.
- Various (usual) defects.
= Contains issues of i.a. Front und Heimat, Frankfurter Volksblatt, Pforzheimer Morgenblatt, Der Danziger Vorposten, Die Zeit, Krakauer Zeitung, Warschauer Zeitung, Fridericus, Das Reich, Lübecker Zeitung, Neue Westfälische Zeitung, Deutsche Zeitung im Ostland, Der Stahlhelm, Der Führer, Der Durchbruch, Wilnaer Zeitung, Donauzeitung and Deutsche Adria-Zeitung (incl. coverage on Van Stauffenberg's failed assassination attempt on Hitler).
- Various (usual) defects.
= Contains issues of i.a. De Landstand in Friesland, Algemeen Handelsblad, Volksblad voor Gelderland, Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant, De Telegraaf, Het Volk, Il Regime Fascista, Daily Herald, The Canadian Press News and La Nation Espagnole.
- Incl. a few duplicates. = Hitler's final hiding place was excavated in 1988.
- Traces of clipping on verso frontcover.
= Private album of a German soldier from the Eastern front. Contains images of i.a. Siedlce (Poland) and Sofia (Bulgaria), incl. military parades (1x w. members of a Japanese delegation), scenes of war and destruction and some gruesome pictures of hanged partisans (1x with a warning sign stating in Russian: "Thus ends up the partisan and those who help him").
= Incl. many images from the Eastern front, i.a. Stalingrad, abandoned German positions near Leningrad, Soviet prisoners of war, captured partisans, a burning house in Kiev and Dutch SS volunteers leaving for the front. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XLVII.
- All sl. warped.
= Snapshots by a German soldier at the Eastern front 1941-1942, i.a. Minsk, Vitebsk, Polotsk and the surroundings of Smolensk. Partly dated and w. short commentary on verso. Incl. a few images of captured Soviet soldiers.
- A few holes and dam. spots (close w. tape on verso); some marginal tears. = De Roos 140.
- Folded; a few marginal tears (2x closed w. scotch tape on verso). = De Roos 1168.