Grieshaber, HAP (1909-1981).
Herbst der Wilhelmstraßenkrämer.
Reutlingen, G. Lütze, 1970, (4) textp., 4 large col. woodcuts (76,5x54 cm.), all w. blindst. monogram "HAP" in lower left corner, printed in 250 numb. and signed copies, loose as issued in orig. board portfolio, large folio.
- Textp. some foxing. = Fichtner/ Bartelke 79.
€ (300-400)
Grieshaber, HAP (1909-1981).
Die rauhe Alb.
Stuttg., Manus Presse, 1968, 12 (6 col.) woodcuts and 20 lithographs by HAP GRIESHABER, printed in 500 numb. and signed copies, orig. cl., obl. folio.
- Pastedowns sl. stained. Otherwise fine. = Fürst 68/96.
€ (100-150)
Grieshaber, HAP (1909-1981).
Skizzen zu Figura. Year 4, No.25.
Olten/ Achalm, Heinz Engel and the artist, 1970, (16)p. (incl. wr.), (col.) woodcut ills. by HAP GRIESHABER, folio.
= Fürst 70/44-56.
€ (50-70)
Grieshaber, HAP (1909-1981).
"Wo Bücher brennen, werden auch Menschen verbrannt".
Large col. woodcut, 68x99 cm., signed "Grieshaber" and "226/250" in pencil, titled in printed captions.
= Fürst 74/21.
€ (120-150)
Grosz, G. (1893-1953).
"Die Kommunisten fallen - und die Devisen steigen".
Photolithograph, 49x35,5 cm., signed "Grosz" in pencil, titled in letterpress below.
- Foxed; w. sellotape mainly (on recto) near right edge.
= From the portfolio "Gott mit uns. Politische Mappe", Berlin, Malik Verlag, 1930, Ausgabe B. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XV.
€ (300-500) 300
Gruyter, W.J. de (1899-1979).
"De drie boomen, geetst naar een schets van Just Havelaar."
Etching, 31,7x24,5 cm., signed and titled in pencil, monogrammed in the plate (blank margins w. foxing). - AND 6 other prints, i.a. by PH. ZILCKEN, S. MOULIJN, "Het land van Hoboken", P. VAN WIJNGAERT and J.F. HOGERWAARD.
€ (100-150) 110
Gubbels, K. (b.1934).
(A bottle and a coffee pot).
Drawing, gouache, watercolour and pencil, 30x35 cm., signed and '98 in pencil, framed.
- Three tiny black spots in the bottle. = SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XV.
€ (600-800) 600
Gubbels, K. (b.1934).
(A coffee pot on a table).
Col. lithograph, printed in black, pink and light brown, 57x37 cm., signed, "'79" and "37/90" in pencil.
- Fold (22 cm.) in lower left corner.
€ (80-100) 100
Gubbels, K. (b.1934).
Painting, acrylic and gouache, 18x24 cm., signed and '91, framed.
€ (500-700) 750
Gubbels, K. (b.1934).
(Two chairs and a table).
Col. lithograph, 50x70 cm., signed, "'04" and "2/40" in pencil, framed.
€ (300-500)
Gudmundsson, S. (b.1942).
Etching, 60x85 cm., signed "Gudmundsson 87", titled and "e.a. I/V" in pencil, framed.
€ (100-150) 100
Habl, W. (1888-1964).
(Farmers working on the land).
Etching, 19,5x26,5 cm., signed "Habl" and "Probe Rad." in pencil, signed "Habl" and "35" in the plate. - AND 4 other etchings, i.a. by A.J. VAN T HOFF and J. HEESTERS.
€ (70-90)
Hahn, A. (1877-1918) (attrib.).
(Abraham Kuyper standing amidst cannons and rifles).
Drawing, pen and ink and watercolour, 37x28 cm.
= Probably a caricature on his stance on the Boer War.
€ (100-150) 100
Hansen-Bahia, K.H. (1915-1978).
"Mappe mit sechs Original-Graphiken".
N.pl., Christians Verlag, 1975, 6 woodcuts on 5 leaves, printed in black and brown, each leaf 50x65,5 cm., all signed and "9/120" in pencil, loose as issued in orig. clothbacked stiff paper portfolio, folio.
€ (100-150) 100
Harting, D.H.M. (1884-1970).
Colour etching, 26,8x15,5 cm., signed "D. Harting" and titled and "épreuve d'artiste" in pencil.
= Rare.
€ (100-150) 250
Harting, D.H.M. (1884-1970).
(Utrecht, Oude Gracht).
Etching, 22,5x11,2 cm., signed "D. Harting" and "proefdruk No.6" in pencil, "Caramelli & Tessaro, Utrecht" in engr. captions above image. - AND 10 other small etchings by the same, landscapes and cityviews, all but 1 signed in pencil, partly sl. yellowed/ foxed.
€ (100-150) 160
Hartman, A.F. (1904-1975).
(Owl standing over a glowing mineral rock).
Drawing, black chalk, 83x64 cm., signed "Frans Hartman '28", framed.
= Impressive drawing in art deco style with esoteric undertone.
€ (100-150) 100
Hasselt, B.J.R. van (1878-1932).
(Portrait of a reading man).
Lithograph, 1927, 25,2x19,7 cm., monogrammed and "1927" on the stone, on Chinese. Idem. (Two cactuses in pots). Lithograph, 32,5x19,6 cm., signed "B. van Hasselt" in pencil, monogrammed and "1930" on the stone, on Chinese. - AND 5 other lithographs by the same, all signed in pencil, 3x titled in pencil, all but one church interiors, i.a. "De Waalsche kerk in Delft" and "Librije bij de Walburgkerk te Zutfen", and an untitled view: (A road with a cyclist and a pedestrian, five trees and a field leading up to a village in the background) (monogrammed, dated "1930" and "Malo" [in reverse] on the stone).
€ (120-150) 120
Hasselt, B.J.R. van (1878-1932). (Self-portrait, drawing on a stone).
Lithograph, 1926, 25,4x22,4 cm., monogrammed and "1926" on the stone, on chine collé. Idem. (Woman writing at her table). Lithograph, 1929, 21,4x20,5 cm., signed "B. van Hasselt" in pencil, monogrammed and "1929" on the stone, on Japanese. Idem. (Portrait of H.P. Bremmer). Lithograph, 1926, 20,2x15,7 cm., monogrammed, "1926" and "H.P. Bremmer Aet. 54" on the stone, on Japanese.
€ (80-100) 130
Hasselt, B.J.R. van (1878-1932). (Two cactuses in pots).
Lithograph, 32,5x19,6 cm., signed "B. van Hasselt" in pencil, monogrammed and "1930" on the stone, on Japanese. - AND 4 others, i.a. a lithogr. of a succulent plant in a pot by monogrammist "SK" and a lithograph by J. VOERMAN JR. showing an amaryllis.
€ (60-80) 70