- Covers sl. soiled/ some dents.
- Bookplate on upper pastedown.
= With nice photomontage illustrations, showing the comic actor Vlasta Burian as Gulliver, combined with Adolf Hoffmeister's drawings.
- Sides of box sl. defective.
= Facs. edition of Picasso's sketchbook on which he worked from November 1955 to January 1956.
- Dustwr. trifle dam. at foot of spine.
Roode, I. de and Groot, M. Wonen in de Amsterdamse School. Ontwerpen voor het interieur 1910-1930. Bussum/ Amst., Thoth/ Sted. Museum, 2016, 296,(8)p., profusely illustrated, orig. boards, 4to. - AND 5 others, i.a. K. MAANDAG-RALPH and D. SKORCZEWSKI, Sieg Maandag. Leven en kunst in de schaduw van Bergen-Belsen (n.pl., n.d., (col.) ills., orig. wr., 4to); L. LEFAIVRE and I. DE ROODE, Aldo van Eyck. De speelplaatsen en de stad (Amst./ Rott., 2002, (col.) ills., orig. boards) and JASPER HAGENAAR. SOUVENIR (n.pl., 2020, col. ills., orig. hcl., 4to).
- Backstrip dam./ partly worn off.
= The plates depicting works by i.a. Leon Bakst, Caran d'Ache, A.M. Cassandre, Jules Chéret, H. de Toulouse Lautrec, Alphonse Mucha and Th. Steinlen.
- First work contents partly loose(ning). Backstrip sl. worn. Second work lacks 4 plates; text leaf and 1st plate loose. Backstrip worn.
= Rare contemporary (2nd work "achevé d'imprimé le 27 juin 1968") publications of posters of the May 1968 Paris student revolt.
- A very good copy.
= Profusely illustrated (sale) catalogue.
AND 3 others: J.R. DE LORM, Amsterdams goud en zilver (Zwolle, 1999, num. (full-p.) ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to); H. VREEKEN a.o., Goud en zilver met Amsterdamse keuren (ibid., 2003, num. (full-p.) ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to) and B.J. VAN BENTHEM, De werkmeesters van Bennewitz en Bonebakker. Amsterdams grootzilver uit de eerste helft van de 19de eeuw (ibid., 2005, num. (full-p.) ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to).
- Dustwr. vol.2 dam. = Profusely illustrated (sale) catalogue.
AND 3 others, i.a. M.S. THOMAS (ed.), Een persoonlijk stempel. De Seawolf-collectie: een verzameling 19e- en 20e-eeuws zilver (Rott., 2003, num. (full-p.) ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., large 4to).
- Spines sl. stained and sunned.
= I. O. KÄLLSTRÖM and C. HERNMARCK, Renässans och barock. 1520-1700; II. C. HERNMARCK, Å. STAVENOW and G. MUNTHE, Senbarock, Fredrik I:s stil och rokoko. 1700-1780; III. C. HERNMARCK and E. ANDRÉN, Gustaviansk stil, empire och romantik. 1780-1850; B. BENGTSSON, Äldre guldsmedsteknik. A 4th volume (E. ANDRÉN a.o., Guld- och silverstämplar 1520-1850) was published in 1963.
- Two vols. bookblock loose.
= Complete series of one of the major Serbian avant-garde/ pre-surrealist periodicals, with contributions by i.a. Milan Dedinac, Marko Ristiæ and Dušan Timotijeviæ. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XI.
- Owner's entry on htitle; bookplate on upper pastedown. Binding rubbed/ sl. worn along extremities.
= The first issue (of 7) of this rare periodical containing original art. With contributions by Ulysis Carrion, Leo Erb, Michael Gibbs, Christian Megert, Milan Mölzer, Reiner Ruthenbeck, Andre Thomkins and Günter Uecker,
Williams, E. The boy and the bird. Cologne/ London/ Reykjavik, ed. Hansjörg Meyer, 1969, 90 leaves w. 85 ills. by T. WASMUTH, printed in 350 numb. copies, orig. spiral bound boards, square 8vo.
- Unnumb. copy with the black parts of each leaf cut out, conform the intention of the artist. Frontcover sl. soiled.
- Provenance: bookplate of Brand Whitlock on upper pastedown. Backstrip a few trifle rubbed spots. Fine copy.
= On the drypoint by Renoir, "Le chapeau epingle" (titled "Jeunes filles fleurissant leurs chapeaux" in the book) see Delteil 8, 2nd state (of 2).