- Mostly w. blindst. ex-libris.
- Chemise w. some minor soiling. = One of 150 DELUXE copies on vélin de Rives.
= One of 150 DELUXE copies on vélin de Lana.
- Mostly w. blindst. ex-libris.
- Without the orig. wr. by K. Teige.
= Vloemans 109. With contributions by K. Biebl, F. Halas, K. Konrád, J. Mařánek, V. Nezval, J. Seifert, V. Vančura, J. Voskovec and V. Závada. SIGNED by all contributors.
- Bookblock loose.
= Vloemans 61; Primus, Tschechische Avantgarde 35; Bolliger VI, 690. The Czech translation of 'Les mamelles de Tiresias', inclusive of the author's preface in which surrealism was first discussed. Coincided with the first production of the play by the 'Osvobozené Divadlo' (Liberated Theatre). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XX.
- The orig. frontwrapper (bound at the end) cut sl. short. Otherwise fine.
= Edice Odeon 37. Vloemans 114; Primus, Tchechische Avantgarde 1922-1940, no.84, ill.24; Bollinger VI, no.691. The second, but first illustrated, edition of Biebl's poems from the years 1926-1927, containing 5 full-p. (incl. title) and 6 smaller typographical compositions by Teige. Together with Biebl's Zlom, an outstanding item of Teige's concept of constructivist typography. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXI.
- Fine.
= Edice Odeon 46. Vloemans 115; Primus, Tchechische Avantgarde 1922-1940, no.80, ill.76; Bollinger VI, no.692. Second, enlarged edition of Biebl's surrealistic poems from the years 1923-1928 (1st ed. 1925), the first with Teige's typographical compositions in red and black on yellow paper. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXI.
- Year 1 and 3 without backwrappers and frontwrappers bound at the end of the vol. (cut sl. short, occas. w. sl. loss of text/ image); lacks frontwr. of year 1, no.9; vol. 2 backwrappers bound at the end of the vol.
= Rare COMPLETE RUN of this important Czech avant-garde periodical. Vloemans 102; Bolliger VI, 810; Primus, Tschechische Avantgarde 1922-1940 p.30: "Eine kontinuierliche Entwicklung des Umschlages im letzten Viertel des zwanziger und am Anfang der dreißiger Jahre können wir am Beispiel der Zeitschrift "ReD" - Revue svazu moderní kultury Devětsil" (Internationale Monatsschrift für moderne Gestaltung) verfolgen (...). Auf den Umschlägen werden sowohl reine Typographie, als auch Zeichnungen, architektonische Entwürfe, Fotografie, Fotomontage und Beispiele verschiedener Ismen verwendet (...). Im Hinblick auf Inhalt and Aufmachung war ReD die beste Avantgardezeitschrift in der Tschechoslowakei." Vol. 1 bound w. orig. prospectus and subscription form at the end. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXII.
- Wrappers sl. yellowed.
- First plate affected by silverfish. Edges of wrappers sl. frayed/ creased.
= Catalogue of stylefully crafted locks and doorhandles.
- Fine. = Rare.
= Published on the occasion of the Tombeaux exhibition.
- Wrappers trifle soiled (Series V, No.6 wr. loose and soiled/ sl. stained).
= Important modern art magazine, w. wrappers by Esteban Frances, Wilfredo Lam, Leon Kelly and John Tunnard. Contains contributions by i.a. Man Ray, Giorgio di Chirico, Stanley William Hayter, André Breton, Francis Ponge, Edith Sitwell and Marc Chagall.
- Hinges weakening. Covers foxed.
= One of 75 numb. copies on Vélin d'Arches. 1. "Papiers", 2. "Le Théatre", 3. "Le Potager aux Citrouilles", 4. "Vers la Chimère", 5. "Le Vase jaune", 6. "Le Pigeonnier Normand", 7. "Orly", 8. "Le Long du Parc".