- Plates foxed as usual; bookplate on upper pastedown. Binding sl. rubbed.
= Later issue of the first ed.: p.123, line 17 with "sister"; p.160, line 6 up with "letter". Eckel p.64-66; Sadleir 695.
AND a mediocre copy of IDEM, Dombey and Son (ibid., 1848, engr. title-p., frontisp. and 38 plates by PHIZ (= H.K. Browne). Sold w.a.f.).
- New endpapers w. bookplate; title monogrammed in pen and ink. Professionally restored at spine-ends; backstrips sunned and w. scattered ink(?) stains.
= Eckel p.67ff; Wolff 1801. First edition in book-form.
- Exceptionally fine copy. Bookplate on upper pastedown.
- Without the rare Economic Life assurance ad following the plates in part 14 and 19/ 20. First part lower wrapper loose; occas. sl. foxed; on 7 parts w. contemp. owner's entry in upper outer corner of frontwrapper in pen and ink ("Lady Binning Mellerstam"). All wrappers occas. sl. frayed along margins.
= Part 9: back advertisements 6 and 7 bound in other order. Part 15 contains 2 copies of "The Book of Perfumes" advertisement. Part 18 with extra advertisement at the back "Messrs, Chapman and Hall's/ New publications" (same as in part 17). Part 19/20 advertisement for "Foreign Bank Notes" on bright orange paper. "The reader slip" in part 1 . annot. on verso by Godfried Bomans in ballpoint: "This is to testify that these 19 monthly parts form the 20 numbers of "O.M.F." as they were originally issued, Godfried Bomans" and w. stamp of "The Dickens Fellowship. Haarlem - Branch. Holland". Hatton and Cleaver p.345-377.
- New endpapers; bookplate on upper pastedown; some plates w. marginal tears and occas. foxed.
= Eckel p.94ff.
- Frontisp. and etched title browned; plates sl. foxed as usual; bookplate on upper pastedown; new endpapers.
= Eckel p.77-78; Sadleir 686; Muir p.94-96; Harvey p.142-151. Most points indicating a first issue are present: our copy has the following points: on p.132 "screwed" instead of "screamed"; chapter XXVII on page 282 and not page 283 as listed on the contents page; on p.16, line 1 and p.225, line 22: ''recal'' instead of ''recall''; p.19, 12 lines from the bottom: ''cha pter ;ut''; on p.387, 6 lines from the bottom: ''coroboration'' instead of ''corroboration''; on p.472, 13 lines from the bottom there is no closing of the quotation marks; ''1850'' under the publishers' imprint on the engraved title-page, i.a. the date 1850 below the etched title.
Idem. Little Dorrit. Ibid., idem, 1857, 1st ed., XIV,625,(1)p., steelengr. title-p. and 40 plates by H.K. BROWNE (= PHIZ), contemp. gilt hcalf w. red mor. letterpiece.
- Lacks the List of plates; the plates occas. sl. foxed; new endpapers. Upper joint split(ting).
= First edition w. the following points: "Wiliam" for "Frederick" on p.317, line 27; B2 instead of BB2 on p.371; and "Rigaud" for "Blandois" on p.469, 472, and 473; three line errata on page XIV. Eckel p.84f; Sadleir 691.
- Plates badly foxed; contemp. owner's entry on title-p.; one plate tear in lower half; new endpapers. Rebound w. use of contemp. backstrip.
= Following points in our copy: the plates are without captions; the marginal note on p.9 present; p.342/ line 5 reads "S. Veller"; 50 lines to the page. Without the two "Chapters III" and without the two deleted plates by BOZ. Early version of the first edition, according to Eckel p.56-57.
AND 2 others (1x related), i.a. a mediocre copy of The life and adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit (ibid., 1844, steelengr. title-p., engr. frontisp. and 38 plates by PHIZ (= H.K. Browne). Sold w.a.f.).
- Sl. foxed; pastedowns browned.
Idem. Huisgezin en Volksleven. Nieuwe Verhalen en Tafereelen. Dutch transl. by C.M. Mensing. Utr., W.H. van Heiningen, n.d. (1851), 1st Dutch ed., 2 parts in 1 vol., (2),314; (2),251p., 2 diff. lithogr. titles w. ill., contemp giltlettered clothbacked boards.
- Sl. foxed; pastedowns browned.
AND 11 others in 13 vols., all Dutch translations (mostly first editions) of works by C. DICKENS (incl. incomplete and mediocre/ poor copies), i.a. Gedenkschriften van Jozef Grimaldi (Amst., 1845, 4 woodengr. plates, contemp. clothbacked boards). - AND 1 other on C. Dickens's works in the Netherlands.
- Three plates sl. chipped and doubled; several lvs. (incl. title-p. and frontisp.) sl. chipped in outer margins (strengthened and remargined with use of japanese); occas. foxed (mainly plates); new endpapers.
= First edition in bookform. With p.213 misnumbered as 113 and signature "b" present on List of Plates at end. Eckel p.86ff; Sadleir 701.
- Bookplate on upper pastedown and on verso first free endpaper. Vellum sl. foxed.
Charles Dickens' Original Autograph Copy of his letter to Henry Colburn upon the Controversy occasioned by the Contribution of Walter Savage Landor to Pin Nic Papers together with a note to Forster on the Subject. April 1st 1841. London, C. Clark, 1918, 15p., 2 facs. lvs., orig. giltlettered cl.
- Bookplate on upper pastedown. Cloth sl. soiled.
AND 2 others on the same.
= Each w. a quotation in caption on recto and identification of the novel on verso.
AND 6 other Dickens related objects, all. 20th cent., i.a. a col. stoneware jug in the shape of Mr. Pickwick and a col. glazed ceramic buste of Charles Dickiens.
- Frame some sm. defects.
- Frame some sm. defects.
- Bookplate on upper pastedown.
Kyd (= J. Clayton Clark). The Characters of Charles Dickens (...). London etc., Raphael Tuck & Son,s, n.d. (±1890), tinted lithogr. title-p., 24 col. lithogr. plates w. accomp. textpage, tinted lithogr. ill. on verso final page, and orig. clothbacked tinted lithogr. boards by KYD, a.e.g., 4to.
- Spine-ends and corners sl. rubbed; covers sl. foxed. Good copy.
= Nice plates of the major characters from Dickens' novels.
AND 4 others, i.a. IDEM, Some Well-Known Characters from the Works of Charles Dickens (London/ New York, n.d., 16 col. lithogr. plates by J. CLAYTON CLARK, orig. gilt dec. cl.).
- Wrapper worn; frontwr. repaired w. scotch tape. = Sternfeld/ Tiedemann p.103.
Roth, J. Die Kapuzinergruft. Bilthoven, De Gemeenschap, 1938, 1st ed., 231p., orig. cl.
- Sl. foxed. Lacks dustwr.; spine darkened; lower joint starting. = Sternfeld/ Tiedemann p.427.
Zweig, S. Ungeduld des Herzens. Stockholm/ Amst., Bermann-Fischer/ A. de Lange, 1939, 1st ed., 443p., orig. gilt cl.
- Owner's entry on first free endpaper. = Sternfeld/ Tiedemann p.569.
AND 20 others, all Exil publications (1x on Exil), all German language, all orig. cl. lacking dustwr., i.a. J. ROTH Hiob (Amst., 1933), A. ZWEIG, Einsetzing eines Königs (ibid., 1937), B. BRECHT, Dreigroschenroman (ibid., 1934) and T. MANN.
- Bookblock sl. warped; some foxing.
= With AUTOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION on first free endpaper. The author's only exil publication. He died in Auschwitz in 1944. Sternfeld/ Tiedemann p.216f.
- Sl. yellowed. Wr. sl. rubbed. = With AUTOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION.
Goldstein, R. 1 in 7. Drugs on Campus. New York, Walter and Company, 1966, 234,(1)p., orig. boards w. dustwr.
- Yellowed/ browned. Dustwr. sl. stained. = With AUTOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION.
AND 4 works by ALLEN GINSBERG, all orig. wr.: Prose Contribution to Cuban Revolution (Detroit, 1966, 1st ed. Browned and sl. brittle; waterst. in blank margin), T.V. Baby Poems (London, 1967, 2nd ed., ills.), Iron Horse (San Francisco, 1974, 1st ed., obl. 8vo) and Your Reason & Blake's System (Madras/ New York, 1992, reprint ed., col. ills., 12mo).
= With AUTOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION "a Joke" with orig. drawing in blue pen by DARIO FO on verso title-p.