Page 10 of 14 Results 181 - 200 of 266
77 1891 Medicine  Sandifort E 77 1891 Medicine Sandifort E
77/1891 [Medicine]. Sandifort, E. Heel- en ontleed-kundige verhandeling over eenen slagader-breuk in de groote slag-ader, uitwendig opengebarsten. The Hague, P. van Cleef, 1765, XVI,38p., engr. fold. plate, contemp. wr.

- First few lvs. waterstained in upper part; library stamps on title-p. and verso frontwr.; spine worn.

= Hirsch, vol.5, p.171; BMN p.103.

€ (40-60) 250
77 1892 Medicine  Smellie W 77 1892 Medicine Smellie W
77 1892 Medicine  Smellie W 77 1892 Medicine Smellie W
77 1892 Medicine  Smellie W 77 1892 Medicine Smellie W
77 1892 Medicine  Smellie W 77 1892 Medicine Smellie W
77/1892 [Medicine]. Smellie, W. Verzameling van ontleedkundige afbeeldingen, met derzelver uitleggingen; benevens een kort begrip der Vroedkunde (...)./ Verzameling van vroedkundige gevallen en waarneemingen./ Verzameling van tegennatuurlyke gevallen en waarneemingen in de vroedkunde. Dutch transl. M. van der Haage. Amst., J. Morterre, 1765-1766, 4 parts in 1 vol. (the first part bound in 3 separate sections), 42; XXVIII,266; XII,p.43-64; 262; VIII,XVI,p.65-78; 304p., 43 fold. engr. plates, each w. accomp. textleaf, contemp. 19th cent. hcalf, sm. 4to.

- Partly water-/ duststained in (blank) margins (occas. sl. affecting image/ text); large (double-p) calligraphed bookplate. ("Th.B. Lekkerkerker") pasted over 2 textpages; Corners sl. rubbed.

= BMN I, p.338; Bibliotheca Walleriana 9014; Hagelin p.118-119 on the orig. Engl. ed. "Smellie contributed more to the fundamentals of obstetrics than virtually any individual." (Garrison/ Morton 6154). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LX.

€ (400-600)
77 1893 Meyer S and Schweidler E R von 77 1893 Meyer S and Schweidler E R von
77 1893 Meyer S and Schweidler E R von 77 1893 Meyer S and Schweidler E R von
77/1893 Meyer, S. and Schweidler, E.R. von. Radioaktivität. Leipsic/ Berlin, B.G. Teubner, 1916, 1st ed., XI,(1),541,(5)p., contemp. hcl. w. orig. wr. pasted on.

- First blank upper outer corner cut off; owner's entry on verso series title. Covers sunned along edges. Rare.

Gamov, G. Der Bau des Atomkerns und die Radioaktivität. German transl. C. and F. Houtermans. Leipsic, S. Hirzel, 1932, 1st ed., (10),147,(5)p., woodcut ills., orig. wr.

- Wrappers sl. stained; backwr. w. sm. hole. Contents fine.

Bragg, W.H. Studies in Radioactivity. London, Macmillan and Co., 1912, X,(2),196,(2)p., ills., orig. blindst. cl. w. gilt spine (fine).

= DSB II, p.399-400.

€ (50-70) 50
77 1894 Mirabaud = P H Dietrich Baron d'Holbach 77 1894 Mirabaud = P H Dietrich Baron d'Holbach
77 1894 Mirabaud = P H Dietrich Baron d'Holbach 77 1894 Mirabaud = P H Dietrich Baron d'Holbach
77 1894 Mirabaud = P H Dietrich Baron d'Holbach 77 1894 Mirabaud = P H Dietrich Baron d'Holbach
77/1894 Mirabaud (= P.H. Dietrich, Baron d'Holbach). Systême de la Nature ou Des loix du monde Physique & du monde Moral. London (= Amst.), n.publ., 1775, new ed., 2 vols., 400; 448p., contemp. unif. boards w. paper letterpiece.

- Vol.1 one quire (sl.) dampst., mostly in blank margins; vol.2 htitle dam. (repaired). Both vols. worn/ dam. at spine-ends.

= Copy with preface, which, according to Brunet, makes this a second edition. Brunet III, p.1739; Quérard 1156-1157; Weller II, p.187. Cf. PMM 215; Cioranescu 34051, 45104. The so-called 'Bible of Materialism'.

€ (100-150)
77/1895 [Motorcycles]. Herz, D. and Krackowizer, H. Motorrad Edition. Vol. I-IV. Braunschweig, Archiv-Verlag, n.d. (±1990), 4 vols., w. num. loosely inserted facs. motor brochures and motoring publications, printed in 3500 numb. copies, orig. unif. ringbinder w. slipcase, 4to.

= I.a. Norton Road-Holder of 1936, "NSU-Rekordversuche 1951".

AND 3 others similar: MOTORRAD ARCHIV (3 vols., printed in 3500 numb. copies).

€ (250-350) 250
77 1896 Mozillo A  ed  77 1896 Mozillo A ed
77/1896 Mozillo, A. (ed.). Vesuvio. Napels, F. di Mauro, 1994, 573,(8)p., 136 (full-p.) col. plates, (full-p./ double-p.) (col.) ills., printed in 2999 numb. copies, orig. gilt hcalf, mounted col. plate on frontcover, slipcase, large folio.

- Fine copy. Slipcase partly sl. waterst.

€ (100-150) 110
77 1897 Musschenbroek J van 77 1897 Musschenbroek J van
77/1897 Musschenbroek, J. van. Beginselen der natuurkunde, Beschreven ten dienste der Landgenooten. Waar by gevoegd is eene Beschryving der nieuwe en onlangs uytgevonden Luchtpompen, met haar gebruyk tot veele proefnemingen door J.V.M. Leyden, S. Luchtmans, 1736, 1st ed., 2 parts in 1 vol., (26),800,(14); 74,(8)p., 27 (of 28) fold. engr. plates, contemp. blindst. vellum, 4to.

- Lacks 1 plate (no.IX); 1 leaf dam. in blank lower margin; final 4 plates sl. dampstained in lower margin; final few fold. plates w. (closed) tear in inner margin (not affecting image); occas. sl. foxed. Vellum soiled duststained.

= The rare 1st edition. Our copy enriched with the (mounted) portrait of Van Musschenbroek by J. HOUBRAKEN after J.M. QUINKHARD on verso of the dedic. leaf. Cf. Bierens de Haan 3472 (listing the 2nd part, 1738); Bibliotheca Mechanica p.232 (French transl. 1739): "One of the best 18th-cent. introductions to Newtonian physics, this book is filled with interesting experiments and problems. The first part is devoted to general mechanics, hydrostatics, electricity, and magnetism, while the second part treats of optics, acoustics, comets, and winds, (...)." The final 8 pages contain "Lyst der natuurkundige, wiskundige, anatomische, en chirurgische instrumenten, welke by Jan van Musschenbroek, te vinden zyn te Leyden." (Bierens de Haan 3474 (French transl.)). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LX.

€ (600-800) 600
77 1898 Musschenbroek J van 77 1898 Musschenbroek J van
77/1898 Musschenbroek, J. van. Beginsels der natuurkunde, Beschreeven ten dienste der Landgenooten. Waar by gevoegd is eene Beschryving der nieuwe en onlangs uitgevonden Luchtpompen, met haar gebruik tot veele proefnemingen door J.V.M. Leyden, S. Luchtmans, 1739, 2nd ed., 3 parts in 1 vol., (22),510; (2),511-900,(20 index); 62,(2),8p., engr. portrait of the author, 1 fold. map, 30 fold. plates w. diagrams/ ills. (1st/ 2nd part), 4 fold. plates (3rd part), contemp. hroan, 4to.

- Lacks half title and title-p. to the first part. Paper over covers worn off. Otherwise a fine copy.

= Bierens de Haan 3472 (1st ed., 1738); Bibliotheca Mechanica p.232 (French transl. 1739): "One of the best 18th-cent. introductions to Newtonian physics, this book is filled with interesting experiments and problems. The first part is devoted to general mechanics, hydrostatics, electricity, and magnetism, while the second part treats of optics, acoustics, comets, and winds (...)." The final 8 pages contain "Lyst der natuurkundige, wiskundige, anatomische, en chirurgische instrumenten, welke by Jan van Musschenbroek, te vinden zyn te Leiden." (Bierens de Haan 3474 (French transl.)).

€ (400-600)
77 1899 New Theories in Physics Conference Organized in Collaboration with the International Union of Physics and the Polish Intellectual Co operation Committee Warsaw May 30th June 3rd 1938 77 1899 New Theories in Physics Conference Organized in Collaboration with the International Union of Physics and the Polish Intellectual Co operation Committee Warsaw May 30th June 3rd 1938
77 1899 New Theories in Physics Conference Organized in Collaboration with the International Union of Physics and the Polish Intellectual Co operation Committee Warsaw May 30th June 3rd 1938 77 1899 New Theories in Physics Conference Organized in Collaboration with the International Union of Physics and the Polish Intellectual Co operation Committee Warsaw May 30th June 3rd 1938
77/1899 New Theories in Physics. Conference Organized in Collaboration with the International Union of Physics and the Polish Intellectual Co-operation Committee, Warsaw, May 30th-June 3rd, 1938. Paris, International Institute of intellectual co-operation, 1939, XX,(2),247p., orig. cl.

- Bookplate/ ticket/ stamp/ annots. on pastedowns and spine. Binding sl. worn/ rubbed.

= Contributors include N. Bohr, L. de Broglie, A. Eddington, G. Gamow, S. Goudsmit, H.A. Kramers, P. Langevin and F. Perrin.

Dirac, P.A.M. The Principles of Quantum Mechanics. Oxf., Clarendon Press, 1949, 3rd ed., XII,311,(1)p., orig. giltlettered cl. (fine).

= DSB XVII, p.224-233: "Dirac was one of the greatest theoretical physicists in the twentieth century. He is best known for his important and elegant contributions to the formulation of quantum mechanics; for his quantum theory of the emission and absorption of radiation, which inaugurated quantum electrodynamics (...). Present expositions of quantum mechanics largely rely on his masterpiece The Principles of Quantum Mechanics (1930) (...) his fundamental textbook (...)" (p.224). Dirac received the Nobel prize for physics in 1933 together with E. Schrödinger.

AND 7 others similar, i.a. J. MEHRA and H. RECHENBERG, The Historical Development of Quantum Theory (New York a.o., 1982, orig. gilt cl.) and P.A.M. DIRAC, The Principles of Quantum Mechanics (Oxf., 1958, 4th ed., orig. giltlettered cl.).

€ (80-100) 120
77 1900 Nollet J 77 1900 Nollet J
77/1900 Nollet, J. Leçons de physique expérimentale. Vol.I and III. Paris, Durand, 1771/ 1769, 7th (vol.1)/ 6th (vol.3) ed., 2 (of 6) vols., IV,514; (4),CVIII,379p., frontisp., 38 fold. engr. plates, contemp. unif. calf w. richly gilt spine and 2 contrasting mor. letterpieces, sm. 8vo.

- Without vols. II and IV-VI. Vol.1 spine-ends dam. Contents fine.

= Poggendorff II, p.248. Classical work on experimental physics, containing numerous illustrations, mainly depicting apparatus. Nice bindings.

ADDED: N.A. PLUCHE, Le spectacle de la nature (Paris,1737, vol.3 (of 9), engr. frontisp., 32 fold. plates, contemp. gilt hcalf w. contrasting mor. letter- and volume-piece. Armorial bookplate on upper pastedown. Spine-ends worn).

€ (50-70)
77 1901 Ornithology  Arnold F 77 1901 Ornithology Arnold F
77/1901 [Ornithology]. Arnold, F. Die Vögel Europas. Ihre Naturgeschichte und Lebensweise in Freiheit und Gefangenschaft. Nebst Anleitung zur Aufzucht, Eingewöhnung, Pflege, samt den Fang und Jagdmethoden. Stuttg., Verlag für Naturkunde (Sprösser & Nägele), 1897, 1st ed., LXXX,457,(1)p., 48 chromolithogr. plates, contemp. giltlettered cl., large 4to.

- Index misbound. Top of joints splitting. Otherwise fine. = Nissen IVB, 40.

Friderich, C.G. Naturgeschichte der Vögel Europas. Stuttg., K. Thienemann, 1863, 2nd enl. ed., LXVI,920p., 17 handcol. lithogr. plates, 2 uncol. plates, later clothbacked boards, 4to.

- Lacks 2 index lvs.; one col. plate frayed and loose; one col. plate dam.; preliminary leaves, first 2 quires and final 60p. dampstained (not affecting plates). Sold w.a.f.

= Nissen IVB, 331.

AND 9 others, i.a. an odd. vol. of G.L.L. DE BUFFON, Oeuvres. Vol. 21. Oiseaux (Paris, 1828, 14 handcol. engr. plates, contemp. hcalf.) and J. BÜTTIKOFER, (The Birds of the Dutch Borneo-expedition (n.pl., n.d., 3 chromolithogr. plates, modern cl. Note VII of the Zoological results of the Dutch scientific expedition to Central Borneo).

€ (150-250) 150
77 1902 Ornithology  Brown L H  Urban E K and Newman K 77 1902 Ornithology Brown L H Urban E K and Newman K
77/1902 [Ornithology]. Brown, L.H., Urban, E.K. and Newman, K. Birds of Africa. Vol. I-III. London etc., Academic Press, 1982-1988, 3 (of 7) vols., col. plates, num. ills., orig. unif. cl. w. dustwr., folio.
€ (50-70)
77 1903 Ornithology  Buffon G L L de 77 1903 Ornithology Buffon G L L de
77 1903 Ornithology  Buffon G L L de 77 1903 Ornithology Buffon G L L de
77 1903 Ornithology  Buffon G L L de 77 1903 Ornithology Buffon G L L de
77 1903 Ornithology  Buffon G L L de 77 1903 Ornithology Buffon G L L de
77 1903 Ornithology  Buffon G L L de 77 1903 Ornithology Buffon G L L de
77 1903 Ornithology  Buffon G L L de 77 1903 Ornithology Buffon G L L de
77/1903 [Ornithology]. Buffon, G.L.L. de. Histoire naturelle des oiseaux. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1770-1783, 9 vols., 9 ident. engr. title-vignettes, 9 headpieces, 245 (of 262) plates after J. DE SÈVE, contemp. unif. mottled calf w. triple gilt fillet border round sides, gilt spine w. red mor. letter- and volume-piece, 4to.

- Lacks 17 plates; 9 plates loose/ added from another copy; vols. 6, 7 and 9 lack 2 textlvs.; occas. (sl.) foxing/ browning. Vol.5 boards sl. dam. near top of spine.

= The rare 4to edition of the first edition of the complete ornithological section of the famous Histoire Naturelle, also published in folio, small folio and 12mo. Nissen, IVB 160 and ZBI 672; Anker 74; Ronsil 413. All vols. w. the armorial bookplate of Joachim Napoléon Murat (1856-1932) (showing "Rocquencourt" and the coat of arms of the kingdom of Naples).

€ (400-600) 700
77 1904 Ornithology  Buffon G L L de 77 1904 Ornithology Buffon G L L de
77 1904 Ornithology  Buffon G L L de 77 1904 Ornithology Buffon G L L de
77 1904 Ornithology  Buffon G L L de 77 1904 Ornithology Buffon G L L de
77 1904 Ornithology  Buffon G L L de 77 1904 Ornithology Buffon G L L de
77/1904 [Ornithology]. Buffon, G.L.L. de. Oiseaux. Ed. B.G.E. de Lacépède. Paris, Eymery, Fruger et Cie., 1828, new ed., 8 vols., 126 handcol. engr. plates, contemp. unif. treecalf, gilt spine w. contrasting mor. letter- and volume-piece.

- Occas. (sl.) foxed/ browned (incl. some of the plates). Covers sl. chafed; 1 vol. wormholed along upper joint. Otherwise a fine set.

= Vol. 18-25 of the Oeuvres complètes, the complete section of birds. Contains delicately handcol. plates, some heightened w. gold. Nissen, ZBI 694. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LX.

€ (200-300) 200
77 1905 Ornithology  Buffon G L L de and Gueneau de Montbeillard Ph  77 1905 Ornithology Buffon G L L de and Gueneau de Montbeillard Ph
77 1905 Ornithology  Buffon G L L de and Gueneau de Montbeillard Ph  77 1905 Ornithology Buffon G L L de and Gueneau de Montbeillard Ph
77 1905 Ornithology  Buffon G L L de and Gueneau de Montbeillard Ph  77 1905 Ornithology Buffon G L L de and Gueneau de Montbeillard Ph
77 1905 Ornithology  Buffon G L L de and Gueneau de Montbeillard Ph  77 1905 Ornithology Buffon G L L de and Gueneau de Montbeillard Ph
77/1905 [Ornithology]. (Buffon, G.L.L. de and Gueneau de Montbeillard, Ph.). Histoire naturelle des oiseaux. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1770-1781, 8 (of 9) vols., 8 ident. engr. title-vignettes, 8 headpieces, 231 engr. plates after J. DE SÈVE, contemp. unif. mottled calf w. triple gilt fillet border round sides, gilt spine w. brown mor. letter- and volume-piece, 4to.

- Lacks vol.9. Occas. sl. foxing/ browning, contents otherwise fine. All vols. top of spine worn/ chipped; 5 vols. joints starting at spine-ends; one vol. backcover sl. chafed.

= The rare 4to edition of the first edition of the complete ornithological section of the famous Histoire Naturelle, also published in folio, small folio and 12mo. All vols. w. the armorial bookplate of John Pratt, 1st Earl Camden, on upper pastedown. Nissen, IVB 160 and ZBI 672; Anker 74; Ronsil 413.

€ (400-600) 650
77 1906 Ornithology  Chapman F M 77 1906 Ornithology Chapman F M
77 1906 Ornithology  Chapman F M 77 1906 Ornithology Chapman F M
77 1906 Ornithology  Chapman F M 77 1906 Ornithology Chapman F M
77/1906 [Ornithology]. Chapman, F.M. Bird-life. A Guide to the Study of our Common Birds. New York, D. Appleton and Company, 1898, XVI,195p., 75 chromolithogr. plates by E.S. THOMPSON, woodengr. ills., contemp. gilt pictorial cl., t.e.g.

- Upper pastedown w. remnants of glue. Backcover sl. stained. = Cf. Nissen, IVB 183 (ed. 1897).

AND 10 others similar, i.a. M.D. HAVILAND, Wild Life on the Wing (London, 1913, 8 plates, ills., orig. gilt pict. cl., t.e.g. Occas. sl. foxed; spine sunned) and H.K. JOB, Wild Wings (London etc., n.d., 160 photogr. ills., orig. gilt blindst. pict. cl., t.e.g.).

€ (50-70) 50
77 1907 Ornithology  A diving kingfisher in a natural setting 77 1907 Ornithology A diving kingfisher in a natural setting
77/1907 [Ornithology]. A diving kingfisher in a natural setting, mounted taxidermy model on a painted background, late 19th cent., in an oval glass dome covered frame, 45x37 cm. (frame).
€ (100-150) 100
77 1908 Ornithology  Heerkens G N 77 1908 Ornithology Heerkens G N
77 1908 Ornithology  Heerkens G N 77 1908 Ornithology Heerkens G N
77/1908 [Ornithology]. Heerkens, G.N. Aves Frisicae. Rott., C.R. Hake, 1788, (2),298,(1)p., engr. title ill. by J.L. ANSELIN, contemp. boards.

- New endpapers. Rebacked. = Very rare.

€ (400-600)
77 1909 Ornithology  Lackowitz W 77 1909 Ornithology Lackowitz W
77 1909 Ornithology  Lackowitz W 77 1909 Ornithology Lackowitz W
77/1909 [Ornithology]. Lackowitz, W. Die Vögel Europas. Bilder aus dem Volgelleben unseres Erdteiles. Berlin, F. Ebhart & Co., (1890), 2nd ed., (4),621,(1),p., 26 handcol. lithogr. plates, 204 woodengr. ills., orig. dec. and gilt cl., large 8vo. Specht, A. and Naumann, J.A. Die Vögel Europas. Gemeinverständliche Beschreibung von Prof. Dr. Otto Buchner. Stuttgart, K.G. Lutz, 1922, 2 parts (9 issues) in 1 vol., 246,IV; (2),249,(1),VIp., 144 col. lithogr. plates by A. SPECHT, later plain clothbacked boards.

- Bookplate on upper pastedown; sl. yellowed. = Nissen, ZBI 2956.

AND 1 other.

€ (50-70) 90
77 1910 Ornithology  Lilford Lord 77 1910 Ornithology Lilford Lord
77/1910 [Ornithology]. Lilford, Lord. Lord Lilford on Birds: Being a Collection of Informal and Unpublished Writings. London, Hutchinson & Co., 1903, 1st ed., XVII,(1),312p., 13 plates, orig. gilt cl., t.e.g., large 8vo.

- Bookplate on pastdown and on first free endpaper. Otherwise fine.

AND 9 others, mainly English language, i.a. R. POTAPOV and R. SALE, Grouse of the World (London etc., 2013, num. (col.) ills., orig. boards w. dustwr., large 8vo. Fine); C. CHIAPELLA, Manuel de l'oiseleur et de l'oiselier (...) (Bordeaux/ Paris, 1873-1874, contemp. giltlettered hmor.) and DESLOGES and P.-C. JOUBERT, l'Oiseleur (...) (Paris, (1952), ills., orig. wr.).

€ (40-60) 40