2076 - 2859 OLD and RARE BOOKS
- Very fine copy. Owner's entry on upper pastedown (in pencil): S. GRATAMA.
= With 19th cent. manuscript annot. in pen and ink on the "Witte Wieven" bound with after p.46. Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 246. The first edition. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXXVI.
- Trifle foxed and yellowed; the worldmap sl. stained. Binding sl. rubbed and worn; spine-ends chipped.
- Ex-library copy: both vols. 2 stamps on verso title-p.; traces of sm. ticket on first free endpaper; spine plasticized; libr. tickets on spine and frontcover. Slight occas. foxing; upper hinges strengthened.
= The work has been attributed to E. Luzac. Kress B96; Sabin 79236.
= Published in Collection complète des oeuvres de J.J. Rousseau, vol. 1 and 2. Dufour II, p.68; Eitner VIII, p.336.
- A few lvs. wormholed in lower blank margin. Upper corners bumped.
= Kress 7203; Goldsmiths 11453. Apocryphal memoirs, aiming to demonstrate the bad management of Terrai, a hard-liner on deficit reform and member of the triumvirate, with Maupeou and the Duc d'Aiguillon, that ruled France and promoted centralized government at the expense of traditional liberties and vested interests.
(Essuile, J.F. de Barandiery-Montmayeur de). Traité des Communes, ou Observations sur leur origine & état actuel, d'après les anciennes Ordonnances de nos Rois, les Coutumes, Edits, Déclarations, Arrêts & Règlements intervenus sur cette matiere (...). Paris, Colombier, 1777, XVI,395,(1)p., 2 fold. tables, contemp. gilt calf w. mor. letterpiece.
- Title-p. foxed. Binding trifle worn along edges. = Goldsmiths 11547; cf. Kress 6726 (ed. 1770).
AND 2 others.
- Trifle yellowed/ foxed. Top of spine sl. dam.
= Kress 5390; Goldsmiths 8921; not in Einaudi. Rare collection of speeches held at the House of Lords in London, in favour of or against free trade in and with the Levant, and the Bill extending this freedom to all ports and subjects of Great Britain.
- Lower corner vaguely waterst. at the end. Upper joint splitting at top.
= Kress 2606; cf. Goldsmiths 4432.
- Paper over cover worn/ sl. rubbed; backstrips sl. rubbed. Otherwise a very fine copy.
= Tiele 310; cf. Blackmer 471; Gay 1998; Henze II, p.50; Atabey 338 (ed. London, 1807); De Meulenaere p.62-64. "Französischer Graveur, machte Napoleons Expedition nach Ägypten, 1798-99, mit. Im Schutz der französischen Armee durchzog er das Land. (...) Sein Reisewerk erschien 1802, die "erste wichtige Frucht der Aegyptischen Expedition". Es ist in Tagebuchform gehalten, ausgezeichnet durch lebendige, ja brilliante Darstellung. In den Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung rücken immer wieder die Altertümer des Landes, war doch der Zweck seiner Reise, wie er selbst bemerkt, die Untersuchung der Denkmäler gewesen. Doch das Land selbst und seine Bewohner kommen nicht zu kurz." (Henze). "Denon's work has been justly praised. As a member of the Commission des Sciences et Arts which accompanied Napoleon's expedition to Egypt, he remained in Egypt for thirteen months, working continuously to record the Egyptian monuments. He was the first to reveal the richness of Egyptian art to Europe." (Atabey). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXXVI.
- Bookblock loose; fold. plates mostly creased on folds and/ or split on folds and 2x loose. Lacks part of ties; vellum sl. duststained.
= Hilmy II, p.119; Gay 1567 (quoting Brunet:) "Cette édition est la troisième et la meilleur de cet ouvrage curieux (...)." The first ed. was publ. in Venice, 1605 and the 2nd ed. in Frankfurt, 1608. The various editions have different titles. The 1669 edition is the only one to contain an illustration of the Mensa Isiaca (also known as the Bembine Table of Isis), which is a richly worked tablet that originally was thought to be of Egyptian origin, but is now regarded as a Roman object made in the style of Egyptian art. Spoelder 2.
- All vols. heraldic bookplate on upper pastedown. One vol. top of spine dam. Otherwise fine.
= Contains the following plays: vol.1: De Graaf van Warwick (1765); Democritus, of de verliefde filosoof (1742); De glorieus, of vernederde hoogmoed (2nd ed., 1757); Henrik en Pernille (1758); vol.2: De Amerikaan (2nd ed., 1756); Arlequin Tamerlan (1737); De gewaande heidin of de bedrogen gelukzoeker (1746); De verstandzoekster (1758); De bedrogen officier (1761); De vermaakelyke tweegevechten (1767); vol.3: De drie gebroeders medeminnaars (1734); Het eiland van verwarring (1765); Philemon en Baucis (n.d.); Guascar en Rosamira (1768); Jan Rokes of de gewaande drie koningen (1768); De herberg (1768); De ontwapende schildwacht (1768); Arlekyn edelman by geval (1768); De slaapende boer (n.d.) and Joris en Tryntje (1768).
- Without pages 673-674 (mispagination as published); old owner's entry on title-p. Fine copy.
= Rahir 630; Willems 634: "Edition admirablement executée dont les exemplaires grands de marge et bien conservé se paient fort cher". P. de Commines (1447-1511), chronicler for Philip the Good and Charles the Bold, later confidant of Louis XI.
- Lower pastedown detached. Later annots. in pen end ink on frontcover.
= Willems 1061; Rahir 1070; Dekkers p.140,2.
- Bookplate on upper pastedown; owner's stamp on lower pastedown. Modern leather strip over upper joint; binding badly worn.
= Willems 366; Rahir 347.
- Frontisp. cut out and laid down; wax seal w. unidentified coat of arms laid down on upper pastedown; top of spine chipped; upper joint rubbed.
= Scarce edition. Rahir 2634: "Exemplaire tiré sur grand papier".
- Waterstained; title partly pasted to verso first free endpaper; bookplate on upper pastedown. Vellum soiled.
= Willems 287 note; Rahir 252. Colophon at the end dated 1630, but the engr. title still mentioning 1627.
(Laet, J. de). Gallia, sive de Francorum Regis Dominiis et opibus Commentarius. Leyden, Ex officina Elzeviriana [B. and A. Elzevier], 1629, (14),461,(1)p., engr. title, contemp. chintz wr., 12mo.
- Bookplate on verso frontwr. = Willems 311, the first of two 1629 editions; Rahir 279.
- Lower pastedown dam.; upper pastedown needs reattaching.
= Willems 763; Rahir 766.
Satyre Menippée de la vertu du Catholicon d'Espagne, Et de la tenüe des Estats de Paris. A laquelle est adjoutée un Discours sur l'interpretation du mot de Higuiero del Infierno, & qui en est l'Autheur. Regensburg, Mathias Kerner, 1664, 8,336p., woodcut printer's mark on title-p., bound by R. PARLIER in 19th cent. gilt blond calf w. gilt spine and red and black mor. letterpiece, 12mo.
- Bookplate on verso first free endpaper (offsetting on first blank).
= Willems 2007 note; Rahir 3285.
- Leaves of various sizes (the smaller leaves were added from other copies); lacks 3 leaves w. plates (leaf H1, H4 and O1), but 2 plates (trimmed to/ just outside the borders) are loosely inserted; 3 leaves dam. (1x in blank margin, 2x in image). Most leaves fingersoiled mostly in lower right corner (occas. also sl. stained). Corners bumped.
= One plate partly handcoloured. Voet 590 (the 3rd issue of 1st ed.); Landwehr 46. All issues of the first edition are rare (and frequently incomplete). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXXVII.
- Occas. sl. foxed; occas. (sl.) yellowed. = Large paper copy. Landwehr 81; Praz 436.
- First part sl. waterstained in upper (blank) margin; bookblock shaken. Covers sl. wrinkled/ stained; lower cover small dam. spot.
= Landwehr 81; Praz 436.
- Fine copy.
= Klaversma/ Hannema 306; Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 351.
Graauwhart, H. Christelyke bedenkingen En Zeede-lessen Afgeleid uit de Schepzelen, Als Dieren, Vogels, Gewassen enz. Voorgesteld in Leerzaame Zinnebeelden (...). Eerste Deel. Amst., J. ter Beek, 1750, 1 vol. (of 2), 217,(8)p., engr. frontisp. and 109 emblematic ills., contemp. vellum, sm. 8vo.
- Without the 2nd part; one ill. w. simple handcolouring; occas. sl. soiled in margin; one leaf lacks part of blank margin.
= Landwehr 252.
ADDED: 2 others, both in incomplete and mediocre condition, i.a. B. À BOLSWERT, Duyfkens en Willemynkens Pelgrimagie tot haren beminden Ierusalem (...) (Antw., 1638, num. full-p. engr. ills., modern vellum, sm. 8vo. Lacks 1 prelim. leaf and several leaves heavily restored).