2076 - 2859     OLD and RARE BOOKS

Page 5 of 40 Results 81 - 100 of 784
77 2156 Batavian revolution and patriots  Scharp J 77 2156 Batavian revolution and patriots Scharp J
77/2156 [Batavian revolution and patriots]. Scharp, J. Aan mijne medeburgers, ter gelegenheid van de tweede verjaaring der blijde omkeering van zaaken in het lieve vaderland. Rott., J. Hofhout en Zoon, (1789), XIV,(2),104,114,(2)p., engr. portrait on title-p., contemp. wr.

- Two portions cut out from title, 1x into the portrait; first 2 quires almost entirely loose. Frontwrapper detached.

€ (100-150)
77 2157 Batavian revolution and patriots  Lot of 10 pamphlets/ broadsides 77 2157 Batavian revolution and patriots Lot of 10 pamphlets/ broadsides
77 2157 Batavian revolution and patriots  Lot of 10 pamphlets/ broadsides 77 2157 Batavian revolution and patriots Lot of 10 pamphlets/ broadsides
77 2157 Batavian revolution and patriots  Lot of 10 pamphlets/ broadsides 77 2157 Batavian revolution and patriots Lot of 10 pamphlets/ broadsides
77 2157 Batavian revolution and patriots  Lot of 10 pamphlets/ broadsides 77 2157 Batavian revolution and patriots Lot of 10 pamphlets/ broadsides
77/2157 [Batavian revolution and patriots]. Lot of 10 pamphlets/ broadsides, 1 or 2 columns, i.a. publ. by Delft/ Utrecht, Stadsdrukker/ G.T. van Paddenburg en Zoon, 1795-1802.

- Occas. fold./ sl. frayed/ w. tears.

= Comprises i.a. "Declaratoir door het Committé Revolutionair aan de van hunne posten ontslagen staats-leeden, van den Lande van Utrecht; met vernietiging van de twee voorstemmende leden van Staat" (Utr., Paddenburg en Zoon, 1795) and "Waarschouwinge Heil en Broederschap. De municipaliteit der Stad Delft, tot haar innig leedweezen onwaar wordende, dat niettegenstaande (...)" (Delft, Jan de Groot, 1795).

€ (120-150) 120
77 2159 Batavian revolution and patriots  Lot of 12 pamphlets and other documents 77 2159 Batavian revolution and patriots Lot of 12 pamphlets and other documents
77 2159 Batavian revolution and patriots  Lot of 12 pamphlets and other documents 77 2159 Batavian revolution and patriots Lot of 12 pamphlets and other documents
77 2159 Batavian revolution and patriots  Lot of 12 pamphlets and other documents 77 2159 Batavian revolution and patriots Lot of 12 pamphlets and other documents
77 2159 Batavian revolution and patriots  Lot of 12 pamphlets and other documents 77 2159 Batavian revolution and patriots Lot of 12 pamphlets and other documents
77/2159 [Batavian revolution and patriots]. Lot of 12 pamphlets and other documents, all Dutch, 1795-1815, mostly a few lvs. and w. (contemp.) wr., various sizes, loosely inserted in modern stock folder.

= Comprises i.a. "Concept plan (...) Declaratie van de Rechten van den mensch en Burger" (1795), "Dagverhaal der verhandelingen van de tweede Nationaale Vergadering" (1797) and an appointment of "Willem van Zwieten" as "Eleve-chirurgyn, by het 1ste Bataillon 2de Regiment van Waldeck" (1802).

€ (60-80) 140
77 2160 Bayle P 77 2160 Bayle P
77 2160 Bayle P 77 2160 Bayle P
77/2160 Bayle, P. Dictionaire historique et critique (...) Avec la vie de l'auteur, Par Mr. Des Maizeaux. Amst./ Leyden, H. Waesberghe etc./ S. Luchtmans, 1730, 4th rev./ corr./ enl. ed., 4 vols., 4 almost ident. engr. title-vignettes by J. SCHENK and G. VAN DER GOUWEN after A. VAN DER WERFF, contemp. unif. calf, richly gilt spine w. mor. letterpiece, folio.

- Bindings sl. rubbed/ scratched; top (and foot) of spine sl. dam. Otherwise a fine copy.

= From the library of F.R.J. Knetsch (1924-2006), Professor of Dutch Church History at the University of Groningen (his stamp on the first free endpapers). PMM 155b; Ebert 1792; Zischka, p.7: "Das Werk ist eine Kritik historischer und philosophisher Grundsätze im Geiste der frühen Aufklärung. Die kritischen Anmerkungen überwuchern den eigentlichen Text."

€ (100-150) 120
77 2161 Bayle P 77 2161 Bayle P
77/2161 Bayle, P. Dictionaire historique et critique (...) Avec la vie de l'auteur, Par Mr. Des Maizeaux. Amst., Compagnie des Libraires, 1734, 5th rev./ corr./ enl. ed., 5 vols., 5 ident. engr. title-vignettes, 1 vignette, contemp. unif. calf, gilt spines w. 2 contrasting mor. letterpieces, folio.

- Bindings sl. rubbed.

= PMM 155b; Ebert 1792; Zischka p.7: "Das Werk ist eine Kritik historischer und philosophisher Grundsätze im Geiste der frühen Aufklärung. Die kritischen Anmerkungen überwuchern den eigentlichen Text."

€ (150-250) 150
77 2162 Bedencken über dem Casselschen Colloquio so zwischen denen Rinthelschen und Marpurgischen Theologen Im Jahr Christi 1661 77 2162 Bedencken über dem Casselschen Colloquio so zwischen denen Rinthelschen und Marpurgischen Theologen Im Jahr Christi 1661
77/2162 Bedencken, über dem Casselschen Colloquio, so zwischen denen Rinthelschen, und Marpurgischen Theologen, Im Jahr Christi 1661. Wittenberg, M. Henckel for the heirs of D.T. Mevius and E. Schumachers, 1663, (20),160p., later boards, 4to. - BOUND WITH: Epicrisis de Colloquio Cassellano, Rinthelio-Marpurgensium Anno MDCLXI. Ibid., J. Haken for idem, 1663, (27)p. - BOUND WITH: Brevis relatio colloquii inter Theologos quosdam Marpurgenses et Rintelenses (...). Kassel, S. Schadewitz, 1661, (12),87p.

- Browned throughout. Binding sl. worn.

= Three works that were published in response to the Colloquy of Kassel (1661), during which an agreement was reached between the Reformed professors of the University of Marburg, Sebastian Curtius and Johannes Hein, and the Lutheran professors of the University of Rinteln, Peter Musäus and Johannes Heinichen.

€ (80-100) 80
77 2163 Belgium  Cantillon P de 77 2163 Belgium Cantillon P de
77 2163 Belgium  Cantillon P de 77 2163 Belgium Cantillon P de
77 2163 Belgium  Cantillon P de 77 2163 Belgium Cantillon P de
77 2163 Belgium  Cantillon P de 77 2163 Belgium Cantillon P de
77/2163 [Belgium]. Cantillon, P. de. Vermakelykheden van Brabant, en deszelfs onderhoorige landen. Amst. D. Weege, 1770, 1st ed., 4 vols., engr. frontisp., 4 ident. engr. title-vignettes, 5 (fold.) plans, 4 (fold.) profiles, 178 (of 180?) views (i.a. by G. BOUTTATS, H. CAUSE and J. HARREWIJN), and 4 handcol. heraldic plates, 19th cent. unif. gilt hcalf.

- Possibly lacks 2 views; all vols. bookplate on upper pastedown; occas. waterstained; all text-p. browned. Two vols. lack backstrip; 2 vols. backstrip dam.; all vols. worn along extremities. Mediocre copy.

= With the plans and profiles of Antwerp and Brussels and many views of castles, nobles' houses, ruins and other important estates in the dukedom of Brabant.

€ (300-500) 450
77 2164 Belgium  Hedendaagsche Historie of Tegenwoordige Staat van alle Volkeren  Xde Deel Behelzende eene Beschryving van den Tegenwoordigen Staat der Oostenrijksche Fransche en Pruissisch77 2164 Belgium Hedendaagsche Historie of Tegenwoordige Staat van alle Volkeren Xde Deel Behelzende eene Beschryving van den Tegenwoordigen Staat der Oostenrijksche Fransche en Pruissisch
77/2164 [Belgium]. Hedendaagsche Historie, of Tegenwoordige Staat van alle Volkeren (...). Xde Deel, Behelzende eene Beschryving van den Tegenwoordigen Staat der Oostenrijksche, Fransche en Pruissische Nederlanden. Amst., I. Tirion, 1738, (12),562,(12)p., engr. frontisp., 4 fold. maps, 6 (of 8) fold. plans, 3 fold. profile views/ plates and 1 portr., contemp. vellum.

- Lacks 2 plans; usual occas. browning/ foxing.

= Contains profile views of Charleroi, Gelder and Scherpenheuvel, and plans of Antwerp, Bruges, Brussels.

€ (80-100) 80
77 2165 Belgium Antwerp  Lot of 8 ordinances by the city of Antwerp 77 2165 Belgium Antwerp Lot of 8 ordinances by the city of Antwerp
77/2165 [Belgium. Antwerp]. Lot of 8 ordinances by the city of Antwerp, 1786, various subjects, mostly folded, various sizes.

= I.a. on the training and conditions for exercising various medical professions ("de konste der Medecynen", "vry Meester Apotheker", "de Konste der Chirurgie ofte Heel-kunde"), tariffs for burials within all parish churches, dog taxes, and public estate sales.

AND a publication by the bishop of Antwerp, authorizing the consumption of meat on regular Saturdays and eggs and dairy during Lent, due to the scarcity of fish (1786, folded). - ADDED: VEEL-GELUK-WENSCH AEN ALLE WELPYZENDE NEDERLANDERS, over den langgewenschten zegen van de vredelievende vryheid, en bezonder aen die van Antwerpen (Antw., ±1790).

€ (70-90) 150
77 2166 Bentivoglio G 77 2166 Bentivoglio G
77 2166 Bentivoglio G 77 2166 Bentivoglio G
77/2166 Bentivoglio, G. Guerra de Flandes. Tradúxole de la Lengua Toscana en la Española el Padre Basilio Varen de los Clérigos Menores. Madrid, F. Martinez, 1643, (8),540,(2)p., engr. title-p., contemp. limp vellum, 4to.

- Bookblock loosening; entirely browned and mostly waterstained in blank margins.

= The rare first edition in Spanish of Bentivoglio's Della guerra di Fiandra.

€ (150-250) 150
77 2167 Biblia anglica  The Bible in Englyshe of the Largest and Greatest Volume 77 2167 Biblia anglica The Bible in Englyshe of the Largest and Greatest Volume
77 2167 Biblia anglica  The Bible in Englyshe of the Largest and Greatest Volume 77 2167 Biblia anglica The Bible in Englyshe of the Largest and Greatest Volume
77/2167 [Biblia anglica]. (The Bible in Englyshe of the Largest and Greatest Volume). (Rouen, Richard Carmarden, 1566), 542 (of 589) lvs., 2 woodcut titles, num. initials, contemp. calf.

- Lacks at least 22 prelim. lvs, 3 titles (incl. general title), final 2 quires and several lvs. throughout; partly loose; lvs. frayed/ dam. throughout; numerous owner's entries in pen and ink on blank free endpaper by members of the "Douglas" family. Binding badly dam. Sold w.a.f. Not subject to return.

= Herbert 119.

€ (1.000-1.500) 1000
77 2168 Biblia gallica  Le Nouveau Testament de Nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ Traduit en François Selon l'édition Vulgate avec les différences du Grec 77 2168 Biblia gallica Le Nouveau Testament de Nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ Traduit en François Selon l'édition Vulgate avec les différences du Grec
77 2168 Biblia gallica  Le Nouveau Testament de Nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ Traduit en François Selon l'édition Vulgate avec les différences du Grec 77 2168 Biblia gallica Le Nouveau Testament de Nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ Traduit en François Selon l'édition Vulgate avec les différences du Grec
77 2168 Biblia gallica  Le Nouveau Testament de Nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ Traduit en François Selon l'édition Vulgate avec les différences du Grec 77 2168 Biblia gallica Le Nouveau Testament de Nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ Traduit en François Selon l'édition Vulgate avec les différences du Grec
77 2168 Biblia gallica  Le Nouveau Testament de Nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ Traduit en François Selon l'édition Vulgate avec les différences du Grec 77 2168 Biblia gallica Le Nouveau Testament de Nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ Traduit en François Selon l'édition Vulgate avec les différences du Grec
77/2168 [Biblia gallica]. Le Nouveau Testament de Nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ, Traduit en François Selon l'édition Vulgate, avec les différences du Grec. Mons, G. Migeot (= Amst., D. Elzevier), 1667, vol. 1 (of 2), (44),538p., engr. frontisp. by P. VAN SCHUPPEN after P. DE CHAMPAGNE, woodcut printer's mark, contemp. vellum w. gilt wreathed cross of Christ on both covers, a.e.g.

- Frontisp. w. some offsetting; occas. sl. stained. Binding trifle rubbed. Otherwise fine.

= Rare. This French Bible translation by the Jansenist Solitaires of Port-Royal was both celebrated and criticised (for its alleged latent Protestantism and therefore censured) in France. Willems 1389; Rahir 3387. "Édition originale de cette célèbre traduction, connue sous le nom de Nouveau Testament de Mons; elle est fort belle et sort positivement des presses de Daniel Elzevier." (Willems).

(Treuvé, S.-M.). Le directeur spirituel pour ceux qui n'en ont point. Paris, E. Josset, 1692(?), new ed., (24),408p., contemp. gilt calf.

- Title-p. erroneously w. "M. DCICII". Lacks free endpapers; sl. later annot. in pen and ink on upper pastedown; title-p. lacks sm. blank portion; occas. sl. stained/ soiled/ dogeared. Binding sl. worn; lacks letterpiece.

= Rare. Copy of the often reprinted Christian directory by the French Jansenist theologian Simon-Michel Treuvé (1651-1730). Cf. Quérard IX, p.550.

AND 2 others similar.

€ (100-150) 150
77 2169 Biblia germanica  Biblia Das ist Die gantze Heilige Schrift dess Alten und Neuen Testaments German transl M Luther 77 2169 Biblia germanica Biblia Das ist Die gantze Heilige Schrift dess Alten und Neuen Testaments German transl M Luther
77 2169 Biblia germanica  Biblia Das ist Die gantze Heilige Schrift dess Alten und Neuen Testaments German transl M Luther 77 2169 Biblia germanica Biblia Das ist Die gantze Heilige Schrift dess Alten und Neuen Testaments German transl M Luther
77 2169 Biblia germanica  Biblia Das ist Die gantze Heilige Schrift dess Alten und Neuen Testaments German transl M Luther 77 2169 Biblia germanica Biblia Das ist Die gantze Heilige Schrift dess Alten und Neuen Testaments German transl M Luther
77 2169 Biblia germanica  Biblia Das ist Die gantze Heilige Schrift dess Alten und Neuen Testaments German transl M Luther 77 2169 Biblia germanica Biblia Das ist Die gantze Heilige Schrift dess Alten und Neuen Testaments German transl M Luther
77/2169 [Biblia germanica]. Biblia, Das ist: Die gantze Heilige Schrift, dess Alten und Neuen Testaments. German transl. M. Luther. Nürnberg, son and heirs of J.A. Endter, 1725, 2 parts in 1 vol. w. continuous pagination, (100),1181,(23)p., 2 diff. engr. frontisp., 11 full-p. portr. by A. NUNZER, 1 portr. of Luther, 6 full-p. plates (each w. accompanying textleaf) by J.A. DELSENBACH after P. DECKER, num. woodcut ills., contemp. mor. over wooden covers, spine w. raised bands, 2 brass clasps and catches, folio.

- Upper hinge split(ting) but holding on cords; first and last lvs. (sl.) frayed/ stained; sl. wormholed throughout (mostly in margins); some lvs. w. sm. tears/ holes/ creases (occas. sl. affecting text/ ills.); 2 portraits w. tears (1 repaired w. paper tape); partly sl. stained in lower margin causing some lvs. to stick together. Covers and edges heavily stained; backstrip loosening at top and lacks portion at foot; dam. spots along extremities.

= The portraits show different German prince-electors and dukes; the plates show various characters/ prophets from the Old Testament and the Four Evangelists. Darlow/ Moule 4229.

€ (250-350) 250
77 2170 Biblia graeca  Novum Testamentum Graecum cum lectionibus variantibus mss exemplarium versionum editionum SS Patrum et scriptorum ecclesiasticorum et in easdem notis Ed J Mill and L77 2170 Biblia graeca Novum Testamentum Graecum cum lectionibus variantibus mss exemplarium versionum editionum SS Patrum et scriptorum ecclesiasticorum et in easdem notis Ed J Mill and L
77/2170 [Biblia graeca]. Novum Testamentum Graecum, cum lectionibus variantibus mss. exemplarium, versionum, editionum, SS. Patrum et scriptorum ecclesiasticorum; et in easdem notis. Ed. J. Mill and L. Küster. Leipsic, son of J.F. Gleditsch, 1723, 2nd ed., 2 parts in 1 vol., (20),168,(2); 632p., engr. title-vignette, ills., contemp. gilt calf w. mor. letterpiece, folio.

- Owner's entry on verso first free endpaper; library stamp on title-p.; a few lvs w. pencil annots. Spine-ends dam. w. earlier repairs; upper joints splitting; dam. spots along extremities.

= Darlow/ Moule 4735.

€ (70-90) 140
77 2171 Biblia graeca  He Palaia Diatheke kata tous hebdomekonta Vetus Testamentum ex versione Septuaginta interpretum Ed D Mill 77 2171 Biblia graeca He Palaia Diatheke kata tous hebdomekonta Vetus Testamentum ex versione Septuaginta interpretum Ed D Mill
77 2171 Biblia graeca  He Palaia Diatheke kata tous hebdomekonta Vetus Testamentum ex versione Septuaginta interpretum Ed D Mill 77 2171 Biblia graeca He Palaia Diatheke kata tous hebdomekonta Vetus Testamentum ex versione Septuaginta interpretum Ed D Mill
77/2171 [Biblia graeca]. Hē Palaia Diathēkē kata tous hebdomēkonta. Vetus Testamentum ex versione Septuaginta interpretum. Ed. D. Mill. Amst., Sumptibus Societatis, 1725, 2 vols., (138),24,903[=895]; (2),928p., 1 engr. text ill., contemp. unif. vellum.

- Both vols. w. owner's stamp "Christus-Kirche Antwerpen" on title-p. affecting text; occas. sl. stained/ browned. Vol. 1 frontcover sl. scorched and w. horizontal cut in backstrip below title. Otherwise fine.

= This Greek edition of the Old Testament by the German theologian Mill contains two lists of variants (with the Roman Septuagint) according to the 5th-cent. codex Colberto-Sarravianus, preserved in Leyden, of which a facsimile specimen is included. Darlow/ Moule 4736.

€ (80-100) 100
77 2172 Biblia graeca  He Kaine Diatheke Novum Testamentum Graecum editionis receptae cum lectionibus variantibus codicum MSS editionum aliarum versionum et patrum  Ed J J Wettstein 77 2172 Biblia graeca He Kaine Diatheke Novum Testamentum Graecum editionis receptae cum lectionibus variantibus codicum MSS editionum aliarum versionum et patrum Ed J J Wettstein
77 2172 Biblia graeca  He Kaine Diatheke Novum Testamentum Graecum editionis receptae cum lectionibus variantibus codicum MSS editionum aliarum versionum et patrum  Ed J J Wettstein 77 2172 Biblia graeca He Kaine Diatheke Novum Testamentum Graecum editionis receptae cum lectionibus variantibus codicum MSS editionum aliarum versionum et patrum Ed J J Wettstein
77 2172 Biblia graeca  He Kaine Diatheke Novum Testamentum Graecum editionis receptae cum lectionibus variantibus codicum MSS editionum aliarum versionum et patrum  Ed J J Wettstein 77 2172 Biblia graeca He Kaine Diatheke Novum Testamentum Graecum editionis receptae cum lectionibus variantibus codicum MSS editionum aliarum versionum et patrum Ed J J Wettstein
77/2172 [Biblia graeca]. Hē Kainē Diathēkē. Novum Testamentum Graecum editionis receptae cum lectionibus variantibus codicum MSS. editionum aliarum, versionum et patrum (...). Ed. J.J. Wettstein. Amst., Ex officina Dommeriana, 1751-1752, 2 vols., (12),966,(2); 920,(3)p., engr. title-vignette by P. TANJÉ after L.F. DUBOURG, engr. plate w. Greek alphabet, later unif. hcalf, folio. - BOUND AS USUAL WITH: Idem. Duae epistolae S. Clementis Romani, discipuli Petri Apostoli, quas ex codice manuscripto Novi Testamenti Syriaci. Leyden, E. Luzac, 1752, X,27p.

- (Traces of) library tickets on upper pastedowns and spines; occas. sl. foxed/ stained; a few lvs. w. sm. tears. Bindings w. dam./ rubbed spots on spine and along extremities; upper joints (sl.) splitting.

= Second work contains Syriac version w. Latin transl. of two letters on virginity attributed to POPE CLEMENS I reading from right to left. Darlow/ Moule 4753.

AND 2 others: C. REINECCIUS, Hē Palaia Diathēkē kata tous ebdomēkonta. Vetus Testamentum Graecum ex versione Septuaginta interpretum una cum libris Apocryphis (Leipsic, 1730, 2 parts in 1 vol., contemp. vellum) and J.C. DIETERICH, Antiquitates Biblicae (Giessen, 1671, engr. portrait of author by J.P. THELOTT, engr. title-vignette, contemp. vellum, folio).

€ (150-250) 230
77 2173 Biblia graeca  Schmidt E 77 2173 Biblia graeca Schmidt E
77 2173 Biblia graeca  Schmidt E 77 2173 Biblia graeca Schmidt E
77/2173 [Biblia graeca]. Schmidt, E. Novi Testamenti Jesu Christi Graeci, hoc est, originalis linguae Tameion (aliis Concordantiae). Wittenberg, J.W. Fincel for the heirs of C. Berger, 1638, (680)p., engr. title by A.C. KALLE after J. HAUER, contemp. overlapping vellum, folio.

- Library tickets of the Mennonite Church Amsterdam on upper pastedown and spine. Title loose(ning); heavily foxed/ browned.

= First posthumous ed. of this concordance of all the words in the Greek New Testament by Erasmus Schmidt (1570-1637), German philologist, theologian and mathematician. Cf. ADB XXXII, p.27f.

AND 1 other: J. USSHER, Annales Veteris et Novi Testamenti, a prima mundi origine deducti (Geneva, 1722, new ed., 3 parts in 1 vol., engr. portr. of the author by J.G. SEILLER, contemp. hcalf w. mor. letterpiece, folio).

€ (100-150) 110
77 2174 Biblia graeca  Trommius A 77 2174 Biblia graeca Trommius A
77/2174 [Biblia graeca]. Trommius, A. Concordantiae Graecae versionis vulgo dictae LXX interpretum. Ed. B. de Montfaucon. Amst./ Utr., Sumptibus Societatis, 1718, 2 vols., (18),1008; (4),716,134,(4),70,XXXVIp., contemp. unif. calf, richly gilt spine w. 2 mor. letterpieces.

- Occas. sl. stained; a few lvs. sl. wormholed. Vol. 2 lacks portion of letterpiece and top of spine dam. Otherwise a fine copy.

= Concordance on the Septuagint, with a supplement on the Hexapla and an index of Hebrew and Chaldean words by L. BOS. Fürst III, p.448.

€ (40-60) 40
77 2175 Biblia hebraica  Vorstius J 77 2175 Biblia hebraica Vorstius J
77/2175 [Biblia hebraica]. Vorstius, J. De Hebraismis Novi Testamenti commentarius, sive Philologia Sacra (...) De Adagiis N.T. diatriba. Frankf. a.M./ Leipsic, J.N. Andreae, 1705, 3 parts in 1 vol., (20),344,(15); (8),264,(12); (4),60p., 2 identical woodcut printer's vignettes in 2nd part, contemp. vellum, 4to.

- Occas. foxed and stained.

€ (70-90) 70