2076 - 2859 OLD and RARE BOOKS
- All vols. usual foxing; some vols. sl. (finger)soiled. All bindings (sl.) rubbed.
= Works by i.a. A. LEEUW, De Toverés Circe (Amst., 1690); (B. HUYDECOPER, Achilles (ibid., 1719); T. ASSELYN, De Stiefvaar. Blyspel (ibid., 1755) and J. VAN DEN VONDEL, Gysbrecht van Aemstel (ibid., 1745).
ADDED: 2 others.
- Incl. a few mediocre copies.
= I.a. G. HORNIUS and B. BEKKER, Kerkelyke en Wereldlyke Historie (...) (The Hague, 1696, 4 parts in 1 vol., engr. ills., contemp. vellum); M. HENRY, Schriftuurlyke Catechismus (Middelb./ Amst., 1755, contemp. vellum schoolprize binding of Middelburg); P. SCHOUTEN, Verhandeling (...) ter beantwoording van voorgestelde vraag, welke bewijzen leveren Natuur en Reden op, voor het bestaan van God (...) (Amst., 1786, contemp. calf); I. DE LOYOLA, Geestelycke Oeffeninghen (Antw., 1673, engr. frontisp., plates, contemp. overlapping vellum. Incomplete copy) and J. LEUSDEN, Compendium Biblicum continens, ex 23202 versiculis totius Veteris Testamenti, tantum versiculos 2289 (...) (Utr., 1673, Latin and Hebrew text, contemp. vellum, 12mo).
- Various (minor) defects.
- A few quires at beginning and end waterstained; a few quires loosening. Vellum sl. soiled; new endpapers.
= De Backer 3047.
- Partly (sl.) waterst. and yellowed. Sharp dents in backcover and backstrip left by tight string or cord; vellum sl. stained.
= Faber du Faur 1396; Dünnhaupt 31.
= Fine copy. Cohen/ De Ricci 991; Sander 1912; Salomons, Eisen 166. Probably bound by H.-M. CAZIN, cf. Cazin, sa vie et ses éditions, p.69 (https://books.google.nl/books).
- Contemp. owner's entry in pen and ink on title "Wilhelmi Goed". Lacks upper portion of backstrip; vellum soiled.
= Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem p.471.
- Upper hinge sl. weak; partly waterstained; occas. sl. foxed/ yellowed. Binding sl. worn; upper joint splitting at top of spine; corners bumped.
= Including the third part ("Vervolg") of 1731.
- Sl. foxed/ yellowed throughout. Traces of shelf ticket on spine; vol. 1 backcover sl. stained. Otherwise fine.
= Important publication explaining the origin and meaning of approximately 1500 Dutch proverbs. The four parts at the end of vol. 2 contain the Dutch translation of the medieval didactic poem Regimen sanitatis Salernitanum, which includes popular meteorological knowledge, forecasts and superstitions.
- Both vols. w. owner's entry on first free endpaper; occas. sl. foxed/ stained; vol. 1 sl. yellowed throughout. Both vols. w. joints splitting at top (and foot) of spine.
= Vol. 1 is a large paper copy, warranted by the author. Important publication explaining the origin and meaning of approximately 1500 Dutch proverbs. The four parts at the end of vol. 2 contain the Dutch translation of the medieval didactic poem Regimen sanitatis Salernitanum, which includes popular meteorological knowledge, forecasts and superstitions.
- Occas. trifle stained; upper hinge weak. Otherwise fine.
= Rare, not in the usual reference works.
Idem. Mengel-stoffe van Veelerlei stichtelijke Gezangen; op Verscheide, zo Oude als Nieuwe, Toonen en Psalm-wijzen. Utr., W. Broedelet, 1709, 2nd enl. ed., (16),387,(11)p., engr. title-vignette, num. woodcut scores, contemp. vellum.
- Occas. trifle stained; sl. wormholed; lower hinge weak. Otherwise fine.
= Rare. Scheurleer, p.91.
- Very fine copy. = Tiele 921; Scheepers I, 656. Rare.
- Usual occas. browning/ foxing. Otherwise fine.
= Incl. a panoramic view of Constantinople, a plan of Gdansk and a Polish bear hunting scene.
- A few lvs. w. sm. wormhole in upper inner margin.
= Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem no.214a; Romein, Geschiedenis der Noord-Nederlandse geschiedschrijving M.E. no.30, p.82-86: "Niet aan zijn waarde als geschiedbron - ofschoon men verkeerd zou doen die (...) te onderschatten - maar aan het literaire karakter van zijn werk dankt Beka, evenals zooveel andere geschiedwerken uit vroeger en later tijd, den schier onmetelijken invloed, dien hij op de latere historiografie in Nederland heeft geoefend (...). Beka zou twee eeuwen lang de kroniek blijven, totdat hij door Heda verouderde en door de Divisie-kroniek verdrongen werd."
= Knuttel 20283-20286. Pamphlets on the problematic behaviour of Willem Nicolaas Pesters (nicknamed the "Stichtsche Sinterklaas" because of his nepotism). His behaviour led to a conflict with the patriotist movement in Utrecht.
- Occas. trifle yellowed (final leaf worse).
= One plate with a mounted part that can be lifted to reveal the new situation of the church. Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 30; Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 60.
- All vols. lack (last) free endpaper; vol. 1 and 2 occas. sl. stained; vol. 3 foxed/ yellowed throughout; vol. 1 one leaf w. later annot. in lower margin. Covers rubbed.
= From the library of C.W. Wagenaar (1860-1942), municipal archivist of Utrecht (his bookplate on upper pastedowns). With annot. by a previous owner on upper pastedowns: "P.J. de Fremerij. Verkogt aan F. van der Capellen te Utrecht in 1821." Bodel Nijenhuis 2288; De Buck 3840; Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 94c.
- Occas. (sl.) foxed/ yellowed. Otherwise a fine copy.
= Contains folding profiles of Amersfoort, Montfoort, Utrecht and Wijk bij Duurstede.
- Usual occas. browning/ foxing; vol. 2 waterstained throughout. Paper over boards vol. "XII" torn off.
- Uncut copy; owner's entry on first free endpaper. Covers and edges sl. worn/ rubbed; 3 corners showing.
= Rare series of patriotic pamphlets w. requests of citizens to the mayors and the city council of Utrecht, concerning i.a. the militia, civil rights and the removal of Rijklof Michaël van Goens from the council. Knuttel 20683ff. Cf. N.C.F. van Sas, 'Politiek als leerproces. Het patriottisme in Utrecht, 1783-1787', in: idem, De metamorfose van Nederland (Amst., 2004), p.223ff.
(Ondaatje, P.P.J.Q.). Historiesch verhaal van de onwettige behandeling de provintie, en stad van Utrecht. Aangedaan, in de jaaren 1672, 73, en 74. N.pl., n.publ., 1784, VIII,212p., contemp. wr.
- Uncut copy; occas. sl. stained. Binding worn.
= From the library of Jacob Hooft Graafland (1865-1931), court clerk in Utrecht (his bookplate on verso frontwr.). Rare publication by the Utrecht patriotic leader Quint Ondaatje (1758-1818). Knuttel 20951; Van Doornick II, 578; Bodel Nijenhuis 2302.
ADDED: G. VAN LOON, Beknopte verhandeling van de week- en jaarmarkten, Midsgaders van de kermissen in Holland (Leyden, 1743, contemp. wr.).