Page 5 of 11 Results 81 - 100 of 205
78 980 Egypt  Perrot G and Chipiez C 78 980 Egypt Perrot G and Chipiez C
78 980 Egypt  Perrot G and Chipiez C 78 980 Egypt Perrot G and Chipiez C
78/ 980 [Egypt]. Perrot, G. and Chipiez, C. Histoire de l'Art dans l'Antiquité. Vol. 1. L'Égypte. Paris, Hachette et Cie., 1882, LXXVI,879p., (fold.) (handcol.) engr. plates, ills., contemp. gilt green hcalf w. mor. letterpiece, 4to.

- Some foxing. Binding sl. rubbed; spine sunned.

AND 7 others, i.a. J. CAPART, Tout-Ankh-Amon (Brussels, 1943, (col.) plates, contemp. hleather, orig. wr. pres.) and vols. 7-10 from the 2nd series of RECUEIL DES NOTICES ET MÉMOIRES de la Société Archéologique du Département de Constantine (Algiers/ Paris, 1876, 4 vols., fold. plates, orig. unif. wr. Contents loose(ning); needs rebinding).

€ (50-70) 50
78 981 Egypt  Salvator Ludwig Archduke of Austria 78 981 Egypt Salvator Ludwig Archduke of Austria
78/ 981 [Egypt]. Salvator Ludwig, Archduke of Austria. Ramleh als Winteraufenthalt. Leipsic, Woerl's Reisebücher-Verlag, 1900, XVII,(3),151p., fold. col. lithogr. plan, 77 (photogr.) plates, contemp. (orig.?) hcl., 4to.

- Closed tear in inner margin of fold. plan. Otherwise a fine copy.

= Kainbacher 253,7; Holzmann-Bohatta VII, 832. On the bayside town of Ramleh, near Alexandria, Egypt.

ADDED: P.W. VON KEPPLER, Wanderfahrten und Wahlfahrten im Orient (Freiburg i.B., 1922, 7th ed., 2 fold. maps, 1 fold. panorama, num. (full-p.) ills., orig. hcl.).

€ (70-90) 110
78/982 France  Code Civil des Français Éditions Originale et Seulle Officielle 78/982 France Code Civil des Français Éditions Originale et Seulle Officielle
78/ 982 [France]. Code Civil des Français. Éditions Originale et Seulle Officielle. Paris, L'Imprimerie de la Republique, 1804, (4),436p., contemp. calf.

- Sl. browed/ yellowed; some contemp. Remnants of paper ticket over letterpiece

= Camus p.164: "Il y a eu trois éditions officielles du Code civil, in-4o, in-8o et in-32o (...)". Our copy published by I'Imprimerie de la République, in 8vo. The Civil Code had the great merit of unifying French law shared under the Ancien Régime between written law and a multitude of customs. It achieves a fair balance between ancient principles and revolutionary conquests.

BOUND WITH: Table Alphabétique des matières du code civil des Français, rédigée sur l'Édition originale et seule officielle. Ibid., Rondonneau, 1804, 240p. - AND BOUND WITH: Constitution de la République Française. N.pl. (Maastricht?), n.d., "an VIII" (1799/ 1800), 20p., woodcut headpiece.

- Contemp. annotations.

€ (120-150) 120
78 983 France  Cuvier G 78 983 France Cuvier G
78 983 France  Cuvier G 78 983 France Cuvier G
78/ 983 [France]. Cuvier, G. Recueil des éloges historiques lus dans les séances publiques de l'institut de France. Paris, Firmin Didot, 1861, 2nd ed., 3 vols., (4),LIX,(1),411,(2); (4),409,(2); (4),394,(1)p., contemp. unif. blindst. mor. w. large gilt armorial coat of arms on frontcover, gilt spine. - AND 1 other.
€ (50-70)
78 984 France  Cuvier G 78 984 France Cuvier G
78/ 984 [France]. Cuvier, G. Recueil des éloges historiques lus dans les séances publiques de l'institut de France. Paris, Firmin Didot, 1861, 2nd ed., 3 vols., (4),LIX,(1),411,(2); (4),409,(2); (4),394,(1)p., contemp. unif. gilt hmor w. gilt ornament on frontcover. - AND 1 other.
€ (50-70)
78 985 France  Guizot F 78 985 France Guizot F
78/ 985 [France]. Guizot, F. L'Histoire de France depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'en 1789. Paris, Hachette et Cie., 1875-1876, 5 vols., 2 col. maps, num. (full-p.) woodengr. ills., orig. unif. richly gilt dec. mor., t.e.g., 4to.

- Some (unobtrusive) foxing/ light waterdam.

AND 1 other by the same, unif. bound w. the preceding: L'Histoire d'Angleterre (ibid., 1877-1878, 2 vols., num. (full-p.) woodengr. ills.).

€ (80-100) 130
78 986 France  Methelier  J A  and Tirpenne J L 78 986 France Methelier J A and Tirpenne J L
78/ 986 [France]. Methelier, (J.A.) and Tirpenne, J.L. Souvenirs et croquis de Dieppe et ses environs. Paris etc., J.L. Tirpenne, n.d. (±1840), 4 textp., engr. title, lithogr. map and 26 plates, 20th cent. antique style hleather w. contemp. gilt mor. title-piece on frontcover, folio.

- (Vaguely) waterst. and (sl.) foxed throughout.

€ (80-100) 80
78 987 France  Michelet J 78 987 France Michelet J
78/ 987 [France]. Michelet, J. Histoire de la révolution française. Paris, Chamerot, 1847-1853, 7 vols., contemp. unif. giltlettered hcalf.

- Occas. sl. foxed. Backstrips sunned.

€ (60-80) 60
78 988 France  Petit V 78 988 France Petit V
78 988 France  Petit V 78 988 France Petit V
78 988 France  Petit V 78 988 France Petit V
78 988 France  Petit V 78 988 France Petit V
78 988 France  Petit V 78 988 France Petit V
78/ 988 [France]. Petit, V. Souvenirs des Pyrénées. Vues prises aux environs des eaux thermales de Bagnères-de-Bigorre, Bagnères-de-Luchon, Cauteretz, Saint-Sauveur, Barèges, Les Eaux Bonnes, Les Eaux Chaudes & Pau. Pau, A. Bassy, n.d. (±1850), lithogr. title printed in blue and gold, 5 divisional titles (each w. sm. handcol. (circular) view), 1 fold. col. panorama ("Panorama des Pyrénées") and 33 (of 38?) handcol. views, loose as issued in orig. giltlettered mor. portfolio, folio.

- Lacks at least 5 plates; general title-p. foxed and w. sm. tear; panorama foxed. Portfolio lacks closing strip and 2 narrow sides.

= The number of plates varies in most copies, with a maximum of 52. Our copy contains, apart from the general fold. panorama: Souvenirs de Pau (title and 4 (of 6) numb. views), Souvenirs des Eaux-Bonnes (title and 9 (of 10) numb. views), Souvenirs des Eaux-Chaudes (title and 6 (of 8) numb. views), Souvenirs de Cauterets (title and 7 numb. views) and Souvenirs des Hautes-Pyrénées (title and 7 views). Copies with this many handcoloured plates are extremely rare.

€ (200-300) 300
78 989 France  Ritchie L 78 989 France Ritchie L
78 989 France  Ritchie L 78 989 France Ritchie L
78/ 989 [France]. Ritchie, L. Travelling Sketches on the Sea-Coasts of France. London, Longman etc., 1834, (10),256p., steelengr. title and 20 views by i.a. R. WALLIS after C. STANFIELD, orig. gilt red mor., a.e.g.

- Rebacked w. use of orig. backstrip; covers sl. stained/ soiled. = Heat's Picturesque Annual for 1834.

Fortoul, H. Les Fastes de Versailles depuis son origine jusqu'à nos jours. Paris, Houdaille & Cie., 1844, (8),327,(7)p., steelengr. title, 4 heraldic plates printed in colours and gold ("Procédé Fichtenberg"), 24 steelengr. plates/ portraits, woodengr. ills., contemp. gilt hmor., 4to.

- Sl. foxed; prelim. text lvs. sl. browned.

AND 3 others, i.a. PARIS. ILLUSTRATIONS. Album de gravures par les premiers artistes de France (Paris, 1838, steelengr. plates, woodengr. ills., later hcl.).

€ (60-80) 100
78 990 France  Vaysse de Villiers  J  78 990 France Vaysse de Villiers J
78/ 990 [France]. Vaysse de Villiers, (J.). Itinéraire descriptif ou description routière, géographique, historique et pittoresque de la France et de l'Italie. Région du Sud-Ouest. Routes de Paris à Bordeaux. Paris, Potey, 1818, (2),308,(1)p., fold. engr. map w. handcol. indication of the roads between Paris and Bordeaux, contemp. gilt blindst. hcalf w. 2 mor. letterpieces.

- Occas. trifle foxed. = The author was a French postal inspector.

AND 1 other: IDEM, Itinéraire descriptif de la France, ou géographie complète (...). Régio du Nord-Ouest (Paris, 1830, fold. engr. map w. handcol. road indication, bound unif. w. the preceding).

€ (50-70) 50
78 991 France Napoléon  Bonaparte L N 78 991 France Napoléon Bonaparte L N
78 991 France Napoléon  Bonaparte L N 78 991 France Napoléon Bonaparte L N
78/ 991 [France. Napoléon]. Bonaparte, L.N. Documens historiques et réflexions sur le gouvernement de la Hollande. Paris/ Amst., Aillaud, Fantin/ S. Delachauz, 1820, 3 vols., (4),333; (4),432; (4),388p., contemp. unif. calf w. gilt spine w. mor. letterpieces.

- Covers chafed/ worn; calf worn away at places (boards showing).

€ (40-60)
78 992 France Napoléon  Napoléon le Grand Médaillons historiques par un ancien Soldat de l'Empire 78 992 France Napoléon Napoléon le Grand Médaillons historiques par un ancien Soldat de l'Empire
78 992 France Napoléon  Napoléon le Grand Médaillons historiques par un ancien Soldat de l'Empire 78 992 France Napoléon Napoléon le Grand Médaillons historiques par un ancien Soldat de l'Empire
78/ 992 [France. Napoléon]. Napoléon le Grand. Médaillons historiques par un ancien Soldat de l'Empire. Series of 89 circular engravings (incl. title), each Ø 7 cm., interconnected by a silk ribbon, numb. "1" to "88", each w. printed text on verso, in orig. gilt embossed board box w. mounted engr. title-piece on upper lid, n.pl., n.publ., n.d. (±1840).

- Silk ribbon broken at several points.

= Very nice Napoleonic memorabilium. The printed text on verso of each engraving refers to the preceding scene. Flipping the engravings over, the text appears next to the corresponding print. Rare, complete copy. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXI.

€ (200-300) 750
78 993 France Napoléon  Vernet C a o 78 993 France Napoléon Vernet C a o
78/ 993 [France. Napoléon]. Vernet, C. a.o. Campagnes des Français sous le Consulat & l'Empire. Album de cinquante-deux batailles et cent portraits des maréchaux, généraux et personnages les plus illustres de l'époque et le portrait de Napoléon Ier. Paris, Librairie Rue Visconti, n.d. (±1860), letterpress title-p., frontisp. portrait, list of contents and 57 steelengr. plates after C. VERNET, J.F.J. SWEBACH a.o., orig. gilt cl., a.e.g., folio.

- Upper hinge broken; final few plates foxed and waterst.; one plate w. sm. superficial dam. spot. Binding sl. worn; spine strengthened w. tape.

= Lipperheide Qk 58. Fine and lively views of the great sieges, battles and victories fought/ won by Napoléon I, i.a. at Roveredo, Naples, Cairo, Héliopolis, Ulm, Austerlitz, Jena, Danzig, Madrid, Wagram, Moscow and Dresden.

€ (250-350) 325
78 994 Germany  Kugler F 78 994 Germany Kugler F
78/ 994 [Germany]. Kugler, F. Geschiedenis van Frederik den Groote. The Hague, P.H. Noordendorp, 1843-1845, 2 vols., 302; 354p., ills. by A. MENZEL, contemp. unif. gilt hmor., 4to.

- Some foxing.

€ (30-50) 30
78 995 Germany  Leti G 78 995 Germany Leti G
78 995 Germany  Leti G 78 995 Germany Leti G
78/ 995 [Germany]. Leti, G. Ritratti historici, politici, chronologici, e genealogici della casa serenissima, & elettorale di Brandeburgo./ (...) casa serenissima, & elettorale di Sassonia. Amst., R. Roger, 1687/ 1688, 4 vols., 4 engr. titles by A. DE WINTER, modern unif. cl. w. leather letterpiece, 4to.

- Browned; new endpapers.

€ (100-150) 100
78/996 Germany Rhine  Delkeskamp's neues Panorama des Rheins von Mainz bis Coeln Mit Randbildern vermehrt 78/996 Germany Rhine Delkeskamp's neues Panorama des Rheins von Mainz bis Coeln Mit Randbildern vermehrt
78/996 Germany Rhine  Delkeskamp's neues Panorama des Rheins von Mainz bis Coeln Mit Randbildern vermehrt 78/996 Germany Rhine Delkeskamp's neues Panorama des Rheins von Mainz bis Coeln Mit Randbildern vermehrt
78/ 996 [Germany. Rhine]. Delkeskamp's neues Panorama des Rheins von Mainz bis Coeln. Mit Randbildern vermehrt. Frankf. a.M., F.W. Delkeskamp, 1842, steelengr. leporello of the course of the Rhine w. 60 miniature views/ ills., folded in 16 sections and a title-section (panorama size 26x±264 cm.), engr. by Borniger and Collin under supervision of C. Deuker (title section engr. by J.W. Igler), w. the additonal booklet Notizen für Rhein-Reisende. Anhang zu F.W. Delkeskamp's Neuem Panorama des Rheins und seiner nächsten Umgebungen von Mainz bis Cöln (ibid., idem, 1843, 32,(4)p., without wr. as published), orig. clothbacked boards (backcover w. title in English), 4to.

- Sl. foxed/ yellowed in outer margins and along folds. Lacks ties; covers soiled and sl. rubbed; backcover w. vague waterstain.

= Der Rhein im Panorama p.56f, and cf. no.10 (ed. 1837): "Dieses erste Panorama mit Randbildern wurde ein grosser Erfolg und bahnbrechend für die weitere graphische Enwicklung der Rheinpanoramen."

€ (70-90)
78 997 Germany Rhine  Tombleson W 78 997 Germany Rhine Tombleson W
78/ 997 [Germany. Rhine]. Tombleson, W. Le Rhin Supérieur/ Vues du Rhin. London, W. Tombleson, n.d. (±1835), 2 vols., VIII,181,(3); 190,(2)p., 2 steelengr. title-pages, fold. map of the course of the Rhine, 72/ 65 steelengr. plates, contemp. unif. gilt calf w. orange mor. letterpiece.

- Vol. 1 occas. browned at the end and final quires loose(ning); some foxing. Spines chafed/ rubbed.

= French language edition.

€ (100-150)
78 998 Great Britain  McCarthy J 78 998 Great Britain McCarthy J
78/ 998 [Great Britain]. McCarthy, J. A History of our own times from the accession of Queen Victoria to the general election of 1880./ From 1880 to the Diamond Jubilee./ From the Diamond Jubiee 1897 to the accession of Edward VII. London, Chatto & Windus, 1898-1905, 7 vols., contemp. unif. richly gilt hcalf w. 2 contrast. mor. letterpieces, t.e.g.

- Spine-ends rubbed; lower part of covers (sl.) soiled w. mould.

€ (100-150)
78 999 Greece  Barthelemy  J J  78 999 Greece Barthelemy J J
78/ 999 [Greece]. Barthelemy, (J.J.). Reize van den jongen Anacharsis door Griekenland. Dutch translation M. Stuart. Amst., J. Allart, 1794-1801, 1st Dutch ed., 10 vols., engr. portrait and 43 fold. maps, plans and plates, sl. later unif. gilt hmor.

= "It is difficult to overestimate the importance of Anacharsis in the development of French neo-classicism and in the creation of philhellenic sentiment" (Blackmer 83). This first Dutch edition is quite rare.

€ (200-300) 325