Page 4 of 5 Results 61 - 80 of 86
78 1798 Posters  Anonymous 1st half 20th cent  78 1798 Posters Anonymous 1st half 20th cent
78/1798 [Posters]. Anonymous (1st half 20th cent.). "Pravda proti sili, boem proti zla" (Truth against force, struggle against evil). Col. lithogr. poster, 54x75 cm., Kiev, Vseukrainske Vidavinstvo, 1920.

- Some tears in margins, closed on verso w. sellotape (shining through on recto); lower left (blank) corner smudged; some creases and small holes.

= Civil war time revolutionary poster. Text in Ukrainian. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXXVI.

€ (600-800) 650
78 1799 Posters  Lipsky M  = B Yefimov 1900 2008  78 1799 Posters Lipsky M = B Yefimov 1900 2008
78/1799 [Posters]. Lipsky, M. (= B. Yefimov (1900-2008)). "Pani-Burlaki, abo kudi blizhche-chi do Kiiva chi do Varschavi" (The Gentlemen Burlaki, or which way is shorter, to Kiev or to Warsaw?). Col. lithogr. poster, 55,5x73 cm., Kiev, State Publishing House, 1920.

- Sl. creased. = Civil war time caricatural poster based on Repin's Volga Boatmen. Text in Ukrainian.

€ (600-800) 600
78 1800 Posters  Suryaninov V  1903 1991 78 1800 Posters Suryaninov V 1903 1991
78 1800 Posters  Suryaninov V  1903 1991 78 1800 Posters Suryaninov V 1903 1991
78 1800 Posters  Suryaninov V  1903 1991 78 1800 Posters Suryaninov V 1903 1991
78/1800 [Posters]. Suryaninov, V. (1903-1991). "S prazdnikom 8-go marta" (Happy 8 March). Col. offset poster, 91,5x59 cm., Moscow, Gos. Izd., 1963.

- Formerly folded.

= International Women's Day poster depicting Valentina Tereshkova, the world's first female cosmonaut.

Kalensky, V. (1920-2012) and Kalenskaya, I. (1928-2006). "Mir narodam!" (Peace to the nations!). Col. offset poster, 99x56,5 cm., ibid., idem, 1960.

- Formerly folded; creased.

AND a Russian language advertisement poster (1983) for the Tesla K204 Stereophonic Radio Set and Tape Recorder.

€ (80-100) 80
78 1801 Posters  Lebedev V 78 1801 Posters Lebedev V
78 1801 Posters  Lebedev V 78 1801 Posters Lebedev V
78 1801 Posters  Lebedev V 78 1801 Posters Lebedev V
78 1801 Posters  Lebedev V 78 1801 Posters Lebedev V
78/1801 [Posters]. Lebedev, V. Russian Placards. Le Placard Russe 1917-1922. 1st Part. St. Petersburg, ROSTA, 1923, (8)p., 23 lithogr. ills. by V. LEBEDEV, printed in 1700 copies, orig. wr. w. col. mounted plate.

- Sl. thumbed; text lvs. and frontwr. vaguely waterst. in lower blank margin. Spine restored; vertical crease in frontwr.

= The English and French language edition (simultaneously also published in Russian). All published. Rowell/ Wye 474 and p.160/ 161. Lemmens/ Stommels, Russian Artists and the Children's Book p.98. Overview of Vladimir Lebedev's poster designs for the Russian Telegraph Agency ROSTA, in his bright and distinctive style characteristic for his illustrations in S. Marshak's children's books. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXXV.

€ (1.500-2.500) 1500
78 1802 Posters  Okhochinsky V 78 1802 Posters Okhochinsky V
78/1802 [Posters]. Okhochinsky, V. Plakat. I: Razvitie i Primenenie (The Poster. I: Development and Application). Leningrad, Izd. Akademii Khudozhestv, n.d. (1926), 92,(2)p., 2 col. lithogr. plates, ills., orig. wr. by A. SAMOKHVALOV.

- Spine and outer margin frontwr. restored; backwr. sl. soiled and w. a few stamps.

= All published. The first Russian work on poster art.

€ (80-100)
78 1803 Puni I 78 1803 Puni I
78/1803 Puni, I. Sovremennaya zhivopis' (Modern painting). Berlin, L.D. Frenkel, 1923, 36p., 24 plates, ills., orig. embossed wr. w. mounted plate on frontwr., sm. folio.

- Sm. cut in htitle; bookblock loosening. = Rowell/ Wye 497. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXXVII.

€ (200-300)
78 1804 Remizov A 78 1804 Remizov A
78/1804 Remizov, A. Elektron. St. Petersburg, Alkonost, 1919, 32,(4)p., publisher's emblem by YU. ANNENKOV on htitle, orig. wr. by A. REMIZOV, 12mo.

- Wrappers frayed and loose. = Rowell/ Wye 239; Kilgour 934.

€ (100-150)
78 1805 Rodchenko A  Dollar Jim = M ShaginIan 78 1805 Rodchenko A Dollar Jim = M ShaginIan
78 1805 Rodchenko A  Dollar Jim = M ShaginIan 78 1805 Rodchenko A Dollar Jim = M ShaginIan
78/1805 [Rodchenko, A.]. Dollar, Jim (= M. ShaginIan). Mess Mend ili Yankee v Petrograde. Vypusk 1/ 8/ 9 (Mess Mend or the Yankee in Petrograd. Issue 1/ 8/ 9). Moscow, Gos. Izd., 1924, 3 vols., (3),280-304p., orig. unif. photomontage wr. by A. RODCHENKO, sm. 8vo.

- Title-p. 1st issue (water)stained. Wrappers yellowed and (sl. crudely) restored margins; stamp in backwrappers.

= Khan-Magomedov p.121 and 125; Compton, Russian Avant-Garde Books 1917-34 p.82, 86 and 157 note 50: "Rodchenko's fascination with film continued to inspire many of his book covers, including a scheme capable of variation for a series of popular detective stories - Mess Mend or the Yankee in Petrograd (...) - written by Marietta Shaginian under the pseudonym Jim Dollar. For all ten volumes Rodchenko devised a complicated geometric layout combining colour with black and white, by dividing the cover into alternating coloured and black fields carrying white lettering. The central areas vary from cover to cover: they include cleverly cut photographs, including close-ups, reflecting the description to be found on the title page of volume one: 'cinematographic novel'. He chose a different colour for each cover and the series, which came out in 1924, remains most effective, though cheaply produced" (p.82). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXXVII.

€ (300-500) 500
78 1806 Rodchenko A  Kirsanov S 78 1806 Rodchenko A Kirsanov S
78 1806 Rodchenko A  Kirsanov S 78 1806 Rodchenko A Kirsanov S
78/1806 [Rodchenko, A.]. Kirsanov, S. Poslednij sovremennik (The last contemporary). Moscow, Federacija, 1930, 95,(1)p., orig. wr. by A. RODCHENKO, sm. 8vo.

- Edges wrappers sl. creased. = Rowell/ Wye 891; not in Khan-Magomedov.

€ (150-250) 150
78 1807 Rodchenko A  Mayakovsky V 78 1807 Rodchenko A Mayakovsky V
78 1807 Rodchenko A  Mayakovsky V 78 1807 Rodchenko A Mayakovsky V
78/1807 [Rodchenko, A.]. Mayakovsky, V. Pro Eto (About this). Moscow/ Petrograd, Gos. Izd., 1923, 1st ed., 43p., 8 photomontage plates and orig. (front)wr. by A. RODCHENKO.

- One plate sl. foxed. Lacks backwr.; frontwr. reattached and restored (closed tears and 2 sm. lacking portions reworked).

= Rowell/ Wye 505 and ills. p.210f; Compton, Russian Avant-Garde Books 1917-34, p.85; Khan-Magomedov p.118f: "In 1923 Mayakovsky's poem Pro Eto was published, with illustrations by Rodchenko which are today regarded as a seminal work of photomontage. In fact, it could be claimed that the painter was the co-author of this work, since he had not limited himself to illustrating the poem in order to render its meaning clearer, but had created a series of artistic compositions, capable of conjuring up profound associations of meaning." SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXXVII.

€ (1.000-1.500) 3500
78 1808 Rodchenko A  LEF Zhurnal levogo fronta iskusstv  Magazine of the leftist front of the arts  No 2 April May 1923  Ed V V Mayakovski 78 1808 Rodchenko A LEF Zhurnal levogo fronta iskusstv Magazine of the leftist front of the arts No 2 April May 1923 Ed V V Mayakovski
78 1808 Rodchenko A  LEF Zhurnal levogo fronta iskusstv  Magazine of the leftist front of the arts  No 2 April May 1923  Ed V V Mayakovski 78 1808 Rodchenko A LEF Zhurnal levogo fronta iskusstv Magazine of the leftist front of the arts No 2 April May 1923 Ed V V Mayakovski
78/1808 [Rodchenko. A.]. LEF. Zhurnal levogo fronta iskusstv. (Magazine of the leftist front of the arts). No. 2 (April-May 1923). Ed. V.V. Mayakovski. Moscow/ Petrograd, Gos. Izd., 1923, 177,(3)p., ills. (2p. in black and red), orig. photomontage wr. by A. RODCHENKO.

- Frontwr. sl. dam. in lower (blank) corner.

= Bowlt/ Hernad p.135. Periodical of the early Russian avantgardist movement. With contributions by i.a. Vladimir Mayakovsky, Aleksandr Kruchenykh and Sergei Tretyakov. Only 7 issues were published between 1922 and 1924. This issue i.a. with designs for sporting attire by Varvara Stepanova and trademark designs for Soviet aviation company Dobrolet by A. Rodchenko. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXXVIII.

€ (200-300) 200
78 1809 Roerich N and Makowsky S 78 1809 Roerich N and Makowsky S
78 1809 Roerich N and Makowsky S 78 1809 Roerich N and Makowsky S
78/1809 Roerich, N. and Makowsky, S. Talachkino. l'Art décoratif des ateliers de la princesse Ténichef. St. Pétersbourg, édition "Sodrougestvo", 1906, 77,(2)p., (col./ tinted) plates with furniture, textiles etc., 14 nice woodcut Jugendstil ornaments printed in green/ bistre, orig. wr., sm. 4to.

- Unopened copy. Wrappers sl. foxed; backstrip sl. cracking.

= Remarkable combination of Russian folklore and western Jugendstil.

€ (70-90) 160
78/1810 Russian Futurists and their Books 78/1810 Russian Futurists and their Books
78/1810 Russian Futurists and their Books. Moscow/ Paris, Avant-Garde/ La Hune, 1993, 2 text booklets (in English and French) by N. GURIANOVA ((24); (24)p., ills., orig. unif. wr.) and 6 facs. vols., printed in 1000 numb. copies, together loose in orig. board drop back box.

= Contains facs. reprints of: 1. A. KRUCHENYKH and V. KHLEBNIKOV, Mirskontsa (Moscow, 1912); 2. A. KRUCHENYKH, Pustynniki (ibid., 1913); 3. IDEM, Poluzhivoi (ibid., 1913); 4. IDEM, Vzorval' (St. Petersburg, 1914); 5. IDEM and V. KHLEBNIKOV, Igra v adu (ibid., 1914); 6. V. KHLEBNIKOV, Izbornik stikhov (ibid., 1914).

€ (50-70) 160
78/1811 Skazki Mully Irame Mulla Irame's Tales 78/1811 Skazki Mully Irame Mulla Irame's Tales
78/1811 Skazki Mully Irame Mulla Irame's Tales 78/1811 Skazki Mully Irame Mulla Irame's Tales
78/1811 Skazki Mully Irame (Mulla Irame's Tales). Moscow, Novaya Moskva, 1923, 79p., 2 col. lithogr. plates, ills. and orig. col. lithogr. wr. by E. POPOV.

- Spine-ends chipped; wr. sl. frayed. = Persian fairy-tales in Russian translation.

€ (70-90) 70
78 1812 Sovremennyj Zapad Zhurnal literatury nauki i iskusstva The Modern West Magazine of literature science and art  No 1 6 Ed E Zamyatin A Tikhonov and K Chukovsky 78 1812 Sovremennyj Zapad Zhurnal literatury nauki i iskusstva The Modern West Magazine of literature science and art No 1 6 Ed E Zamyatin A Tikhonov and K Chukovsky
78/1812 Sovremennyj Zapad. Zhurnal literatury, nauki i iskusstva (The Modern West. Magazine of literature, science and art). No.1-6. Ed. E. Zamyatin, A. Tikhonov and K. Chukovsky. St. Petersburg, Vsemirnaya Literatura, 1922-1924, 6 vols., ills. (i.a. after F. MASEREEL), orig. unif. wr. by YURI ANNENKOV, sm. 4to.

- No.1 final lvs. and backstrip dam.; no.1-4 wrappers sl. (water)stained/ soiled and w. some restored spots.

= Complete run of this perodicial containing many first Russian translations of (fragments of) western works, i.a. by Stefan Zweig, Émile Zola, Sinclair Lewis, Rudyard Kipling and Oswald Spengler. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXXVIII.

€ (300-500) 300
78 1813 Stelletsky D 78 1813 Stelletsky D
78 1813 Stelletsky D 78 1813 Stelletsky D
78/1813 Stelletsky, D. Russkie narodnye chastushki (Russian folk rhymes). Riga, Ernst Plates, 1937, (3) textp., 22 lithogr. plates and orig. lithogr. wr. (in green) by D. STELLETSKY.

- One plate sl. browned. Backstrip worn; spine-ends chipped.


€ (80-100) 110
78 1814 Stenberg G  Kto chto kogda v Moskovskom Kamernom Teatre Who what when in the Moscow Kamerny Theatre 78 1814 Stenberg G Kto chto kogda v Moskovskom Kamernom Teatre Who what when in the Moscow Kamerny Theatre
78 1814 Stenberg G  Kto chto kogda v Moskovskom Kamernom Teatre Who what when in the Moscow Kamerny Theatre 78 1814 Stenberg G Kto chto kogda v Moskovskom Kamernom Teatre Who what when in the Moscow Kamerny Theatre
78/1814 [Stenberg, G.]. Kto, chto, kogda v Moskovskom Kamernom Teatre (Who, what, when in the Moscow Kamerny Theatre). Moscow, n.publ., 1924, (40)p., num. ills., orig. lithogr. wr. in black, grey and red by G. STENBERG, folio.

- Backstrip sl. cracking and w. some restored spots.

= Compton, Russian Avant-Garde Books 1917-1934, p.108f. Publication dedicated to the 10-year anniversary of Alexandr Tairov's Moscow Kamerny (Chamber) Theatre. "Inside the book, there are pages devoted to production photographs of the set for G.K. Chesterton's The Man who was Thursday designed by architect/ painter, Alexander Vesnin. These show Tairov's new preference for Constructivist stage design taken to the extreme of replacing conventional scenery by a free-standing multi-level structure" (Compton). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXXIX.

€ (250-350) 300
78 1815 Telingater S  Kirsanov S 78 1815 Telingater S Kirsanov S
78 1815 Telingater S  Kirsanov S 78 1815 Telingater S Kirsanov S
78 1815 Telingater S  Kirsanov S 78 1815 Telingater S Kirsanov S
78/1815 [Telingater, S.]. Kirsanov, S. Slovo predostavlyaetsya Kirsanovu (Kirsanov is called upon to speak). Moscow, Gos. Izd., 1930, (82)p., typography and orig. photomontage wr. by S. TELINGATER, narrow 8vo.

- Upper joint splitting; wr. creased and worn along spine and edges; sm. vague stamp on backwr.

= Rowell/ Wye 913 and p.217; Compton, Russian Avant-Garde Books 1917-34, p.65 and plate 5; Lemmens/ Stommels, Russian Book Art 1904-2005, p.66: "In the publication above, Telingater created one of his most avant-garde designs (...), using different sorts and formats of typefaces. The use of linear structures and use of photo collages on a bright yellow colour of the cover, on the other hand, is an aspect of constructivist ideas". SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXXIX.

€ (1.500-2.500) 1500
78 1816 Telingater S  Stalin J 78 1816 Telingater S Stalin J
78 1816 Telingater S  Stalin J 78 1816 Telingater S Stalin J
78/1816 [Telingater, S.]. Stalin, J. O tekhnike (On technics). Ed. T. Raionov. (Moscow), ONTI, n.d. (1932), 48p., orig. wr. by S. TELINGATER.

- Bookblock loose and w. tear in upper margin. Wrapper worn.

€ (70-90)
78 1817 Telingater S  Stroitel'stvo Moskvy The Construction of Moscow  Year VI no 10 78 1817 Telingater S Stroitel'stvo Moskvy The Construction of Moscow Year VI no 10
78/1817 [Telingater, S.]. Stroitel'stvo Moskvy (The Construction of Moscow). Year VI, no.10. Moscow, Moskovskij Sovet R.K.K. Dep., 1929, 31,(1)p., ills., orig. wr. by S. TELINGATER, 4to.

- Waterst. in lower inner margin. Wr. sl. dustsoiled/ discoloured along edges.


€ (150-250) 275