Page 10 of 15 Results 181 - 200 of 299
78 2255 Marsilli L F 78 2255 Marsilli L F
78 2255 Marsilli L F 78 2255 Marsilli L F
78 2255 Marsilli L F 78 2255 Marsilli L F
78 2255 Marsilli L F 78 2255 Marsilli L F
78/2255 Marsilli, L.F. Natuurkundige beschryving der zeën. The Hague, De Compagnie, 1786, (6),XXV,(1),216p., engr. frontisp., 52 (fold.) engr. plates by M. POOL, contemp. hcalf, folio.

- Paper over boards partly worn off; top of spine chipped; backstrip worn. Contents fine.

= Nissen, ZBI 2700.

€ (250-350) 250
78 2256 Martin C F 78 2256 Martin C F
78 2256 Martin C F 78 2256 Martin C F
78 2256 Martin C F 78 2256 Martin C F
78 2256 Martin C F 78 2256 Martin C F
78/2256 Martin, C.-F. Le régulateur universel des poids et mesures, invention nouvelle, pour apprendre, seul et sans maître (...). Bourdeaux, J. Foulquier etc., 1809, 2nd ed., 4,(4),5-533p., 3 fold. tables, w. loosely inserted silver plated ''regulator'' (±5,5x9 cm.), contemp. gilt hcalf w. mor. letterpiece.

- Sm. annot. on title-p.; trifle foxed. Covers sl. rubbed. ''Regulator'' oxidized.

= Warranted by the author on verso title-p.

€ (50-70)
78 2257 Martinet J F 78 2257 Martinet J F
78/2257 Martinet, J.F. Katechismus der natuur. Amst., J. Allart, 1778-1786, 2nd ed. (vol. 2 and 4)/ 5th ed. (vol. 1 and 3), 4 vols., 4 diff. engr. frontisp., 29 (fold.) plates (4x handcol.), incl. a portrait of the author, contemp. unif. hcalf w. mor. letterpiece.

- Sl. foxed and fingersoiled. Spine-ends sl. worn; vol. 4 lower joint splitting.

= B. Paasman, J.F. Martinet, p.45-65 and p.100; cf. Bierens de Haan 3061. "Uit dit werk, dat zich tot de grote groep geïnteresseerde leken richtte, kan men de 18e-eeuwse opvattingen leren kennen, niet alleen op het gebied van de biologie, maar ook op dat van de astrologie, geologie, fysica, meteorologie en ook filosofie, theologie en psychologie. Men vindt er vele gegevens over de zeden en gewoonten van de 18e-eeuwer, alsmede over het leven van de auteur zelf. Het bevat tientallen verwijzingen naar bekende tijdgenoten en naar plaatsen en landstreken uit de Republiek, vooral naar Zutphen en omgeving, en naar andere gebieden waar Martinet gewoond heeft, zoals Edam en wijde omgeving en de Meijereij van Den Bosch." (Paasman p.47).

€ (70-90) 70
78 2258 Martinet J F 78 2258 Martinet J F
78/2258 Martinet, J.F. Katechismus der natuur, verkort en (...) verbeterd door J.A. Uilkens. Zaltbommel, J. Noman, 1820, 2nd corr. and enl. ed., X,544,(1)p., 11 (fold.) (5x handcol.) engr. plates, contemp. gilt hcalf w. red mor. letterpiece.

- Some red wax(?) stains opposite title-p. Binding trifle rubbed.

€ (40-60) 40
78 2259 Massuet P 78 2259 Massuet P
78 2259 Massuet P 78 2259 Massuet P
78 2259 Massuet P 78 2259 Massuet P
78/2259 Massuet, P. Suite de la Science des personnes de cour, d'epée et de robe. Contenant les elemens de la philosophie moderne, la pneumatique, la metaphysique, la physique experimentale, le systeme du monde, suivant les nouvelles decouvertes. Amst., Z. Chatelain et Fils, 1757, 2 vols., (22),432; (3),434-932p., 2 engr. frontisp. by i.a. N. VAN FRANKENDAAL, engr. title ill. by B. PICART, 29 fold. engr. plates, contemp. unif. calf w. richly gilt spine, gilt boardedges, marbled edges, sm. 8vo.
€ (60-80) 60
78 2260 Mathematics  Bartjens W 78 2260 Mathematics Bartjens W
78/2260 [Mathematics]. Bartjens, W. De vernieuwde cyfferinge (...). Waar uyt men meest alle de Grond-regulen van de Reeken-konst leeren kan. Ed J. van Dam and K. Bosch. Amst., J. Kannewet, 1779, 184p., woodcut frontisp. portrait, title-vignette, contemp. hcalf, sm. 8vo.

- Interleaved w. extensive (contemp.) annots.; sl. fingersoiled. Binding worn.

= "De Drukker belooft by dezen Nieuwen Druk in plaats van Twee Schellinge Een Premie van Een Gulden, voor yder Fout die hem het eerst word aan getoond in de Getallen ofte Facitten." (title-p.). Cf. BNK 452ff; Muller 1046; De Vries 486 (ed. 1774); The Children's World of Learning 2183.

AND an incomplete copy of J. COUTEREELS, 't Konstigh Cyfferboek (Utr., 1690, engr. title, contemp. vellum. Several quires lacking).

€ (80-100) 100
78 2261 Mathematics  Cartan E 78 2261 Mathematics Cartan E
78/2261 [Mathematics]. Cartan, E. La Géométrie des espaces de Riemann. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1925, 1st ed., (4),58,(1)p., orig. wr.

= With AUTOGRAPH DEDICATION on htitle. DSB III, p.95f: "Cartan was one of the most profound mathematicians of the last hundred years, and his influence is still one of the most decisive in the development of modern mathematics."

€ (120-150) 170
78 2262 Mathematics  Gelder J de 78 2262 Mathematics Gelder J de
78/2262 [Mathematics]. Gelder, J. de. Allereerste gronden der beschouwende en werkdadige meetkunst, opgesteld ten gebruike van de heeren officieren bij de korpsen infanterij, kavallerij en mariniers. The Hague/ Amst., Gebr. Van Cleef, 1827, 2nd ed., XIV,(4),292p., 8 engr. fold. plates, modern hleather w. use of contemp. covers.

- Central part sl. waterst. in upper margin and sl. foxed. = Bierens de Haan 1568.

€ (50-70)
78 2263 Mathematics  Hausdorff F 78 2263 Mathematics Hausdorff F
78/2263 [Mathematics]. Hausdorff, F. Grundzüge der Mengenlehre. Leipsic, Von Veit & Comp., 1914, 1st ed., VIII,476p., orig. giltlettered cl.

- Two sm. stamps on title. Cloth sl. worn; lower joint starting.

= First edition of "a very rare case in mathematical literature: the foundations of a new discipline are laid wthout the support of any previously published comprehensive work" (DSB). DSB VI, p.176f.

€ (50-70) 70
78 2264 Mathematics  Newton I 78 2264 Mathematics Newton I
78 2264 Mathematics  Newton I 78 2264 Mathematics Newton I
78 2264 Mathematics  Newton I 78 2264 Mathematics Newton I
78/2264 [Mathematics]. Newton, I. Mathematische Principien der Naturlehre. Ed. and transl. by J.Ph. Wolfers. Berlin, R. Oppenheim, 1872, VIII,666p., num. lithogr. ills., contemp. hcl.

- Title-p. and final 2 textp. (sl.) browned. Lower edge sl. stained.

= Poggendorff III, p.1461.

€ (80-100)
78 2265 Mathematics  Skolem Th 78 2265 Mathematics Skolem Th
78/2265 [Mathematics]. Skolem, Th. Begründung der Elementaren Arithmetik durch die rekurrierende Denkweise ohne Anwendung scheinbarer veränderlichen mit unendlichem Ausdehnungsbereich. Offprint from: Videnskapsselkapets Skrifter. I.Mat.-Naturv.Klasse. No.6, Kristiania, J. Dybwald, 1923, p.1-38, orig. wr., large 8vo.

= First separate edition.

€ (150-250)
78/2266 Mechanics  Lot of 4 drawings showing machinery 78/2266 Mechanics Lot of 4 drawings showing machinery
78/2266 Mechanics  Lot of 4 drawings showing machinery 78/2266 Mechanics Lot of 4 drawings showing machinery
78/2266 Mechanics  Lot of 4 drawings showing machinery 78/2266 Mechanics Lot of 4 drawings showing machinery
78/2266 Mechanics  Lot of 4 drawings showing machinery 78/2266 Mechanics Lot of 4 drawings showing machinery
78/2266 Mechanics  Lot of 4 drawings showing machinery 78/2266 Mechanics Lot of 4 drawings showing machinery
78/2266 Mechanics  Lot of 4 drawings showing machinery 78/2266 Mechanics Lot of 4 drawings showing machinery
78/2266 Mechanics  Lot of 4 drawings showing machinery 78/2266 Mechanics Lot of 4 drawings showing machinery
78/2266 Mechanics  Lot of 4 drawings showing machinery 78/2266 Mechanics Lot of 4 drawings showing machinery
78/2266 [Mechanics]. Lot of 4 drawings showing machinery, pen and black ink, 1877, 29,5x49,5 to 39x47 cm., each titled and w. manuscript legend and with signature "Jules Verbrugge. Bruges 1877".

- Each trifle yellowed; occas. sl. frayed.

= Interesting technical drawings showing i.a. "Machine a Condensateur", "Machine a vapeur a cylindre horizontal" and "Presse hydraulique".

AND 7 other pen/ pencil drawings (1x w. watercolour): 1 of an unidentified machine and classical ornaments and 6 architectural pen drawings by "Wolterstorff" (20th cent.).

€ (70-90)
78 2267 Medicine  Alexander F S 78 2267 Medicine Alexander F S
78/2267 [Medicine]. Alexander, F.S. Dissertatio medico-chirurgica de Tumoribus Nervorum. Leyden, Haak et Socios, 1810, (6),56,(4),4p., contemp. hcalf, 4to, thesis.

- Owner's entry on first free endpaper; binding trifle worn. = BMN p.322.

€ (40-60)
78/2268 Medicine  Archives de laryngologie de rhinologie et des maladies des premières voies respiratoires et digestives Vol 1 8 Ed A Ruault 78/2268 Medicine Archives de laryngologie de rhinologie et des maladies des premières voies respiratoires et digestives Vol 1 8 Ed A Ruault
78/2268 [Medicine]. Archives de laryngologie, de rhinologie et des maladies des premières voies respiratoires et digestives. Vol. 1-8. Ed. A. Ruault. Paris, G. Steinheil, 1887-1895, 8 vols., ills., contemp. unif. gilt green hmor. Annales des maladies de l'oreille, du larynx, du nez et du pharynx. Vol. XXVIII-XXXI. Ed. M. Lermoyez a.o. Ibid., Masson & Cie., 1902-1905, 4 parts in 8 vols., ills., contemp. unif. gilt hmor.
€ (100-150)
78 2269 Medicine  Bernard C 78 2269 Medicine Bernard C
78 2269 Medicine  Bernard C 78 2269 Medicine Bernard C
78/2269 [Medicine]. Bernard, C. De la physiologie générale. Paris, Hachette et Cie., 1872, VI,339,(4)p., contemp. gilt hmor.

- Trifle foxed. Sl. worn along extremities.

Witkowski, G.J. Le génération humaine. Ibid., H. Lauwereyns, 1881, 362,(1)p., 2 chromolithogr. multi-layered plates of the female anatomy, contemp. gilt hmor.

- Trifle foxed. Sl. worn along extremties.

AND 1 other.

€ (50-70) 50
78 2270 Medicine  Bilz F E 78 2270 Medicine Bilz F E
78/2270 [Medicine]. Bilz, F.E. De nieuwe natuurheelkunde. Leerboek en vraagbaak der natuurlijke geneeswijze en gezondheidsleer. Leipsic, the author, 1905, 2 vols., (6),1070; (2),1071-2168p., 3 fold. plates w. 14 multi-layered chromolithogr. anatomical models, orig. unif. pict. cl.

- Bindings rubbed; backcover vol. 2 stained.

€ (50-70) 50
78 2271 Medicine  Bock C E 78 2271 Medicine Bock C E
78/2271 [Medicine]. Bock, C.E. Hand-Atlas der ontleedkunde van den mensch, benevens een tabelsgewijs handboek der ontleedkunde. Dutch transl. and ed. P.H. Pool. Amst., H. Frijlink, 1842, IV,143,XIX textp., 31 partially handcol. lithogr. plates each w. accomp. letterpress legend, contemp. clothbacked boards.

- Owner's entry on title (dated 1876); contemp. entry in pen and ink on p.1 ("Ter nagedachtenis aan JW Francken (...)"); plates occas. sl. yellowed/ browned.

= Bibl. Med. Neerl. I, p.86; cf. Wellcome II, p.185 (German ed.). Very rare anatomical atlas, first published Leipsic, 1841.

€ (100-150) 180
78 2272 Medicine  Canstatt C 78 2272 Medicine Canstatt C
78/2272 [Medicine]. Canstatt, C. De bijzondere ziekte- en genezingsleer uit een klinisch standpunt bewerkt. Transl. H.H. Hageman. Utr./ Amst., C. van der Post, Jr./ C.G. Van der Post, 1843-1846, 5 parts in 9 vols. (incl. index vol.), contemp. unif. gilt hmor.

- Occas. sl. browned/ soiled; 4th part owner's stamp on first free endpaper and first text leaf. Covers (sl.) rubbed/ worn; 4 vols. spine-ends sl. dam.; corners showing.

€ (50-70)
78 2273 Medicine  Capmas 78 2273 Medicine Capmas
78 2273 Medicine  Capmas 78 2273 Medicine Capmas
78/2273 [Medicine]. Capmas. Réflexions critiques, En forme de Lettre, Sur la cause de l'Accouchement. Brussels/ Paris, Didot le Jeune/ Mequignon, 1779, XXXVI,108p., contemp. marbled wr., sm. 8vo.

- Sl. dogeared at beginning. Frontcover and spine-ends sl. dam.

= Rare, not in the usual bibliographies.

Astruc, J. L'art d'accoucher réduit à ses principes, ou l'on expose les pratiques les plus sûres & les plus usitées dans les différentes espêces d'Accouchemens. Paris, P.G. Cavelier, 1771, LXXII,308p., 20th cent. boards.

= Wellcome I, p.65. On the art of midwifery of complicated deliveries. With a "Lettre sur la conduite qu'Adam & Eve durent tenir à la naissance de leurs premiers enfans".

AND 3 others similar, i.a. C.H. VALENTIN, Essai sur les pertes Qui précèdent, accompagnent ou suivent l'Accouchement (ibid., 1799, modern boards. Annot. in pen and ink on title-p.) and J.-M. BAYSSELLANCE, Dissertation sur le renversement de l'uterus (ibid., 1803, modern boards).

€ (100-150)
78 2274 Medicine  Cessner C J 78 2274 Medicine Cessner C J
78/2274 [Medicine]. Cessner, C.J. Handbuch der chirurgischen Instrumenten- und Verbandlehre. Vienna, L.W. Seidel, 1852, 1st ed., XII,412p., woodengr. ills., contemp. hcalf.

- Sl. foxed. Binding trifle worn.

€ (70-90)