Page 12 of 15 Results 221 - 240 of 299
78 2295 Musschenbroek J van 78 2295 Musschenbroek J van
78 2295 Musschenbroek J van 78 2295 Musschenbroek J van
78/2295 Musschenbroek, J. van. Beginsels der natuurkunde, Beschreeven ten dienste der Landgenooten. Waar by gevoegd is eene Beschryving der nieuwe en onlangs uitgevonden Luchtpompen, met haar gebruik tot veele proefnemingen door J.V.M. Leyden, S. Luchtmans, 1739, 2nd ed., 3 parts in 1 vol., (22),510; (2),511-900,(20 index); 62,(2),8p., engr. portrait of the author, 1 fold. map, 30 fold. plates w. diagrams/ ills. (1st/ 2nd part), 4 fold. plates (3rd part), contemp. hroan, 4to.

- Lacks half title and title-p. to the first part. Paper over covers worn off. Otherwise a fine copy.

= Bierens de Haan 3472 (1st ed., 1738); Bibliotheca Mechanica p.232 (French transl. 1739): "One of the best 18th-cent. introductions to Newtonian physics, this book is filled with interesting experiments and problems. The first part is devoted to general mechanics, hydrostatics, electricity, and magnetism, while the second part treats of optics, acoustics, comets, and winds (...)." The final 8 pages contain "Lyst der natuurkundige, wiskundige, anatomische, en chirurgische instrumenten, welke by Jan van Musschenbroek, te vinden zyn te Leiden." (Bierens de Haan 3474 (French transl.)).

€ (250-350)
78 2296 Het Natuurkundig laboratorium der Rijks Universiteit te Leiden in de jaren 1904 1922 Gedenkboek aangeboden aan H Kamerlingh Onnes directeur van het laboratorium bij gelegenheid van zijn ve78 2296 Het Natuurkundig laboratorium der Rijks Universiteit te Leiden in de jaren 1904 1922 Gedenkboek aangeboden aan H Kamerlingh Onnes directeur van het laboratorium bij gelegenheid van zijn ve
78/2296 Het Natuurkundig laboratorium der Rijks-Universiteit te Leiden in de jaren 1904-1922. Gedenkboek aangeboden aan H. Kamerlingh Onnes, directeur van het laboratorium, bij gelegenheid van zijn veertigjarig professoraat op 11 november 1922. Leyden, E. IJdo, 1922, (6),458,(1)p., plates/ ills., diagrams, orig. wr., 4to.

- Wr. sl. soiled.

Pieter Zeeman 1865-1935. 25 mei. Verhandelingen op 25 mei 1935 aangeboden aan Prof. Dr. P. Zeeman. The Hague, M. Nijhoff, 1935, 423p., ills. and diagrams, orig. wr. Planck, M. Vorlesungen über die Theorie der Wärmestrahlung. Leipsic, J.A. Barth, 1919, 3rd ed., XII,206p., orig. cl.

- Upper hinge broken.

AND 17 others, incl. sm. publications by i.a. P. EHRENFEST, W. PAULI, M. VON LAUE and J. PERRIN.

€ (50-70) 50
78 2297 Ophthalmology  Donders F C 78 2297 Ophthalmology Donders F C
78/2297 [Ophthalmology]. Donders, F.C. On the Anomalies of Accommodation and Refraction of the Eye. With a preliminary Essay on physiological Dioptrics. Engl. transl. W.D. Moore. London, New Sydenham Society, 1864, 1st Engl. ed., XVII,(3),635p., 175 ills., orig. gilt and blindst. cl.

- Frontcover partly detached; backstrip sl. dam.

= Garrison/ Morton 5893: "Donders's greatest work, the basis for all succeeding studies of the subject and a classic of physiological studies." The new Sydenham Society XXII.

Helmholtz, H. von. Handbuch der Physiologischen Optik. Hamburg/ Leipsic, L. Voss, 1896, 2nd rev. ed., XX,1334p., 8 (col.) lithogr. plates loose in rear pocket, 254 ills., contemp. hcalf, large 8vo.

= DSB VI, p.246-247.

ADDED: 3 others.

€ (70-90) 80
78 2298 Ophthalmology  Helmholtz H von 78 2298 Ophthalmology Helmholtz H von
78 2298 Ophthalmology  Helmholtz H von 78 2298 Ophthalmology Helmholtz H von
78/2298 [Ophthalmology]. Helmholtz, H. von. Handbuch der Physiologischen Optik. Hamburg/ Leipsic, L. Voss, 1896, 2nd rev. ed., XX,1334p., 8 (col.) lithogr. plates loose in rear pocket, 254 ills., later giltlettered hrexine.

- Backstrip sunned. = DSB VI, p.246-247.

€ (80-100)
78 2299 Ornithology  Brehm C L 78 2299 Ornithology Brehm C L
78 2299 Ornithology  Brehm C L 78 2299 Ornithology Brehm C L
78 2299 Ornithology  Brehm C L 78 2299 Ornithology Brehm C L
78 2299 Ornithology  Brehm C L 78 2299 Ornithology Brehm C L
78/2299 [Ornithology]. Brehm, C.L. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte aller Vögel Deutschlands, worin nach den sorgfältigsten Untersuchungen und den genauesten Beobachtungen mehr als 900 einheimische Vögel-Gattungen zur Begründung einer ganz neuen Ansicht und Behandlung ihrer Naturgeschichte vollständig beschrieben sind. Ilmenau, B.F. Voigt, 1831, XXIV,1085,(3)p., handcol. engr. frontisp., 46 plates, orig. boards w. paper title-piece.

- Half of the plates cut short in outer margin on/ just in the plate mark (not affecting image); occas. sl. foxed. Binding sl. soiled/ stained; worn along edges.

= Nissen, IVB 140; Anker 66.

€ (400-600)
78 2300 Ornithology  Buffon G L L de 78 2300 Ornithology Buffon G L L de
78 2300 Ornithology  Buffon G L L de 78 2300 Ornithology Buffon G L L de
78 2300 Ornithology  Buffon G L L de 78 2300 Ornithology Buffon G L L de
78/2300 [Ornithology]. Buffon, G.L.L. de. Histoire naturelle des oiseaux. Paris, l'Imprimerie Royale, 1770-1779, 1st ed., 10 vols. (of 18), 8 ident. woodcut title-vignettes (of 10), 136 engr. plates after DE SEVE, sl. later unif. boards, sm. 8vo.

- Two vols. lack title (one also lacking table of contents); one vol. 1 plate loose; one vol. 2 textlvs. loose; 2 vols. sl. waterst. in (blank) margins. All vols. ticket at top of spine; corners trifle worn.

= Anker 74; Ronsil 413; Nissen, ZBI 673 (calling for 135 plates); Nissen, IVB 158; Zimmer, p.104f: "One of the early and important landmarks in the history of ornithology. (...) Many species of birds are described under vernacular names, and general discussions are given of habits, relationships, etc. Some of the species were later given Latin names by Hermann in his "Tabula Affinitatum Animalium" (q.v.) of 1783, although the references are not to the present edition but to the original work. With an accompanying short manuscript letter by publisher H.C.A. Thieme, dated 30 Dec. 1810, tipped onto lower pastedown.

€ (150-250) 150
78 2301 Ornithology  Buffon G L L de 78 2301 Ornithology Buffon G L L de
78 2301 Ornithology  Buffon G L L de 78 2301 Ornithology Buffon G L L de
78/2301 [Ornithology]. Buffon, G.L.L. de. Histoire naturelle des oiseaux. Dordr., A. Blussé et Fils, 1796-1799, new ed., 9 vols., 9 ident. engr. title-vignettes, 9 headpieces, 263 plates after J. DE SÈVE, modern unif. gilt antique style hleather w. red and green letter- and vol. piece, 4to.

- All vols. w. collector's mark "WG" (Lugt 2622a?) on title-p. and bookplate on upper pastedown. A fine set.

= Nissen, IVB 160 and ZBI 678; this ed. not in Anker.

€ (300-500) 550
78 2302 Ornithology  Buffon G L L de 78 2302 Ornithology Buffon G L L de
78 2302 Ornithology  Buffon G L L de 78 2302 Ornithology Buffon G L L de
78 2302 Ornithology  Buffon G L L de 78 2302 Ornithology Buffon G L L de
78/2302 [Ornithology]. Buffon, G.L.L. de. Oiseaux. Brussels, Th. Lejeune, 1828-1833, 4 vols., 194 (of 211) handcol. lithogr. plates, sl. later unif. gilt hmor.

- Lacks 17 plates; most plates yellowed; some foxing.

= Oeuvres complètes de Buffon, suivis de ses continuateurs. Vol. XI-XIV. Nissen, ZBI 689.

€ (100-150) 120
78 2303 Ornithology  Butler A G 78 2303 Ornithology Butler A G
78 2303 Ornithology  Butler A G 78 2303 Ornithology Butler A G
78/2303 [Ornithology]. Butler, A.G. Birds' Eggs of the British Isles. London/ New York, L. Upcott Gill/ Chas. Scribner's Sons, 1904, VII,(3),105p., 24 chromolithogr. plates w. 475 ills. by F.W. FROHAWK, orig. gilt blindst. cl., 4to.

- Plates w. contemp. owner's annots.; 6 plates and title (sl.) foxed; endpapers and htitle (sl.) browned.

= Nissen, IVB 167. The plates were originally published in the author's British Birds with their Nests and Eggs (1896-1898). Cf. Anker 88.

€ (80-100) 80
78 2304 Ornithology  Forshaw J M 78 2304 Ornithology Forshaw J M
78/2304 [Ornithology]. Forshaw, J.M. Parrots of the World. Newton Abbot, David & Charles, 1981, 2nd rev. ed., 616p., num. col. plates by W.T. COOPER, ills., orig. pict. boards, large 4to. - AND 3 others on parrots, i.a. IDEM, Australian Parrots (London, 1981, 2nd rev. ed., num. col. ills. by W.T. COOPER, orig. pict. boards, large 4to.) and a 3rd rev. edition of the first work.
€ (40-60) 50
78 2305 Ornithology  d'Hamonville L 78 2305 Ornithology d'Hamonville L
78/2305 [Ornithology]. d'Hamonville, L. Atlas de poche des oiseaux de France. Atlas de poche des plantes des champs, des prairies et des bois (...). Atlas de Poche des Fleurs de Jardins les plus faciled à cultiver. Paris, Librairie des Sciences Naturelles, 1894-1912, 1st ed. (4x)/ 2nd ed., 5 vols., num. col. lithogr. plates, orig. unif. cl.

- Binding occas. sl. worn along edges.

AND 1 other similar.

€ (50-70) 50
78 2306 Ornithology  Heerkens G N 78 2306 Ornithology Heerkens G N
78/2306 [Ornithology]. Heerkens, G.N. Aves Frisicae. Rott., C.R. Hake, 1787, (2),298,(1)p., engr. title by J.L. ANSELIN, contemp. marbled calf, triple gilt fillet lines on both covers, gilt spine w. brown mor. letterpiece.

- One leaf sl. stained. Binding (sl.) rubbed/ worn along extremities. Good copy.

= With the bookplate of J.G. van Marle on upper pastedown. Very rare.

€ (300-500)
78 2307 Ornithology  Hewitson W C 78 2307 Ornithology Hewitson W C
78 2307 Ornithology  Hewitson W C 78 2307 Ornithology Hewitson W C
78 2307 Ornithology  Hewitson W C 78 2307 Ornithology Hewitson W C
78 2307 Ornithology  Hewitson W C 78 2307 Ornithology Hewitson W C
78/2307 [Ornithology]. Hewitson, W.C. Coloured Illustrations of the Eggs of British Birds, with Descriptions of their Nests and Nidification. London, J. van Voorst, 1856, 3rd ed., 2 vols., XVI,289; (5),290-532p., 149 handcol. engr. plates, contemp. unif. giltlettered cl.

- Both vols. htitle and verso final textleaf browned; vol.1 newspaper clipping pasted on upper pastedown. Spines sunned.

= Nissen, IVB 442.

€ (200-300)
78 2308 Ornithology  Jackson C E 78 2308 Ornithology Jackson C E
78/2308 [Ornithology]. Jackson, C.E. Bird Illustrators. Some Artists in Early Lithography. London, H.F. & G. Witherby, 1975, 1st ed., 133p., 14 col. plates, 5 ills., orig. giltlettered cl. w. dustwr., 4to (upper edge sl. foxed). Idem. Bird Etchings. The Illustrators and Their Books, 1655-1855. Ithaca/ London, Cornell Univ. Press, 1985, 292,(1)p., 4 col. plates, 75 full-p. ills., orig. wr., 4to.

- Occas. sl. foxed (incl. edges). Backstrip sl. sunned; wr. trifle bumped.

Mullens, W.H. and Swann, H.K. A Bibliography of British Ornithology from the Earliest Times to the End of 1912. Including Biographical Accounts of the Principal Writers and Bibliographies of their Published Works. Codicote etc., Wheldon & Wesley, 1986, XX,691p., orig. giltlettered cl. (fine).

= Facsimile reprint of the edition London, 1917.

AND 2 others in 3 vols.

€ (40-60)
78 2309 Ornithology  Jardine W  ed  78 2309 Ornithology Jardine W ed
78 2309 Ornithology  Jardine W  ed  78 2309 Ornithology Jardine W ed
78/2309 [Ornithology]. Jardine, W. (ed.). The Naturalist's Library. Ornithology. Vol. I-IV. Edinburgh etc., W.H. Lizars etc., 1833-1834, 4 (of 14) vols., 4 engr. frontisp. portraits, 4 handcol. title-p. and 124 handcol. engr. plates, contemp. (unif.) gilt hcalf, sm. 8vo.

- Vol.1 and 2 w. armorial bookplate of Viscount Gort ("Coloony") on upper pastedown. All vols. spine sunned; vol.3 and 4 binding rubbed/ worn.

= Nissen, IVB 471; Anker 223-226.

€ (200-300) 375
78 2310 Ornithology  Jardine W  ed  78 2310 Ornithology Jardine W ed
78 2310 Ornithology  Jardine W  ed  78 2310 Ornithology Jardine W ed
78/2310 [Ornithology]. Jardine, W. (ed.). Naturgeschichtliches Cabinet des Thierreiches. Ornithologie. Die Hühnerartige Vögel./ Das Federwildpret. German transl. A. Diezmann. Budapest, C.A. Hartleben, 1836-1837, 2 (of 10) vols., (8),CII,(2),116,(4); (8),XXXII,88,32(publ. adv.)p., 2 engr. portraits, 2 (partly) handcol. engr. title-p., 59 (of 60) handcol. engr. plates, contemp. unif. boards w. paper letterpiece.

- Vol.1 lacks 1 plate; both vols. hinges weak. Both vols. binding rubbed/ worn; spine-ends and corners bumped.

= Nissen, IVB 471. Cf. Anker 224-226; 461, note.

€ (100-150) 160
78 2311 Ornithology  Klein J T 78 2311 Ornithology Klein J T
78 2311 Ornithology  Klein J T 78 2311 Ornithology Klein J T
78/2311 [Ornithology]. Klein, J.T. Ova avium plurimarum ad naturalem magnitudinem delineata et genuinis coloribus picta. Sammlung verschiedener Vögel Eyer in natürlicher Grösse und mit lebendigen Farben geschildert und beschrieben. Leipsic etc., J.J. Kanter, 1766, 36 textp., parallel Latin and German text, 21 contemp. handcol. engr. plates by G.P. TRAUTNER, contemp. gilt hcalf, 4to.

- Four plates colouring sl. worn; textp. (sl.) foxed. Spine w. a few dam. spots; corners and spine-ends restored.

= Nissen, IVB 505; Anker 254. Finely coloured plates. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LX.

€ (400-600) 400
78 2312 Ornithology  Klein J T 78 2312 Ornithology Klein J T
78 2312 Ornithology  Klein J T 78 2312 Ornithology Klein J T
78 2312 Ornithology  Klein J T 78 2312 Ornithology Klein J T
78 2312 Ornithology  Klein J T 78 2312 Ornithology Klein J T
78/2312 [Ornithology]. Klein, J.T. Stemmata avium. Geschlechtstafeln der Vögel. Leipsic, A.H. Holle, 1759, (16),48p., parallel Latin and German text, 40 engr. fold. plates, modern leather, 4to.

- Trifle foxed/ yellowed; new endpapers. Good copy.

= Nissen, IVB 506; Anker 255; Zimmer p.354. Study of the feet, heads and tongues of birds, according to the author's system of classification. Also contains a Latin-Polish ornithological lexicon.

€ (400-600)
78 2313 Ornithology  Klein J T 78 2313 Ornithology Klein J T
78 2313 Ornithology  Klein J T 78 2313 Ornithology Klein J T
78 2313 Ornithology  Klein J T 78 2313 Ornithology Klein J T
78/2313 [Ornithology]. Klein, J.T. Stemmata Avium. Geschlechtstafeln der Vögel. Leipsic, A.H. Holle, 1759, (16),48p., 40 fold. engr. plates, Latin and German text, modern vellum, 4to.

- Modern owner's entry and rubbed/ weak spot on title-p.; partly yellowed/ stained; the plates attached to stubs.

= Nissen, IVB 506; Anker 255; Zimmer p.354. Study of the feet, heads and tongues of birds, according to the author's system of classification. Also contains a Latin-Polish ornithological lexicon. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LX.

€ (300-500)
78 2314 Ornithology  Meÿer H L 78 2314 Ornithology Meÿer H L
78 2314 Ornithology  Meÿer H L 78 2314 Ornithology Meÿer H L
78 2314 Ornithology  Meÿer H L 78 2314 Ornithology Meÿer H L
78 2314 Ornithology  Meÿer H L 78 2314 Ornithology Meÿer H L
78 2314 Ornithology  Meÿer H L 78 2314 Ornithology Meÿer H L
78 2314 Ornithology  Meÿer H L 78 2314 Ornithology Meÿer H L
78/2314 [Ornithology]. Meÿer, H.L. Coloured Illustrations of British Birds, and their Eggs. London, G.W. Nickisson/ Simpkin, Marshall & Co., 1842-1850, 7 vols., 431 (of 432) (all but a few) handcol. plates of birds and eggs, contemp. unif. gilt hmor., t.e.g.

- Lacks 1 plate. All vols. first few lvs. (incl. title) foxed; 2 vols. title-p. w. (sm.) tear in outer blank margin; 1 vol. tear in outer margin (affecting text). All vols. spine sunned.


€ (500-700) 550