Page 6 of 7 Results 101 - 120 of 136
78 2474 Music  Lichtveld L  1903 1996 78 2474 Music Lichtveld L 1903 1996
78 2474 Music  Lichtveld L  1903 1996 78 2474 Music Lichtveld L 1903 1996
78 2474 Music  Lichtveld L  1903 1996 78 2474 Music Lichtveld L 1903 1996
78/2474 [Music]. Lichtveld, L. (1903-1996). "Arcadia. 5 Pastorales. 1926". AUTOGRAPH SCORE, signed "Lou Lichtveld" on frontpage, pen and ink on printed music staves, (8)p., folio.

- Foxed, (dust)soiled; horizontal middle-fold throughout; trifle frayed in fore-edge margin.

= Lou Lichtveld became known as author under his pseudonym Albert Helman. Comprises: title (1p.); "I Adagio" (1p., signed "Lou Lichtveld (1926)" in upper blank margin); "II Andante animato" (1p.); "III Moderato" (1p.); "IV Allegro" (1p.); "V Dolcissimo, quasi niente" (1p., signed "Mierlo Aug: 1926 Lou" at the end); 1p. w. draft in pencil and 1 blank p. - WITH the (yellowed, frayed) frontwr. of the printed ed. (Utr., Gemeenschap, 1927), w. woodcut text and ill. by Jozef Cantre.

AND 5 other AUTOGRAPH SCORES by the same, all pen and ink, w. similar defects as the above: "Encore le cabanon. Quatre morceaux romantiques" (4p.), "I want to be ready. Negro Song composed by L.L." (4p., incl. 1 blank, w. autogr. dedic. "To Helen 4 IX 26 Lou Lichtveld"), "Prélude" (8p., incl. 1p. w. "I want to be ready. Negro Song" and 1 blank p.), "Dismal Sam. Jazz" (4p., incl. 1 blank, dated "Nov.27") and "Dormi" (1p., signed "Lou Lichtveld '30").

= Provenance: the collection of Albert Kuyle.

€ (300-500) 1100
78 2475 Music  Massenet J  1842 1912 78 2475 Music Massenet J 1842 1912
78/2475 [Music]. Massenet, J. (1842-1912). AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED "Massenet", to "Mme. Georgette Herlé", poststamped (on selfwrapping envelope) "Paris 27 -4 10", pen and black ink on grey paper, 1 fold. leaf, recto and verso (incl. address side).

- Traces of sellotape in left margin.

= Short letter in which Massenet writes to madame Herlé that he has written to the "Président de la Société ["Mr Gachard"]" to help her bring an unidentified matter to his attention. "Vous avez raison d'insister - je sais combien il faut des appuis pour réussir auprès de la "societé".". SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXVII.

€ (80-100) 80
78 2476 Music  Menuhin Yehudi 1916 1999 78 2476 Music Menuhin Yehudi 1916 1999
78 2476 Music  Menuhin Yehudi 1916 1999 78 2476 Music Menuhin Yehudi 1916 1999
78/2476 [Music]. Menuhin, Yehudi (1916-1999). AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED to "dear Mrs. Hinricksen", blue ballpoint, on 1 leaf w. hotel letterhead, recto only.

= Note thanking Mrs Hinricksen "for the pretty Delft plate".

Idem. TYPESCRIPT LETTER SIGNED to "Mrs. Frankenthal", dated "Gstaad 30th September 1954", red ballpoint, 1 leaf, recto only.

= Informing Mrs Frankenthal that two tickets for the composer's next concert in Eindhoven will be sent to her by agent G. de Koos.

AND 2 SIGNED letters by the composer and organ player ALBERT DE KLERK and conductor and flute player FRANS BRÜGGEN and a SIGNED program by composer H.M. GÓRECKI.

€ (60-80) 60
78 2477 Music  Noordewier Reddingius A  1868 1949 78 2477 Music Noordewier Reddingius A 1868 1949
78/2477 [Music]. Noordewier-Reddingius, A. (1868-1949). AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED "A. Noordewier-Reddingius", to "Zeer geachte Heer Cornelis [Jr.]", pen and ink, dated "21 July 1939", 1 leaf w. printed letterhead in blue, recto and verso.

= Thanking Cornelis Jr. for his and his orchestra's congratulations on her 70th birthday and speaking warmly about his father Cornelis Sr.: "U persoonlijk dank ik nog voor uwe hartelyke woorden en voor wat u aanhaalt wat uw Vader over mij tot u gezegd heeft. Het waren heel buitengewone concerten, die ik met uw vader heb mogen geven (...)."

Idem. AUTOGRAPH PHOTOGRAPH PICTURE POSTCARD PORTRAIT SIGNED "A. Noordewier-Reddingius", to Evert Cornelis Sr., "Met hartelijken dank" (pen and ink, dated "Sept. 1913". No other text). Landré, W. (1874-1948). Two AUTOGRAPH LETTERS SIGNED, one TYPESCRIPT LETTER SIGNED and one AUTOGRAPH CARD SIGNED "Willem Landré", all to "Hoog/ Zeer geachte Heer Roest", 3x pen and ink, dated between "Doetinchem 12 September '41" and "Doetinchem 9 Januari '42" (1x undated), all on 1 leaf, 1x (2)p.

= Mr Roest is probably the journalist/ publisher Hans Roest. In the first letter Landré laments the loss of all his printed scores and his manuscript full scores due to the bombardment of Rotterdam (May 1940) in which the warehouse of Lichtenauer and the library of the orchestra of Eduard Flipse were destroyed. "Ik heb niets meer. Herstel van al dat alles zou een heel bedrag kosten en aangezien de N.R.C. mij met een heel klein pensioen na 32 jaren dienst weggezonden heeft, zoodat wij ternauwernood leven kunnen, is het mij onmogelijk zelf iets voor dat herstel te doen (...)." The second letter covering a manuscript copy of seven of his songs: "Het laatste liedje heb ik er als curiositeit bij gedaan! Met dit liedje ging mijn goede moe in 1890 naar Bernard Zweers om te vragen wat hij er van dacht en of hij van meening was dat ik voldoende talent had om muziekstudies te gaan maken." In the typescript letter he thanks Mr Roest for the delicious grapes that he had received from him by post: "Wat nu de toestand betreft waarin de druiven tot ons kwamen ... het spyt my dat ik het U zeggen moet, die was treurig. By ontvangst liep het sap met straaltjes uit het doosje en Uw ingesloten brief was geheel onleesbaar geworden. Ik denk dat de Post er byzonder ruw mee omgesprongen is. Maar wat er nog goed van was hebben we dadelyk opgesmuld. Het waren vruchten van buitengewone kwaliteit".

AND 10 other AUTOGRAPH LETTERS/ NOTES SIGNED to Evert Cornelis Sr., i.a. by JULA BILGREY, JAN DEKKER, ASTRA DESMOND, JO VAN DE MEENT, JOS ORELIO (all singers) and A.H. TIERIE (composer and conductor).

€ (120-150) 130
78 2478 Music  Pierné G  1863 1937 78 2478 Music Pierné G 1863 1937
78/2478 [Music]. Pierné, G. (1863-1937). AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED "Gabriel Pierné", to "Cher Monsieur" [= Evert Cornelis sr.], dated "15 oct. 28", pen and ink, 1 leaf, recto and verso, on paper w. printed letterhead in green of the "Association Artistique Concert Colonne".

- Right margin cut trifle short; tiny tear in lower blank margin.

= Letter in which Pierné acknowledges receipt of Schubert's "Ständchen". The rest of the letter discusses an apparent suggestion by Evert Cornelis Sr to include the "Chant Funèbre" by Chausson and the "Messe (a capella)" by Caplet in a planned concert. Pierné strongly rejects the inclusion of Caplet's work, because "dans un concert symphonique le public n'aime pas voir les instrumentalistes se croiser les bras" and "une messe, exception faite pour celle de Beethoven, ne peut provoquer un interêt assez puissant pour attirer le public". He finishes off asking for suggestions for other works better fitted for inclusion in the concert programme.

€ (150-250) 150
78 2479 Music  Pijper W  1894 1947 78 2479 Music Pijper W 1894 1947
78/2479 [Music]. Pijper, W. (1894-1947). AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED "Wim", to Evert Cornelis Sr., dated "Amsterdam, 22 Jan. 1930", pen and black ink, 1 leaf, on paper w. printed letterhead "Willem Pijper Vondelstraat 178 (...)", recto only.

- Folded twice.

= Interesting letter, i.a. expressing his gratitude for the artistic support that Cornelissen has given to Pijper's student Bertus van Lier. The second half has a very early reference to another promising student: "(...) het geeft mij de vrijheid je binnenkort weer een leerling met een symphonie op je dak te sturen (Henk Badings, een Delftsch student, m.i. de meest talentvolle van al mijn jongens.)." Henk Badings was 23 year old at the time, and was lauded one year after this letter was written for his cello concerto after it was performed by the Concertgebouw Orchestra under Eduard van Beinum in September 1931.

€ (200-300) 650
78 2480 Music  Tomasi H  1901 1971 78 2480 Music Tomasi H 1901 1971
78/2480 [Music]. Tomasi, H. (1901-1971). AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED "Henri Tomasi", to "Cher Evert [Cornelis Jr.]", undated, pen and ink, 1 leaf, recto only, w. printed letterhead address "24,Rue Victor-Massé Paris - IXe".

- Folded twice; creased in left margin.

= Henri Tomasi, French composer and conductor, letter to Evert Cornelis Jr. covering a photograph sent (not present), and on a concert in which Eduard Flipse will conduct his "Oratorio-Opéra (...) Don Juan de Mañara" [composed in 1944] in Rotterdam. Also enquiring with Cornelis if he is willing to conduct a concert of his work.

WITH 2 others: an autogr. letter signed and an autograph picture postcard by Tomasi's wife Odette Camp Tomasi. - AND 6 other letters (5x to Evert Cornelis Jr.), i.a. by SONIA GASKELL (ballet dancer and choreographer) (signed card of thanks, 1960) AURELIO OPPICELLI (Italian baritone) (signed picture postcard, 1961) and MIRELLA FRENI (signed sentiment card originally accomp. a bouquet, 1959).

€ (80-100) 80
78 2481 Music  Viotta H  1814 1859 78 2481 Music Viotta H 1814 1859
78/2481 [Music]. Viotta, H. (1814-1859). AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED "J.J. Viotta", to "Amice!", pen and ink, dated "Amsterdam 20 dec. 1851", 1 fold. leaf, recto only.

- Sl. foxed in left margin.

= On the shipment of "10 stel van de 4de aflevering vokaalwerken der oude Klassieke Toondichters waarvoor ik u verzoek mij bij gelegenheid het bedrag à f.4,- te doen toekomen." Also inviting his correspondent to a performance of "de Schepping" ("waarschijnlijk in de grote zaal bij het Park: dan moet ge eens overkomen").

AND 3 letters by the secretary of the "Amsterdamsche Zangvereeniging" concerning the order for the same publication, dated between "22 Septbr. 1849" and "25 Maart 1851" (2x directed to "C.G. Voorhelm Schneevoogt, Secretaris der Afdeeling van de Maatschap. tot bev. der toonkunst"). - ADDED: 1 other.

€ (50-70) 50
78 2482 Music  Walter Bruno 1876 1962 78 2482 Music Walter Bruno 1876 1962
78/2482 [Music]. Walter, Bruno (1876-1962). TYPESCRIPT NOTE SIGNED "Bruno Walter", to "Dear Mr. Cornelis" [Evert Cornelis Jr.], dated "September 20, 1956", on 1 leaf, w. letterpress address "608 North Bedford Drive Beverly Hills, California", recto only.

= With date of receipt stamped in lower left corner. Thanking Evert Cornelis, Van Otterloo and the Residentie Orchestra for their congratulations.

Fournet, J. (1913-2008). AUTOGRAPH FOLDING NEW YEAR'S CARD SIGNED "Jean Fournet", undated (±1960), pen and ink.

= Adding a short autograph note to the letterpress card to Evert Cornerlis Jr.: "et l'expression de notre très sympathique souvenirs [signed]".

Raybould, C. (1886-1972). TYPESCRIPT NOTE SIGNED "Clarence Raybould", dated "September 14th, 1945", 1 leaf, recto only.

= Nice letter, thanking Evert Cornelis for his "kindness and courtesy during our recent privileged visit to your beautiful city and fine orchestra. You already know how I personally enjoyed this, my first, opportunity of conducting in your famous hall, and I have nothing but praise for the magnificent co-operation with which you all combined to give me two memorable concerts."

AND 18 others similar (letters/ notes/ sentiments, visiting cards), i.a. by CL. HASKILL (unsigned autograph carte-de-visite "avec mes souvenirs les meilleurs" in pen and ink), A. KRANNHALS (conductor), A. PAULIK (conductor), H. WEISBACH (conductor) with M. PINTER (his wife) pianist), YVON BAARSPUL (conductor) and J. KROMBHOLC (conductor).

€ (100-150) 100
78 2483 Netherlands  Brunswijk Wolfenbüttel L E van 1718 1788 78 2483 Netherlands Brunswijk Wolfenbüttel L E van 1718 1788
78/2483 [Netherlands]. Brunswijk-Wolfenbüttel, L.E. van (1718-1788). Collection of 6 manuscript letters signed "L. de Brunwick"/ "Louis de Brunwic"/ "Louis Suc de Saxe"/ "Hertog van Brunswijk", pen and ink, dated between "la Haye ce 1 d'Avril 1757" and "la Haye ce 8. Nov. 1768", tipped onto 19th cent. paper w. contemp. manuscript caption.

= Consists of one letter of condolence, dated 8 November 1768, to the mother of Alexander Sweder van Spaen, who had died at the beginning of November 1768 and 5 letters to Alexander Sweder van Spaen. Lodewijk Ernst van Brunswijk (also known as 'De Dikke Hertog'), was Captain-General of the Netherlands 13 November 1750 to 1766. After the death of the Princess Royal Anne in 1759 he became the guardian of the future stadholder Willem V. In the first letter to Alexander van Spaen, dated 12 April 1757, Brunswijk reassures Van Spaen that he is above any suspicion: "Madame la Princesse Gouvernante [Princess Royal Anne] (...) m'a ordonné en particulier sur votre dernière lettre de vous dire, Monsieur, que vous pouvez être entierement tranquile sur les apprehensions qu'on vous avoit donné, comme si S.A.R. auroit trouvé mauvais que vous vous etiés laissé employer comme deputés de la part des Etats, et elle m'a chargé expressement de vous assurer que personne n'avoit voulu vous rendre aucun mauvais service aupres d'elle à ce sujet, et que si cela seroit arrivé aussi que cela n'auroit fait aucune impression sur elle, et elle souhaite que vous continuiéz, Monsieur, à me donner de vos nouvelles comme vous l'avez fait jusqu'ici, que je Lui remets fidelement." In the final letter Brunswijk refers to the battle of Mynden, in which the allied forces (led by Lodewijk van Brunswijk's brother Ferdinand von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel), defeated the French: "Cet evénement est bien glorieux, la main de Dieu s'y est manifesté visiblement. Je ne vous entretiendrai point, Monsieur, des détails de cette grande journée, la tems ne me permet pas, tout ce que je puis vous dire, c'est, que la retraite à beaucoup de raport à celle de [Retsbach[?]]; pendant que mon frère battoit le Marechal de Contades et Mr de Broglio, mon neveu battoit le Duc de Brissac et lui enleva 6. pieces de canons, le jour de la bataille on a fait beaucoup de prisonniers à la grande Armée, 31. pieces de canons, nombres d'etendarts, de timbales et de drapeaux sont tombés entre les mains du vainceur, et mon frere à pris son quartier general à Minden le lendemain, et on serre[?] Messrs les francois de pres. La liberation à Berlin n'est pas si riante (...)".

€ (400-600) 500
78/2484 Netherlands  Een korte Staat en Beschrijving van de Regering van de Seeven Vereenigde Provintien der Neederlanden 78/2484 Netherlands Een korte Staat en Beschrijving van de Regering van de Seeven Vereenigde Provintien der Neederlanden
78/2484 [Netherlands]. "Een korte Staat en Beschrijving van de Regering van de Seeven Vereenigde Provintien der Neederlanden". Manuscript, pen and ink on paper, ±1750, (6 blank),110,(15 blank) lvs., interleaved, contemp. gilt hcalf, 4to.

- Six lvs. dam. in upper inner margin. Binding worn; spine-ends dam.

= Manuscript for an apparently unpublished work, treating the administrative organisation of the Dutch Republic, its individual provinces and the various high councils of state. The author leans strongly on parts from the Histoire des Provinces Unis by A. de Wicquefort. Other sources include L. van Aitzema's Historie of Verhael van Saken van Staet en Oorlogh, in, ende omtrent de Vereenighde Nederlanden and F. van Meteren's Belgische ofte Nederlantsche historie, Van onsen tijden.

AND 2 other manuscript documents, i.a. "Rekening en Scheiding der nalatenschap van wijlen den WelEerwaarde zeergeleerde Heer Nanning Berkhout van dato 20 Julij 1855" (pen and ink on paper, 1855, contemp. hcl., large 4to).

€ (70-90) 90
78 2485 Noord Holland  Lot of 8 manuscript documents 78 2485 Noord Holland Lot of 8 manuscript documents
78/2485 [Noord-Holland]. Lot of 8 manuscript documents, on vellum, mostly deeds of transport, all 18th cent.

= I.a. on transport of property in Amsterdam: a house on Kattenburg (1721 and 1781) and a house on the Singel (1792) and transport of a piece of land in Ankeveen (1767, 1772 and 1807).

ADDED: 2 unrelated documents.

€ (100-150) 100
78 2486 Occasional poetry etc  Rupe H J G  1st half 19th cent  78 2486 Occasional poetry etc Rupe H J G 1st half 19th cent
78 2486 Occasional poetry etc  Rupe H J G  1st half 19th cent  78 2486 Occasional poetry etc Rupe H J G 1st half 19th cent
78 2486 Occasional poetry etc  Rupe H J G  1st half 19th cent  78 2486 Occasional poetry etc Rupe H J G 1st half 19th cent
78/2486 [Occasional poetry etc.]. Rupe, H.J.G. (1st half 19th cent.). "Waarde Mama! Mijn blijdschap rijst ten toppunt schier, Nu ik uw verjaardag weder vier (...)". Drawing, black and red crayon, w. manuscript text in pen and ink, 25x20,5 cm., signed and dated "Amsterdam. 26 December 1819" in pen and ink.

- Some creases and tears in right margin.

AND 1 other drawing by the same, black and red crayon, showing a hand holding a quill. - ADDED: 2 manuscript occasional poems, both dated 1822 and in contemp. chintz wrapper, i.a. "Zegen Wens toegewijt op de Vijftig Jaariege egt Vereeniging van Mijne Agtbaare Ouders Joris Accersdijk, en Mariea Vermeer op Den 12 van Bloeijmaant 1822".

€ (40-60)
78 2487 Occasional poetry etc  Scherlenski E J  18th cent  78 2487 Occasional poetry etc Scherlenski E J 18th cent
78 2487 Occasional poetry etc  Scherlenski E J  18th cent  78 2487 Occasional poetry etc Scherlenski E J 18th cent
78 2487 Occasional poetry etc  Scherlenski E J  18th cent  78 2487 Occasional poetry etc Scherlenski E J 18th cent
78/2487 [Occasional poetry etc.]. Scherlenski, E.J. (18th cent.). "Hertelykce en zeer geneegen zegenwensch bij gelêegtheijd der Verjaringe van Uw, mijn teer geliefde Eghtgenoot Elisabeth Anna Scherlenski, geboren Beeckman, op heeden den 28e van Louwmaand Ao.1758". Manuscript poem in achrostic form, pen and brown ink and red gouache, 31x39 cm. (leaf).

- Formerly folded twice.

= The acrostic reads: "O heere kroont Gy het jaar uwer goedheit en laat uwe voedstappen over ons druypen van vettigheid".

AND 9 other manuscript ephemera, i.a. "Raatsel" (18th cent. religious riddle); 7 bound lvs. w. calligraphed texts in pen and ink, and a small fragment of a leaf w. a small drawing from an antiphonary. - AND 9 engravings with calligraphed texts, 17th-19th cent., i.a by J.C. STEINBERGER and texts signed "van Overbeque" (not traced).

€ (80-100) 80
78 2488 Oriental manuscripts  Batak manuscript 78 2488 Oriental manuscripts Batak manuscript
78 2488 Oriental manuscripts  Batak manuscript 78 2488 Oriental manuscripts Batak manuscript
78 2488 Oriental manuscripts  Batak manuscript 78 2488 Oriental manuscripts Batak manuscript
78 2488 Oriental manuscripts  Batak manuscript 78 2488 Oriental manuscripts Batak manuscript
78/2488 [Oriental manuscripts]. Batak manuscript, probably 19th century, (46)lvs., ±7,5x6 cm., written on bark on both sides in black ink, bound as a leporello between thick wooden covers.

- Browned and worn.

Batak manuscript, 20th cent., (12)lvs., ±8x6 cm., written on bark on both sides in black and red ink, 4 full-p. drawings (i.a. of a figure, a bird and a scorpion) and some ornamental ills., bound as a leporello between bone covers, one cover w. carved ill. of a bird, the other cover carved starshaped symbol.

€ (80-100) 80
78/2489 Oriental manuscripts  Ethiopian pocket prayerbook 78/2489 Oriental manuscripts Ethiopian pocket prayerbook
78/2489 Oriental manuscripts  Ethiopian pocket prayerbook 78/2489 Oriental manuscripts Ethiopian pocket prayerbook
78/2489 [Oriental manuscripts]. Ethiopian pocket prayerbook, prob. 19th cent., 24 vellum lvs. w. Ethiopian text in black and red ink on recto and verso, 6,5x5 cm., plain cordbound wooden covers, in orig. leather pouch.

- Partly badly stained; modern red ballpoint annots. on first 2 lvs. Sold w.a.f.

€ (100-150) 100
78/2490 Oriental manuscripts  Lontar manuscript 78/2490 Oriental manuscripts Lontar manuscript
78/2490 Oriental manuscripts  Lontar manuscript 78/2490 Oriental manuscripts Lontar manuscript
78/2490 Oriental manuscripts  Lontar manuscript 78/2490 Oriental manuscripts Lontar manuscript
78/2490 [Oriental manuscripts]. Lontar manuscript, prob. late 19th/ early 20th cent., prob. Balinese text, 2 rectangular palm leaves w. engr. script on both sides, bound together w. cord through holes at both ends of leaves, measuring 37,5x3 cm.
€ (30-50) 40
78/2491 Oriental manuscripts  Miniature Batak manuscript 78/2491 Oriental manuscripts Miniature Batak manuscript
78/2491 Oriental manuscripts  Miniature Batak manuscript 78/2491 Oriental manuscripts Miniature Batak manuscript
78/2491 Oriental manuscripts  Miniature Batak manuscript 78/2491 Oriental manuscripts Miniature Batak manuscript
78/2491 [Oriental manuscripts]. Miniature Batak manuscript, probably 19th century, (28)lvs., ±5x5 cm., written on bark on both sides in black ink, w. ornament in black and red ink on first and last leaf and 6 full-p. ills., bound as a leporello between thick wooden covers w. carved ill. on both covers.

- Sl. browned.

€ (80-100) 400
78/2492 Oriental manuscripts  Qur'an fragment 78/2492 Oriental manuscripts Qur'an fragment
78/2492 Oriental manuscripts  Qur'an fragment 78/2492 Oriental manuscripts Qur'an fragment
78/2492 [Oriental manuscripts]. (Qur'an fragment). Manuscript in calligraphic Naskh script, first half 18th cent., pen and black (some red) ink, 14 lvs., recto and verso (first and last leaf resp. verso and recto only), 13 lines to each page, contemp. blindst. panelled calf.

- Thumbed and stained (incl. binding); lower inner corner occas. dam. Spine-ends dam. Sold w.a.f.    

= With loosely inserted note, identifying the text as the 22nd part of the Qur'an and the owner as Muftizade Merhun Chalil Effendi, 1733.

€ (80-100) 80
78/2493 Ostfriesland and Groningen  Ex cronico convente nostri 78/2493 Ostfriesland and Groningen Ex cronico convente nostri
78/2493 [Ostfriesland and Groningen]. "Ex cronico convente nostri". Manuscript, first half 16th cent., (6),(2 blank)p., pen and ink, Latin text, on leaf w. cornucopia watermark, 21x16 cm. (leaf).

= Interesting manuscript transcript of a section of the Groningen Franciscan cloister chronicle, recounting the events in 15th and 16th cent. Groningen and Ostfriesland, probably dating to the early 16th cent. In it the name of "potens vir Keno de Brockmerland" is the first to be listed. Johannes Renghers (probably the "heer van Scharmer") and Allard en Otto Clant are also listed, both of whom came from influential families. Several manuscript copies of this section of the Chronicle of the Franciscan Cloister of Groningen have been made, each w. small differences. The heading of the present copy is different from the others traced.

€ (150-250) 250