2510 - 2895 OLD and RARE BOOKS from the library of P.J. Buijnsters and L. Buijnsters-Smets
- A fine copy with the following minor defects: new endpapers w. bookplate and owner's entries in pen and ink; first half w. one tiny wormhole in middle of text; some slight smudging and staining in outer blank margins.
= The Poeticon Astronomicon is an extremely fascinating combination of a manual of astronomy and a book on Roman and Greek mythology. The first part describes the celestial spheres and its circles, the second tells the myths connected to 42 constellations, 5 planets and the Milky Way, the third presents the shapes of each constellation and the fourth is concerned with their position and connections to the Zodiac signs. Although astronomically inaccurate the woodcuts were hugely influential. Once these images appeared in print, they became the undisputed model upon which astronomical book illustration relied for the next forty years. With a contemp. grammatical correction in text above frontisp. (as in other copies traced; possibly made in the printer's workshop). IDL 2431; HC 9063; Goff H561; Houzeau-Lancaster 1029.
- Lacks the blank after fol.25 in first part; first few leaves sl. fingersoiled in lower blank corner; one leaf restored in blank margin; one leaf w. tiny hole (loss of letters) in text; num. contemp. manuscript annots. (including several tiny drawings of heads/ doodles), in margins and foliation in contemp. hand in top margin. Lacks ties. Fine copy.
= Provenance: two early 17th cent. owner's entries in lower blank margin of woodcut title i.a. of Jacob Rossius (the other owner's entry is crossed out). The work by the sixth century historian Jordanis (Jornandes), here in the first printed edition by Conrad Peutinger, is an important and very early source on the history of the Goths. Jornandes based his work on the Gothic history by his friend Cassiodorus Senator (a work that has not survived). Enea Silvio Piccolomini rediscovered a manuscript of Jornandes' text in 1442 and Peutinger was the first to publish it. The second work on the history of the Longobards was first published at Paris in 1514, also from a newly discovered manuscript. The wonderful woodcut title of the first work shows Athanaric, King of Goths and Alboin, King of the Longobards, both in full armour and seated in a hall, engaged in (almost relaxed) conversation. Fairfax Murray (German) I, 229; Adams J320; BM STC German p.463; Hollstein (Burgmair) 305.
- Lacks first free endpaper; owner's stamp on htitle; textpages partly (sl.) foxed. Backstrip and letterpiece sl. worn/ rubbed.
= The work contains an eye witness account of a German traveller through parts of India, which includes a description of Madras. Further observations deal with the Hindu and Mohammedan religions and beliefs, cults and customs, temples and mosques. Tiele 115; Landwehr, Dutch Books w. Col. Plates 241; cf. (on the German ed. of 1807): Lipperheide Ld 11; Kainbacher II, 16; Mendelssohn I, p.121; Gay 3090.
- Bookplate of H.F.M. Ouwerling on upper pastedowns. Binding sl. rubbed. Very fine copies.
= Tiele 434; Landwehr, VOC 348; cat. NHSM I, p.243, note; Landwehr, Dutch Books Col. Plates 295. A second edition was published in 1827.
- Occas. sl. yellowed; vague waterstain in lower blank margin; repaired tear in fold. view (±10 cm.). Binding sl. rubbed.
= Tiele 437; Landwehr, VOC 354; cat. NHSM I, p.121; Landwehr, Dutch Books Col. Plates 299. The first edition, posthumously published.
- A few plates sl. foxed. Both covers faded in top margin; backstrip trifle rubbed. Good copy.
= Bastin/ Brommer p.14, n.237; Rouffaer/ Muller p.713; Tiele 332; Cat. NHSM I, p.246; Landwehr, Dutch books w. col. plates 273: "(...) the first colour book of Indonesia". Bastin/ Brommer p.142: "The author, Jean Baptist van Doren, served in Indonesia in the Oost Indische Kavallerie between 1821 and 1839, and his knowledge of the country provided him with material for a whole string of books which were published during the 185s and 1860s". Rare.
- Covers occas. sl. rubbed. Otherwise a fine set. = Cf. Tiele 1170 (on the first edition publ. Utr., 1773-1774).
- Occas. sl. foxed (maps and plates fine); engr. plate and modern bookplate on upper pastedown. Upper joint starting.
= From the library of "F.L.E. Cuvelier, Curé a Limal" (blindstamped on first free endapaper). Rossetti 2265; Kissner collection 109; Schudt 555.
- Occas. sl. wormholed in blank margin. Backcover w. darkened portion along backstrip; spine-ends and corners professionally restored. Good/ fine copy.
= With Dutch title in contemp. pen and ink on first blank "100 Statuen van Roomen." A fine series of plates of many of the famous statues to be found in Rome. It was intended both as tribute to the ancient sculptors and as an artist's manual. Bolten p.258 and note 307.
- With owner's entry of M. Buisman on first free endpaper; "1557" on title and first textleaf in later hand; sl. yellowed/ trifle browned. Dam. at top of spine; backstrip cracked; binding rubbed.
= Buisman 958 (under Johnson); Scheepers II, 1044. First Dutch translation of A General History of the Lives and Adventures of the Most Famous Highwaymen, Murderers, Street-Robbers by C. Johnson, pseudonym of Daniel Defoe.
- Lacks frontispiece; occas. sl. foxed/ sl. (water)stained; final leaf has a catchword "Cata-" suggesting that the text was originally followed by a publisher's catalogue. Binding sl. worn along extremities; spine-ends chipped/ worn.
= Buisman 5 (sl. different collation, calling for 26 preliminary pages and 5 plates (incl. the frontisp.), but the copy in our auction of May 2006 contained 6 plates incl. frontisp.); Mateboer 1720 (and cf. 885); cf. Gieles/ Plak 130. See Hertzberger, cat. Wolf Collection, 529 (listing the edition Ofxord, 1671): "Arabic novel from the 12th century, which was not without influence on the development of ethics (...) Ibn Tofails Einheitslehre kommt der spinozistischen recht nahe, auch in nebensächlichen Dingen... So mochte Ibn Torail vollenden, was Ibn Esra, Gersonides, Creskas und die Araber begonnen hatten: eine eigenartige, nach Einheit ringende Auffassung des Alls umklammerte immer fester Despinozas Geist...". Cf. Meinsma, Spinoza en zijn kring p.440: "Een tweede vertaling door S.D.B. (B.D.S. zou kunnen zijn Ben. de Sp.) verscheen in 1701 te Rotterdam)." The work can also be considered to be a precursor of a Robinsonade. Rare.
- Partly (vaguely) waterstained in outer (mainly blank) margins. Upper joint partly split.
= Poortman II, p.225. Rare edition. The woodcut illustrations are copied after the woodcuts by Christoffel van Sichem II in the edition 1611, not mentioned by Poortman.
- From the library of Willem van Iterson (1897-1973), with his bookplate on upper pastedown and owner's entry on first free endpaper. Hinges strengthened; waterstained throughout.
= Ter Horst p.87ff: "De juridische boeken van Kersteman zijn voor het grootste gedeelte bestemd voor leerlingen in het vak, practizijnsklerken in de eerste plaats, hetgeen vaak uit hun titels reeds blijkt. Tengevolge van dien opzet bevatten zij vele modellen van allerlei acten en documenten (...) en geven zij vaak elementaire definities van eenvoudige zaken. (...) [zij] bergen belangrijk materiaal in zich voor onze kennis van het oud-Hollandsche recht".
- From the library of Willem van Iterson (1897-1973), both with his bookplate on upper pastedown and owner's entry on first free endpaper. Some occas. waterstaining/ foxing.
= Ter Horst p.87ff: "De juridische boeken van Kersteman zijn voor het grootste gedeelte bestemd voor leerlingen in het vak, practizijnsklerken in de eerste plaats, hetgeen vaak uit hun titels reeds blijkt. Tengevolge van dien opzet bevatten zij vele modellen van allerlei acten en documenten (...) en geven zij vaak elementaire definities van eenvoudige zaken. (...) [zij] bergen belangrijk materiaal in zich voor onze kennis van het oud-Hollandsche recht".
AND 2 others by the same: Rechtsgeleerde catechismus of verkortende papagaay (ibid., 1790) and Secretarij der Hollandsche voogdijen ontslooten (ibid., 1790).
- First 4 lvs. lower blank corner repaired (incl. title).
= BNK 1455; Arpots 246; Ki.la.ki.le. 209 (2nd ed. of 1793). On Christina Chalon, who made the fine illustrations in the style of Van Ostade, see L. Buijnsters-Smets, "Christina Chalon, een achttiende-eeuwse tekenares", Antiek 16 (1982), p.470-480.
- Vellum sl. stained. Otherwise a fine copy.
= Very rare Dutch translation. Rahir 2277: "Le fleuron de titre aux traits calligraphiques appartenir à l'officine de Jansson"; cf. Willems 1755 and Gay/ Lemonnyer II, p.499 (French ed. 1666, Leyden); cf. Buisman 1330 (ed. 1701). Maldacini was the alleged power behind Innocent X and his mistress. This Italian tale describes how Olimpia Maldachini assisted her brother-in-law becoming Pope Innocentius X (much to the detriment of her own family). No copy traced in the market.
- A few minor plates sl. yellowed; the fold. plate of Jerusalem comes from another copy; a few textleaves sl. foxed. Top of spine chipped; corners and foot of spine sl. rubbed; joints professionally restored. A fine copy in an attractive binding.
= Remarkable copy from the library of A.M. LEDEBOER, with all plates BEFORE LETTERS and printed on heavier paper. Navari 159 ("The sheer extent of the work is impressive"); Tiele 207; Cat. NHSM 257; Boucher de la Richarderie I, 245; Röhricht 1184; Lipperheide Ci48. The first edition of "one of the best illustrated works on the Levant" (Cox I, p.218). Splendid (large) panoramic views of i.a. Constantinople (190x30 cm.), Jerusalem (120x30 cm.), Smyrna, Rhodos, Bethlehem, Aleppo, Alexandria.
- Occas. trifle foxed; first 9 plates sl. waterstained in lower left corner (partly touching the image). Otherwise all prints fine.
= Printed on heavy paper; copy before letters. "Vooral Jacob Ernst Marcus dient te worden vermeld. Van 1807 tot 1816 gaf hij elke maand een prent uit, totaal 105 stuks (...) Marcus plaatst geen Griekse goden en godinnen in zijn landschappen, maar mensen, zo uit het werkelijke leven van die tijd weggelopen" (Grafiek in de 19e eeuw, p.19).
- First work some sl. foxing; sm. owner's stamp on first blank. Spine lacks letterpiece.
- Occas. vaguely (water)stained. Bindings trifle rubbed. = Scheepers II, 654; Buisman 1559.