2510 - 2895 OLD and RARE BOOKS from the library of P.J. Buijnsters and L. Buijnsters-Smets
- First 2 prints trifle duststained in outer blank margin, otherwise contents fine.
= Rare artists' manual.
- A fine copy with the following small defects: 2 restored spots in blank margin of portrait of Cornelis de Bie; a tiny hole in O2, P1 and BBB3; some annots. in contemp. pen in index. Top end of upper joint professionally restored. Fine copy.
= Bibl. Belgica I, B188; Arntzen/ Rainwater H55. The first edition of this early source for 17th cent. Dutch and Flemish painters, sculptors, architects, engravers, listing about 400 artists.
- Lacks 2 plates (no.66 and 95); the self-portrait remargined in outer margin; occas. sl. yellowed and occas. sl. wormholed; vague libr. stamp on title-p.; a few plates w. sm. smudges in margins and sl. fingersoiled. Paper over covers partly dam./ chafed.
= Cf. Bolten, Method & Practice. Dutch & Flemish drawing books, pp. 51-67
- Occas. sl. soiled/ (dust)stained.
= From the library Carl Jean Cronstedt (1709-1799), Swedish count, architect and bibliophile. Rare edition, not in Bolten, nor in Kunst op Schrift. No copy in the STCN.
- All plates mounted; title-p. sl. soiled; one plate ruststained; otherwise occas. foxed in (blank) margins.
= Not in Bolten, nor in Kunst op schrift. Interesting series of engravings, consisting of the title-p., 10 sets of 2 identical engravings (one line-engr./ the other fully engraved (8x) and one showing a view from the front/ and 1 from the back (4x)) and 3 single engravings. Rare, no copy in the STCN.
- Very fine and fresh copy.
= Bolten p.253: "The leading example of the master model in the Netherlands is the drawing book by Abraham Bloemaert. (...) Bloemaert's drawing examples are not derived from those of other authors. They represent the fruits of a life of industrious study in academies and after nature (...)." The original edition of this work was published by the artist in 1650 as Artis Apellae Liber and contained approx. 120 plates.
- Very fine copy. = The rare first Dutch edition of this manual on etching and engraving.
- Vague vertical central fold throughout; a few leaves trifle foxed in margins. Wrappers sl. stained and soiled.
= Bolten p.142-147 (suggesting that Cornelis Danckerts the Elder (1603-1655) was the orig. publisher and stating that he is unaware of any copy of the original edition); The Children's World of Learning I, 1124 (the present copy): "Rare drawing book for youth (...). The present edition seems to be the only one known". Van Veen II, 126; BNK 1513.
- All vols. (sl.) foxed. Nicely bound set.
= Arntzen/ Rainwater M418: "A thorough report by a contemporary writer of the late phase of Dutch painting. Treats artists after 1750; complements Houbraken and Van Gool."
- Fine copy.
= With letterpress schoolprize bound in at the front, awarded to "Pieter van Ameyden" dated 1822. Ad 1: Kunst op Schrift 334; ad 2: Kunst op Schrift 101; ad 3: not in Kunst op Schrift.
= Kunst op schrift 420. The second edition of "Goeree's most important contribution to the theory of proportions" (Bolten p.214).
- Covers a few corroded spots due to mottling. Nevertheless a fine and attractively bound copy.
= The extra plates (not listed in the "Naemrol") are portraits of the following: A. HOUBRAKEN, G. WIGMANA, J.A. WASSENBERGH, J. DE BEYER/ JAKOBUS BUYS/ H. POTHOVEN (3 portraits on 1 plate) and A. SCHOUWMAN (Selfportrait. Mezzotint). Kunst op schrift 401 and 408; Arntzen/ Rainwater H96: "Biographical accounts of Netherlandish painters, a continuation of Houbraken."
BOUND WITH: (Hoet, G.). Brief aan een' Vrient. Behelzende eenige aanmerkingen op het eerste deel van den Nieuwen Schouburg der Nederlantsche Kunstschilders en schilderessen. Door Johan van Gool. N.pl., "Gedrukt voor den Auteur", n.d. (1751), 30p., w. a mezzotint portrait of GERARD HOET by A. SCHOUMAN.
= Bound with: an AUTOGRAPH LETTER by G. HOET to J. VAN GOOL, written as cover to his publication (dated "Hage den 17 Feb: 1751", 1 fold. leaf, pen and ink, recto only).
AND BOUND WITH: Idem. Gerard Hoet's Aanmerkingen Op het eerste en tweede Deel des Nieuwen Schouburgs der Nederlantsche Kunstschilders en Schilderessen. N.pl., "Gedrukte voor den Auteur", n.d. (±1751), 95,(1)p. - AND BOUND WITH: Gool, J. van. Antwoordt op den zoo genaemden Brief aen een Vrient, Mitsgaders noch op de intrede voor het eerste deel der Catalogus van Schilderyen, beide in druk uitgegeeven door Gerard Hoet, ter afwissinge van den Laster en Schendtael, In die beide Geschriften uitgespoogen, zo op den Schryver van de Nieuwe Schouburg der Nederlantsche Kunstschilders en Schilderessen, als op deszelfs meede Kunstgenooten. N.pl., n.publ., n.d. (±1751), 56p. (sl. yellowed).
- Lacks 10 plates; two plates w. closed tear; a few plates sl. yellowed (1x badly foxed).
= Bolten p.77-81. Not in Kunst op schrift. Rare, only one copy in STCN..
- Sl. fingersoiled; p. 272-273 w. sm. stain in outer margin (touching text). Joints starting at top of spine. Nevertheless a fine copy.
= Arntzen/ Rainwater H63; Kunst op schrift 23. The first and only edition of this handbook for artists by one of Rembrandt's pupils. Four plates devoted to the human proportions, the other nine representing the classical muses and the 4 remarkable textills. illustrating the way light falls and shadows are cast.
- Occas. sl. yellowed. Corners showing.
= Chamberlin 2008: "As valuable for the 17th cent. in the Low Countries as Van Mander is for the 16th"; Arntzen/ Rainwater H97: "Important source"; Kunst op schrift 422-424.
- Yellowed and occas. sl. stained; new endpapers. Sm. wormhole in upper joint; vellum sl. soiled.
= Warranted by the artist on the final text leaf. Praz, p.375; Hollstein 118. Very rare.
- Waterstain in upper margin throughout; sl. dogeared; sl. foxed. = Very rare.
- Partly waterstained and waterwrinkled. Vellum on backcover sl. wrinkled.
= Provenance: Bob Luza. Contauins a full-length portrait of Laurens Janszoon Coster, against a background showing the Haarlem-skyline. Arntzen/ Rainwater H64 (listing the Latin ed. of 1694): "An early work by a member of the circle of Rubens. According to Schlosser (...) it is even today a rich source of antiquarian erudition." Kunst op schrift 17.
- Trifle foxed.
= Kunst op schrift 1453. With some portraits of famous/ notorious inhabitants of Leyden, i.a. Klaas Langenakker and Marytje van Harten (a.k.a. "Kluit water en brij"). Rare.