2510 - 2895 OLD and RARE BOOKS from the library of P.J. Buijnsters and L. Buijnsters-Smets
- Heraldic bookplate on upper pastedown and contemp. owner's entry on first free endpaper. Upper joint starting.
= Ad 1. Buijnsters, BNK 1189; Ki.la.ki.le. 6; Van Veen sale, part 2, no.47; De hele Bibelebontse berg p.225; Knuttel 21859. A rare pro House of Orange abecedarium, counterpart of the patriotic "Vaderlandsch A.B.-Boek voor de Nederlandsche Jeugd" by Swildens. "Het lijkt niet waarschijnlijk dat deze politieke satire ooit als kinderboek heeft gediend" (Buijnsters).
- Manuscript owner's entry of A. Stam, S. Ord. Praedicator, 1684 on fly-leaves and many carefully written annots. and corrections in Dutch and Latin in the same hand in the margins throughout, often quite critical and condemning. Occas. sl. browned. Very nice set.
= Rare complete set. Sabin 19854; Tiele 260; Cat. NHSM p.240; Muller 1565: "Contains a vast amount of most interesting particulars, historical, geographical, linguistic etc. on the manners and customs, on the private life etc., the whole illustrated by (...) curious plates." Much enlarged adaptation of Erasmus Franciscus, Neu polirter Geschichts- Kunst- u. Sitten-Spiegel ausländischer Völker, als: Sineser, Japaner, Indostaner, Abyssinier (Nürnberg, 1670) and Idem, Guinesischer u. Americanischer Blumenbusch (Nürnberg, 1669). For the remarkable plates by Romeyn de Hooghe, Landwehr, R. de H. as bookill. 58: "The illustrations by R. de H. belong to the most interesting of his oeuvre."
- Binding sl. duststained. Otherwise very fine copy.
= From the library of A. Pitlo. Rarely found complete with the fold. plate showing De Wilde's library.
- Occas. sl. waterstained; contemp. owner's entry on upper and lower pastedown.
= Cat. J. Honig 200; Buisman 2131; De Vries 39.
- Vol. 2 covers sl. rubbed. Otherwise a very fine and clean copy.
AND 1 other: Z. PASPOORT, Beschrijving van Zeeland (...) vervolgd (Middelb., 1820, contemp. boards. Sl. foxed; lacks frontcover).
- Old catalogue clipping mounted on upper pastedown. Upper joint split; paper over boards sl. rubbed.
= Buisman 1922; Knuttel, Verboden boeken 343: "Volgens de notulen van het Haagsche boekverkoopersgilde is dit boek 9 Nov. 1789 in den Haag verboden. Waarschijnlijk als obsceen boek en omdat in deze reisbeschrijving eenige tirades tegen Oranje gevonden worden. Oldenbarnevelt wordt geroemd en de Synode van Dort nogal ongunstig beoordeeld. Ook te Haarlem verboden, waarschijnlijk kort na 9 Jan. 1789". Very rare. No copy traced on the market.