2896 - 3588 OLD and RARE BOOKS
- Occas. w. waterstain in lower margin and w. other minor imperfections.
- Binding sl. worn along edges; foot of spine sl. dam.
(Chaudon, E.-J.). Les Flèches d'Apollon, ou nouveau recueil d'épigrammes anciennes et modernes. Ibid., (idem), 1787, 2 vols., 252; 215p., contemp. unif. vellum, 12mo. - AND 3 others, i.a. by F.M.A. DE VOLTAIRE.
- Bindings in poor condition. Contents fine.
= The worldmap ("Nova delineatio totius orbis terrarum", 25,8x34,2 cm.) engr. by Petrus vander Aa with two hemispheres which are surrounded by six robust statuesque figures typically representing Day and Night and the four elements; each, except for Mother Earth, proudly unclothed. There are two small cartouches, one of which repeats the title in Dutch: Niewe Werelt Caart. Reduced-size version of the worldmap by Arnold Colom, ±1655 (Shirley 395).
- Binding warped, otherwise a fine copy.
= Both rare first editions. Ad 1: satirical poem on Whitsun festivities at a Dutch village, illustrated with 4 nice etchings, starting with the festive entry of the drummers, ending with a vehement fight at the inn. Ad 2: at the end Swaaneburg's famous treatise Een eenvoudige, dog duidelyke verklaaring over de zo genaamde onverslaanbare parnasdreun te bruilofte &c. door den autheur zelver opgestelt, alleen uit liefde en zugt voor de onbedreeve poëten en dozynwerkers van zyn gelukkig vaderland. "In het werk dat zoveel weerstand heeft opgeroepen verwerpt Van Sw. het polijsten van verzen en de onderworpenheid aan regels, principes (...). Daartegenover stelt hij inspiratie en extase. Zijn overtuiging wordt gemotiveerd door de hermetische filosofie op naam van Hermes Trismegistos, waarin lijdzame overgave en extatische terugkeer naar de goddelijke harmonie kernthema's zijn. Het unieke satirisch-hermetische werk van Van Swaanenburg dient men te beschouwen tegen de 18de-eeuwse achtergrond van deze filosofie" (MEW). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCIII.
- Sl. yellowed. Dent in frontcover caused by string.
= The 8vo edition. Ter Meulen/ Diermanse 743; Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 192.
- Frontcover loosening; lower joint splitting. Contents fine.
= Ter Meulen/ Diermanse 232, 913 and 1249: "L'ouvrage est en grande partie basé sur des manuscrits et des lettres manuscrites". The main old source for the study of Grotius in second edition.
- Lacks engr. frontisp.; owner's stamp on upper pastedown; tiny library stamp on final leaf. Vellum soiled; remnant of paper ticket on backcover.
= Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 6; Van der Linde 4; Ekama 120; Hollstein XXXIII, 391 and 417-427 (Van de Velde); Hollstein XXIII, 2 and 3 (P.J. Saenredam); McMurtrie, The invention of printing 848; Bigmore/ Wyman I, 8 and II, 326; not in Carter/ Vervliet. One of the finest Dutch town descriptions with beautiful etchings by Jan van de Velde II. Also important for being the main early source for Laurens Jansz. Coster as inventor of the art of printing and for its typography with the alternating use of roman, gothic and civilité types. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCIV.
- First vol. lacks the 2nd part by P. Scriverius on Laurens Janszoon Coster; frontisp. cut on border and laid down; waterstained throughout; one extra laid down plate bound in. The work by Schrevelius contains the plates belonging to the absent section by Scriverius but the portrait is in reverse.
= Ad 1. Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 6; Van der Linde 4; Ekama 120; Hollstein XXXIII, 391 and 417-427 (Van de Velde); Hollstein XXIII, 2 and 3 (P.J. Saenredam); McMurtrie, The invention of printing 848; Bigmore/ Wyman I, 8 and II, 326; not in Carter/ Vervliet. One of the finest Dutch town descriptions with beautiful etchings by Jan van de Velde II. Also important for its typography with the alternating use of roman, gothic and civilité types. Ad 2. Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 270; Ekama 186. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCIV.
- Binding trifle rubbed. = Not in Ekama (first work) and 747/748; Sliggers p.215.
Het spreeuwtje, fluitende en zingende allerhande liedjes op bekende oude en nieuwe wijzen. Haarlem, A. Loosjes Pz., 1808, (8),77,(2)p., title partly printed in sepia w. woodcut ill., orig. limp boards.
- Covers sl. foxed/ (dust)soiled. Spine worn.
= Songs by the Haarlem society 'Democriet'. Scheurleer II, p.116; Scheepers II, 260; Sliggers p.213f.
Democritische tafelliedjes. Ibid., V. Loosjes, 1822, (8),64p., engr. title-page w. oval portrait, orig. dec. boards, sm. 8vo.
- Binding sl. soiled; spine-ends rubbed.
= Ekama 823 (this copy without the (pseudonymous) names of the poets); Sliggers p.217f.
XII Volks-liedekens, op bekende wijzen, ter vervrolijking van Lourens Jansz. Kosters vierde-eeuwfeest; door Democriet.
Ibid., idem, 1823, (2),II,33,(1),IIp., woodcut portrait of Coster on title-p., woodcut vignettes, orig. pink paper wr., sm. 8vo.
- Wr. sl. soiled; frontwr. sm. dam. in lower blank margin; spine worn.
= Bigmore/ Wyman I, p.161; Ekama 842; Sliggers, p.219.
- Loose in quires; first quire waterst. in lower corner.
Nieuwe Ordonnantie, Vande Wees-Kamere, Binnen der Stadt Haerlem. Ibid., idem "na de Copie van Vincent Castelen", n.d. (1664), (24)p., large woodcut title vignette w. the coat of arms of Haarlem, without wr.
- Loose in quires; last leaf loose and trifle frayed.
AND 3 others similar, all without wr.: "Ordonnantie Van de Turf-Echijns der Stadt Haerlem", "Ordonnantie van den Excijs van 't Broodt ofte Bischuyt, 't welck buyten der Stad Haerlem gebacken zijnde, binner der selver Stadt gebracht, verkocht en geconsumeert sal werden" and "Van den Wijn- en Mee-Excijs der Stadt Haerlem".
- Tear in map; partly waterst.; fingersoiled. Binding sl. worn; joints splitting at top of spine.
= Ekama 721; Landwehr, Dutch Books w. Col. Plates 352. Contains views of "Duin en Daal", "De nieuwe Brouwerskolk", "Het Slot van Heemstede" and "Beverwijk".
- Occas. (sl.) browned (incl. the plates). One letterpiece sl. chafed.
= Ekama 543; Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 54; McMurtrie 1082.
- Without the title and prelim. leaf to the 2nd part; title and prelim. leaf to the 3rd part bound at the beginning.
= Ekama 533; Cat. Harlemia illustrata 519-585: "Éen van de voor Haarlem belangrijkste prentseries".
- Large tear in leaf 73. Vellum sl. stained; joints splitting.
= Rare edition. Pijper, Martelaarsboeken, p.53: "Gysius wijdde aan zijne uitgaaf eene uitnemende zorg en verbeterde vele fouten, die waren ingeslopen. De fraaie foliant met platen bekoorde zelfs Sepp, die anders van geïllustreerde martelaarsboeken afkeerig was". With contemp. manuscript poem "Op den Martelaers Boeck", signed "A.V.B." on first free endpaper.
- Hinges strengthened; first few lvs. inner margin waterstained.
AND 1 other: L.W. VAN MERKEN, David. In twaalf boeken (Amst., 1768, 2nd ed., plates by S. FOKKE, title-vignette, contemp. blindst. vellum).
- Gilding on spine sl. rubbed off at spine-ends; one vol. paper over frontcover partly torn off.
= Contains Van Hamelsveld's translations from and commentary on the Old Testament, New Testament and the apocryphal books.
- Occas. sl. foxed. Backstrip worn/ sl. dam.
= Patriotic poem about the Dutch Revolt, consisting of 24 lyre songs, esp. on the freedom struggle of the "Watergeuzen" and the House of Orange-Nassau. With contemp. dedication on verso of the title-page: ''Dit Exemplaar werd aangeboden aan Mevrouw Sprangers, geb. Dengler''.
- Both vols. spine-ends dam. and upper joints splitting. Contents good.
= One of three variants of the first edition, as mentioned by Tchemerzine VI, p.192 b; Cioranescu 33651; Encycl. of Philosophy 3, p.471ff. In his posthumously published De l'Homme, Helvétius (1715-1771) strongly reaffirms the ideas he was forced to disavow, following publication of his book De l'Esprit.
BOUND WITH: an incomplete copy of IDEM, Le Bonheur (London, 1773, new ed. Lacks quire c, which is replaced by a duplicate quire e).
- Sl. foxed. Joints of vol.1 splitting. = Graesse III, p.315.
- Most plates sl. foxed/ spotted; 1 plate partly torn on fold; vol. 1 first blank w. large 19th-cent. annot.; vol. 2 turn-ins of frontcover loosening; partly sl. wormholed in margin. Bindings sl. dustsoiled. Nevertheless a fine copy.
= Leendertz 128; Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 386; Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 235b and De Buck 2301 (both listing other editions).