2896 - 3588 OLD and RARE BOOKS
- Owner's entry on upper pastedown; trifle waterstained in lower outer corner. Spine-ends and corners sl. worn; lacking headcap. Otherwise a good copy.
Bellarmino, R. De septem verbis a Christo in cruce prolatis libri duo. Cologne, B. Wolter, 1618, (16),293p., engr. title-vignette, modern hcl., 12mo.
- Bookplate and owner's entry on upper endpaper; pencil annot. on title-p. Sl. worn at edges; otherwise fine.
- Sm. tear in upper part touching illustration; new endpapers.
- A fine copy.
= Ad 2: title part 2: Aanmerkingen op de beschuldigingen, raakende de heeren gebroederen de Witten, van Lambert van den Bos in zynen Reysenden Mercurius deselve heeren te last gelegd (1674); title part 3: Vervolg der aenmerkingen tegen Lambert van den Bos, door den zelven schryver.
- Occas. sl. foxed. Covers sl. warped.
= Incl. his "Geestige en vermaekelijke Reys-beschryving (...) Naer Oost-Indien uytgevaren voor Raet van Justitie, in den Jare 1668". Scheepers II, 235; Waller 1305 (10th ed.); Scheurleer p.182; cf. Landwehr, VOC 1540 (note).
- Vol. 3 partly waterst. and sl. mouldy. Bindings sl. worn and dustsoiled.
- Sl. waterstained. Wrapper split. = F.M.H. 1843.
= With AUTOGRAPH DEDICATION on title-p. of first work.
AND a copy of the same 2 works bound in reverse order, almost unif. w. the preceding (cut sl. short in right margin). - AND ALSO BOUND WITH: (Box, H.). Appel de la Hollande à la justice et à la raison de la Grande-Bretagne. The Hague, A. van Hoogstraten, 1836, 48p.
= Rare copies of 3 publications by journalists Georges Libry-Bagnano (Belgium-critical, Journal Officiel/ Gazette des Pays-Bas) and Henri Box (anonymous, Journal de La Haye). Cf. NNBW I, p.444ff. Ad 1: not in Knuttel. Ad 2: Knuttel 27289. Ad 3: Knuttel 27363.
= Knuttel 10466. On the Dutch diplomat Pieter de Groot (1615-1678) (second son of the famous lawyer Hugo de Groot): "Van 1670 tot en met 1672 was hij pensionaris van Rotterdam, waar hij lid was van de vroedschap. Hij was achtereenvolgens Nederlands gezant in Zweden en Frankrijk tussen 1668 en 1672. In het rampjaar 1672 keerde hij uit Frankrijk terug en was betrokken bij de mislukte onderhandelingen met Lodewijk XIV over de Nederlandse capitulatie. De daarop volgende opstand in Rotterdam noopte hem naar Antwerpen te vluchten. Hij keerde in 1674 terug, maar raakte zijdelings betrokken bij het hoogverraadproces van Abraham de Wicquefort in 1675. Hij werd zelf ook van hoogverraad beschuldigd vanwege zijn compromitterende correspondentie met De Wicquefort, maar dankzij de inspanningen van zijn advocaat Simon van Middelgeest vrijgesproken. Hij trok zich daarop terug op zijn landgoed Boekenrode bij Haarlem, waar hij in juni 1678 overleed" (nl.wikipedia.org).
- One ordinance w. tear in left margin (affecting text) and one w. stamp on verso.
= Announcing i.a. the obligatory participation of citizens possessing assets of at least fl. 2.000,- and prohibiting assayers, gold- and silversmiths from melting down hallmarked gold or silver items without the appropriate official documentation. Cf. Knuttel 22630.
= I.a. concerning taxes on playing cards.
- Occas. trifle foxed/ thumbed. Mostly fine.
= Comprises i.a. Extract uyt de resolutie van de Ed: Agtb: heeren borgemeesteren en vroedschap van Utrecht (1728, (8)p.); Lyste van het trekloon van paarden tusschen Utrecht ende Vaart (1754, (8)p.); Publicatie tegens het slagten van kuys- of koe-kalveren (1769, (4)p.); Publicatie wegens het verblyf van Fransche en andere vreemdelingen binnen deze stad (1793, (4)p.) and Notificatie behelzende voorziening ter instandhouding der fruit-markt, met bepaling nopens de bewerking der fruiten (1806, (4)p.).
- Occas. trifle foxed/ thumbed. Mostly fine.
= Mainly on military and naval matters. Comprises i.a. Forordning, om des Ostindiste handel, for de Danske-Europaeiste Stater (1797, 16p.); Plakat der foreskriver bestemte forholds-regler (...) (1800; (4)p.); Placat hvorved Kornfarers udforsel fra Norge til fremmede steder igien tillades (...) (1800, (4)p.); Forordning angaaende soe-Indrolleringsvaesenet i Norge (1803, 39p.) and Plakat hvorved i anledning af den nye udbrudte krig (1803, (4)p.).
- Lacks the frontisp.; partly sl. browned.
= From the library of professor and librarian at the University of Gand P.P.C. Lammens, w. his bookplate on upper pastedown.
- New upper pastedown and first free endpaper; lacks final free endpaper; sl. cramped inner margin between title-p. and first free endpaper; occas. sl. stained and fingersoiled. Binding heavily restored; later letterpiece.
= Tchemerzine V, p.73; Printing and the Mind of Man 152. Counterfeit of the first edition, published in the same year, with the Desprez monogram on the title-p. replaced by the fleuron of the 1657 edition of Pascal's Les Provinciales and the errors in the pagination as given by Tchemerzine.
- Later endpapers. Joints broken; lacks letterpiece; 2 sm. paper tickets at foot of spine.
= Not found in the usual reference works, perhaps a pirated edition(?).
AND 2 other 18th cent. works, i.a. an English translation of the same work (London, 1704. Binding dam.).
- Frontisp. cut sl. short in lower margin (w. loss of artist's name); occas. sl. uneven printing; partly sl. (damp)stained; 4 lvs. w. smaller outer margin (perhaps rebound from another copy). Bookplate of "Henn Wolfram Riedesel Freiherr zu Eisenbach" on first free endpaper. Otherwise fine.
= Continuation of J. SLEIDANUS, De statu religionis et reipublicae Carolo V Caesare commentarii (Strasb., 1555). First and only ed. of this rare work on the history of the Spanish Netherlands under Philip II by Henricus Paulinus (†1602), published only 60 years after his death. With an appendix on the history of West and East Frisia at that time, in which Paulinus describes i.a. his misadventures as a negotiator on behalf of East Frisia. In this capacity, he was sent to Franeker to discuss the Dutch occupation of the Ems (during the war with Spain) and the privateers devastating the East Frisian sea trade. He was arrested, however, and exchanged in 1586 for Onno van Ewsum, who had been captured by East Frisia. De Buck 2303; cf. 2017; Van der Aa XV, p.124. A rare Emden edition.
- Owner's stamp on title-p. and 3rd blank; pastedowns loose. Overlapping parts of vellum flattened.
= The rare first edition. De Wind p. 451; Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 380a.
- Pastedowns detached; engr. title lacks portion of lower blank margin. Otherwise fine.
= Cf. Muller 783 (ed. 1665).
- Lacks 2 plates and 3 text lvs.; fingersoiled (worse at the beginning); bookplate on upper pastedown. Binding sl. worn.
= Cox I, p.250; not in Blackmer.
- Lacks 4th vol. All vols. w. ticket mounted (occas. partly worn off) on frontcover: "Dit boek behoort tot de Bibliotheek van de Kweekschool voor Schoolonderwijzers, te Haarlem"; backstrips worn (2x partly dam.).
= Muller 907.
Leerwijze van H. Pestalozzi: bevattende de drie aanvangspunten van zijn onderwijs. Ed. P.J. Prinsen. Leyden, D. du Mortier en Zoon, 1809, VIII,136p., 3 fold. engr. plates, contemp. hcalf w. mor. letterpiece. - BOUND WITH: Pestalozzi's leerwijze in de kennis der getallen. Ed. P.J. Prinsen. Ibid., idem, 1820, VIII,182p., 3 fold. engr. plates. - AND 3 other similar 19th cent. vols.