= One of 25 Roman numb. copies bound by G. van Daal, this copy SIGNED by the artist and numb. "V".
Bulder, N. Nieuwere exlibris. Introd. H.G.J. Schelling. Ibid., idem, 1959, 16 (1x col.) woodcut plates by N. BULDER, printed in 200 numb. copies, orig. giltlettered cl.
= The first publication of the Arethusa Pers. From the library of J. Souverein, w. his bookplate on upper pastedown.
AND 6 others (incl. 1 duplicate): H. BLOKLAND, De Nederlandsche Exlibris-kring na dertig jaar (1962, etched and woodcut plates/ ills., printed in 125 numb. copies, orig. cl.) and works on exlibris by P.G. RUETER, P. WETSELAAR and for H.G.J. SCHELLING.
= One of 55 copies bound in full cloth by the Phoenix Bindery.
Idem. Zeven gedichten voor een gestorvene. Dutch transl. J.C. Ebbinge Wubben. Ibid., idem, 1987, (21)p., Dutch/ French text, printed in 110 numb. copies, orig. cl. by G. VAN DAAL, stiff paper slipcase. - AND 6 others by the same press, i.a. G. DE NERVAL, Twee gedichten (1986, frontisp. etching by L. JIØINCOVÁ, printed in 90 numb. copies (25), orig. cl. by G. VAN DAAL, w. an extra copy of the etching loosely inserted) and V. LARBAUD, Vijf gedichten van A.O. Barnabooth. Transl. P. de Bruin (1995, col. frontisp. etching by D. BEKKER, printed in 75 numb. copies (50), orig. cl.).
- One of 30 copies with an extra copperengr. called for (not present in this copy).
Woord, B. van der. Interlokaal. Een spoorweg-historische bespiegeling. Ibid., idem, 1980, 24,(3)p., woodengr. by J. BOUDA, printed in 150 numb. copies, orig. giltlettered cl.
= With an extra loosely inserted copy of the woodengr.
Berg, H. van den. Van Station tot Generaal. Ruisende rokken en breekbare liefdes. Ibid., idem, 1996, 30p., tipped-in lithogr. plate by K. BENES, printed in 150 numb. copies (25), orig. giltlettered cl. by G. VAN DAAL.
= One of 25 copies bound in full cloth, this copy marked "h.c.".
AND 3 others, i.a. B. VAN DER WOORD, De restauratie (1987, col. lithogr. frontisp. by K. BENES, signed in pencil, printed in 100 numb. copies, loose in orig. wr.).
- Spine sunned. = One of 20 Roman numb. copies bound in hmor. by G. van Daal.
Nijhoff, M. Het veer. Ibid., idem, 1985, 29,(2)p., col. etching by O. KULHÁNEK, signed in pencil, printed in 88 numb. copies (15), orig. hmor., limp board slipcase.
= One of 15 copies bound in hmor. by G. van Daal w. an extra signed copy of the etching loosely inserted (this copy Arabic numb. "5" instead of Roman numb. as called for in the colophon).
AND 2 others by the same press, i.a. L. BOUDEWIJNS, Matthäus Passion (1989, col. etching by O. KULHÁNEK, printed in 100 numb. copies (12), orig. giltlettered cl.).
= One of 25 copies bound in full cloth by G. van Daal but without the extra copy of the etching called for in the colophon.
Eycken, K. van. Bohuslav Martinù. Ibid., idem, 1990, 24,(3)p., col. frontisp. etching by V. SUCHÁNEK, signed in pencil, mounted stamp on colophon, printed in 125 numb. copies (50).
= One of 50 copies bound in giltlettered boards by G. van Daal but without the extra copy of the etching called for in the colophon.
Èapek, K. De dichter. Dutch transl. K. Mercks. Ibid., idem, 1992, 7,(2)p., col. lithogr. frontisp. by A. BORN, signed in pencil, printed in 65 numb. copies (20).
= One of 20 copies bound by G. van Daal but without the extra copy of the lithogr. called for in the colophon.
Tsvetajeva, M. Nieuwjaarsgroet. Dutch transl. J. Enklaar-Lagendijk. Ibid., idem, 1998, 31,(2)p., col. etching by D. BEKKER, printed in 100 numb. copies, (55), orig. cl. Krigar, H. Anton Dvorák. Eine biographische Skizze. Ibid., idem, 1991, 25,(2)p., frontisp., 2 mounted stamps on colophon, printed in 110 numb. copies (20).
= One of 20 copies bound in full cloth w. inlay silver coin by G. van Daal.
AND 1 other by the same press.
= With an extra signed copy of the engraving loosely inserted.
Idem. Zeven gedichten naar Abû'l-'Alâ' al-Ma'arrî. Ibid., idem, 1982, 29,(2)p., frontisp. plate by C. FLOOR, printed in 162 numb. copies (12), orig. giltlettered cl.
= One of 12 Roman numb. copies.
AND 4 others by the same press, w. etchings/ lithogr. by K. BENES, C. BOUDA, H. FAJLHAUER and L. JIØINCOVÁ, orig. wr.
= One of 25 copies w. an extra suite of the plates. With AUTOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION in pencil by the artist on the colophon.
Medici, L. de'. Twee sonnetten. Dutch transl. F. van Dooren. Ibid., idem, 1986, (15)p., col. etching by A. KMIELIAUSKAS, signed in pencil, printed in 65 numb. copies (15), giltlettered cl., slipcase.
= One of 15 copies bound in full cloth by G. van Daal.
Francis of Assisi. Zonnelied. Dutch transl. F. van Dooren. Ibid., idem, 1994, (15)p., col. frontisp. etching by A. KMIELIAUSKAS, signed in pencil, printed in 60 numb. copies (20), orig. cl.
= One of 20 copies bound in full cloth by G. van Daal and w. an extra signed copy of the etching loosely inserted.
Canzoni Veneziane. Venetiaanse Volksliedjes. Dutch transl. J.C. Blauwkuip. Ibid., idem, 1981, (28)p., 6 (full-p.) col. woodcut ills. by M. LEBORONI, all signed in pencil, printed in 250 numb. copies, orig. hcl., obl. 8vo.
= This copy marked "h.c. VII-XII".
AND 5 others by the same press, i.a. F. PETRARCA, De dood van Laura (1991, etched frontisp. portrait by H. JÜRGENS, printed in 80 numb. copies (25), orig. boards w. mor. title-piece).
- Portfolio trifle duststained along margin and partly loose.
= "Le crepuscule du matin"; "Les sept vieillards"; "Le beau navire"; "l'Examen de minuit"; "Une charogne"; "Le jeu"; "Les petites vieilles" and "Le portrait".
= With an extra loosely inserted suite of the lithographs, signed in pencil.
Blokland, H. Vzpominka na Ludmila Jirincovou. Czech transl. A. van Dijk-Prazáková. Ibid., idem, 1987, 16p., 3 tipped-in etchings by L. JIØINCOVÁ, all signed in pencil, printed in 75 numb. copies, orig. giltlettered cl. by G. VAN DAAL.
= Published on occasion of the 75th anniversary of the artist. With an extra loosely inserted suite of the etchings.
Tsvetajeva, M. Nieuwjaarsgroet. Dutch transl. J. Enklaar-Lagendijk. Ibid., idem, 1998, 31,(2)p., col. etching by D. BEKKER, printed in 100 numb. copies, orig. cl. Paustovskij, K. Sneeuw. Ibid., idem, 1996, 19,(2)p., etching by A. SPRONK, signed in pencil, printed in 100 copies (40), orig. cl. - AND 7 others, all w. (signed) etchings/ engr./ lithogr. by K. BENES, A. BORN, C. BOUDA, L. JIØINCOVÁ, P. LAZAROV or H. PAUWELS.
= One of 30 copies bound in full cloth by G. van Daal.
Schulz, B. De straat van de Krokodillen. Transl. G. Rasch. Ibid., idem, 1982, (18)p., 3 copperengr. plates/ ill. by H. FAJLHAUER, printed in 75 numb. copies (50), orig. giltlettered hcl. Trakl, G. Met ronde ogen... Transl. J. Enklaar-Lagendijk. Ibid., idem, 1992, 35,(2)p., tipped-in col. frontisp. plate after I. MASCHKOW-LAGENDIJK, printed in 125 numb. copies (50), signed by the translator, orig. cl.
= One of 50 copies bound in full cl. by G. van Daal.
AND 3 others, i.a. H. HEINE, Dichterliebe (1988, printed in 150 copies, orig. wr., fold. marriage celebration program loosely inserted).
= With an extra copy of the engraving (signed and dated in pencil) loosely inserted.
Idem. Zwölf Gedichte. Ibid., idem, 1979, 20p., copperengr. by O. VOLKAMER, signed in pencil, printed in 120 numb. copies, orig. giltlettered cl.
= This copy numb. "IV".
Idem. Dreizehn Nachtgedichte. Ibid., idem, 1989, (29)p., printed in 125 numb. copies (40), orig. cl.
= One of 40 copies bound in full cloth by G. van Daal.
Idem. De rozen. Transl. M. de Groot. Ibid., idem, 1996, (32)p., col. woodengr., printed in 75 numb. copies (25), orig. giltlettered cl.
- Trifle foxed. = One of 25 copies bound in full cloth by G. van Daal.
AND 4 others, i.a. IDEM, Requiem für eine Freundin (1983, col. etching by J. DUDEK, printed in 60 numb. copies, orig. (dam.) wr.) and JEAN PAUL, Um nicht zu lügen (1963, woodengr. by E. VON DOMBROWSKI, printed in 250 numb. copies, orig. wr.).
= With an extra copy of the engraving (signed and dated in pencil) loosely inserted.
Idem. Über den jungen Dichter. Ed. W. Simon. Ibid., idem, 1991, 2 vols., (4),32,(3); facs. vol. (18) lvs., loosely inserted signed woodcut portr. by C. FLOOR, printed in 125 numb. copies, orig. giltlettered boards, marbled slipcase (fine).
= This copy printed for Johan Souverein.
= One of 25 Roman numb. copies with an extra loosely inserted suite of the plates.
Steenvoorden, A. Ons zelf spiegelen. Ibid., idem, 1980, (19)p., 5 col. etchings by A. STEENVOORDEN, signed in pencil, printed in 125 numb. copies (25), orig. giltlettered mor., cl. slipcase.
= One of 25 copies bound by P.J.J. Peijnenburg.
Boudewijns, L. Matthäus Passion, een novelle. Ibid., idem., 1989, 20,(3)p.,col. etched frontisp. by O. KULHÁNEK, printed in 100 numb. copies (25), orig. giltlettered cl. by G. VAN DAAL.
= One of 25 copies w. an extra loosely inserted copy of the etching.
AND 6 others, i.a. S. VAN BUSSUM, Een bewogen vrijdag op de Breestraat (1997, woodengr. frontisp. plate by J. BATTERMAN, printed in 135 numb. copies (60), orig. cl.).
= Signed by the artist and the binder in the colophon.
- Slipcase partly sunned.
Idem. Bertils Koningin van de Nacht. Ibid., idem, 1988, (13)p., copperengr. by BERTIL, signed in pencil, printed in 60 numb. copies, orig. giltlettered cl. by G. VAN DAAL, folio.
= Comprises a list of all the copper engravings by Bertil up to 1988.
Idem. De bronnen van Spronk. Ibid., idem, 1991, (13)p., 2 col. etchings by A. SPRONK, signed in pencil, printed in 65 numb. copies, orig. giltlettered hcl. by G. VAN DAAL, 4to. - AND 1 other by the same press: P. PYPERS, T' Dorp Baere (1984, frontisp. etching by H. FAJLHAUER after J. DE BEIJER, printed in 90 numb. copies (70), orig. cl. by G. VAN DAAL, obl. 4to).
= One of 40 copies bound in full cloth by G. van Daal, w. an extra signed woodengr. loosely inserted.
Idem. De verdwijning van Monsieur Cambert. Ibid., idem, 1993, (6),14,(3)p., etched frontisp. by W. VAN DER MEIJ, numb. and signed in pencil, printed in 75 numb. copies (40), orig. giltlettered cl. Idem. Veluwse strofen. Ibid., idem, 1990, 11,(1)p., woodengr. by LOU STRIK, printed in 110 numb. copies, signed by the author, orig. wr. - AND 4 others by T. DE VRIES, printed by Arethusa Pers, i.a. Oldeberkoop (1996, printed in 110 numb. copies, tipped-in signed woodengr. by P. LAZAROV, w. an extra signed copy of the woodengr. loosely inserted, orig. wr.).
- Lacks the extra copy of the engraving.
= One of 20 copies bound by A.W. Lumsden.
Eijgenraam, F. Vandaag ga ik dronken worden. Kees Fens in gesprek over lezen. Ibid., idem, 1991, 9,(2)p., copperengr. frontisp. by H. FAJLHAUER, numb. and signed in pencil, printed in 90 numb. copies (35) on laid paper, orig. giltlettered cl., 4to.
= One of 35 copies bound by G. van Daal, with an extra copy of the engraving (signed, "E.A" and titled "Bibliophil III" in pencil) loosely inserted.
AND 2 others, i.a. T.S. ELIOT, Journey of the Magi. Dutch transl. B. Voeten a.o. (1991, 4 etchings by i.a. H. FAJLHAUER and H. PAUWELS, printed in 100 numb. copies, orig. wr.).
= Published on occasion of Herber Blokland's 70th anniversary. Contributions by i.a. René Bakker (Atalanta Pers), Jan Batterman, Adolf Born, Geert van Daal, Frans van Dooren, Jan Keijser, Peter Lazarov, Wim van der Meij, Henk van Otterloo (Green Escape Press), Gerard Overeem, Ferrie van Ramele, Pam G. Rueter, Johan Souverein, Ank Spronk, Ab Steenvoorden, Theun de Vries, Jos van Waterschoot, Johan de Zoete and Wim Zwiers.