Page 15 of 16 Results 281 - 300 of 314
79 2015 Ornithology  Morris F O 79 2015 Ornithology Morris F O
79 2015 Ornithology  Morris F O 79 2015 Ornithology Morris F O
79 2015 Ornithology  Morris F O 79 2015 Ornithology Morris F O
79/2015 [Ornithology]. Morris, F.O. A History of British Birds. London, J.C. Nimmo, 1895-1897, 4th rev., corr. and enl. ed., 6 vols., 394 handcol. woodengr. plates, orig. unif. gilt cl., 4to. - WITH: Idem. A Natural History of the Nests and Eggs of British Birds. Ed. W.B. Tegetmeier. Ibid., idem, 1896, 4th rev. corr. ed., 3 vols., XIX,(1)176,(3)p; VIII,155; XI,(1),207p., 248 (handcol.) tinted lithogr. plates of eggs and nests, orig. unif. gilt cl. unif. w. the preceding, 4to.

- Very fine sets. Ad 1: three vols. w. bookplate (J. Francis Gaskell) on upper pastedown and contemp. owner's entry on first free endpaper. Ad 2: all vols. owner's entry on first blank; vol. 1 one quire (p.63-70) loosening.

= Ad 1: Nissen, IVB 645; cf. Anker 346. Ad 2: Nissen, IVB 646; Zimmer p.444. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE.

€ (400-600) 1900
79 2016 Ornithology  Perlo B van 79 2016 Ornithology Perlo B van
79 2016 Ornithology  Perlo B van 79 2016 Ornithology Perlo B van
79/2016 [Ornithology]. Perlo, B. van. "Ber's Birdguide of Eastern-Africa. 1478 Birds in colour". Original mock-up by the artist BER VAN PERLO (b.1936), 77 plates w. 1478 sm. colour pencil drawings of birds, accomp. cyclostyled text leaves, contemp. cl. w. dustwr. w. colour pencil drawings. - WITH a complete cyclostyled copy of the above (all plates in black and white), bound in limp cyclostyled boards.

= According to the title-page this guide was intended to be published in 1991 by Collins, London. This title not found, but in 1995 Collins published Birds of Eastern Africa. Collins Checklist illustrated by the artist. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXX.

€ (200-300) 200
79 2017 Ornithology  Susemihl J C and E 79 2017 Ornithology Susemihl J C and E
79 2017 Ornithology  Susemihl J C and E 79 2017 Ornithology Susemihl J C and E
79 2017 Ornithology  Susemihl J C and E 79 2017 Ornithology Susemihl J C and E
79/2017 [Ornithology]. Susemihl, J.C. and E. Die Vögel Europas. Lot of 91 col. steelengr. plates of birds, each 28x17,5 cm., Stuttg./ Darmstadt, Balz/ Susemihl & Sohn, n.d. (1839-1852), loose (as issued?) in letterpress/ plain wr.

- Partly foxed/ sl. yellowed and w. duststained margins.

= WITH textp.1-116 of the work. Nissen, IVB 906.

€ (200-300) 200
79 2018 Ornithology  Wright M  W and F von 79 2018 Ornithology Wright M W and F von
79 2018 Ornithology  Wright M  W and F von 79 2018 Ornithology Wright M W and F von
79 2018 Ornithology  Wright M  W and F von 79 2018 Ornithology Wright M W and F von
79 2018 Ornithology  Wright M  W and F von 79 2018 Ornithology Wright M W and F von
79 2018 Ornithology  Wright M  W and F von 79 2018 Ornithology Wright M W and F von
79 2018 Ornithology  Wright M  W and F von 79 2018 Ornithology Wright M W and F von
79 2018 Ornithology  Wright M  W and F von 79 2018 Ornithology Wright M W and F von
79/2018 [Ornithology]. Wright, M., W. and F. von. Svenska Fåglar. Efter naturen och på sten ritade. Text E. Lönnberg. Stockholm, I. Baarsen, Svenska Fåglar, 1924-1929, 3 vols., (2),9,(1),295; 9,(2),296-546; 16,547-902p., 146/ 109/ 109 polychrome collotype plates after M., W. and F. VON WRIGHT and B. HALLBERG, ills., contemp. unif. gilt hcalf, gilt spine w. 2 leather letterpieces and w. repeated eagle ornament in 2 compartments, marbled edges, orig. installment frontwr. pres. in vol. 1, folio.

- Inner margin of several lvs. strengthened w. tape. Bindings sl. rubbed at edges; backstrip trifle stained. Good/ fine set.

= Nissen, IVB 1026; Bradley Martin 240; Anker 544: "(...) the work contains figures of the majority of the birds found in Sweden, such forms as rarely appear, or have only appeared a few times in that country, not being represented." SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXX.

€ (800-1.000) 800
79 2019 Ornithology  Zinanni G 79 2019 Ornithology Zinanni G
79 2019 Ornithology  Zinanni G 79 2019 Ornithology Zinanni G
79 2019 Ornithology  Zinanni G 79 2019 Ornithology Zinanni G
79/2019 [Ornithology]. Zinanni, G. Delle uova e dei nidi degli uccelli libri primo. Aggiunte in fine alcune Osservazioni, con una Dissertazione sopra varie spezie di Cavallette. Venice, A. Bortoli, 1737, 2 parts in 1 vol., (10),130,(2),55,(1)p., engr. frontisp., 3 divisional titles, 30 plates, contemp. vellum w. brown mor. letterpiece, 4to.

- Upper pastedown/ frontisp./ title w. owner's entry/ annots.; final 2 plates and endpapers trifle wormholed (not affecting image). Binding stained and sl. wormholed.

= Nissen, IVB 1031; Anker 161. From the library of antique dealer Robert Washington Oates (1874-1958), with his bookplate on upper pastedown. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXX.

€ (600-800)
79 2020 Paets van Trooswyk A and Krayenhoff C R T 79 2020 Paets van Trooswyk A and Krayenhoff C R T
79 2020 Paets van Trooswyk A and Krayenhoff C R T 79 2020 Paets van Trooswyk A and Krayenhoff C R T
79 2020 Paets van Trooswyk A and Krayenhoff C R T 79 2020 Paets van Trooswyk A and Krayenhoff C R T
79/2020 Paets van Trooswyk, A. and Krayenhoff, C.R.T. De l'application de l'électricité à la physique et à la médecine. Amst., D.J. Changuion, 1788, 1st ed., XII,319p., engr. title-vignette, 4 fold. engr. plates, contemp. hcalf w. mor. letterpiece, 4to.

- Stamp on title. Binding sl. worn; top of spine sm. dam. Very good copy w. ample margins.

= Bierens de Haan 3690; BMN I, p.192; Poggendorff II, p.1139; Bakken p.94/95 ("Deals both with atmospheric electricity and with medical electricity"); Wheeler Gift 551: "This work, written in 1786, is an inquiry into the nature of lightning, St. Elmo's fire, rain and fogs. The influence of electricity on vegitation is considered; also theory and application of electricity as used for medical purposes. Van Troostwijk was, according to Ostwald, the first to decompose with certainty a chemical compound electrically, in 1789." SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXI.

€ (800-1.000) 800
79 2021 Palaeontology and geology  Wegener A 79 2021 Palaeontology and geology Wegener A
79/2021 [Palaeontology and geology]. Wegener, A. Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg and Son, 1929, 4th rev. ed., X,231p., ills., orig. clothbacked boards.

- Old newspaper clipping tipped to upper pastedown.

€ (80-100)
79 2022 Pharmacy  Cartheuser J F 79 2022 Pharmacy Cartheuser J F
79/2022 [Pharmacy]. Cartheuser, J. F. Pharmacologia theoretico-practica, rationi et experientiae superstructa (...). Cologny, H.A. and J. Gosse, 1763, VIII,702p., contemp. calf w. richly gilt spine and 2 mor. letterpieces.

- Owner's entry/ annots. on first free endpaper and title-p.; occas. sl. foxed. Binding sl. worn at backstrip and edges.

= Rare edition, no copy traced on the market. In this work, the German physician J.F. Cartheuser (1704-1777) discusses the preparation (e.g. distillation of spirits and oils), nature, modus operandi and medical use of pharmacy medicines.

€ (80-100)
79/2023 The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London from Their Commencement in 1665 to the Year 1800 Abridged ed C Hutton a o 79/2023 The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London from Their Commencement in 1665 to the Year 1800 Abridged ed C Hutton a o
79/2023 The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London from Their Commencement in 1665 to the Year 1800 Abridged ed C Hutton a o 79/2023 The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London from Their Commencement in 1665 to the Year 1800 Abridged ed C Hutton a o
79/2023 The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London from Their Commencement in 1665 to the Year 1800 Abridged ed C Hutton a o 79/2023 The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London from Their Commencement in 1665 to the Year 1800 Abridged ed C Hutton a o
79/2023 The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London from Their Commencement in 1665 to the Year 1800 Abridged ed C Hutton a o 79/2023 The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London from Their Commencement in 1665 to the Year 1800 Abridged ed C Hutton a o
79/2023 The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London from Their Commencement in 1665 to the Year 1800 Abridged ed C Hutton a o 79/2023 The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London from Their Commencement in 1665 to the Year 1800 Abridged ed C Hutton a o
79/2023 The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, from Their Commencement, in 1665, to the Year 1800. Abridged ed. C. Hutton a.o. London, C. and R. Baldwin, 1809, 17 (of 18) vols., 252 (of 266) plates, contemp. unif. boards w. letterpiece, 4to.

- Without vol. 18 (14 plates). Occas. sl. foxed/ yellowed; owner's entry on title-pages; unopened lvs. Good, untrimmed set.

= Scarce, almost complete copy of this celebrated scientific journal with important contributions i.a. by A. van Leeuwenhoek, C. Huygens, I. Newton, R. Boyle, J. Flamsteed and G. Fahrenheit.

€ (500-700)
79 2024 Redi F 79 2024 Redi F
79 2024 Redi F 79 2024 Redi F
79/2024 Redi, F. Experimenta circa res diversas naturales, speciatim illas, quae ex Indiis adferuntur./ Observationes de viperis./ Epistola ad aliquas oppositiones factas in suas observationes circa viperas. Amst., A. Frisius, 1675, 3 parts in 1 vol., (2),193,(15); 111,(9); 72p., engr. frontisp. by C. DECKER, woodcut title-vignette, 11 (of 12) fold. engr. plates and 2 full-p. ills., contemp. vellum, 12mo. - BOUND (AS OFTEN) WITH: (Lachmund, F.). De Ave Diomedea Dissertatio, Cum Vera ejus effigie aeri incisa ex Museo Friderici Lachmund Hildesheim. Ibid., idem, 1674, 52,(6)p., 4 (of 5) (fold.) engr. plates.

- First part of first work lacks 1 plate and 2nd work lacks 1 plate; first part 3 plates soiled/ dam., partly repaired; all parts waterstained throughout; upper pastedown loose; upper hinge split. Binding soiled; 3.5 cm cut on vellum frontcover.

= Ad 1: Written by the Italian scientist Francesco Redi (1626-1697), here in Latin translation. The first part describing various exotic animals and plants, illustrated with interesting plates, showing i.a. the "Coccus Maldivensis", an iguana and an armadillo. The last two parts deal with the extensive research Redi did into snake venom. "The first methodical work on snake-poison. Redi demonstrated for the first time that, for the poison to produce its effect, it must be injected under the skin." (Garrison/ Morton on the Italian edition of 1664). Nissen, ZBI 3322; DSB XI, p.341f; Wellcome IV, p.488; BMN II, p.217; Rahir 3269; cf. Garrison/ Morton 2102. Ad 2: The second work is an early monograph on the Albatros. Wellcome III, p.426; not in Nissen, IVB.

€ (150-250)
79 2025 Schlegel H 79 2025 Schlegel H
79/2025 Schlegel, H. De vogels van Nederland. Amst., G.L. Funke, 1878, 2nd rev. ed., 2 parts in 1 vol., (4),II,LXXI,(1),135,(1); (4),II,136p., 53 col. lithogr. plates, sl. later hcl.

- Occas. trifle foxed; owner's stamp on htitle. = Nissen, IVB 830; Anker 445; Zimmer p.556 (note).

Idem. Natuurlijke historie van Nederland. Visschen. Haarlem, A.C. Kruseman, 1862, XII,XII,211p., 21 lithogr. plates, sl. later giltlettered hcalf.

= Nissen, ZBI 3686 and IVB 828.

AND 4 others similar.

€ (50-70) 70
79 2026 Ships and shipbuilding  Fréminville A de 79 2026 Ships and shipbuilding Fréminville A de
79 2026 Ships and shipbuilding  Fréminville A de 79 2026 Ships and shipbuilding Fréminville A de
79 2026 Ships and shipbuilding  Fréminville A de 79 2026 Ships and shipbuilding Fréminville A de
79 2026 Ships and shipbuilding  Fréminville A de 79 2026 Ships and shipbuilding Fréminville A de
79 2026 Ships and shipbuilding  Fréminville A de 79 2026 Ships and shipbuilding Fréminville A de
79/2026 [Ships and shipbuilding]. Fréminville, A. de. Cours pratique de Machines à Vapeur marines, professé à l'École d'Application du Génie maritime. Paris, A. Bertrand, n.d. (1861), atlas vol. only, title-p., 90 (double-p.) lithogr. plates and 8 tables, loose as issued in orig. clothbacked portfolio, large folio.

- (Sl.) affected by water, esp. title-p., first/ final plate and portfolio; stamp ("Directie der Marine te Willemsoord") on each plate and portfolio; margins of most plates sl. frayed (some repaired w. tape).

= Rare. Atlas w. scale models accomp. an (absent) course textbook on marine steam engines. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXI.

€ (100-150)
79 2027 Ships and shipbuilding  Watts I a o 79 2027 Ships and shipbuilding Watts I a o
79 2027 Ships and shipbuilding  Watts I a o 79 2027 Ships and shipbuilding Watts I a o
79 2027 Ships and shipbuilding  Watts I a o 79 2027 Ships and shipbuilding Watts I a o
79/2027 [Ships and shipbuilding]. Watts, I. a.o. Shipbuilding, Theoretical and Practical. Illustrated by a Series of Engravings, from Drawings Furnished by Some of the Most Eminent British Shipbuilders. London/ Glasgow/ Edinb., W. Mackenzie, (±1863)-1866, 30 vols., 300,XI,(1) textp., 44 (fold./ double-p.) steelengr. plates, 5 fold. tables, woodengr. ills., orig. unif. wr., folio.

- Plates occas. sl. foxed. Wrs. of some vols. sl. frayed; joints splitting; 4x wrs. (almost) loose and w. tear (1x w. loss of large portion of backwr.). Otherwise a good set.

= Published in 30 instalments; title-p. of part 30 dated 1866. On the (hydro)mechanics of shipbuilding w. plates showing models/ profiles of ships and ship engines.

€ (100-150)
79 2028 Spillmann W  ed  79 2028 Spillmann W ed
79 2028 Spillmann W  ed  79 2028 Spillmann W ed
79 2028 Spillmann W  ed  79 2028 Spillmann W ed
79/2028 Spillmann, W. (ed.). Farb-systeme 1611-2007. Introd. K. Gerstner. Basel, Schwabe, 2009, 283,(1)p., num. col. ills., orig. boards, sm. 4to. Kerkdijk, F. Orde en harmonie in het rijk der kleuren. Apeldoorn, Talens & Zoon, 1927, 64,(1)p., 3 col. plates on leporello fold. leaf, ills., orig. hcl. - AND 16 others on colours/ colour theory, i.a. by A. Schopenhauer, L. Wittgenstein and J.W. von Goethe.
€ (80-100) 180
79 2029 Trade catalogues  Ernst Heinkel 79 2029 Trade catalogues Ernst Heinkel
79 2029 Trade catalogues  Ernst Heinkel 79 2029 Trade catalogues Ernst Heinkel
79/2029 [Trade-catalogues]. Ernst Heinkel. Ernst Heinkel Flugzeugwerke G.m.b.H. Warnemünde 1.12.1922 - 1.12.1932. N.pl., n.publ., n.d. (Warnemünde, Ernst Heinkel Flugzeugwerke, 1932), (6),154p., portrait, richly illustrated, orig. dec. cl., 4to.

- Backcover a few sm. stains. Otherwise a good/ fine copy. = SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXII.

€ (200-300)
79 2030 Trade catalogues  Société des Lunetiers 79 2030 Trade catalogues Société des Lunetiers
79/2030 [Trade-catalogues]. Société des Lunetiers. (Trade-catalogue for spectacles, microscopes, optical instruments etc.). Paris, Société des Lunetiers, ±1925, (2),615p., over 2000 ills., orig. cl., orig. wr. pres.

- Sl. foxed, otherwise contents fine. Lacks cloth frontcover; frontwr. sl. fingersoiled.

= Richly illustrated trade-catalogue covering an impressive array of products somehow related to the core business of the firm Société des Lunetiers, incl. instruments that opticians would have needed for repairs of spectacles, miscroscopes, lenses, binoculars, cameras, stereoscopes, pantoscopes, barometers and other meteorological measuring instruments, metronomes, "dendrometres" (for measuring the height of trees and buildings), theodolytes etc. etc. Société des Lunetiers was founded in 1849 by a number of instrumentmakers who wanted to bundle their skills in order to improve their products. The society still exists but was renamed Essilor.

€ (40-60) 100
79 2031 Trade catalogues  Victor Bernier 79 2031 Trade catalogues Victor Bernier
79/2031 [Trade-catalogues]. Victor Bernier. Album 1904 des devantures de cheminées en cuivre ciselé et en cuivre uni. Paris, Victor Bernier, (1904), title-p., 1 textleaf, 65 (24x col. lithogr.) plates, orig. wr., obl. folio.

- Titile-p. sl. frayed, textleaf and first 2 plates sm. tear in outer margin. A few sm. tears in backwr. and backstrip.

= Rare trade-catalogue for fireplace fronts.

€ (80-100)
79 2032 Tyndall J 79 2032 Tyndall J
79/2032 Tyndall, J. Le Son. Cours experimental fait a l'Institution Royale. French transl. by l'Abbé Moigno. Paris, Gauthier-VIllard, 1869, 1st French ed., XXVI,(2),381,(1 blank),4,8 (publ. cat.)p., 171 woodengr. ills., orig. wr.

- Partly sl. foxed. Upper joint of frontwr. splitting at lower half.

= The rare first French edition of John Tyndall's Sound (first publ. London, 1867). Cf. DSB XII, p.521 /4

€ (40-60)
79 2033 Zoology  Aldrovandi U 79 2033 Zoology Aldrovandi U
79 2033 Zoology  Aldrovandi U 79 2033 Zoology Aldrovandi U
79 2033 Zoology  Aldrovandi U 79 2033 Zoology Aldrovandi U
79 2033 Zoology  Aldrovandi U 79 2033 Zoology Aldrovandi U
79 2033 Zoology  Aldrovandi U 79 2033 Zoology Aldrovandi U
79 2033 Zoology  Aldrovandi U 79 2033 Zoology Aldrovandi U
79 2033 Zoology  Aldrovandi U 79 2033 Zoology Aldrovandi U
79 2033 Zoology  Aldrovandi U 79 2033 Zoology Aldrovandi U
79/2033 [Zoology]. Aldrovandi, U. De quadrupedibus digitatis viviparis libri tres et de quadrupedibus digitatis oviparis libri duo. Bologna, N. Tebaldini for M.A. Bérni, 1645, 3rd ed., (2),718,(16)p., engr. title, woodcut printer's mark, num. (full-p./ large) woodcut ills. and initials, contemp. vellum w. giltlettered spine, folio.

- Eight lvs. (incl. 5 plates) yellowed/ browned; 3 lvs. (incl. 2 plates) waterst.; occas. sl. foxed. Binding sl. wormholed (including the upper pastedown); backcover w. dam. spot.

= Nissen, ZBI 77. Work on the biology, etymology and cultural history of many Old and New World animals. Contains many large woodcuts, the first part depicting wild (i.a. a leopard, monkeys, the hippopotamus), semi-wild (rodents, the fox) and domesticated viviparous animals (dogs, cats), the second part depicting oviparous animals according to the property of their "surface" ("skin-like" amphibians and "bark-like" reptiles). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LXXII.

€ (800-1000) 1000
79 2034 Zoology  Baker H 79 2034 Zoology Baker H
79 2034 Zoology  Baker H 79 2034 Zoology Baker H
79/2034 [Zoology]. Baker, H. Essai sur l'histoire naturelle du polype, insecte. Transl. P. Demours. Paris, Durand, 1744, VIII,359p., 22 fold. engr. plates, contemp. marbled calf, triple gilt fillet borders w. corner fleurons on both covers, inside dentelles, richly gilt spine w. 2 mor. letterpieces, marbled edges.

- Title-p. and 2 plates trifle stained; contents otherwise fine. Binding sl. worn/ dam.; joints split.

= "In 1742 there was considerable interest among fellows of the Royal Society in the freshwater polyp (Hydra viridis) as a result of the recent discovery and description of this animal by Abraham Trembley [this work also in our auction], and with Martin Folkes Baker carried out experiments on this animalcule which he published in 1743 under the title An Attempt towards a Natural History of the Polype." (DSB I, p.411). Nissen, ZBI 200.

€ (60-80)