2499 - 3244 OLD and RARE BOOKS
- Most plates (sl.) yellowed; occas. sl. browned; fingersoiled; title-p. sl. frayed; partly waterst. in upper inner margin; 1 plate (3rd series, no.3) dam./ cracking; bookplate (of Henk Visser) on upper pastedown. Vellum sl. stained and lacks ties.
= Hollstein 340b and 341-457; cf. Cockle 79 (English ed., 1607); cf. Lipperheide Qb18 (Dutch ed. 1607); Jähns p.1005ff. The famous manual on handling muskets and pikes by Jacob de Gheyn (1565-1629). For the complex history of publication of the various (Dutch, German, English, French and Danish) editions in the years 1607-1608, see catalogue Le héraut du dix-septième siècle. Dessins et gravures de Jacques de Gheyn II et III, no.37 (Paris, Institut Néerlandais, 1985, with literature). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXIV.
- All vols. owner's entry on upper pastedown and on title-p.; first quire and frontisp. of first vol. yellowed; frontisp. sl. frayed and doubled; a few leaves lack small portion of blank margins; 1 plate w. printing flaw. Covers chafed/ sl. worn.
= Thimm p.24; cf. Colas I, p.474 and Lipperh. Of 7 and Of 10. Rare complete set. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXV.
- Some foxing; sl. yellowed at the beginning; numbering of illustration and plates partly erratic, but complete.
= Cockle 690; Jähns p.616. Franz Helm (±1500-1567) was a German artillery master in the service of Charles V. His Armamentarium Principale is the first printed edition of his work on the art of warfare which before circulated widely in manuscript form. One of the peculiar methods described in the book is the equipment of animals (i.a. cats and pigeons, as illustrated on p.48) with rockets or explosives in order to set fire to enemy fortifications. "Wie langsam mußte der Fortschritt der Wissenschaft sein, wenn ein Buch, das zur Zeit der Auflösung des Schwabischen Bundes vollendet worden war, in den Tagen des niedersächsisch-dänischen Krieges veröffentlicht werden konnte, ohne doch als veraltet zu gelten!" (Jähns). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXV.
- Lacks as often the third vol. Two bookplates on upper pastedown; lower outer corner of few quires and of all plates sl. waterstained; contemp. (mathematical) annots. in pen and ink on endpapers and blanks of vol.1. Spine-ends sl. rubbed; backcover of vol. 2 partly sunned; lower joint of vol.1 splitting at top end.
= First edition of the Spanish translation of Lacuée's Le guide des officiers particuliers en campagne (first publ. Paris, 1785).
- Browned/ foxed; library stamp cut from title-p.; lacks the frontispiece; contemp. owner's entry and wax seal on upper pastedown; hinges widening. Binding browned.
= Scarce. Jähns III, 2158f. Most interestingly, Von Loen pleads for a standing national army of conscripts, rather than hired forces.
- Spine-ends sl. worn/ trifle chipped. Good/ fine copy.
AND 1 other: Stanyan, A. l'État de la Suisse, ecrit en 1714. Traduit de l'Anglois. Amst., Frères Weststein, 1714, (8),251p., engr. title-vignette, contemp. vellum, sm. 8vo.
- Lightbrown stain on frontcover; binding sl. duststained.
- Contents fine. Corners worn.
- The plate loose; fingersoiled and sl. waterst. Binding sl. worn.
AND 1 other: EENE VOLLËEDIGE INSTRUCTIE (...) BETREKKELYK HET AMMUNITIE-MEESTERS AMPT (...) (Leeuw., 1791, woodcut title-vignette, without binding, sm. 4to).
- Plate numbering skips 46, but 2 plates numb. 16; occas. sl. yellowed; later pastedowns and blanks. Bindings sl. chafed and scratched; neatly and professionaly rebacked.
= Sloos 07036; Pohler III, p.669; Lipperheide Ra 4 (1st ed. 1697); Jähns p.1231-1232. Extensive and knowledgable work on artillery technique. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXV.
- Trifle fingersoiled; sm. dent in title-p. and first lvs. caused by catch. A fine copy.
= Cf. Scheurleer p.185; this ed. not in Welsh. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXVI.
- Bookblock loose; dent in first lvs. (incl. title-p.) and hole in first free endpaper caused by silver catch; sl. foxed. Binding sl. worn along edges.
= Scheurleer p.186; Welsh 3183; Waller 1091. The second part is titled "'t Groot Hoorns, Enkhuyzer, Alkmaarder, Edammer en Purmerender Liede-Boek".
- Sl. yellowed; partly w. stain in lower (mostly blank) margin.
= Goovaerts 1403; Waller 1088; Welsh 5289; Bondy p.29; not in Scheurleer.
- Occas. sl. foxed. = Not in Cioranescu.
- Upper hinge broken; pastedowns detached. Vellum sl. soiled/ stained and w. some dam. spots at edges.
= Van der Haar, Schatkamer M348.
- Vol. 1 and 2 foxed; vol. 3 occas. yellowed/ sl. browned. Corners worn/ bumped; covers sl. rubbed; backcover of vol. 1 partly darkened; upper joints of vol. 2 and 3 starting; foot of spine of vol. 2 sl. worn.
= Zischka p.XXXVII: "1674 Wagte der Franzose Louis Moréri die Herausgabe eines nicht lateinischen, in einer Landessprache abgefaßten Lexikons (...) inhaltlich steht das Buch am Beginn einer neuen Entwicklung und es sollte zum Ausgangpunkt für eine Reihe von Nachfolgern und fremdländischen Bearbeitungen werden. (...) Das Werk ist als historisch-biographisches Lexikon noch heute nicht ohne Wert und bleibt vor allem eine ergiebige Quelle für Histörchen und Lebensgeschichten aus dem 17. Jh., es beruht auf weitläufigen Quellenstudien und schüttet eine krause Fülle von Begebenkeiten vor dem Leser aus, was wohl seine einstige Beliebtheit erklärt".
- Title-p. w. closed tear and some rubbed and mouldy spots; occas. sl. foxed and yellowed. Backstrip dam.
= Van Doorninck/ De Kempenaer 527 mentions M. Bolstra and F. van Limborch as possible authors. Nice historal work on i.a. the history of the county of Holland, the harbour of Katwijk and the Rhine. With fold. maps of Walcheren and Schouwen.
- Occas. trifle/ sl. foxed. Vellum sl. dustsoiled. A good/ fine copy.
= Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 81i; Klaversma/ Hannema 296; Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen I, 158.
- Binding evenly duststained. = Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 81c.
- Fine copy. = Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 50. The first illustrated edition.
- Vellum sl. duststained, otherwise a fine copy. = De Buck 1654. First edition of this anonymous chronicle.