2499 - 3244 OLD and RARE BOOKS
- Final lvs. sl. waterst. Boards sl. creased.
= Lanckoronska p.51. Charming almanac, the nice illustrations mainly after F. CATEL.
Beytrag zur Chronika von Berlin im beliebten altdeutschen Romanzenton mit untergemischten erbaulichen Lob- und Büßliedern. Berlin, n.publ., 1781, 2nd ed., 3 parts in 1 vol., 48; 47,(1); 47p., contemp. hmor. w. mor. letterpiece, sm. 8vo.
- Top of spine chipped; sl. worn along extremities. = Rare.
- Without parts 5 and 6. Bookplate on upper pastedown. Both vols. joints splitting; backstrip sl. dam.
= Rare. Graesse VI, p.160.
- First few quires sl. yellowed/ waterst.; 20th cent. owner's entry on title-p. Lower joint split w. traces of glue from former repair; lacks ties.
= Arents 234-b ("undoubtedly a pirated edition").
- Usual occas. erratic pagination (skipping numbers but text complete); textp. partly sl. yellowed. Letterpieces dam.; corners worn.
= Contains profile views of Smyrna, Jerusalem and the pyramids at Gizeh and a nice plate depicting a sailing vessel ("Galliot van den Groten Heer").
- Lacks 1 letterpiece; corners sl. worn. Otherwise fine.
= Incl. a panoramic view of Constantinople, a plan of Gdansk and a Polish bear hunting scene. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXXVIII.
- Frontcover stained; binding duststained. Contents fine.
= Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem no.214a; Romein, Geschiedenis der Noord-Nederlandse geschiedschrijving M.E. no.30, p.82-86: "Niet aan zijn waarde als geschiedbron - ofschoon men verkeerd zou doen die (...) te onderschatten - maar aan het literaire karakter van zijn werk dankt Beka, evenals zooveel andere geschiedwerken uit vroeger en later tijd, den schier onmetelijken invloed, dien hij op de latere historiografie in Nederland heeft geoefend (...). Beka zou twee eeuwen lang de kroniek blijven, totdat hij door Heda verouderde en door de Divisie-kroniek verdrongen werd."
- Portraits sm. tear in lower inner margin; 2nd/ 3rd vol. title loose(ning); occas. foxed/ browned. Each vol. library tickets (Hageveld) on spine, frontcover and upper pastedown.
= Van Doorninck/ De Kempenaer p.249; Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 222.
Cortgeen van der Goude, J.F. Stichtsche Cleyne Chronicke (...). Waer achter bygevoegt is Beschryving van Utrecht, door Dr. Cornelis Booth. Amst., J. Hartig, 1745, 2 parts in 1 vol., (22 [of 24]),152p., modern boards.
- Lacks htitle; 4 lvs. misbound; first and final lvs. sl. soiled/ stained. Part of binding sl. sunned.
= Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 123 and 73.
- A fine copy.
= EXTRA ILLUSTRATED COPY with plates by K.F. BENSDORP after J. BULTHUIS from Vaderlandsche Gezichten (...) (Amst., 1786-1792). Contains attractive folding profiles of Amersfoort, Montfoort, Utrecht, Rhenen and surroundings and Wijk bij Duurstede.
AND 1 other from the series: TEGENWOORDIGE STAAT DER VEREENIGDE NEDERLANDEN. Eerste Deel. Vervattende eene algemeene beschryving des lands, der Zeden en Godsdienst (...) (Amst., 1738, 2nd ed., 8 (fold.) plates, contemp. gilt calf. Sl. foxed).
- Partly sl. waterst. in margin; bookplate on upper pastedown. Good copy.
= Contains attractive profiles and views of Utrecht, Amersfoort, Rhenen, Wijk bij Duurstede, Montfoort and Abcoude.
- Vol. 2 pastedowns detached. Sl. worn along extremities; vol. 2 lacks letterpiece; upper joint starting. A good/ fine set.
= Contains attractive profiles and views of Utrecht, Amersfoort, Rhenen, Wijk bij Duurstede, Montfoort and Abcoude.
- Both vols. bookplate on upper pastedown; a few owner's annots. (incl. on first/ 2nd blank); occas. (sl.) foxed; vol.2 large map tear in inner blank margin, repaired w. sellotape.
= Contains attractive profiles and views of Utrecht, Amersfoort, Rhenen, Wijk bij Duurstede, Montfoort and Abcoude. Bound by the Bosch Bindery (Storm van Leeuwen IIA, p.462, t 10).
- A few contemp. owner's annots.; partly sl. dampst. in upper corner.
= Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 78j; De Buck 1910 (note).
- Occas. a few foxed spots; new endpapers. An unusually fine copy.
= "(...) M.b.t. de reconstructie van de drukgeschiedenis van de Belacchende Werelt komt men tot enkele belangrijke vaststellingen. Kennelijk werden er tijdens het drukproces van de bundel herhaaldelijk wijzigingen in het zetsel aangebracht: het totale aantal getraceerde varianten is zowel in kwantitatief als kwalitatief opzicht aanzienlijk (...)" (see website of the DBNL on A. van de Venne's Tafereel van de belacchende Wereld). Very fine engravings, i.a. depicting a quacksalver; the engraved title shows a lively scene at the fair at The Hague. One of the finest and most curious (and humorous) Dutch 17th cent. illustrated books. Hollstein, De Jode I, 119; Hollstein, Vande Venne 438-445; Franken II, p.98; Scheepers II, 283; Arents 284 (conversation on pipe-smoking). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXXIX.
BOUND WITH: 4 other works by J. CATS and C. HUYGENS.
= Consisting of the following works: J. CATS, Self-stryt, Dat is Crachtighe beweginghe van Vlees en Gheest (Middelburg, H. van der Hellen for J. Pietersz. van de Venne, 1621, 2nd ed., engr. title, 3 engr. ills.). Mus. Cats 77; IDEM, Tooneel van de mannelicke achtbaerheyt (ibid., idem, 1622, 1st ed., large woodcut title-vign. and headpiece, 4 large engr. ills. by P. DE JODE after A. VAN DE VENNE). Mus. Cats 97; C. HUYGENS, [Greek:] Kerkuraia maztix, Satyra. Dat is, 't costelick mal (ibid., J. Pietersz. van de Venne, 1623, large woodcut title-vign., large engr. ill.); IDEM, Batava tempe. Dat is 't voor-hout van 's Graven-hage (ibid., idem, 1623, 2nd ed. large woodcut title-vign., large engr. ill.).
- First and final (blank) lvs. sl. stained; occas. sl. foxed. Binding worn.
= Very rare, only 3 copies in STCN (incl. 2x in Leyden University Library, printed on white paper). Tragedy on Ivan the Terrible (1530-1584) by the playwright Pieter Verloove (not well-known, ref. BWNZL).
- Lacks 6 leaves (replaced by photogr. col. facsimile leaves); a few leaves stained, otherwise occas. sl. soiled/ stained. New endpapers; sm. portions of calf along margins professionally restored.
= Rare 2nd ed. (first publ. Antw., H. van Liesveldt, 1551). Cockx-Indestege 4743; BCNI 2450.
- Bookblock loose (reattached w. sellotape); title-p. reattached to bookblock w. sellotape; occas. sl. foxed/ browned.
= Rare. Waller 1778; Graesse VII, p.371 note; Ebert 23815; cf. Simoni V201 (2nd ed. 1614). First published in 1612 as part of "tLoff vande Mutse".
- Occas. trifle yellowed. Joints and corners trifle rubbed. Otherwise fine.
= Landwehr, VOC 1502; Cordier, BI 1489. Mendelssohn I, p.489: "(...) the origin of the United Provinces (Netherlands) Company, its first commercial treaties, the foundation of Batavia, the two memorable sieges of that town, the conquests by the Dutch of the Moluccas, Amboine, Banda, Macassar, Ceylon, Malabar, &c., their wars, alliances, progress, disasters, the loss of Formosa, the rebellion of the islanders of Amboine, Macassar, and Java, the disputes of the Company with European nations, the rising and massacre of the Chinese in Batavia, and in general all the events, public or private, worthy of remark relative to the affairs of the Indies during a period of 150 years (...)." Maps, plans and views of i.a. Amboina, Australia, Banda, Batavia, Celebes, Ceylon, Cochin, Java, Moluccas, Nagasaki, Ternate. The short 2nd part consists of the Considérations sur l'état présent de la Compagnie Hollandoise des Indes Orientales, Rélativement à la Navigation, à son Commerce & à son Gouvernement; & sur les moyens de remédier aux causes de sa décadence by G.G. Baron d'Imhoff. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXXIX.
- Lacks title; one quire loose; foxed/ yellowed. Spine-ends dam.; joints splitting.
= Landwehr, VOC 1502; Cordier, BI 1489. Mendelssohn I, p.489: "(...) the origin of the United Provinces (Netherlands) Company, its first commercial treaties, the foundation of Batavia, the two memorable sieges of that town, the conquests by the Dutch of the Moluccas, Amboine, Banda, Macassar, Ceylon, Malabar, &c., their wars, alliances, progress, disasters, the loss of Formosa, the rebellion of the islanders of Amboine, Macassar, and Java, the disputes of the Company with European nations, the rising and massacre of the Chinese in Batavia, and in general all the events, public or private, worthy of remark relative to the affairs of the Indies during a period of 150 years (...)." Maps, plans and views of i.a. Amboina, Australia, Banda, Batavia, Celebes, Ceylon, Cochin, Java, Moluccas, Nagasaki, Ternate. The short 2nd part consists of the Considérations sur l'état présent de la Compagnie Hollandoise des Indes Orientales, Rélativement à la Navigation, à son Commerce & à son Gouvernement; & sur les moyens de remédier aux causes de sa décadence by G.G. Baron d'Imhoff.
- Pastedowns detached; partly w. receding waterstain (mostly in margin); owner's entry on title-p. Vellum sl. soiled; corners showing.
- Lacks title-p. Upper hinge sl. weak; 4 lvs. sl. waterst. Paper over cover worn; giltlettering faded.
= Bengesco 1570. Two issues of the first ed. are known, printed for Ledet and Desbordes. "Voltaire's Eléments (...) was one of a small number of published works which contributed significantly to the acceptance and adoption of Newtonian theory in France. [Voltaire's book] is a rare exception to the general rule [that popularisations are the most ephemeral of works], being the popularization of the work of genius by a man of genius." (The Complete Works of Voltaire XV (1968), p.3).
Idem. Histoire de Charles XII. (Kehl), Société littéraire-typographique, 1784, (4),368p., engr. portrait of Charles XII, contemp. hcalf w. mor. letterpiece, a.e.g.
- First and final few lvs. sl. browned. Joints splitting; sl. worn. = Vol. 23 of the Oeuvres complètes de Voltaire.