2499 - 3244     OLD and RARE BOOKS

Page 3 of 38 Results 41 - 60 of 746
79 2539 Artists' manuals  Mander K van 79 2539 Artists' manuals Mander K van
79 2539 Artists' manuals  Mander K van 79 2539 Artists' manuals Mander K van
79 2539 Artists' manuals  Mander K van 79 2539 Artists' manuals Mander K van
79 2539 Artists' manuals  Mander K van 79 2539 Artists' manuals Mander K van
79 2539 Artists' manuals  Mander K van 79 2539 Artists' manuals Mander K van
79/2539 [Artists' manuals]. Mander, K. van. Het Leven der Doorluchtige Nederlandsche en eenige Hoogduitsche Schilders. Ed. J. de Jongh. Amst., S. van Esveldt, 1764, 2 vols., (32),354,(3); (2),271,(59)p., engr. frontisp., portr. of the author, 51 plates (each w. 2 or 3 portr.), contemp. unif. calf w. gilt spine w. mor. letterpiece.

- Both vols. w. owner's entry; new endpapers. Both vols. chafed/ corners showing; spines worn/ dam.

= Kunst op schrift 586; Arntzen/ Rainwater H69 (eds. 1604 and 1618); Chamberlin 2018; Bibl. Belg. M105; Van Someren I,212.

€ (70-90) 140
79 2540 Artists' manuals  Pernety  A  79 2540 Artists' manuals Pernety A
79/2540 [Artists' manuals]. Pernety, (A.). Handlexikon der Bildenden Künste, worinnen alles, was beym Zeichnen, Malen, Bildhauen, Kupferstechen; Stein- Metall- und Formenschneiden, Aetzen und Gießen, üblich ist, erkläret wird. Nebst einer practischen Abhandlung von den verschiedenen Arten zu malen. Berlin, C.F. Boß, 1764, 1st German ed., (6),500,(44),128p., engr. frontisp., 8 fold. engr. plates, contemp. gilt hmor. w. red mor. letterpiece.

- One fold. plate sl. creased. Corners rubbed; backcover trifle wormholed. Otherwise fine.

= Zischka, p.119; Fromm 19878.

€ (120-150)
79/2541 Artists' manuals  Spiegel der natuur en school ter teekenkunde bevattende LXXVI afbeeldingen van landschappen landsdouwen watergezichten enz enz Allen zoo veele studiën van Silvestre 79/2541 Artists' manuals Spiegel der natuur en school ter teekenkunde bevattende LXXVI afbeeldingen van landschappen landsdouwen watergezichten enz enz Allen zoo veele studiën van Silvestre
79/2541 Artists' manuals  Spiegel der natuur en school ter teekenkunde bevattende LXXVI afbeeldingen van landschappen landsdouwen watergezichten enz enz Allen zoo veele studiën van Silvestre 79/2541 Artists' manuals Spiegel der natuur en school ter teekenkunde bevattende LXXVI afbeeldingen van landschappen landsdouwen watergezichten enz enz Allen zoo veele studiën van Silvestre
79/2541 Artists' manuals  Spiegel der natuur en school ter teekenkunde bevattende LXXVI afbeeldingen van landschappen landsdouwen watergezichten enz enz Allen zoo veele studiën van Silvestre 79/2541 Artists' manuals Spiegel der natuur en school ter teekenkunde bevattende LXXVI afbeeldingen van landschappen landsdouwen watergezichten enz enz Allen zoo veele studiën van Silvestre
79/2541 Artists' manuals  Spiegel der natuur en school ter teekenkunde bevattende LXXVI afbeeldingen van landschappen landsdouwen watergezichten enz enz Allen zoo veele studiën van Silvestre 79/2541 Artists' manuals Spiegel der natuur en school ter teekenkunde bevattende LXXVI afbeeldingen van landschappen landsdouwen watergezichten enz enz Allen zoo veele studiën van Silvestre
79/2541 Artists' manuals  Spiegel der natuur en school ter teekenkunde bevattende LXXVI afbeeldingen van landschappen landsdouwen watergezichten enz enz Allen zoo veele studiën van Silvestre 79/2541 Artists' manuals Spiegel der natuur en school ter teekenkunde bevattende LXXVI afbeeldingen van landschappen landsdouwen watergezichten enz enz Allen zoo veele studiën van Silvestre
79/2541 Artists' manuals  Spiegel der natuur en school ter teekenkunde bevattende LXXVI afbeeldingen van landschappen landsdouwen watergezichten enz enz Allen zoo veele studiën van Silvestre 79/2541 Artists' manuals Spiegel der natuur en school ter teekenkunde bevattende LXXVI afbeeldingen van landschappen landsdouwen watergezichten enz enz Allen zoo veele studiën van Silvestre
79/2541 [Artists' manuals]. Spiegel der natuur en school ter teekenkunde, bevattende LXXVI. afbeeldingen van landschappen, landsdouwen, watergezichten, enz. enz. Allen zoo veele studiën van Silvestre, Perelle (...) Della Bella, Zaftleven, Almeloveen (...) Nolpe, Visscher en Schenk. Amst., J.S. van Esveldt-Holtrop, n.d. (±1790), IV textp., 73 (of 76) engr. plates (6x fold.), orig. wr., obl. 8vo.

- Lacks 3 of the 4 "Onderwijsplaatjens" (containing the smaller educational illustrations of proportions and examples of i.a. faces and limbs). Wrappers duststained and both wr. restored in outer margin.

= Rare artist's manual. Not in Kunst op Schrift.

€ (400-600)
79 2542 Artists' manuals  Vasari G 79 2542 Artists' manuals Vasari G
79 2542 Artists' manuals  Vasari G 79 2542 Artists' manuals Vasari G
79 2542 Artists' manuals  Vasari G 79 2542 Artists' manuals Vasari G
79/2542 [Artists' manuals]. Vasari, G. Vite de più Eccellenti Pittori, Scultori et Architetti. Bologna, Heirs E. Dozza, 1791-1794, new rev. corr. ed., 11 vols., engr. fold. portrait, 164 oval portraits w. ornamental borders, 3 (fold.) plates, contemp./ sl. later hcalf.

- Owner's entry on each title-p. Spines worn/ dam./ partly restored; covers occas. rubbed. = Rare edition.

€ (200-300) 200
79 2543 Artists' manuals  Weyerman J C 79 2543 Artists' manuals Weyerman J C
79/2543 [Artists' manuals]. Weyerman, J.C. De levens-beschryvingen der Nederlandsche konst-schilders en konst-schilderessen, met een uytbreyding over de schilder-konst der ouden. The Hague, Wed. E. Boucquet etc., 1729, 3 (of 4) vols., (12),412,(5); (4),412,(5); (4),446,(4)p., engr. frontisp., 3 ident. title-vignettes, fold. portrait of Willem Carel Henrik Friso, portrait of the author, 34 (of 40) plates by J. HOUBRAKEN w. 2 to 4 portraits of Dutch painters, 1 plate depicting a night scene, num. vignettes by i.a. B. PICART, F. BLEYSWIJK, L. SCHIJNVOET, A. HOUBRAKEN, J. FOLKEMA, S. FOKKE and R. VINKELES, 19th cent.. unif. hcalf w. gilt spine and 2 red mor. letterpieces.

- Vol.3 stripped of all the plates and vignettes (resulting in loss of textleaves); plates in vol. 1 and 2 partly (sl.) yellowed and all with tiny spots; without the often lacking 4th vol. published in 1769. Backstrips trifle rubbed. Sold w.a.f.

= Kunst op schrift 243-245; Arntzen/ Rainwater H129.

€ (70-90)
79 2544 Asia  Dapper O 79 2544 Asia Dapper O
79 2544 Asia  Dapper O 79 2544 Asia Dapper O
79 2544 Asia  Dapper O 79 2544 Asia Dapper O
79/2544 [Asia]. Dapper, O. Asia, of naukeurige beschryving van het Rijk des Grooten Mogols, en een groot gedeelte van Indiën (...). Beneffens een volkome beschryving van geheel Persie, Georgie, Mengrelie en andere gebuur-gewesten. Amst., J. van Meurs, 1672, 3 parts in 1 vol., 379,(3); (2),184; 43,(5)p., engr. frontisp., 4 double-p. maps, 12 double-p. and 16 full-p. plates, 33 textills., contemp. gilt panelled calf w. central gilt ornament on both covers and w. gilt spine, large 4to.

- A few plates and textp. foxed/ yellowed and/ or sl. browned; one double-p. plate loose. Covers and backstrip w. some sm. worn/ dam. spots.

= Tiele 299; cat. NHSM p.219. The first part containing descriptions of Northern India, Pakistan, Afghanistan (known as the land of the Grand Mogol), the second and third part dealing with Persia and neighbouring countries. Very nicely illustrated. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCIV.

€ (1.200-1500) 1300
79 2545 Asia  Salmon T 79 2545 Asia Salmon T
79 2545 Asia  Salmon T 79 2545 Asia Salmon T
79/2545 [Asia]. Salmon, T. Hedendaegsche Historie, of Tegenwoordige Staet van alle Volkeren (...). I. Deel. Behelzende (...) Keizerryken China en Japan, als mede van de Ladrones, Fillipynsche en Molukkische Eilanden, en van Makassar. Dutch transl. and enl. ed. M. van Goch. Amst., I. Tirion, 1729, 1st ed., (20),645,(19)p., engr. frontisp., 3 fold. maps,7 (fold.) plates, contemp. gilt hcalf.

- Lacks the letterpieces; corners sl. worn; top of spine chipped. Otherwise fine.

= Contains nice maps of China, Japan and the Phillipine Islands and a fine bird's-eye view of Deshima. Rare. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCIV.

€ (200-300) 240
79 2546 Asia  Salmon T 79 2546 Asia Salmon T
79 2546 Asia  Salmon T 79 2546 Asia Salmon T
79/2546 [Asia]. Salmon, T. Hedendaagsche Historie, of Tegenwoordige Staat van alle Volkeren (...). II. Deel. Behelzende de Tegenwoordige Staet der Sundasche Eilanden, en wel inzonderheid Borneo, Java, Sumatra en der Koninkryken Siam, Kochin-China en Tonkin. Dutch transl. and enl. ed. M. van Goch. Amst., I. Tirion, 1730, (16),676,(14)p., engr. frontisp., 2 fold. maps, 9 (fold.) views/ plates, contemp. hcalf.

- Partly sl. yellowed. Lacks 2 letterpieces; corners worn.

= Contains maps of Borneo, Sumatra and Java and of "Malakka, Siam, Cambodia, Chiampa, Kochinchina, Laos, Pegu" and a nice fold. view of Batavia.

€ (150-250) 325
79 2547 Asia  Salmon T 79 2547 Asia Salmon T
79 2547 Asia  Salmon T 79 2547 Asia Salmon T
79/2547 [Asia]. Salmon, T. Hedendaagsche Historie, of Tegenwoordige Staat van alle Volkeren (...). III. Deel. Behelzende den Tegenwoordigen Staat van de Koninkryken Pegu, Ava, Arrakan, Acham. Als mede van het Eigentlyke India, of het ryk van den Groten Mogol en van Malabar, Kormandel, en het Eiland Ceilon. Dutch transl. and enl. ed. M. van Goch. Amst., I. Tirion, 1731, (8),680,(8)p., engr. frontisp., 2 fold. maps, 10 (fold.) plates, contemp. vellum.

- Lacks both letterpieces; corners worn.

€ (150-250) 160
79 2548 Asia  Schouten W 79 2548 Asia Schouten W
79 2548 Asia  Schouten W 79 2548 Asia Schouten W
79/2548 [Asia]. Schouten, W. Reys-Togten naar en door Oost-Indien; in welke de voornaamste Landen, Koningryken, Steden, Eylanden, Bergen, en Rivieren, met haare Eigenschappen, beneffens de Wetten, Godsdienst, Zeden en Dragten der Inwoonders, en wat verder zoo van Dieren, Vrugten, en Planten aanmerkelyks in die Gewesten is; naauwkeurig word beschreven. Doorgaans gemengt met veel vreemde Voorvallen, ongemeene Geschiedenissen, Bloedige Zee- en Veldslagen, zoo met de Portugyzen en Makassaren, als andere. Amst., G. Tielenburg/ J. 't Lam, 1740, 3rd ed., 2 parts in 1 vol., (6),328; 253,(22 index)p., engr. title-p., 1 fold. map, 43 (fold.) plates/ views, partly by C. DECKER and J. KIP, 4 ills., contemp. vellum, 4to.

- Owner's entry on letterpress title-p. cut out (?) and pasted over w. engr. heraldic plate; small restoration of dam. upper outer corner of engr. title (w. use of sm. bookplate of "Tjarda van Starkenborch"). Very good/ fine copy.

= Tiele 990 (note); cf. Rouffaer/ Muller I, p.55 (ed. 1775); Mendelssohn II, p.279; Landwehr VOC, 284 (note). Modernised edition (first published 1676) of Wouter Schouten's popular voyage to the Dutch East Indies, containing the same plates as the first edition, but some re-engraved. The map present in our copy: "Nieuwe en Nette Zee-Kaart van de Geheele Waereldt, Toonende de Afwykingen van het Kompas (...) Gemaakt onder 't opzigt van Kapt. Edm. Halley" not called for by Tiele or Landwehr (it was added to the 1775 and 1780 editions of Schouten's travels, but with "O. Lindeman in Almelo fecit 1775"). Howgego S66: "Schouten was an observant traveller who explored inland into the environs of nearly every port-of-call, sometimes by himself or with a small group of comrades. His narrative, full of anecdotes as well as information gleaned about countries he had not visited, became particularly popular with readers in the eighteenth century, when it was republished in no fewer than seven editions." SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCV.

€ (700-900) 750
79 2549 Asia  Schouten W 79 2549 Asia Schouten W
79 2549 Asia  Schouten W 79 2549 Asia Schouten W
79/2549 [Asia]. Schouten, W. Reistogt naar en door Oostindiën, waar in de voornaamste landen, stéden, eilanden, bergen, rivieren, enz. (...) en het merkwaerdige in de dieren, planten en gewassen der Indische gewesten (...). Doormengd met (...) berigten van bloedige zee- en veldslagen met de Portugeesen, Makassers en anderen. Utr./ Amst., Wed. J.J. van Poolsum a.o./ M. de Bruyn, 1775, 4th rev. ed., 2 vols., (4),XIV,323; (8),211,(21)p., engr. frontisp., portrait, 4 fold. maps, 47 mainly fold. plates, contemp. unif. gilt polished hcalf w. 2 contrasting mor. letterpieces, 4to.

- Most leaves thumbed/ fingersoiled in lower blank margins/ corner; scattered sl. foxing; 3 leaves waterstained; 1 plate sl. frayed in lower margin (touching image). Paper over covers worn; joints partly rubbed (1x splitting at top end); corners (sl.) worn.

= Tiele 991; Rouffaer/ Muller p.55; Mendelssohn II, p.279; Landwehr VOC, 285. Modernised edition of Wouter Schouten's popular voyage to the Dutch East Indies, the first with the maps (Java, Ambon, Ceylon, nautical world map), the plates newly etched/ engraved by C. Decker. Howgego S66: "Schouten was an observant traveller who explored inland into the environs of nearly every port-of-call, sometimes by himself or with a small group of comrades. His narrative, full of anecdotes as well as information gleaned about countries he had not visited, became particularly popular with readers in the eighteenth century, when it was republished in no fewer than seven editions." SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCV.

€ (500-700) 500
79 2550 Asia  Struys J J 79 2550 Asia Struys J J
79 2550 Asia  Struys J J 79 2550 Asia Struys J J
79/2550 [Asia]. Struys, J.J. Drie aanmerkelijke en seer rampspoedige Reysen, Door Italien, Griekenlandt, Lijflandt, Moscovien, Tartarijen, Meden, Persien, Oost-Indien, Japan, en verscheyden andere Gewesten. Waar in vertoont werden, Behalven een nauwkeurige en omstandige beschrijvinge der gemelde Landen en 't geen tot haar nature gehoort, seer wonderlijke en waarachtige toevallen den Auteur overkomen (...) aangevangen anno 1647 en (...) t'huys gekomen 1673 (...). Amst., J. van Meurs/ J. van Someren, 1676, 2 parts in 1 vol., (8),377,(1); 34,(12)p., engr. frontisp., fold. map, 19 double-p. plates, later vellum, 4to.

- Frontisp. reattached; occas. trifle fingersoiled in blank margin; sm. split on intersection of the central fold of the map. A good/ fine copy.

= Tiele 1061; Howgego S185; Blackmer 1616; Blackmer Sale 317; Cat. NHSM p.117; Cordier, Japonica p.387; Alt-Japan-Katalog 1444; Graesse VI, p.513. "Struys, 'un aventurier neerlandais', produced a very interesting and lively account of his three voyages. The plates illustrate mostly sites in Persia and the East. Three plates refer to the Archipelago: Tenos (i.e. Tenedos), Pathmos and Delfos (i.e. Delos). Struys obviously had not actually seen Delos; he confuses Delos with Delphi and describes Mt. Parnassus as being on an island in the Aegean" (Blackmer Sale). "However, Struys kept no diary, so that by the time his narrative was finally published in 1676, his fanciful imagination had somewhat distorted the reality behind his journey. At sea he experienced typhoons, shipwrecks, hunger and captivity, and was several times sold as a slave, a misfortune always guaranteed to delight a seventeenth-century audience" (Howgego). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCVI.

€ (500-700) 1500
79 2551 Asia  Valentyn F 79 2551 Asia Valentyn F
79 2551 Asia  Valentyn F 79 2551 Asia Valentyn F
79 2551 Asia  Valentyn F 79 2551 Asia Valentyn F
79 2551 Asia  Valentyn F 79 2551 Asia Valentyn F
79 2551 Asia  Valentyn F 79 2551 Asia Valentyn F
79 2551 Asia  Valentyn F 79 2551 Asia Valentyn F
79 2551 Asia  Valentyn F 79 2551 Asia Valentyn F
79 2551 Asia  Valentyn F 79 2551 Asia Valentyn F
79 2551 Asia  Valentyn F 79 2551 Asia Valentyn F
79/2551 [Asia]. Valentyn, F. Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indiën, vervattende een naaukeurige en uitvoerige verhandelinge van Nederlands mogentheyd in die gewesten, benevens eene wydlustige beschryvinge der Moluccos, Amboina, Banda, Timor, en Solor, Java, en alle de Eylanden onder dezelve landbestieringen behoorende (...). Als ook (...) van Choromandel, Pegu, Arracan, Bengale, Mocha, Persien, Malacca, Sumatra, Ceylon, Melabar, Celebes of Macassar, China, Japan, Tayouan of Formosa, Tonkin, Cambodia, Siam, Borneo, Bali, Kaap der Goede Hoop en van Mauritius. Dordrecht/ Amst., J. van Braam/ G. onder de Linden, 1724-1726, 5 parts in 8 vols., engr. frontisp., 5 ident. title-vignettes, fold. portr. of the author, dedic. leaf, 266 (large) (fold.) maps, plans, views, portraits and plates, 80 textills., contemp. unif. marbled calf w. richly gilt spine and 2 contrasting mor. letterpieces, folio.

- Occas. sl. wormholed (affecting a few maps/ plates); some maps w. usual creasing on fold(s); occas. (sl.) foxed (some leaves browned); some leaves in vol. 3 and 4/1 w. ruststains (occas. w. corrosion holes); all vols. w. owner's entry on title-p. All vols. w. later (20th cent.) endpapers and unif. marbled calf over covers matching with the fine contemporary gilt backstrips; joints starting/ splitting; most spine-ends rubbed/ sl. worn. A good/ fine set, complete with all the plates conforming to the binder's instruction in the last volume.

= Landwehr, VOC 467; Tiele 1121; Alt Japan Katalog 1570; Cordier, Japonica 426-428; Cordier, Indosinica 927-930; Cat. NHSM I, 502; Mendelssohn IV, p.594. One of the most extensive works and the main old source on the Dutch East Indies with many documents, partly lost by now. Also containing important descriptions of i.a. Cape of Good Hope, China, Japan and Ceylon and 2 early voyages to Australia with interesting maps. For the description of the history of Amboina Valentyn used the unpublished and lost manuscript "Amboinsch Dierboek" by Rumphius. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCVI.

€ (14.000-16.000)
79 2552 Atlases  Blaeu J 79 2552 Atlases Blaeu J
79 2552 Atlases  Blaeu J 79 2552 Atlases Blaeu J
79 2552 Atlases  Blaeu J 79 2552 Atlases Blaeu J
79 2552 Atlases  Blaeu J 79 2552 Atlases Blaeu J
79 2552 Atlases  Blaeu J 79 2552 Atlases Blaeu J
79 2552 Atlases  Blaeu J 79 2552 Atlases Blaeu J
79 2552 Atlases  Blaeu J 79 2552 Atlases Blaeu J
79 2552 Atlases  Blaeu J 79 2552 Atlases Blaeu J
79 2552 Atlases  Blaeu J 79 2552 Atlases Blaeu J
79 2552 Atlases  Blaeu J 79 2552 Atlases Blaeu J
79/2552 [Atlases]. Blaeu, J. Toonneel der steden van de Vereenighde Nederlanden, Met hare Beschrijvingen./ Toonneel der steden van 's Konings Nederlanden. N.pl., J. Blaeu, n.d. (Amst., 1649), 2 vols., (12)p., engr. title and 204 double-p. plates w. maps, plans and bird's eye views, 19 single-p. plates w. maps/ plans and bird's eye views, most plates w. letterpress text on verso, contemp. unif. gilt panelled overlapping vellum w. gilt central ornament on both covers, a.e.g., folio.

- Fine large complete copies (57x37,5 cm. (binding)) of Blaeu's two townbooks of the Low Countries, nowadays rarely on the market, with very wide margins (55x35,4 cm. (leaf) and in attractive uniform contemporary bindings. Condition: fine/ very fine, w. the following unobtrusive points: both vols. w. all leaves on new stubs; several leaves (mostly the first (incl. title-p.) and final few leaves) unobtrusively and professionally strengthened w. japanese on small parts of extremities of blank margins (first free endpaper and title-p. of vol. 2 w. sl. dam. in lower blank margin); 5 leaves chipped in blank margin; occas. sl. duststained/ browned in blank margins; vol.1 a few leaves sl. dampstained in blank outer margin; ±50 leaves w. sm. receding waterstain in upper outer blank corner; vol.2: two maps trifle foxed in image (Everghem/ Vinderhaute and Blanckenberg). Bindings lack ties and have some small "old age" spots, but are otherwise in fine condition.

= Koeman Bl 68B and Bl 69B: "This first volume is a slightly improved version of the preceding edition (...)" and "This second volume also shows some minor amendments, compared with the former edition of the 'Stedenboek'." A monument of Dutch cartography, the "Townbooks" of Blaeu show the Netherlands and present day Belgium in their full splendour, depicting in the plates both the fortifications of the towns and cities as well as the conglomerates of their buildings in detailed plans. SEE ILLUSTRATIONS PLATE XCVII.

€ (30.000-40.000)
79 2553 Atlases  Botero G 79 2553 Atlases Botero G
79 2553 Atlases  Botero G 79 2553 Atlases Botero G
79 2553 Atlases  Botero G 79 2553 Atlases Botero G
79 2553 Atlases  Botero G 79 2553 Atlases Botero G
79 2553 Atlases  Botero G 79 2553 Atlases Botero G
79/2553 [Atlases]. Botero, G. Relationi universali. Divise in Quattro Parti. Arricchite di molte cose rare, e memorabili, con l'ultima mano dell'Auttore. Ed. G. Brusoni. Venice, Bertani, 1671, 4 parts in 1 vol., 4 fold. engr. maps of Europe, Asia, Africa and America by G. ROSACCIO, contemp. stiff vellum, 4to.

- Occas. stained/ yellowed; ornamental woodcut initials occas. col. (contemp.?) in red crayon. Vellum worn and stained.

= Rare edition of a popular work by Giovanni Botero, translated into many European languages. First published in 1592 without maps, this edition contains the second edition of the maps (which were first included in the 1605 edition). The work does not merely provide geographical descriptions of the various countries, but also attempts to give information of a more wide-ranging nature (religion, culture and economics). Sabin 6800; cf. Borba de Moraes I, p.114 (ed. 1599); cf. Cicogna 1097 (ed. 1605). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCVII.

€ (700-900)
79 2554 Atlases  Cellarius C 79 2554 Atlases Cellarius C
79 2554 Atlases  Cellarius C 79 2554 Atlases Cellarius C
79 2554 Atlases  Cellarius C 79 2554 Atlases Cellarius C
79/2554 [Atlases]. Cellarius, C. Geographia Antiqua in compendium redacta novis praefationibus. Ed. F. Tirolius and J.B. Ghisius. Rome, n.publ., 1774, (10),24,X,39,(1) textp., engr. title-p., divis. title, dedic. plate, frontisp. by A. CAMPANELLA, 35 maps, 2 plates, contemp. vellum, obl. folio.

- Old owner's entry of "Conte Caissotti Di Chiusano" in upper margin of title-p. Receding waterstain from the frontisp. up to map VI (incl. the textpages up to and incl. p.24.); otherwise occas. trifle foxed. A good/ fine copy.


€ (400-600) 800
79/2555 Atlases  Compleete zak atlas van de zeventien Nederlandsche Provinciën  Op nieuw vervaardigd naar de laatste verbeteringen van de Heeren Fraex Bachine en andere voornaame aardrijksk79/2555 Atlases Compleete zak atlas van de zeventien Nederlandsche Provinciën Op nieuw vervaardigd naar de laatste verbeteringen van de Heeren Fraex Bachine en andere voornaame aardrijksk
79/2555 [Atlases]. Compleete zak-atlas, van de zeventien Nederlandsche Provinciën (...) Op nieuw vervaardigd, naar de laatste verbeteringen van de Heeren Fraex, Bachine, en andere voornaame aardrijkskundigen: Waar by gevoegd is, een Algemeen denkbeeld van de Aardryks-kunde, Benevens eene korte beschryving der XVII Nederlandsche Provinciën, Waarin alle de onlangs gemaakte veranderingen, in de Regeeringsform, als anderzins, naauwkeurig opgegeeven worden. Amst., Elwe and Langeveld, 1786, 243,(1)p., contemp. handcol. engr. double-p. title, 29 fold. handcol. maps (a worldmap, 4 continents and 24 maps of the Benelux), 2 fold. handcol. "Steedewyzer" tables, contemp. hcalf w. gilt globes in compartments on spine and w. mor. letterpiece.

- Occas. duststained/ fingersoiled; several maps w. closed split on folds. Paper over covers worn; spine-ends (sl.) worn; paper ticket on frontcover; top of spine chipped; corners sl. worn/ bumped.

= Koeman II, E&L2.

€ (300-500) 550
79 2556 Atlases  Covens J and Mortier C 79 2556 Atlases Covens J and Mortier C
79 2556 Atlases  Covens J and Mortier C 79 2556 Atlases Covens J and Mortier C
79 2556 Atlases  Covens J and Mortier C 79 2556 Atlases Covens J and Mortier C
79 2556 Atlases  Covens J and Mortier C 79 2556 Atlases Covens J and Mortier C
79 2556 Atlases  Covens J and Mortier C 79 2556 Atlases Covens J and Mortier C
79 2556 Atlases  Covens J and Mortier C 79 2556 Atlases Covens J and Mortier C
79 2556 Atlases  Covens J and Mortier C 79 2556 Atlases Covens J and Mortier C
79 2556 Atlases  Covens J and Mortier C 79 2556 Atlases Covens J and Mortier C
79 2556 Atlases  Covens J and Mortier C 79 2556 Atlases Covens J and Mortier C
79 2556 Atlases  Covens J and Mortier C 79 2556 Atlases Covens J and Mortier C
79 2556 Atlases  Covens J and Mortier C 79 2556 Atlases Covens J and Mortier C
79/2556 [Atlases]. Covens, J. and Mortier, C. Atlas nouveau, contenant toutes les parties du monde. Amst., J. Covens and C. Mortier, 1700-1817, engr. vignette on title-p. by J. WANDELAAR, manuscript table of contents, 90 double-p./ fold. maps (in 92 parts) with contemp. handcol. borders mainly by G. DE L'ISLE, for the larger part w. elaborate dec. (heraldic) title-cartouche and some w. inset maps/ plans, contemp. hcalf, large folio.

- Maps exceptionally good/ fine; first endpapers, title, table of contents and first 3 worldmaps w. brown stains in upper blank margin; a few maps w. tiny tear along middle fold. Binding dam.

= Koeman II: p.50, C: "With atlases of this category, we can no longer speak of a regularly produced edition. Copies with 100, 200, up to 600 maps of various composition are known (...) Messrs. Covens & Mortier collected hundreds of different maps from various publishers to bundle them up in atlases of a diversified composition. Their 'Nieuwe atlas' was often assembled by order of the collector. The register was always handwritten. The title-p. was never dated. Among the names of the publishers of these maps are the Netherlanders: P. Schenk, G. Valk, H. de Leth, F. de Wit, et al. and foreign map-makers including Homann and d'Anville, The atlases belonging to this category were sold by Covens & Mortier during 1730-1794 and even later by their successors." Contents in order of appearance: Mappemonde (fold. map by J. CONDET after G. DELISLE, Covens & Mortier, ±1730); Hemisphere Oriental/ Hemisphere Occidental/ L'Hemisphere Septentrional/ L'Hemisphere Meridional (4 maps by (J. CONDET after) G. DELISLE , Covens & Mortier and sons, 1720-1800); Carte d'Europe (Covens & Mortier and sons, 1817); Les Isles Britanniques (map by G. DELISLE, Covens & Mortier, ±1730); Regni Angliae et Walliae Principatus Tabula (Covens & Mortier, ±1740); Exactissima Regni Scotiae Tabula/ Hiberniae Regnum (2 maps, N. Visscher/ P. Schenk, 1700); Carte des Courons du Nord/ Seconde Carte des Courons du Nord/ Carte du Royaume de Danemarc/ Carte de Moscovie/ Partie Meridionale de Moscovie/ Carte de France/ Carte de Picardie Septentrionale/ Partie Meridionale de Picardie/ Carte de la Champagne/ Partie Meridionale de Champagne/ Carte de Normandie (11 (1x fold.) maps by G. DELISLE, Covens & Mortier, ±1730); Duché et Gouvernement General de Bretagne (F. de Wit, ±1700); Gouvernement general de l'Isle de France (F. de Wit/ Covens & Mortier, ±1730); Carte de la Beauce du Gatinois/ Carte particuliere d'Anjouet de Touraine/ Carte des Provinces du Maine et du Perche (3 (2x fold.) maps by G. DELISLE, Covens & Mortier, ±1730); Le Gouvernement general de Languedoc (map by N. SANSON, Covens & Mortier, ±1720); Partie Orientale du Gouvernement General de Languedoc (Covens & Mortier, 1745); Partie Septentrionale du Duche de Bourgogne/ Partie Meridionale du Duche de Bourgogne (2 maps by G. DELISLE, Covens & Mortier, ±1730); La Franche comté divisée en Trois grands Balliages (in 2 parts, H. Ialliot, 1695); Le Gouvernement General de Guienne et Gascogne (Covens & Mortier, ±1740), Le Gouvernement General du Dauphiné (F. de Wit, Covens & Mortier, ±1750); Carte de Provence (map by G. DELISLE, Covens & Mortier, ±1730); Nieuwe Algemene Kaart der Verenigde Nederlanden (fold. map by J.L. VAN BEEK en G. KONSÉ, Mortier, Covens en zoon, 1814); Nova Imperii Germanici (map by G. DELISLE, Covens & Mortier, ±1730); Marchionatus Brandenburgi et Ducatus Pomeraniae (F. de Wit, Covens & Mortier, ±1750); Partie Meridionale du Cercle de Haute Saxe (Covens & Mortier, ±1760); Circulus Saxoniae (F. de Wit, Covens & Mortier, ±1750); Le Cercle de Westphalie (H. Ialliot, 1695); Partie Orientale du Cercle de Franconie/ L'electorat de Mayence (2 maps by I. CONDET, Covens & Mortier, ±1730); Partie Septentrionale de la Souabe/ Partie Meridionale de la Souabe/ Le Cours du Rhin au dessus de Strassbourg/ Le Cours du Rhin depuis Strassbourg/ Le Cours du Rhin depuis Worms (5 maps by G. DELISLE, Covens & Mortier, ±1730); Le Cercle de Baviere (map by I. CONDET, Covens & Mortier, 1745); Circuli Austriaci (F. de Wit, Covens & Mortier, ±1720); Ducatus Carintiae et Carniolae/ Circuli Austriaci (...) Tirolis (2 maps, F. de Wit, Covens & Mortier, ±1720); Mappa Totius Regni Bohemiae (Covens & Mortier, ±1745); Sups. et inferioris Ducatus Silesiae/ Carte Generale du Marquisat de Moravie/ Le Marquisat de Haute Lusace/ Le Marquisat de Basse Lusace (4 maps, Covens & Mortier, 1741); Novae Helvetiae (map by G. DELISLE, Covens & Mortier, ±1730); Regni Prussiae et Prussiae Polonicae (F. de Wit, Covens & Mortier, ±1720);

La Pologne (map by G. DELISLE, Covens & Mortier, ±1730); Novissima Regnorum Portugalliae et Algarbiae (F. de Wit, Covens & Mortier, ±1720); Nova Regni Hispaniae/ Nova Italiae Descriptio (2 maps by G. DELISLE, Covens & Mortier, ±1720); Dominii Veneti in Italia (fold. map, F. de Wit, Covens & Mortier, ±1720); Estats de l'Eglise et de Toscane (in 2 parts, Covens & Mortier, ±1720); Le Royaume de Naples/ Partie Merionale du Royaume de Naples (2 maps, Covens & Mortier, ±1720); Carte de l'Isle et Royaume de Sicile (map by G. DELISLE, Covens & Mortier, ±1730); Carte de l'Isle et Royaume de Sicile (map by G. DELISLE, Covens & Mortier, ±1730); Insula Corsica (Covens & Mortier, ±1720); Carte nouvelle de l'Isle et Royaume de Sardagne (map by N. SANSON, Covens & Mortier, ±1710); Le Royaume de Hongrie/ Carte Particuliere de la Hongrie/ Accurata Totius Archipelagi et Graeciae Universae Tabula (3 maps by G. DELISLE, Covens & Mortier, ±1730); Carte d'Asie (Covens & Mortier, ±1745); Carte de la Turquie de l'Arabie et de la Perse/ Carte de Perse (2 maps by G. DELISLE, Covens & Mortier, ±1730); Carte d'une Partie des Indes Orientales/ Carte d'une Partie de la Chine (2 maps by I. CONDET, Covens & Mortier, ±1745); Magnae Tartariae Tabula/ Carte d'Afrique/ Carte de la Barbarie de la Nigritie de la Guinée/ Carte de l'Egypte de la Nubie del' Abbissinie/ Carte du Congo et du Pays des Cafres (5 maps by G. DELISLE, Covens & Mortier, ±1730); Algemeene kaart van de Colonie de Kaap de Goede Hoop (fold map by F. VON BOUCHENROEDER, Covens & Mortier en Zoon, ±1800); Carte d'Amerique (map by I. CONDET, Covens & Mortier and sons, ±1800); L'Amerique Septentrionale (Covens & Mortier, 1757); Carte Generale des Treize Etats Unis de l 'Amerique Septentrionale (Covens & Mortier and sons, ±1800); L'Amerique Meridionale (fold. map, Covens & Mortier, 1757); Carte de la Terre Ferme du Perou, du Bresil et du Pays des Amazones/ Carte du Paraguay, du Chile, du Detroit de Magellan (2 maps by G. DELISLE, Covens & Mortier, ±1730) and Carte Generale de la Polijnesie Australe (Covens & Mortier and sons, 1808). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCVIII.

€ (10.000-15.000)
79 2557 Atlases  Leth H de 79 2557 Atlases Leth H de
79 2557 Atlases  Leth H de 79 2557 Atlases Leth H de
79/2557 [Atlases]. (Leth, H. de). Nieuwe astronomische geographische en historische atlas, Tot klaar verstant en gemakkelyke oefeninge der Hemel- en Aartrykskunde, en der Historien, als mede tot begrip der openbaare Tydingen, zo in den Oorlog als in den Vrede. Overzien en vermeerderd door den Hre. Rousset (...). Amst., H. de Leth, (±1749), (4),(148),(38),(2)p., fold. engr. title, title-vignette, 38 fold. maps and plans (incl. worldmap) (maps w. handcol. borders), 2 fold. handcol. engr. tables ("Steede-wyzer"), 1 fold. plate w. flags, contemp. calf w. gilt spine and red mor. letterpiece.

- Engr. title neatly torn along top of inner hinge; maps partly sl. (water)stained, mostly in upper margin; maps (irregularly) numbered in brown ink in contemp. hand; one map bound upside down. Corners worn; spine chafed and dam. at top and foot.

= Mostly conform w. Koeman II Le H1: this copy contains all maps mentioned except the extra map of the Crailo estate, and an additional two not mentioned by Koeman ("Nouvelle carte de Duché de Brabant" and "Nouvelle carte du Comté de Flandre"). A chronological list of Popes, Emperors and Kings of the most notable empires and kingdoms is also included in this copy. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCIX.

€ (800-1.000) 1100
79/2558 Atlases  Nieuwe en keurige reis atlas door de XVII Nederlanden Bestaande in eene Verzameling van XX uitgelezene kaarten der Zeven Vereenigde en Tien Oostenryksche Nederlandsche Provincien79/2558 Atlases Nieuwe en keurige reis atlas door de XVII Nederlanden Bestaande in eene Verzameling van XX uitgelezene kaarten der Zeven Vereenigde en Tien Oostenryksche Nederlandsche Provincien
79/2558 Atlases  Nieuwe en keurige reis atlas door de XVII Nederlanden Bestaande in eene Verzameling van XX uitgelezene kaarten der Zeven Vereenigde en Tien Oostenryksche Nederlandsche Provincien79/2558 Atlases Nieuwe en keurige reis atlas door de XVII Nederlanden Bestaande in eene Verzameling van XX uitgelezene kaarten der Zeven Vereenigde en Tien Oostenryksche Nederlandsche Provincien
79/2558 Atlases  Nieuwe en keurige reis atlas door de XVII Nederlanden Bestaande in eene Verzameling van XX uitgelezene kaarten der Zeven Vereenigde en Tien Oostenryksche Nederlandsche Provincien79/2558 Atlases Nieuwe en keurige reis atlas door de XVII Nederlanden Bestaande in eene Verzameling van XX uitgelezene kaarten der Zeven Vereenigde en Tien Oostenryksche Nederlandsche Provincien
79/2558 Atlases  Nieuwe en keurige reis atlas door de XVII Nederlanden Bestaande in eene Verzameling van XX uitgelezene kaarten der Zeven Vereenigde en Tien Oostenryksche Nederlandsche Provincien79/2558 Atlases Nieuwe en keurige reis atlas door de XVII Nederlanden Bestaande in eene Verzameling van XX uitgelezene kaarten der Zeven Vereenigde en Tien Oostenryksche Nederlandsche Provincien
79/2558 [Atlases]. Nieuwe en keurige reis-atlas door de XVII. Nederlanden; Bestaande in eene Verzameling van XX. uitgelezene kaarten der Zeven Vereenigde en Tien Oostenryksche Nederlandsche Provincien. Leyden/ Dordr./ Amst., S. and J. Luchtmans/ A. Blussé en Zoon/ G. Warnars, 1804, (4)textp., 20 contemp. handcol. fold. engr. maps, contemp. gilt hcalf, narrow folio.

- Tipped-in annots. by Van den Broek on upper pastedown; contents fine. Binding w. a few small rubbed spots. An attractive copy.

= Koeman II, Lu 1. A re-issue of the Tirion atlas; all maps still with his engr. address. Provenance: the collection A.M. van den Broek. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCIX.

€ (1.500-2.500) 1500