Page 2 of 4 Results 21 - 40 of 78
80 678 Chapman R W 80 678 Chapman R W
80/ 678 Chapman, R.W. Cancels. London/ New York, Constable & Co Ltd./ Richard R. Smith Inc., 1930, 70p., (facs.) plates, printed on blue paper in 500 copies, orig. giltlettered hvellum. Tschichold, J. Formenwandlungen der &-Zeichen. Dresden, VEB Verlag der Kunst, 1981, 24,(2)p., 288 diff. ills. of the ampersand sign, orig. wr., in board slipcase. Krimpen, J. van. A letter to Philip Hofer on Certain Problems Connected with the Mechanical Cutting of Punches. Ed. J. Dreyfus. Cambridge/ Boston, Harvard College Library/ D.R. Godine, 1972, 101,(1)p., (facs.) ills., typography by S.L. HARTZ and B. DE DOES, printed in 2000 copies by J. Enschedé en Zonen, orig. boards w. (sl. soiled) dustwr., 4to. - AND 3 others, all English text.
€ (50-70) 50
80 679 Dance of death  Ellissen A 80 679 Dance of death Ellissen A
80/ 679 [Dance of death]. Ellissen, A. Hans Holbein's Initial-Buchstaben mit dem Todtentanz. Nach Hans Lutzelburger's Original-Holzschnitten im Dresdner Kabinet zum ersten Mal treu copirt von Heinrich Loedel. Göttingen, im Verlag der Dieterichschen Buchhandlung, 1849, 131,(1)p., woodengr. frontisp. and initials, contemp. hmor., sm. 8vo.

- Backstrip dried and rubbed; paper ticket on frontcover.

€ (70-90)
80/680 Double Crown Club  Lot of ±20 small publications and printed ephemera 80/680 Double Crown Club Lot of ±20 small publications and printed ephemera
80/ 680 [Double Crown Club]. Lot of ±20 small publications and printed ephemera, 1957-1995, various sizes, mostly membership rolls as well as a few menu-cards etc.
€ (60-80) 90
80 681 Eeghen I H van 80 681 Eeghen I H van
80/ 681 Eeghen, I.H. van. De Amsterdamse boekhandel 1680-1725. Amst., Scheltema & Holkema/ N. Israël, (1960)-1978, 5 parts in 6 vols., orig. unif. giltlettered cl.

- A fine set.

€ (50-70) 50
80 682 Emblemata  Henkel A and Schöne A  ed  80 682 Emblemata Henkel A and Schöne A ed
80/ 682 [Emblemata]. Henkel, A. and Schöne, A. (ed.). Emblemata. Handbuch zur Sinnbildkunst des XVI. und XVII. Jahrhunderts. Stuttg., J.B. Metzler, 1978, LXXIII,(3),2196 (in columns)p., num. ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., large 8vo.

- Dustwr. sl. frayed.

= Arntzen/ Rainwater F73: "A monumental reference work for literary historians and art historians."

AND 1 other: IDEM. Emblemata (...). Supplement der Erstausgabe (ibid., 1976, CCXVIIp., orig. boards w. (sl. frayed) dustwr., 4to).

€ (80-100) 80
80 683 Emblemata  Praz M 80 683 Emblemata Praz M
80/ 683 [Emblemata]. Praz, M. Studies in Seventeenth-Century Imagery. Rome, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 1974-1975, reprint ed., 2 vols., 607,(4); 108,(4)p., ills., orig. unif. wr., 4to.

- FIne copy.

= Sussidi Eruditi 16. Arntzen/ Rainwater F77. One of the standard bibliographies for emblembooks with the small addenda volume published in 1974.

Wilberg Vignau-Schuurman, Th.A.G. Die emblematischen Elemente im Werke Joris Hoefnagels. Leyden, Universiteit Leiden, 1969, 2 vols., XIII,(1),358; (6),256p., 130 ills. on plates, orig. unif. giltlettered cl., thesis (rare). - AND 6 others, i.a. M. CORBETT and R. LIGHTBOWN, The Comely Frontispiece. The Emblematic Title-Page in England 1550-1660 (London, 1979, plates, orig. cl. w. dustwr.); R. TUVE, Allegorical Imagery. Some Mediaeval Books and Their Posterity (Princeton, 1966, ills., orig. cl. w. (dam.) dustwr.) and H. HOMANN, Studien zur Emblematik des 16. Jahrhunderts (...) (Utr.,1971, plates, orig. giltlettered cl.).

€ (80-100) 110
80 684 Facsimiles  Leyden L van 80 684 Facsimiles Leyden L van
80 684 Facsimiles  Leyden L van 80 684 Facsimiles Leyden L van
80/ 684 [Facsimiles]. Leyden, L. van. De Passie van Ons Heer. Introd. F. van den Wijngaert. Antw., Nederlandsche Boekhandel, 1948, (6),VI,(2)p., 14 copperengrs. printed from the orig. plates, printed in 250 numb. copies on "pur chiffon d'Auvergne", loose as issued in orig. giltlettered hcl. portfolio, board slipcase.

- Bookplates on frontcover portfolio; textlvs. trifle foxed; plates fine.

€ (30-50) 30
80 685 Fauser A 80 685 Fauser A
80/ 685 Fauser, A. Repertorium älterer Topographie. Band I-II. Wiesb., L. Reichert, 1978, 2 vols., LXXXVIII,395; (3),396-907,(1)p., orig. unif. giltlettered cl. Seyn, E. de. Geschied- en aardrijkskundig woordenboek der Belgische gemeenten. Turnhout, Brepols, n.d. (1951), 2nd rev. ed., 2 vols., LXVIII,(2),709; (4),717-1582,(2)p., 10 (fold.) col. maps, num. ills., orig. unif. gilt blindst. cl.

- Vol.2 upper joint splitting.

AND 3 others, i.a. E.O.G. HAITSMA MULIER and G.A.C. VAN DER LEM, Repertorium van geschiedschrijvers in Nederland (The Hague, 1990, orig. cl.).

€ (40-60) 40
80/686 Futura Black Die Auszeichnungsschrift von Paul Renner 80/686 Futura Black Die Auszeichnungsschrift von Paul Renner
80/686 Futura Black Die Auszeichnungsschrift von Paul Renner 80/686 Futura Black Die Auszeichnungsschrift von Paul Renner
80/686 Futura Black Die Auszeichnungsschrift von Paul Renner 80/686 Futura Black Die Auszeichnungsschrift von Paul Renner
80/686 Futura Black Die Auszeichnungsschrift von Paul Renner 80/686 Futura Black Die Auszeichnungsschrift von Paul Renner
80/ 686 Futura Black. Die Auszeichnungsschrift von Paul Renner. Frankfurt a.M./ New York, Bauersche Giesserei, n.d. (±1930), (12)p., typography by P. RENNER, orig. wr., 4to (rare). Maan, D. and Ree, J. van der. Typo-foto/ elementaire typografie in Nederland. 1920-1940. Utr./ Antw., Veen, 1990, 109,(2)p., num. (col.) ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to. Moholy-Nagy, L. Vision in motion. Chicago, Paul Theobald and Company, 1974, 7th ed., 371p., num. ills., orig. cl., 4to (bookplate on upper pastedown). - AND 4 others on typography and design, i.a. M. TEITELBAUM, Montage and modern life 1919-1942 (Boston, 1992, num. col. ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to).
€ (70-90) 325
80/687 Grafisch Centrum Groningen  Letterproef 80/687 Grafisch Centrum Groningen Letterproef
80/687 Grafisch Centrum Groningen  Letterproef 80/687 Grafisch Centrum Groningen Letterproef
80/ 687 [Grafisch Centrum Groningen]. Letterproef. Gron., Grafisch Centrum, 2004, (52) lvs., printed in 100 numb. copies, orig. wr., obl. sm. 4to.

- Lacking the orig. board dropback box.

= One of 50 Roman numb. copies. Playful "typespecimen" of the typographical material present in the Graifsch Centrum Groningen, printed by 25 Dutch private presses connected with it. Contains contributions by i.a. Albert Bouma, Elze ter Harkel, Peter Lazarov, Dick Ronner, Antje Veldstra and Pim Witteveen.

Johnson, R.F. and Stein, D. Artists' Books in the Modern Era 1870-2000. The Reva and David Logan Collection of Illustrated Books. London/ San Francisco, Thames & Hudson/ Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, 2001, 302,(2)p., lavishly illustrated, orig. limp boards, 4to (fine). - AND 2 others, i.a. B. JANSSEN, Dick Bruna. Boekomslagen (Utr., 2000, col. ills., orig. pict. boards, 4to).

€ (50-70)
80 688 Gulik R H van 80 688 Gulik R H van
80/ 688 Gulik, R.H. van. De boek illustratie in het Ming tijdperk. The Hague, Nederlandse Vereeniging voor Druk- en Boekkunst, 1955, 10 textp., 11 (col.) plates, 500 numb. copies, bound as a blockbook, orig. cordbound wr.

- First and final lvs. sl. foxed in outer margins.

Witteveen, A.Th. De dans van het penseel. Een korte inleiding tot de Chinese calligrafie. Zoeterwoude, De Nederlandsche vereeniging voor druk- en boekkunst, 2004, (20)p., tipped-in calligraphed frontisp., 7 full-p. ills., printed in 190 copies on Kozo, orig. boards, bound as a blockbook, 4to.

€ (60-80) 90
80 689 Gulik R H van 80 689 Gulik R H van
80/ 689 Gulik, R.H. van. De boek illustratie in het Ming tijdperk. The Hague, Nederlandse Vereeniging voor Druk- en Boekkunst, 1955, 10 textp., 11 (col.) plates, printed in 500 numb. copies, bound as a blockbook, orig. cordbound wr.
€ (50-70) 110
80 690 Gutenberg Jahrbuch 2000 2010 and 2013 80 690 Gutenberg Jahrbuch 2000 2010 and 2013
80/ 690 Gutenberg-Jahrbuch. 2000, 2010 and 2013. (Mainz), Gutenberg-Gesellschaft, 2000-2013, 3 vols., (col.) plates/ ills., orig. hcl. (year 2000) and unif. cl. w. dustwr., 4to. - AND 3 others: G.A. KALDEWEY (ed.), Ernst Hauswedell 1901-1983 (Hamb., 1987, ills., orig. cl., folio); E. ISPHORDING, DraufSichten. Buchkunst aus deutschen Handpressen und Verlagen der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts (Leipsic, 2005, col. plates, ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to); W.D. VON LUCIUS (ed.), 100 Jahre Maximilian-Gesellschaft 1911-2011 (Hamb., 2011, ills., orig. cl., 4to).

- All fine.

€ (50-70)
80 691 Haarlem  Ekama C 80 691 Haarlem Ekama C
80 691 Haarlem  Ekama C 80 691 Haarlem Ekama C
80/ 691 [Haarlem]. Ekama, C. Catalogus van boeken, pamfletten, enz. over de geschiedenis van Haarlem, van de omstreken, van eenige voorname inwoners en van het Huis van Brederode. Haarlem, De Erven Loosjes, 1874, 3 parts in 1 vol., (8)136; (4),103; (4),19,14p., modern giltlettered hcl., 4to.

- A few lvs. browned; otherwise fine.

= Provenance: the library of C. Ekama, with his annots. in pencil throughout; the collection A.M. van den Broek, with his annots. tipped onto upper pastedown and annots. in pencil throughout.

€ (60-80) 100
80 692 Heller F C 80 692 Heller F C
80/ 692 Heller, F.C. Die bunte Welt. Handbuch zum künstlerisch illustrierten Kinderbuch in Wien 1890-1938. Vienna, C. Brandstätter, 2008, 471p., ills., orig. boards w. dustwr., large 4to.
€ (30-50) 30
80/693 Jaarboek van het Nederlands genootschap van bibliofielen 1993 2017 80/693 Jaarboek van het Nederlands genootschap van bibliofielen 1993 2017
80/ 693 Jaarboek van het Nederlands genootschap van bibliofielen 1993-2017. Amst., Nederlands Genootschap van Bibliofielen, 1994-2018, 25 vols., ills., orig. unif. cl.

- Fine set, the first 10 vols. together in orig board slipcase.

WITH: Register op de Jaarboeken I-X van het Nederlands genootschap van bibliofielen. Ed. G. Jaspers (Amst., 2004, orig. cl.) and 2 others concerning the Nederlands genootschap van bibliofielen.

€ (120-150) 120
80 694 Kok C H C M 80 694 Kok C H C M
80/ 694 Kok, C.H.C.M. De houtsneden in de incunabelen van de Lage Landen 1475-1500. Inventarisatie en bibliografische analyse. Amst., the author, 1994, 2 vols., 475; 476-929p. orig. unif. wr., 4to, thesis (scarce). Schepper, M. de and Nave, F. de (ed.). Ex Officina Plantiniana. Studia in memoriam Christophori Plantini (ca. 1520-1589). Antw., Vereeniging der Antwerpsche Bibliophielen, 1989, 692p., ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., large 8vo.

= De Gulden Passer, year 66-67. WIth loosely inserted engr. portr. of C. Plantin.

Hermans, J.M.M. Zwolse boeken voor een markt zonder grenzen 1477-1523. Met een catalogus van de verschenen edities en gegevens over de bewaard gebleven exemplaren. 't Goy-Houten, HES & De Graaf, 2004, 312p., ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to. - AND 4 others, i.a. G.D. BOM H.Gzn., "Vlaemsche Druckers" Uit het tweede en derde tijdvak der Renaissance (1526 tot 1599). Hunne Werken En Merken (Amst., 1894, ills., modern limp cl. w. orig. frontwr. laid down).

€ (70-90)
80 695 Krause K  Niehr K and Hanebutt Benz E M  ed  80 695 Krause K Niehr K and Hanebutt Benz E M ed
80/ 695 Krause, K., Niehr, K. and Hanebutt-Benz, E.-M. (ed.). Bilderlust und Lesefrüchte. Das illustrierte Kunstbuch von 1750 bis 1920. Leipsic, E.A. Seemann, 2005, 384p., num. (col.) ills., orig. boards, sm. folio. Wolf, C. de and Capelleveen, P. van (ed.). Voices and Visions. The Koopman Collection and the Art of the French Book. The Hague/ Zwolle, Koninklijk Bibliotheek/ Waanders, 207,(1)p., num. (col.) ills., orig. boards, folio. Bodt, S. de. De verbeelders. Nederlandse boekillustratie in de twintigste eeuw. Nijm., Vantilt, 2014, 327p., (col.) ills., orig. boards, 4to. - AND 6 others, i.a. J. DE ZOETE (ed.). De techniek van de Nederlandse boekillustratie in de 19e eeuw (Amstelveen, 1995, (col.) plates/ ills., orig. wr., folio).
€ (40-60)
80 696 Kuyk J van 80 696 Kuyk J van
80/ 696 Kuyk, J. van. Oude politieke spotprenten. The Hague, M. Nijhoff, 1940, VIII,203p., 97 monochr. caricatural plates/ ills., bound in contemp. gilt darkblue morocco signed by HIDDE SCHRÖDER (Amsterdam) on turn-in of backcover, w. marbled endpapers in matching slipcase, t.e.g., folio.

= Contains i.a. a list of political cartoons (1514 entries).

€ (50-70) 70
80 697 Laboureur S 80 697 Laboureur S
80/ 697 Laboureur, S. Jean-Émile Laboureur. Livres illustrés. Neuchâtel, Ides et Calendes, 1990, 663p., num. ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr.

= Catalogue complet de l'oeuvre de Jean-Émile Laboureur Tome II. The standard bibliography.

Kästner, H. and Lübbert, H. Karl-Georg Hirsch. Das buchgraphische Werk. Eine Bibliographie. Rudolstadt, Burgart-Presse, 1996, 124p., ills., printed in 560 copies, orig. dec. boards, sm. folio. - AND 4 other (small) publications on illustrators.

€ (40-60)