6000 - 6491 FINE ARTS - GRAPHIC ART, 16th-19th CENTURY
= Showing the State of America flag with 23 stars. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXX.
- Some foxing; narrow margins.
= 1. "Kraak aan de grond." 2. "Visschers Pinkje op 't strand." 3. "Garnaal of botvissertje aan de grond bezig met schoon maken." 4. "Zeeuws Beurtman zittende te banke of schoon te maken." 5. "Fregat aan de grond zijn stengen neer." 6. "Fregat dat leijt te kielen." 7. "Kof die leijt te Kielen." 8. "Kanonneer boot zeijlende bij de wind." 9. "Oorlogs-brik ten anker hangende zijn zeijlen te droogen." 10. "Oorlog schip met ligters of kameelen op zij." 11. "Oorlogs Fregat ten anker zijn groote steng neer." 12. "Brabandsch beurt-schip met een Paviljoen zeylende bij de wind."
- A very fine and clean copy with the plates in strong impressions, bound in the orig. green publisher's binding (binding trifle rubbed along extremities and upper and lower hinges strengthened w. paper tape).
= Complete set of all 7 series (marked A to F, the last series without letter), each print w. series letter, number (1 to 12) and title engr. in caption. The 2nd state (of 2) of this fine series of Dutch sailing vessels. See De Groot/ Vorstman p.8 ("The most specialized artist in the field at the end of the eighteenth century was Gerrit Groenewegen, with his views of the port of Rotterdam and his series of eighty-four ship types, which was published in instalments"), p.20ff and no.191-202. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXXI.
- Central fold strengthened on verso; 2 false folds at lower end of central fold; sl. foxed, mostly in blank margins; a dampstain in upper blank corner of the image.
AND 1 other: "De Haven van Schiedam" (engr. view by M. SALLIETH after D. DE JONG, 18,2x22 cm., ±1780).
- Right margin cut trifle short, without loss of image; sm. closed tear in right blank margin, sl. touching image; trifle yellowed/ soiled.
= From Beschrijving van het plechtige Volksfeest, gehouden te Amsterdam op den 19 Junij 1795. Bij gelegenheid van het Installeeren, der door de volksstem verkozene Representanten der stad, en de Alliantie Gesloten tusschen de Fransche en Bataafsche Republieken (Amst., D.M. Langeveld, 1795). Part of a series of 15 engrs. showing the monuments erected in Amsterdam on occasion of the "Alliantiefeest", the festivities celebrating the alliance with France. This print showing the monument celebrating Dutch maritime history erected on the Nieuwmarkt. F.M. 5408, 10 ("deze serie is zeldzamer dan de vorige en volgende").
WITH attached to upper right blank margin: a smaller engraving showing the same monument, by Johannes Christian SCHULTSZ, publ. by J.A. Swalm. - AND 11 others (incl. 2 duplicates), i.a. Petrus Johannes SCHOTEL, "Gevecht voor de stad Bergen in Noorwegen 13 Augustus 1665" (tinted lithograph w. accomp. text, Amst., F. Buffa, ±1890); an anonymous early 18th cent. engr. of a battleship (contemp. handcol. engraving, heightened w. gold, 11,3x14 cm.) and "De nijvre Haringvangst, die zo veel bloei mag schenken, Geeft U, o Jeugd, gewis een aantal goeie wenken (...)" (8 finger col. woodcuts w. 4-line captions, on one leaf, Amst., C.C.L. van Staden, ±1850. Formerly folded; sl. dam. spots on intersecting folds).
- Some creases and closed tears around the edges, still an attractive print.
= One of a series of 3 prints, with extensive engr. captions (cut off and mounted on verso frame), i.a. identifying the depicted ships. "Dit Stel van drie platen voorstellende het vertrek uit de Haven van Portsmouth op den 2d. Juny 1833 van 12 Nederlandsche Koopvaardy Scheepen uit het Embargo ontslagen (...)". F.M. 6916: "Fraaije aquatinta".
- A few unobtrusively closed tears.
= The two steamships "Rotterdam" and "Maas" were built by the shipping company that eventually became known as the Holland America Line and were the first ships to succesfully sail on a regular basis from The Netherlands (Rotterdam) to the US (New York). Rare lithograph.
- View of Tivoli w. sm. stain; all w. ample margins.
= "Veue dune Porte de Tivoly a cinq lieues de Rome" (Faucheux, Rome series 9, no.9), "Veuë du pont Saincte Marie" (Faucheux, Rome series 8, no.4), "Veuë de l'arque de Constantin, et du Colisée" (Faucheux, Rome series 8, no.9) and "La Madona del Popolo" (Faucheux, eglises des stations de Rome, no.8). All with the collector's mark of Pieter Willem van Doorne (1896-1971, Lugt 4731) on verso.
- One plate by Jacquemart misbound at the beginning of vol. 1; occas. some foxed spots and a few plates yellowed; nevertheless most etchings in exceptionally fine condition. Both bindings w. a few chafed/ scratched spots.
= Extrememly rare set with 4 complete parts of the most iconic etchings from their time. Comprises i.a. Édouard MANET, Les Gitanos (28,5x20,5 cm., signed in the plate. Trifle yellowed); Seymour HADEN, "Fulham on the Thames" (11,5x28 cm., titled in the plate); Baptiste Corot, Souvenir d'Italie (29,5x22 cm.); Johan Bartold JONGKIND, Entrée du Port de Honfleur (22x30,5 cm., signed and "1863" in the plate); Charles-François DAUBIGNY, Les Vendanges (33,7x20 cm.) and Eugène DELACROIX, Juive d'Alger (20x15,5 cm., signed and "1833" in the plate). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXXI.
= Landwehr, Splendid ceremonies 146; Landwehr, Romeyn de Hooghe as Book Illustrator 79; F.M. 2827.
AND 1 other by the same: 4 engravings on 1 leaf showing the murder of Johan and Cornelis De Witt.
- Lacks 18 plates; first few lvs. w. (vague) waterstain along vertical middle fold (mainly visible in broad upper and lower blank margin); some sl. occas. dustsoiling.
= F.M. 4032. Rare.
ADDED: 's Gravenhaegse Vrydagse Courant. Van dEn 4de February. Ao.1752. The Hague, A de Groot, 1752, (4)p., folio.
- Folds, sl. (dust)soiled/ foxed; 2 sm. rust holes at vertical middle fold.
= I.a. contains "Omstandige beschryving van de plegtige lyk-statie Van wylen Zyne Hoogvorstelyke Doorluchtigheyt, WIllem Carel Hendrik Friso, Prinse van ORanje en Nassau, Erf-Stadhouder der UniE, &c &c. &c."
= Landwehr, Splendid Ceremonies 234; F.M. 4097; Atlas van Stolk 4081; Lipperheide Sd 36.
AND 7 large engravings from J.L. GODFRIED, Historische Chronick oder Beschreibung der merckwürdigsten Geschichte (1743-59), i.a. of the passage of Queen Catherine of England in Lisbon.
- Sl./ trifle foxed; brown spot in lower margin.
= Hollstein 4, the 2nd state (of 2): "Formerly as by H. Goltzius (B. 297; Hollstein VIII, 430, as after Goltzius)." Filedt Kok, Hendrick Goltzius (Ned. Kunsthist. Jaarboek 41-42), p.184: "Several prints by De Jode after Spranger are accompanied by poems by Estius and were engraved in Goltzius' 'dough style'. Perhaps for these reasons, Bartsch attributed The Holy Family after Spranger, a print which must have been made in Goltzius' workshop, to Pieter de Jode." SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXXI.
- A vertical scratch in the image near the left edge; number prob. erased.
= Rare. Part of a series of 6 Landscapes. New Hollstein (de Gheyn family) 218.
- Cut on the platemark or just outside the borderline.
= Hollstein 1 (final state), 2 (final state?); 3 (3rd or 5th state), 4, 6-10 (all final state), 11 (3rd state of 4), 12 (final state). All with the collector's stamp of Albert Pieter van den Briel (1881-1971) (Lugt 407a) and with the manuscript collector's mark of the Parisian art dealer Naudet (variously dated 1787, 1799 and 1807) (Lugt 1937).
- No.2 lower margin trimmed to the borderline and sl. duststained; no.3 w. ample margins; one copy of no. 11 w. brown stains in upper part.
= Hollstein 2 (2nd or 3rd state), 3 (3rd state of 5), 4 (2nd and 3rd state of 3), 9 (3rd state of 3), 11 (2nd and 3rd state of 3). No.2 w. the collector's marks of John Binmer (Lugt 1410) on recto, no.4 w. the collector's mark of Josef Camesina de Pomal (1765-1827) (Lugt 429), all but two with the collector's marks of Albert van den Briel.
- Trimmed on/ just outside/ inside the platemark.; H.9 (Christ) w. closed tear in upper part; H.11 sm. section nibbled by silverfish; H.13 sm. spots/ sections strengthened on verso; H.15 lower left corner repaired w. loss of image; H.17 w. closed tear; H.18 w. closed holes near centre and w. strengthening on verso; H.20 w. repaired section near the knee of the figure; H.21 appears to be printed on 18th cent. laid paper.
= Without Hollstein 22 (Thomas?). Hollstein 9-21. Hollstein 9 (3rd state of 3), w. the collector's mark of Hubert Dupond (1901-1982, Lugt 3926), H.10 and 12, 2nd state of 2, Hollstein 11, 13, 19 and 20, 2nd state of 3, H.14, 1st state(?) (without number, not mentioned by Hollstein), all others only state. Hollstein 9, 10, 16, 18 and 19 on laid paper w. jug watermark.
= Hollstein 59, 2nd state (of 4) with the address of G. Banheynigh.
AND an engr. portrait of Theodorus Schrevelius by the same.
= Provenance: the collection A.M. van den Broek.
- Outer margins strengthened w. paper tape on verso; sl. yellowed.