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  • [Clocks and watches]. Ozanam, J. (1640-1718) (after).
75 2486 Clocks and watches Ozanam J 1640 1718 after
75 2486 Clocks and watches  Ozanam J  1640 1718  after
75 2486 Clocks and watches  Ozanam J  1640 1718  after
75 2486 Clocks and watches  Ozanam J  1640 1718  after
75 2486 Clocks and watches  Ozanam J  1640 1718  after
75 2486 Clocks and watches  Ozanam J  1640 1718  after
75/2486 [Clocks and watches]. Ozanam, J. (1640-1718) (after). "Traite des horloges". Manuscript in pen and ink on paper, first half 18th century, (40) lvs., 24 drawings of mechanical instruments after J. OZANAM, modern vellum.

= Interesting contemporary transcript of "Le Traite des Horloges Elementaires" by J. Ozanam, first published in 2 volumes in 1694. The chapters on watchmaking were published in the 2nd volume. First 5 leaves concern the movement of the celestial spheres, i.a. according to the hypothese of Copernicus. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CIX.

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