75 2634 Batavian revolution and patriots Mirabeau H G Riqueti de
75/2634 [Batavian revolution and patriots]. Mirabeau, H.G. Riqueti de. Aan de Batavieren over het stadhouderschap. Uit het Fransch vertaald. Antw., P. Rymers, 1788, 1st Dutch ed., 2 parts in 1 vol., (2),102; (2),112p., modern gilt cl.

- Title-p. repaired w. paper; hole covered w. scotch tape. Otherwise fine.

= Knuttel 21758; Knuttel, Verboden boeken 263. Cf. Cioranescu 45223; Martin/ Walter III, 24427. The (extensive) accomp. notes were written by P.-H. Marron.

€ (80-100) 110