75/466 Russian avant garde Les Bubus Mandat i Rychi Kitai v otsenke kritokov Moskvy i Leningrada The Wood Bubus The Mandate and Roar China reveiwed by the critics of Moscow and Leningrad
75/ 466 [Russian avant-garde]. "Les", "Bubus", "Mandat", i "Rychi, Kitai" v otsenke kritokov Moskvy i Leningrada ("The Wood", "Bubus", "The Mandate" and "Roar, China" reveiwed by the critics of Moscow and Leningrad). Moscow, Testral'nyj Oktyabr', 1926, 77,(3)p., photogr. ills. by A. TEMERIN, orig. wr. (by ?).

- Sm. dam. spot at fore-edge of bookblock; wr. trifle foxed; spine splitting at edges.

= Promotional booklet of the Meyerholdt Theatre aimed at informing the provincial soviet audience of the theatre's activities. Very rare.

€ (80-100)