76/5792 Wreaths Lot of 7 religious wreaths
76/5792 Wreaths  Lot of 7 religious wreaths
76/5792 Wreaths  Lot of 7 religious wreaths
76/5792 [Wreaths]. Lot of 7 religious wreaths, all handcol. engr. scenes surrounding calligraphed wished, i.a. a New Year wish written under an arch w. 4 oval medallions showing the 4 evangelists, publ. Amst., H. Moolenijzer, wish dated "Moordrecht, 1825"; a New Year wish surrounded by a nativity scene (lower margin), vegetal borders on left and right and angels in upper corners, n.pl., n.publ., wish dated "1/1 1780"; a New Year wish surrounded by an oval rococo border with the annunciation scene (in left lower corner), the nativity (in right lower corner), a village church (in upper right corner) and a stable (in upper left corner), Amst., Erven Wed. J. Ratelband en J. Brouwer, wish dated "1/1/ 1795" and a New Year wish surrounded by a scene showing Job on the dunghill, a scene showing Zacheus in the tree spotted by Jesus and (possibly) a scene showing the opulence of Job, n.pl., n.publ., wish dated "1759".

- All wishes folded once or twice.

€ (120-150)