76 257 Constant Lambert J C ed
76/ 257 [Constant]. Lambert, J.-C. (ed.). Constant. Les Aquarelles. Paris, Cercle d'Art, 1994, 207,(1)p., num. (col.) ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to. Dagen, Ph. and Horst T. van der. Constant grafiek. Paris/ Zwolle, Cercle d'Art/ Waanders, 2004, 229,(3)p., richly illustrated, orig. cl. w. dustwr., large 4to. Lambert, J.-C. (ed.). New Babylon, Constant. Art et utopie. Textes situationnistes. Paris, Cercle d'Art, (1997), 159,(1)p., num. (col.) ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to. - AND 2 others on Constant, i.a. on his paintings and sculptures (by the same publisher).
€ (100-150) 170