77 123 Architecture Sluyterman K
77 123 Architecture  Sluyterman K
77 123 Architecture  Sluyterman K
77/ 123 [Architecture]. Sluyterman, K. Oude binnenhuizen in België. The Hague, M. Nijhoff, 1908, (4),32p., 100 photogr. plates, loose as issued in orig. cl. portfolio w. ties, large folio.

- Portfolio (vaguely) waterst.

Idem. Oude binnenhuizen in Nederland. Ibid., idem, 1908, (2),21,(3)p., 100 photogr. plates, loose as issued in orig. cl. portfolio w. ties, large folio. - AND 1 other: IDEM, Intérieurs anciens en Hollande (ibid., 1908, 100 photogr. plates, contemp. gilt hmor., folio).

- One plate edges sl. dam./ frayed. Portfolio waterst.

€ (60-80)