77/3162 World War II The return of Alidius Tjarda van Starkenborgh Stachouwer to The Netherlands in September 1945
77/3162 [World War II]. (The return of Alidius Tjarda van Starkenborgh Stachouwer to The Netherlands in September 1945). Series of 31 gelatin silver prints, 21 showing scenes upon the arrival by plane at Eindhoven Airport of Governor General Tjarda van Starkenborgh on 9 September 1945, all 16,8x23,4 cm.

= Just over a month after Tjarda van Starkenborgh had been liberated from the POW camp in China where he and several other Dutch and Amercan military and politically important people were held, he was flown back to The Netherlands and was welcomed at Eindhoven airport by Princess Juliana, prime-minister Schermerhorn and minister of foreign affairs Van Kleffens. The photographs show the high regard in which he was held in The Netherlands at the time.

€ (80-100)