77 1049 Drawings Anonymous 1st half 20th cent
77 1049 Drawings  Anonymous 1st half 20th cent
77 1049 Drawings  Anonymous 1st half 20th cent
77/1049 [Drawings]. Anonymous (1st half 20th cent.). (Nursery rhymes). Album containing 10 full-p. drawings on black paper lvs., col. crayon, w. accomp. calligraphed text on opposite leaf, contemp. boards, obl. folio.

- One leaf dam. Covers loose and sl. rubbed.

= Nice and skilfully drawn album. Contains the following rhymes: "'s Morgens vroeg komt Kukeleku"; "Moriaantje, zo zwart als roet"; "Ik zag twee beren broodjes smeren"; "Konijntje lief, konijntje lief"; "Toosje smulde in een hoekje"; "Drie stoute kleine eendjes"; "Sinterklaas is jarig"; "Drie kleine kleutertjes"; "In een vliegmachien" and "Slaap, kindje, slaap".

€ (30-50) 30