77/1414 Drukwerk in de Marge Bladwijzerproject
77/1414 [Drukwerk in de Marge]. Bladwijzerproject. (Santpoort), (Mercator Pers), 1987, title-/ colophon-leaf and 32 bookmarkers, all 7x20 cm. (1x smaller), printed in 90 copies, in dec. board slipcase in black perspex box by BINDERIJ PHOENIX.

- Board slipcase needs to be glued back onto base of perspex box.

= Bookmarkers printed by i.a. Avalon Pers, Mercatorpers, Eric van der Wal, The Cherub Press, De Lange Afstand, Hein Elferink, Hans van Eijk, De Ammoniet, Slofpers. A project of Drukwerk in de Marge, the Dutch association of private press printers.

€ (30-50) 60