77/720 Beemster Keure en order Wegens de Keur of Spring Stieren in de Beemster
77/ 720 [Beemster]. Keure en order Wegens de Keur of Spring-Stieren, in de Beemster. Broadside, letterpress on 2 attached leaves, 100x43 cm., 1807, printed by Th. Peereboom, Purmerend.

= Large broadside issued by "Gemeente Bestuur in de Beemster", with separate instructions for the "keurmeesters" and the "Omloopers" for the cattle breeding with breeding bulls in the Beemster. With a few manuscript corrections. The 'omloopers' were owners of breeding bulls. For a healthy breeding, surveyors were installed to prevent irregularities and inbreeding and solve any disputes between cattle owners and bull owners. The breeding bull owners were i.a. obliged to keep an account of how many cows were mounted and at which farm and to make sure no cows were harmed and that the bull had enough resting time.

€ (80-100) 90